ITT: Maps you just finished making.
ITT: Maps you just finished making
You, user, are awesome!
Only one faction remains unaligned in this campaign: the Nervii tribe. The Roman "Republic" is getting aggressive towards us, the Western Defenders. If the Seleucids or even Pontus join the war on our side, Rome will be forced to spread its forces thin. Their war with the Germanic Horde is already taxing their legions
That's pretty cool, is it just Rome Total War or are you actually using that for a setting?
Both, the players are all mercs in Massalia. I play the campaign according to their actions during our tabletop adventure. In-between sessions the world adapts and changes (as I play the game) so they always have a fresh environment to dive into. We started out when Massalia was just a city state. My players decided that they wanted to steal a relic from a temple in Iberia. They succeeded but failed to be stealthy. The tribe, the Edetani saw them and tried to fight for it. They lost and the party got away.
When my buddies left, I sent an army into the Edetani territory and raided to simulate the raid on their temple. A war ensued and the players came back to play the next weekend to deal with a full fledged war. It's neat
Very nice, I've always wanted to run an ancient history setting. I did a King Arthur game in a magic dark ages world a few years back that was fun. I like how you're going with an alt history thing based on your save.
Magic dark ages would be my next favorite setting, what system did you use for it? How did your party enjoy the game?
>here is the party members, I draw them in MS Paint in-between sessions to keep them immersed and interested.
Here's the map I made for the setting. I used the Runequest system with some borrowed elements from the Pendragon setting. It was good for the first parts of the campaign but our group dwindled down to only two people with only one actually seriously interested in the game. When that person moved the game faded away. I intend to either pick it up or restart it again some day in the far future.
Sick! That's how it goes, I'm just hoping to get one good Roman conflict in with the party before they lose interest. Totally saving that map just in case one asks about King Arthur or the Anglo-Saxons. I hope you do pick it up again
Old version of the map I made for a Rogue Trader game starting soon. It's set in a sector that was split down the middle by the Cicatrix Maledictum.
I'll post the finished one when I can get to my computer.
Well now I feel completely outclassed
>just finished
fuck you nothings ever finished I'm gonna post a wip
I'm redrawing barovia to fit into my homebrew world because I have a very special kind of autism I guess, its fun as shit
Yes I'm probably going to keep working on it in the future but now I have another map I need to start working on.
Very nice. Did you use stock photos for the nebula?
Well I finished it around a month ago but I'm just now planning a campaign in it, does that count?
I'd play in that universe
speaking of keeping working on it
old and busted or new hotness for mountains/general elevation
>grey wastes not exactly equidistant from Abyss and Celestia
Orderfag confirmed
man im fucken dumb
It does, looks very cool user. I like the custom compass rose
I wouldn't, this is nifty in its own way
My map is just a local star cluster, based on star systems closest to Earth (now abandoned in the campaign)
this is really cool. A cool map doesn't have to have a rustic appeal to it
I tend to think isometric looks better for fantasy maps, but your pseudo-heightmap looks really good, too. I'd say the latter given that you have a literal aerial view going on, rather the slight perspective of most fantasy maps.
Just FYI, you have the Caledonian Canal on your map (connecting Loch Linhe to Inverness), but that didn't get made until the 19th century. The Lochs are natural, the rivers aren't.
In DtD 40k 7e, everyone gets to play.
Yeah, pretty much. The Oculus Tempestus is just the Helix Nebula, for example. The big purple jazz all along the top was one image repeatedly strung together and morphed to get the general outline I wanted.
Here's the more recent one.
finished enough that i could give it to my players along with a couple small lore docs for them to put their characters in the world, and that i can start building the campaign.
but it is still mostly a WIP and i need to add a TON of stuff to it
Thanks for the heads up. There are alot of mistakes I've made obviously. The Netherlands for instance have their modern coastline when it should be partially under water
You did well blending the elements together good job.
The Pit should have a cult around it
I should think every pit has a cult around it. It's symbiosis.
This guy gets it
Do you make any mores that are closer or more "zoomed in" to various spots?
I offer my players detailed stuff to keep immersion. I even make them sounds
>Pleasure world called Lilith
I'll take a one-way ticket please
Just watch out for the Genestealer hybrids.
Finished drawing it, now I need to just come up with everything else!
>DtD40K map
>is very well made, 10/10 map like holy shit
im gonna put this in my folder, thank you for your post OP, you are definitely not a fag, but you may still suck dick, but still those may be feminine, so who the fuck knows my man.
what i mean to say is thanks.
Thanks. I only wish DtD had more exposure these days.
Here's a higher res version with a few fixes you can use.
Yep, you can be tiny pastel horse vs thri-kreen ghost gunslinger if you want
Looks like Spore.
I did have spore music on my playlist while I was making it.
Current player line up is
Dragonblooded Dragonborn Magic-User
Daemonhost Eldarin Magitek-Gunman
Undaunted Goliath Sohei
I've never actually looked at the rules for it.
Is the system more stable than Rifts?
Looks kinda like Panama
>Blasting Van Halen while adventuring
Fuck yeah
very mountainous! I'll bring my walking stick
I don't tend to do zoom-ins unless a particular system has a lot of planets or it's specifically requested.
Also got inspired by
to retool mine a little bit. Current status.
I can tell the nebula blend in better now that you've moved them.
>Terra Incognita
Great name.
It's a heavily modified Roll & Keep. Try it. Throw in some homebrew if you want some real cuhrayzee.