Uh oh
Uh oh
Oopsie doopsie
Someone link me an article or something so I can read what happened
Some liberals falsely accused some nerds of "harrassment" and MTG is apparently going to submit to the demands of liberals because every white cis male is a Nazi.
This statment makes me feel unsafe and unwelcome.
Is that wizards coming out in support of the unsleeved media guy after a concerted effort to kick him out of the community/off twitter/off youtube?
Or is there some other bullshit going on?
They are attacking there target audience.
So, either be attacked or change products. Start buying some other card game that doesn't sell out and attack you as a buyer.
Or if you do Play MTG just make fake cards and not advertise them.
from twitter:
Christine Sprankle, arguably the most visible MTG cosplayer and ambassador for the game, has quit Twitter and Magic in general over a targeted harassment campaign led by an individual/"content creator."
It's probably about that.
It's the opposite: it's wotc whiteknighting for Sprankle, and actively suppressing opposition and dissenting opinions.
This is correct. With zero screenshots or proof of the '''constant harassment''' besides a 6 month old video of him calling out beta patreon backers.
To catch you up:
Unsleeved guy is a guy who creates low effort MTG unboxing content and the like. He used to have a growing fanbase until he went complete Jontron.
Unsleevedmtg guy and his fans harassed a cosplayer until she quit.
He has been called out for harassment in the past and is even blacklisted from preview season by WotC. Which he blames on everyone except himself.
Other MTG content makers spoke up that he has also harassed them.
Most of the MTG communities understand and are supportive as Unsleeved is a creepy dickbag.
Veeky Forums on the other hand doubles down and goes full /pol/ 'cyberbulllying isn't real it's the librul agenda'
WotC has issued a comment today.
>it's a twitter screencap thread wanting to talk about meaningless outrage that's been posted 5 times already in the last two days, and the OP couldn't even be bothered to check the thread still up already
Thats a fairly scewed run of events but if thats what you want to believe dont let me stop you senpai
>People are surprised when companies virtue signal
It's the cheapest form of positive PR you can get.
reeeeeeeee women want to join our hobby reeeeeeeee sjws reeeeeeeeeeeee
>Veeky Forums
Look at the posts in this thread. It's clearly one person, or a group of people, posting in a similar style to stir shit up.
Like these are just zero content bump posts because people aren't taking the bait
These people just want to get you on-side for an argument they have all across the internet about every hobby they can make it a part of. Their opposites, the extreme whiny SJWs, are exactly the same in method.
This shit is just overblown, hysteric nonsense. It's too much effort to get into. Because people they don't like disagree with someone, that someone must be completely 100% right and you MUST take sides. /pol/ might have to exist in a permanent state of "happening" in a 24 hours news cycle nightmare, but the rest of us don't.
The only people who suffer from this are brainwashed internet zombies
>Unsleevedmtg guy and his fans harassed a cosplayer until she quit.
[citation needed]
Did the unsleeved guy actually harrass them or is this another case of "harrassment"
>reddit spacing
>reddit spacing
No. You'll read my unbiased account and believe it.
You'd have a point if the companies and corporations themselves didn't constantly bend for one side while attacking the other.
It's unclear. The hardest evidence I found was a video from 6 months ago where he said, "real magic players don't give a single fuck about cosplayer. Cosplay is literally lingerie"
However, from what I've heard, he allegedly has a habit of taking down certain videos that are particularly caustic. But that's scuttlebutt.
He also edits his comments whenever someone calls him out into "It's just a prank bro"
>people say mean things on the internet
>"...has made my life hell this whole year"
First Iconic Masters, then more trash product in fucking Wal-Mart.
MTG is collapsing fast, I may switch to Force of Will if nothing changes soon.
One tweet from the "victim" does not a citation make, as there is an obvious conflict of intrests. I want visible proof of Unsleeved or Headquarters doing something wrong.
No, I want proof that the harassment did happen, not just someone saying it did.
This has been building for a number of years. Terrible r&d decisions, shoddy product quality, multiple Standard banning, absolute shit sets, sjw pandering, multiple controversies, the judge class-action lawsuit, etc. Honestly, I can't tell if this is The climax, or just more fuel for the eventual bonfire.
sales aren't down because of your pet political ideology, they're down because standard hasn't been good for a long time. If you think that goobergators like you are even 1% of the total MTG population, you're mistaken.
Why are internet shit-flinging always so cringe?
How dare you disbelieve a victim!
Honestly after this I'm thinking of doing the same, there's a good sized FOW crowd at my LGS. I may keep my reserved list stuff still however.
There is another huge mtg exodus coming after this, I feel it.
Nice post, activision.
And their digital product looks and feels like it's from 2004.
There's a reason why a scrub format like edh is the most popular by a billion miles.
