Do you ever go on any trans-dimensional adventures? Alternate realities? Evil-goatee reverse universes...

Do you ever go on any trans-dimensional adventures? Alternate realities? Evil-goatee reverse universes? Dinosaur-hunting with machineguns?

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See the World of Tomorrow if you do/don't defeat the Bad Guy!

I really like the idea of sending my PCs to an alternate world or dimension for a period of time during a campaign, but I'm worried they would enjoy the new terrain less and it would ruin the game, or the opposite: that they would enjoy the new world too much and not want to return to the old, or that they would simply return to the old world unmatched in terms of power from leveling up in hostile alien space and it would ruin the game
Has anyone pulled such a thing off? How'd it work?

Nah, you're worrying over nothing. Just let 'em have fun. In one of my (very old, long ago) Rifts games I cycled my players through Wormwood, the Anvil Galaxy and Mutants Down Under. They were overpowered in some places, underpowered in others, but it was still a blast.

You just need to establish some clear objectives as the greater danger is that they get lost in the new dimension and you have to make up massive amounts of stuff on the fly.

Here's a trick that helps: give them a time limit. Have a countdown timer, like "You have 30 hours in this dimension before the dimensional rift closes and strands you here."

Also a gimmick for travelling through dimensions: a magic item, techno-temporal machine, portal generator or something that the GM can break, remove, have monsters steal, etc., thereby causing drama because the dimensional travel item has to be found/reactivated/repaired/built again.





We're doing the Tournament of Power from Dragon Ball Super but instead of a martial arts tournament, it's a game show.

Are there any random dimension generators out there?

>random dimension generator
Found one:




Larger version.


The only game where you can motorcycle joust against a space knight with a mini-nuke while on super drugs

pretty sure you can do that in gurps my man ;)


I really wish these weren't out of print.

I used to have them but I gave them away.

Not without a 5 minute argument about acceleration and velocity.

Too true!
