Let's bring some light on some dead games Veeky Forums.
Discussion can be on why they failed and favorite highlights about the game when it was still alive/relevant/played
Dead Game Thread
>more like dead threads thread, amirite
OP here, nice burn
Very successful, company lost license, no supplements came out after 1993.
Best parts: good martial arts rules, with very detailed hand-to-hand combat. Nifty mutant animal generation tables.
Heard this was cool, I should check it out
What's Garen doing in the Warhammer Universe?
I don't know know: why was garrison from battle chasers in league?
>when it was still alive/relevant/played
What about games that were functionally stillborn?
Wasn't this the game where Sanity damage could turn your character gay?
Sure, why not
It apparently just didn't leave obscurity.
I hope the recent Marvel movie craze re-kickstarts this game.
>dead game
ugly ground marines
>pic used
>dead meme
Much much better built than you'd expect a mid-90s fantasy heartbreaker to be. I just love how cheesy everything is, it's like a bunch of metal covers turned into an RPG. Want to melt peoples' faces with your mad lute skills as the Predator while your drider-y buddy rips a volcano out of the ground to incinerate a squad of spandex-clad drow spec-ops, and the local weather spews fireballs at anything alive in the area? Of course you do.
Shitty Usenet marketing campaign and the like meant it never really got off the ground enough to make a dent in the RPG market at the time.
Thought this game looked interesting, so I did a search on roll20 and found one game of it. Just tried again and found zero.
I've seen this pic on Veeky Forums before, something about interesting demon mechanics or something
there's a lul now. It will pick up again when the skaven and Dwarfs get released. Although GW really shot themselves in the foot for making the warbands static
I'd say Warmahordes is pretty much dead, if not on life-support.
>Get hyped to play Shadespire
>Talk to local GW manager.
>He's very excited, talks excitedly about the models, competitive aspects, and tournament support.
>Buy all the factions and spend ages theory crafting decks
>go into shop to play and ask when the shops league is going to start.
>"Sorry but corporate doesn't want us to run leagues in the store. It will detract attention and sales from AoS and 40k"
>Live in city where GW is all there is for tabletop/boardgames/card games.
>When I can get a game we can't play on shop floor. Have to play in freezing attic space above shop.
>Game is now dead in my city.
I'm beyond mad. The worst thing was when the part time guy tried explained to me that Shadespire just hasn't really been adopted here by the local scene.
Of course it hasn't been picked up when you don't support it beyond its initial release. Potential new players aren't seeing it in action to be encouraged to buy it.
Instead they see one of the 20 faggots with their Ultramarine Gulliman and Primaris cheese army and bam. There's another new Primaris player for the store.
I can already see this happening with Necromunda. I had to pressure the manager to set aside one of the tables downstairs for 3d necromunda games ON FUCKING RELEASE DAY. Pretty soon it won't be allowed on the shop floor again so that there's more room for 40k games. Then it's back to the attic space where it attracts no new players and the fanbase quickly dies.
I tried warning people here on Veeky Forums that it will not be properly supported, but people called me a troll and refused to listen
>>"Sorry but corporate doesn't want us to run leagues in the store. It will detract attention and sales from AoS and 40k"
>this GW product will detract attention and sales from this GW product
I don't believe you
Happened to Bloodbowl and Shadow War Armageddon at my local GW so im not surprised that this happened to him
shadow war armageddon was just a giant scam to sell the new terrain and to tide people over until necromunda came out.
well yeah i knew that, never bought into it. Still sucks about Bloodbowl though, its my favorite GW game :S
Are you fucking daft. Warmahordes is the biggest its been since MK3 released and I'd say it's the most balanced warmachine has ever been. I never have trouble finding games at my LGS and we just found our fourth new player for the journeyman league.
Just because there's no WMG anymore doesn't mean the game is dead. We just don't post on Veeky Forums because it's full of people jerking off over Space marines and sigmarines. I can't believe you guys are so mad that people enjoy other things that you have to post "hurr warmhordes is ded gaem" memes on a shitspire thread for gods sake.
OP here, this is a thread about dead games, not just about the dead game known as Shadespire.
I couldn't belive it when I heard it either.
The reasoning was that to runs shop league would generate a lot of sales for the first couple of days when people are buying Shadespire to compete. But then for the rest of the time it's on there are no more sales since everyone already has everything they need.
Whilst with AoS or 40k they can constantly be selling new models for people to expand their existing army or start a new army.
So why even make these specialty games in the first place if they're going to cannibalize your bread and butter? Why not just make it a new game mode you can use AoS or 40k models on, instead of a specialty game with no crossover.
>he mad
Flames of War.
Why? A man named Phil and a thing called 4th edition.