>implying I'm a goobergaber neckbbeard
sorry lad but I'm not
Because people don't have to accountable and they care more about the shit-flinging than everything else.
Hmmm, who should I trust, some random cosplayer, or a /pol/ faggot who posts shit like this?
>inb4 another goobergate
The cosplayer is professional victim. So I'll go with /pol/.
>leftists claim gamergate was a failure
>are the only ones still talking about it and bring it up constantly with zero relevance
Wew lad.
Yeah, how MTGO still looks and runs so poorly is baffling.
Which sadly is alot of people, but I digress. I want to know how the fuck could you be cyberbullied? You block the fuck faces insulting you, you stop giving them attention. Holy crap, why do people do this, it's not like you're actually being bullied where the fucker is right there, you can leave easily.
>implying he's /pol/ for liking guns
Have you ever even set foot outside of a city? Gun enthusiasts are everywhere. It's basically like a fashion accessory to them.
too little autists play mtg in my area ( this is my knowledge ) for another one of those to happen I think. But if it does god help Maro and Hasbro.
Tho I would have no pity on Mark Rosewater.
Let's see
>One posts shit on twitter you don't like
The other
>Literally an attention whore for pay
okay, so multiple big people in the community say he's been fucking with them. are you going to trust some /pol/ lunatic with a persecution?
ah yes, look at this very reasonable guy. a warrior of truth who is very mentally stable.
both of those people are paid spokesmen by wizards. I wouldn't believe anything they say.
>Wew lad.
Hey now, all you gotta do is keep insisting it and in time you'll raise up a generation that goes out and punches people who play video games.
>one person is a cunt and insults random people for attention
>the other dresses up
yes i'm sure the random cosplayer is much less trustworthy than the maniac who makes vague threats on twitter and constantly stirs up drama in the community.
>professor constantly bitches about wotc
Fucking hilarious. You're just fucking deluding yourself now because you can't accept that you're wrong.
Yet more unsubstantiated claims. The blatant exaggeration doesn't help; if you're having panic attacks due to some random asshole on the internet being an asshole, you have problems beyond some asshole on the internet.
Both wedge and that tranny lover always lover react and have metal heath issues.
you seem to be shilling for someone :^)
>he touched my peepee
HQ is an autistic asshole and he had it coming
but TCC and wedge are backstabbing douchebags who deliberately drive this holier than thou/victim narrative to manipulate the community
speaking of e-celebs, let's talk about LSV and his wife.
>cheats on his wife for Gaby
>they both left their respective husband and wife to be with each other, including LSV leaving his recently born child
>get your wife to name your child after some magic faction (Naya)
>leave her anyway
why does your screenshot of a tweet has size of a fucking wallpaper
>Hey now, all you gotta do is keep insisting it and in time you'll raise up a generation that goes out and punches people who play video games.
The average person knows nothing about Gamergate. Leftist shitposters and echo chamber cretins are the only ones still talking about it.
Way too many youths play video games for any sort of targeted smear campaign to work. The anti-Gamergate shit was never anything more than SJW's virtue signalling to each other and companies trying to deflect.
>panic attacks over comments online
holy shit imagine if he experienced anonymous phone calls and mail like gg.
>okay, so multiple big people in the community say he's been fucking with them.
Just because a bunch of people say he did it does not mean he did it. He is innocent until proven guilty, and we have yet to see anything approaching actual proof.
>ah yes, look at this very reasonable guy. a warrior of truth who is very mentally stable.
I am mentally stable and (as far as I can tell) so is he. He likes guns, this is normal for people in flyover states. Over there it's a hobby like MtG is. There are THOUSANDS of people just like him who are well-adjusted individuals. In the eyes of a person without a superstitious fear of guns, his tweet bears little difference than a woman posting a pic of her new purse on twitter.
wait, what
>get your wife to name your child after some magic faction (Naya)
At least that's the least bad name he could have given the kid. Grixis, Izzet, Jeskai, etc.
To be fair, cosplays are just for the incels to jerk it to while maintaining that supporting them is sticking up for women.
I'd sooner have all cosplay done away with. Seems irrelevent.
People agitating for rioters to attack the suburbs is far more objectionable than some dipshit posting pictures of his rifle.
found the cosplayer
>they both cheated on their respective partner
>reddit sings praises to these two because they're minor celebs
Fucking degenerates, all of them.
>he had to name his daughter so she's constantly having to correct people when they call her Maya
>every time someone calls her by her name, she'll be reminded of the game that her scumbag dad who left her when she was a baby played.
I've always hated the booth babe thing with conventions. I'd much rather have well-versed and enthusiastic hobbyists at booths to answer queries than a bunch of half-there moderately attractive women that know nothing about the product.
