Thoughts on MiniWarGaming?

Thoughts on MiniWarGaming?

The guy who plays Necrons is insufferable, but the rest are okay dudes.

Got me into X wing and I really enjoyed their early X wing videos.

I like Kris and am glad he does such long painting live streams even though I never watch them.

I watch the odd battle report but that's about it now.

They go me off Bluetablepainting before that channel went to shit so that's cool I guess but I didn't stick around long.

7/10 channel. Good luck to them.

>They go me off Bluetablepainting before that channel went to shit

I knew a local 40K player who 'purchased' Blue Table Painting's services and what he got back was a shit-show of an army. Several local guys I know who were award winning painters felt so bad for him that they redid his army for free. (Yeah, it was THAT BAD.) I don't know how they were in the beginning as a painting service, but what I saw after they were 'established' was just dog-shit awful.

I remember when they had a physical store, it actually wasn't all that far from me. I felt bad that Geedubs killed their retail presence, but to be fair, it forced them to switch to solely being a content creator. So that could be worse.
>tfw their minatures game will never get a proper release

I've heard yea. I remember the Chaos Dwarfs scandal that essentially ruined Shawn; the owner.

I enjoyed his channel for a long time so it's kinda sad but yea from what I've heard they brought it on themselves.

Idiotic garbage.

Repeatedly gets rules wrong and weird injection of Mormon moralfagging really turned them off from me.

>weird injection of Mormon moralfagging
What? How do you inject Mormanism into MAIM!BURN!KILL! wargames?

There's a video about the guy complaining about Dark Eldar for being too evil and not appropriate to belong in the game.

>Chaos Dwarfs scandal that essentially ruined Shawn

Develop your hypothesis

Let's see.

They have a massive powergaming faggot as their owner who plays Tyranids (the new meme OP army) with such a massive ego that he made a dedicated series to see if people could beat him.


They actually support Age of Shitmar

They closed their store and fucked a lot of people in the process all because they weren't making enough shekels.

They are unironically follow religion and the worst one too.

Dave is just a cringy motherfucker for a man in his mid 40s with kids.

They assassinated the reputation of BlueTablePainting because they didn't want another company interrupting their cash flow, greedy fucks.

They employ that fat fucking ogre (you now the one) who does nothing but breathe loudly during the whole video as his body fails around him.

Thanks god they will be dead and gone within a year. They will not be missed and it will give an opportunity for better 40k content creators like Arch and Fritz40k to rise to the top where they should have been a while back.

This being the game where sending billions to death is the average day in the life of just about every army.
I mean sure Dark Eldar are worse than most but come on.

Matt won't play as or against Dark Eldar because it cobflicts with his mormon values

It is kind of strange, as hes played as and against daemons

That's the general reaction. I'm more annoyed at their gameplay videos.

I think providing habitually wrong content is pretty irresponsible.

>dead and gone within a year

You wish kiddo. They just successfully crowdfunded like 10 grand in under a weekend so that they could start a Dark Heresy campaign. They ain't going anywhere.

Personally i stopped watching after Dave fades into the background. I autistically hate change and thus I'm not a fan of Quirk and all the other guys who came after the Mountain

They murdered Shawn Gately.

If it wasn't for Kris and his great painting guides I wouldnt subscribe.

TableTopTactics is the channel to watch.

StrikingScorpion has gotten really boring lately

SC has always been boring imo. He's on the opposite end of the gamer scale from a power-gamer; being so mindlessly casual that its actually frustrating to watch him play.

I like Luka he seems like a cool guy

>not shit

I agree with everything else you said, but man.

Increasingly low quality, decreasing frequent content.

I used to like it but both the quality and quantity of content being put out has dropped so dramatically over the course of the last 6 months I don't think I'm going to renew my membership. Which is a shame because I used to like their content a lot.

Also hang luka. He's incompetent and annoying.

Thoughts on TAOR Australia? I like the banter.

>Make a battlereport youtube channel
>Can't even get the rules right
>For any of the games you play
Typical warhams players to be quite honest my guy

Like steve, liked owen, didn't mind ash. Other than them it is and always has been pretty shite.

It is fine for what it is. They get a lot of rules wrong, but they are having fun when they're playing and do not play tourney lists in general. Good enough to watch on a slow Sunday afternoon (especially while painting).

They are bad at 40k and the rules mistakes are kinda inexcusable since they charge for their vault battle reports.

Do they get the rules right?

I put them on while studying, I don't have time to actually play games (school) so it satisfies nerding out. Yeah, fake friends but every youtube channel is.

They are alright. Their rules inconsistencies can be annoying and they have the occasional annoying guest show up, but they make a decent amount of good 30k batreps so I cant complain much.