They dont think that way. Store space is limited, as a result focus is placed on their main games (40K and AoS). I don't know about other GW stores, but my one is cool. Tables are first come first serve, so while there are no official tournaments for bloodbowl, there is no stopping people from making their own and snagging a table at opening time.
Quick cash in for nostalgia, think about how slow they are dogging it with their specialty games. Bloodbowl doesn't even have the main teams from the base game, Shadow War Armageddon got nothin new in ages
Must be nice. If people are playing on a shop floor board in my GW and it's a game other then the flagship products then you are asked to either finish up as quickly as possible or preferably pack up and move upstairs to the aforementioned freezing attic room.
This even happened with AoS skirmish. So it's not just specialist games, it's games that even use the same models as the flagship ones.
Seems like that will inevitably create fatigue and distrust in the consumer and lead to a drop in overall sales long term. This isn't MtG after all, they don't have skinner-box gambling mechanics to hook high functioning dopamine addicts into being permanent unwilling customers
You severely underestimate the mindlessness of GW drones when it comes to AOS and Specialist Games.
And this is coming from someone who usually shills for them.
Oh no, I have no doubt. It still shocks me that big companies can miss the big picture like this though.
Fiduciary responsibility is the culprit, of course. Next year will worry about itself, have to increase profits now, or be sacrificed on the altar to the investors. It's ironic that laws created with the intention of protecting the public are the drive for most of a corporations bad behaviors.
I think im done with GW, atleast for a while, if Necromunda dies in my area early due to GW policy and my local manager's unwillingness to support anything not AoS/40k.
It's legitimately bumming me out. I love tabletop and card games but there is no scene here outside of GW. I was excited when these were announced and to see it crushed due to mismanagement is just awful.
But you'd think this would be the time to take a chance on a different product. They've never been in a stronger financial situation and they obviously know that there is interest out there for these sorts of games.
Is there any chance you can organise games of either BB/Shadespire/Necroblunda at interested players' homes? I'm sure it's not just you that wants to play these, although travel and space can be a problem and makes it not always viable.
>But you'd think this would be the time to take a chance on a different product.
Fiduciary responsibility. Why take a chance that could mean your job and a civil law suit?
I'd actually be interested in the game, but the deckbuilding aspect put me right off the game. Fuck deckbuilding with minis.
When the players react like Battleborn playerbase, you know the game is well and truly fucked.
In this episode, user knows one term from trade law and decides to abuse it.
Play Bolt action, Osprey wargames, tanks!, x-wing ect.
Was thinking about x-wing. Got quite a large kitchen table and I have a friend who's interested in it as well.
No offense to the guys at my local GW. But its generally a young crowd and a lot of the older guys are very wierd dudes. Wouldn't really feel comfortable having them in my home.
Holy shit, your GW managers are shit. My manager has a dedicated Shadespire night, and there is always someone there to play. He also activley promotes it, and is organizing a tournament for the new year.
What county do you guys live in?
It's because the 40kids who play on the game nights would whine without a table
t.person who checked with a GW store manager too.
I'm betting American.
UK player here and most managers I have met are pretty hyped for breaking Monotomy of AoS and 40k only.
I'm Canadian, and the manager is great about it, though that might be because we don't often have all our tables filled.
We do, but generally by a younger crowd, Do you still have Veteran nights?
No, though there's always a few older regulars there.
Ah, Shame then.
Veteran Nights and non-young gaming nights are best to play specialist games.
A battle chasers reference!? My nigga!
Well you tried. Thanks anyway
It's probably why I rather like Age of Sigmar.
Has a very Joe Mad feel
I live in the UK.
I actually really like the manager he is such a nice dude. However i've noticed these last few years that he's lost his drive for the hobby. I think the fact that the store is so child heavy has been tiring him out.
There used to be a good bunch of us older guys who'd do all aspects of the hobby. But for whatever reason they've not been coming down as often and so 90% time the stores full of kids with their greytide armies of primaris marines. Some times it's hard to even get AoS games in my store.
The stores only got one night late opening during the week which used to be the veterans night but now that's full of kids too. I asked if it would okay to post on the stores Facebook page and organise a Shadespire night for the next late night opening but he just said he thought it'd be a bad idea.
He got lost on his way to DEMACIAAAA
From what I've seen of my local GW, the only people over 20 that still game in the store are still there because they are too weird to be invited to the actual clubs.
Not people I would want to bring to my home.
Or indeed my club.
If people are having trouble getting games of non-core, hit Facebook or something similar to assemble a group (you only need five or six) and get a room in the town library or church hall or pub venue room ("I'd like it for four hours on your lowest-occupancy night, on the condition that we buy at least four drinks each").