So would I. I've seen first hand how caustic and elitist the cosplay community can be. It's so bad sometimes that the MTG community looks incredibly tame by comparison.
So let me get this straight:
>some guy is accused of harassment by a cosplayer
>said guy has stated dislike for cosplaying
>while there is no proof posted, there have been others that have came out and also accused him
>he supposedly edits or deletes anything to cover his ass
>also shows off his firearms, likely to imply he's a "tough guy" that you shouldn't fuck with
I admit that I am distrusting of the social justice sphere, but I don't even know if they're from there, and even if they are, I am inclined to assume that they're probably telling the truth given what I've been told so far. And I'm pro-GG leaning.
What a baby.
Sure, he was a bit mean with the wording, but is it supposed to be illegal for neckbeards to think cosplay is lame? He is just some guy with a youtube channel, not Richard Garfield himself.
Way to shut down your parade because of two drops of rain.
Hardly anyone is liked by all. Some people even dislike puppies.
It's beyond childish to shut down like this.
>i-it doesn't count!
>clearly it's a conspiracy against this poor man
How the fuck can you deny that HQ is a lunatic? He's already had to make new channels just because he fucked up his reputation.
Okay, so he insults somebody then no big deal get over it, but if someone insults him then HOLY SHIT INJUSTICE OF THE CENTURY, HOW COULD THEY DO THIS, THIS IS TAKING AWAY HIS FREE SPEECH OMG THIS IS KILLING MTG. This is some real hypocritical bullshit.
>He likes guns
>his tweet bears little difference than a woman posting a pic of her new purse on twitter.
Are you fucking serious? Can you not see the difference between "hey look at my cool guns" and "come to my house so I can murder you with my guns?"
>Just because a bunch of people say he did it does not mean he did it. He is innocent until proven guilty, and we have yet to see anything approaching actual proof.
This is not a court of law. This guy has a history of stirring up shit and is a known raging /pol/ faggot with a victim complex. imgur.com
Oh cool, again "lol he's just posting pictures of his guns wow so innocent please ignore the part where he tells protestors to come to his house so he can shoot them". Oh, sorry, I said "protestors", i'm sure they were VICIOUS RIOTERS WHO WERE BREAKING INTO HIS FUN OMG THIS POOR VICTIM
He's being accussed of privately harassing people, not just saying mean things over twitter.
Wait....wasn't that cosplay girl thing from months ago?
why is this even a thing?
this is some attention seeking shit from thirsting betas in the MTG community lol.
you faggots got played.
Unless he was doing it all in person, there should be electronic records somewhere. Nothing is ever really deleted from the internet.
You're not alone, user.
I don't want to believe what reddit says since they're all mindless liberal drones, but I don't quite like Jeremy (unsleeved media guy) either. I think he's one of us, but he really makes himself unlikable in all of the videos. And I'm a guy who likes Sargon.
Guy just don't know how to tone down the edge. He's in full edgelord mode 24/7 ever since WOTC decided not to send him some block's preview card.
All of this scares me.
Don't like somebody? Just call them an SJW or a GG/pol. Then they'll get lynched by an angry mob.
The cosplay girl in question is the real winner out of this drama, of course.
She's raking in like $20k a month or so from her patreon alone. She makes so much money, she now hides how much she makes, and how many patreons are giving her money.
>I think he's one of us
Stop with this tribalism shit. Wow look he said cuck, he's totally /ourguy/ am I right you guys?! Epic for the win, he's really sticking it to those sjws.
>he supposedly edits or deletes anything to cover his ass
That's a cop-out. If he was really this abusive, there should be proof somewhere. E-mails sent to the supposed victims, screen-caps of tweets, something. You can't cite a lack of evidence as evidence.
>How the fuck can you deny that HQ is a lunatic?
Being a dumbass doesn't mean he's conducting harassment campaigns against people. You're also clearly a dumbass, but that's not evidence of you being a pedophile.
>Oh, sorry, I said "protestors", i'm sure they were VICIOUS RIOTERS WHO WERE BREAKING INTO HIS FUN OMG THIS POOR VICTIM
Wasn't Milwaukee the one where the sister was literally calling for people to go riot in the suburbs and CNN edited the video to fit their narrative? Who do you think you're fooling? Armed defense of your home is 100% justified.
>/tg - e-celebs
Finally someone who knows what's up.
also reddit seems to be seeping into this thread.
You guys aren't focusing on the real problem, your getting derailed by mindless drones in the thread. Wizards is using you, you need to fight back
like I already mentioned the other two accusers are constantly exploiting situations like this to shoot against people they don't like.
they also have a long history with HQ so this was a pretty good oppurtunity to sling shit at him.
I mean, read the shit they wrote. you can't get any more theatrical
That guy didn't even say any of that. From the way Jeremy talks, he's basically Veeky Forums and /pol/s lovechild. He's an ass of the nth degree, but Sprankle is a bitchy with a victim complex.
