why did you not buy me, user?
Wtf is going up with Veeky Forums??? This shit literally went from 200 to 1190 in two days and still barely anyone talks about it, but somehow they still talk about their useless shitcoins with a 20% gain in a 1 year, are they all salty of not getting on time?
I did, you fucking piece of shit, and you did fuck all until I sold you. Would have tripled my initial investment now. Fuck you.
I did and the gainz have been lovely
Let me give you a tip... If something is below 100 sats on Binance, just buy a shit ton of that and just wait for that to explode.
>penis shaped logo
>Not getting to the moon because you think a feather looks like a cock
Stay poor, user.
I am happy for POE. It was constantly just a little bit behind everyone's favorite pajeet coin, TRX. Now it is crushing it and they're still left holding bags.
But I did
ROLLIN! Money is just pouring in!
never heard of it
>mfw I sold salt at a loss but made my money back buying po.et
Feel goods man
Because crypto isn't real money
Poets on a moon mission
Hey, it's the exact same argument half of Veeky Forums used to not get XRP.
Anyway shill me this. I don't have much money to buy right now.
Looks promising until you read the white paper
Judging something for a logo is retarded, fellow user, but I'm not a pajeet so I can't really shill you, but you can visit their website to see their roadmap and whitepaper, and judge if this is a project you would like to invest, don't be a fool user and don't put your meme money in things you don't have any idea.
What's wrong with that?
look at mr big spender over here.
:b: enis
thats a shitty tip since we cant use it fucktard. No sub 100 sat coins on binance anymore.
Still plenty of room for this to grow
It's not as if there wouldn't be new coins coming from time to time.
Oh sorry, forgot to mention that a while ago, stay poor faggot hahaha.
And this
Because PBL is better.
I bought some of this at 145 sats, i let go at 170 because I was getting into other bigger things (or so I thought) meanwhile if I stayed with it I could've gotten a 5x or better. Fuck I need to stop over trading.