I don't even remember what this game was about, but I think it had Magic Commandos in it.
A d20 version of Rifts, maybe?
Posting some more dead games.
Helldorado was a pretty nice skirmish game with gorgeous minis that croaked couple of years ago.
Why it died: The initial (French) publisher Asmodee didn't seem to really market the product or even translate the rulebook fully in English, only having the rules in pdf form. Finally they decided to sell the license of the game, which meant some months of hiatus with the already established player base. The new guys, Cipher Studios, did a lot of good, like the (finally) translated rulebook and moderately successful Kickstarter campaign for the expansion, but I guess their resources weren't enough to support and market the game, so they finally pulled the plug after the poor sales.
Highlights: Well, the minis ofc. Some of the best fantasy miniatures, imho, with strong historical theme. The setting was interesting, 30 years war end with portals of Hell opening in several places. European nations venture in Hell in search of riches and resources. Too bad Saracens found a portal centuries ago, as did Chinese. And the actual natives aren't too happy about all these people trampling their home grounds...
The rules were pretty ok, but nothing stellar. They suffered from some unbalance etc. Terrain rules were probably some of the most interesting aspects of the game, alongside the mechanics concerning religion. Though whether you were Faith 2 Orthodox Christian or Faith 4 Sunni Muslim didn't matter most of the time.
Damn, that genuinely sounds awesome
Fuck them for dropping uncharted seas and fuck them dropping support for every game instead of focusing on a single system.
>t.person who checked with a GW store manager too.
Oh really? Because my store manager just held a Shadespire tournament two weeks ago on Saturday.
I say you're full of shit user.
Yeah. You could have ghost of Saladin facing the mercenary army led by Don Quijote on his demonic steed. Or musketeer shooting down Fallen angel.
most stores are doing that, yours is an exception
Some of the figures were pretty metal.
in it's core, Shadespire is just a gateway-game to AoS anyway
Well, hypothetically they'll be un-dead games, given time.
I'm salty about how Halo went down- that licence, as far as they were saying, was going to pay dividends for every other system; instead they hemorrhaged money into licencing fees and other such garbage.
>Shadow War Armageddon got nothin new in ages
isn't it just a year old tough
so basically, your shop is shit
As someone who actually wants to get into that game, can you fill me in on what happened?
Basically the manager is unwilling to put any extra effort into the community.
He may be passionate about the products but he won't put any work into engaging with the community after the point of sale. Which is killing any chances of these specialist games having staying power.
> Sanity damage could turn your character gay?
shadespire was a terrible idea and doomed from the start. I see where GW was coming from, trying blend magic cards with the star wars ships and age of sigmar skirmish. Maybe in an alternate universe it could have worked but GW would have been better off releasing some more battletomes and models for AOS instead.
There's an official league in my GW with an official poster for players. Leagues are supported.
Shadow war stuff has rules for AOS
>Weekly tournaments and continuing support.
Get your idiocy outta here.
you need to book a table, and bring your plates.
that are not going to keep their store copy out forever.
Hello, redshirt.
Confrontation was a pretty sad story. For those who don't know it was a very French miniatures wargame that was a cross between Warhammer, Wakfu, and Cirque Du Soleil with some really rad sculpts. Rackham, the company that made it, had their own magazine and paint line among other things. The game mainly died due to mismanagement on their side (I blame the company ever being listed on the stock market). However they made the worst possible mistake by switching from high quality made in France miniatures to prepainted plastic made in China miniatures. Hopefully their fuck up serves as an example to scare others away from doing the same thing. At least it is officially getting resurrected, but that might take a while.
Read the thread man, I do bring my own plates. The stores copy was only out for a day after release.
You can book a table but if you're playing something not 40k or AoS and someone wants to play that, then they rush you to finish or get you to move your stuff into the attic space and keep playing there.
Man I'm right there with you, I like Confrontation and I collected 3 armies, Griffin, Dirz, and Wolfen.
The minis and artwork was absolute top tier as far as I'm concerned.
But the actual wargame was lame, the rules were a complete mess.
I understood that the ship had already sailed when they switched to prepainted plastic due to financial fuck-ups and it was just a desperate effort to bring in enough cash so save the firm.
Very true. A lot of the rule imbalances came from attempts to move more figures, with some models being strictly better versions of old ones.
>must be a redshirt
do you need some extra tinfoil for that hat of yours?
Welcome to Veeky Forums. Please keep it civil and don't shitpost too much.
I knew that there was something wrong with Shadespire once the threads stopped showing up here. Maybe that hex game that Steamforged is making will catch on.
I wish I was my current age when LG was running. What an experience that must've been
Dubs of doubt