>reddit sings praises to these two because they're minor celebs
Reading those posts, it seems like the mods will just ban/delete anything critical of their "lifestyle choice," which isn't surprising given reddit's slant.
>but Sprankle is a bitchy with a victim complex.
She's a cosplayer. All cosplayers are like that.
pretty much this.
Her getting attention after fading away for 6+ months into irrelevancy is what it was she wanted.
The added drama between youtubers is a bonus.
Fallout between right wing and left wing mtg players is the collateral that will ( possibly ) effect wizards.
she got what she wanted tho, she played everybody like a fiddle.
>Are you fucking serious? Can you not see the difference between "hey look at my cool guns" and "come to my house so I can murder you with my guns?"
I read that tweet. This is in response to people encouraging "protestors" to take it to his fucking neighborhood. Protests nowadays usually involve a bunch of young punks smashing things and assaulting people. Would you like a bunch of college-age faggots showing up at your home with baseball bats and masks on? Gee, I'd bet you'd wish you had something to protect yourself with.
>This is not a court of law.
There is a reason why "innocent until proven guilty" exists in out legal system, and that is because it is fair and objective and removes power from the Court of Public Opinion, which is hilariously easy to sway.
>You're also clearly a dumbass, but that's not evidence of you being a pedophile.
If I talked about how much I wanted to fuck kids on twitter and then some kids accused me of fucking them, then yes, that's enough for any sane person to think that I fuck kids.
> Armed defense of your home is 100% justified.
What? "i invite you to stop my by home" is the opposite of self-defense. Telling people to come to your house is not self-defense. Self-defense is shooting someone when they break into your house. Being a maniac is telling someone to stop by your house so you can shoot them.
>She's raking in like $20k a month or so from her patreon alone.
Jesus Christ on ice and Mary in the penalty box. Is this true? I cannot believe this. Three months of that is more than I make in a year.
>There is a reason why "innocent until proven guilty" exists in out legal system, and that is because it is fair and objective and removes power from the Court of Public Opinion, which is hilariously easy to sway.
That's cool and all but the law has nothing to do this. I don't why you're insisting why the law should somehow affect my opinion on whether or not he did anything. I am not a judge, I am a regular person with opinions.
>Protests nowadays usually involve a bunch of young punks smashing things and assaulting people
Unless it's a protest for something you agree with, of course.
>Would you like a bunch of college-age faggots showing up at your home with baseball bats and masks on?
If I told people to "stop by my home" and then they did what does that make me? An innocent person defending themselves or somebody asking for people to come to my house so I can shoot them?
The Tolarian Academy professor guy makes just about that much too
>starts off as a small time youtuber to rake in some $ making boring MTG videos because being an English major professor isn't paying the bills
>reddit eats up his shit, praises him all day long
>sees a rise in popularity/views
>makes a sob video about him fighting depression (it's ALWAYS depression), him being a broke ass college professor who's about to be laid off, asks people to give him patreon $
>it works, guy gets $20k a month to just push out the occasional inoffensive videos that panders to the lowest denominator (70% of his videos are literally opening booster boxes/products and evaluating how much value he got, then doing the same thing again after a pro tour)
>guy is getting so much $, he now hides how much he's receiving on patreon every month
Guy got lucky and hit the jackpot from sucking reddit's dick, literally.
Agreed, staving wizards of profits would until they agree to keep politics out of the game. Libs don't work for the most part so it would pretty much make wizards give in after a few months, sales have already plummeted so they'd have to agree.
Alright, now I can see what the commotion is all about.
I'll be honest, it's not the fact that these guys hold the "wrong" political views, but the fact that they decide to speak about ANY political view is something I don't appreciate. In my view the mixing of political, economic, and social issues into entertainment hasn't made any of the former better, but instead made the latter worse. To be fair, it could just be the climate that's bad, so maybe I'm throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
What really makes me not like them is how much drama they're stirring up. Frankly I do not trust the good faith of those who use memewords like "cuck" and being an anus when it comes to arguing. While I am nervous about the creeping feminism into the hobby, I believe MTGHQ is not doing anyone any favors by trying to "solve" the problem.
I should also note that the only people I know about are SaffronOlive and Tolarian Community College. The former I only watch his articles, so I don't know about his life outside of MTG. The latter I actively avoid his political stuff and instead look at product reviews, so I don't know how bad he is. I'm trying really hard to stay away from other people's politics such as avoiding Twitter (which I believe everyone should avoid because it's mental 280 character dysentery devoid of nuance and subtlety). I don't want to corrupt my views on another person because they have politics I find "problematic" or "really makes me think". This is why I haven't clicked on 's links.