How many weapons is too many when it comes to equipping your character?
How many weapons is too many when it comes to equipping your character?
It depends both on the setting, character, and mindset.
If you're in a fantasy world with a portable hole, there's no reason to NOT carry a full armory.
If it's a modern setting, try to keep in mind the ease of movement for the character, keeping 6 rifles and a few pistols in a car isn't a hard thing to do, but moving with them is an issue.
>On your person while fighting
1 'main weapon' (Rifle, or long gun, or heavy weapon, or a pair of dual-wielded weapons)
1 or 2 Pistols / concealable weapons
1 Knife or other melee weapon
Up to 4 grenades
An armory at your home base or large vehicle however, can contain as many weapons as you can fit in there. Just try to keep them organized. Duffel bags are a similar exception, though they should impede movement.
When in doubt user, go full Mifune and just write "Many" on your character sheet.
>"Can I got a shortblade in my mouth?"
Sometimes you just need a little less gun.
Sometimes less is more
How many can you carry?
Then add one.
Its what you can do with it that matters.
>based Simo
I like having as many as I need to beat every kind of damage reduction, so depends on the system.
>three sheathes on the same side
This lad must have a hell of a time getting through doors
Main weapon
Sidearm/Secondary Weapon
Specialty Weapon if needed.
Anything else is weight
Taking cue from real-life traditional warrior (Indo-Persian) kit:
A musket
A spear
A sabre
A bow and a quiver full of arrows
A shield
A dagger
A saddle-axe
A mace if he feels like it.
Sounds about right.
>Up to 4 grenades
mate if you have less grenades than hit points at any given time, you're doing it wrong.
That swordbreaker one looks extremely flimsy.
If you're carrying more weapons than reloads for your primary, it's either a setting where it takes forever to reload/weapons are disposable or you're doing it wrong.
No such thing as enuff dakka.
In considerations to Shadowrun:
- Face
>I just need a small gun, just in case the negotiations go awry.
- Infiltrator
>Only one or two. Less weight, more loot.
- Mage/Adept
>Only the sexiest and most expensive lodge materials. And a pistol/melee weapon.
- Street Sam
>However much 200000 Nuyen can buy.
- Rigger
>However much 150000 Nuyen can load into my APC, two Steel Lynxes, and a Power Loader.
- Decker
>J-just the one, sir.
A primary weapon, a support weapon (rocket launcher), a sidearm, and a couple of grenades, plus a bayonet. Maybe a directional mine, too.
My rules for handheld weapons is number of hands +1.