EDH/Commander General /edhg/

Previously: >Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread question
How does your playgroup see you and how do you see the people in your playgroup?

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to build an orzovvl deck, but I'm not sure what way to go with it? What's something fun that can still hold its own at table? Are clerics decent? Kembal stax? Or pure life drain? In my group we all usually play with at least one combo to be able to close out games. Let me know what you guys think.

>How does your playgroup see you and how do you see the people in your playgroup?
We don't anymore.
Anyways, there's two others. I'm seen as the person who half the time builds cancer and half the time builds jank, and nobody knows how to react until after facing a new deck for the first time. Engineer guy is pretty cool; CS guy acts like he's an idiot, but his decks are probably the most refined out of the group. He switches deck the least, and spends years refining them. He loves ramp and tribal, and is pretty good at flying under the radar before dropping a huge power play. CS guy can be cool sometimes, but he spergs out over the smallest things. When he wins, he gloats for a good half-hour, and when he loses, he mopes for just about as long. It takes a very specific set of circumstances for him to be chill, but when he is, he's pretty good to be around. He loves red combo decks, but hates storm and tutors. He takes apart a deck any time people focus him while he's playing it.

Let it be known (if it wasn't already) that ultimate guard's precise-fit sleeves are garbage

Try this guy. Put a bunch of different life gain effects in your deck and then either exile all of your opponent's problem creatures or make Karlov unblockable and take a player out of the game. Exquisite Blood/ Sanguine Bond fits with the deck theme as well as being a game ending combo.

>Casual format where you could play the cards you want
>Casual autist complains because they cannot win to your deck
>Sore losers that ban infinite combos and mld
Yeah sure, such and open and inviting format

It depends on who you ask

The casual players think I choose one person and hate them out of the game. (Not true at all I just play aggressive decks and have proper threat assessment)

The local retard calls all of my decks stupid and broken (I play doran lmao)

The competitive players think I play gimmick decks that sometimes can squeeze out wins if they focus eachother too hard (this is the most true).

The way I see them is

The casual players are okay dudes but really bad at making decisions if they haven't run the deck dozens of times beforehand

The local retard is a retard that plays barely altered precons then bitches about the powerlevel of everyone else

The competitive players are also cool dudes but spend way too much money on this game and are sometimes pretty unfun to play with

ultimate guard sucks in general. their satan tower knock off is the only good thing they make and its over priced

Best token waifu

EDH is pretty awful as a pick up and play game. It really requires a group of people to understand each other to be fun. Else it always devolved into a nuclear arms race, which plagues casual groups as well. I fix this by having 4 decks with me at all times. They're all tuned to have play against each other, so it's fun. the problems usually come up when you play against new people who don't understand each other. Everyone wants to do something different. In my playgroup we don't like durdling forever. So all of our decks have some kind of infinite combo to close out the game. It applies pressure and makes the games interactive. But that's our play group, others may differ.

How can one man be so wrong?

>casual format
>play mld
the real autism was inside you all along

they're the guys that make the fake leather deck boxes with a magnetic closing? those are pretty good

>thread question
They see me as a threat, no matter what deck I play, or what stage of the game. Sometimes their decision making gets paralyzed by fear of what answers I may have, sometimes they try to take me out at all costs (like, leaving themselves wide open in a 6 man game every single turn, using everything they have on me). My decks aren't even that good, they just have cohesion.

It's kinda funny how the deck I put the most time and effort into has been performing worse than some of the ones I threw together with minimal effort.

Pic is my main squeeze right now, the deck sorely needs cabal coffers, other that that and some other goodstuffs, It runs fabulously

We have a guy like you, but he really does have sick decks and is very good at politics. He's the only person who can convince me they aren't the threat, even though every time I sit down with him I know he needs to die asap

You mean these? Ultra Pro makes them.

was talking about these, apparently they hold up better than the ultra pro ones

>How does your playgroup see you?
I'm the guy in the group who plays weird jank to them, but somehow makes it work coherently and win often. That's what they tell me at least.

Post your favorite MLD, /edhg/.

>How does your playgroup see you and how do you see the people in your playgroup?
The guy who wins a lot and typically needs to die ASAP. I don't even play anything competitive, I mostly just play decks that tend to get out of hand in the late game, like Kruphix and Atarka.
The only reason I ever make it to that point most of the time is because I'm good at politics and my board is usually non-threatening until it's too late.

they see me as usually the biggest threat with the most powerful at the deck, but i dont think my decks are all that strong i dont even run infinite combos

>How does your playgroup see you and how do you see the people in your playgroup?
I don't have a consistent group anymore, so not well, I guess. We just sorta fell apart as people developed lives and schedules no longer worked together.

>my board is usually non-threatening until it's too late.
That's the exact opposite of the problem my Krenko deck has. My board always looks threatening even if it isn't really.

>how does your playgroup see you

They see me as an idiot who always does sub-optimal plays. The reality is I do those things, however I ham up my misplays alot to make them think I'm stupid. If I played optimally the games would end too quick and they wouldn't be any fun.

natural affinity


My playgroup sees me as the threat because i almost always play black and they hate having their creatures killed. I see them as a bunch of babies who instead of fighting fire with fire, they quit or refuse to play me. Thank god im moving soon

I love Kamahl. I used to play a Savra deck, which did mad work, and mostly I was satisfied with Kamahl and Night of souls betrayal setup, but Kamahl works extremely well as a wrath protection too

Volcanic Awakening/Temporal Fissure

>thread question
I'm not entirely sure on the 2 new guys but the rest see me as competitive, cutthroat, or just a good target for bojuka bog over anyone else and I see them all as tryhards especially after the one gloated about having 15 EDH decks and all of them having 2-3 infinite combos, thankfully he's moving in a few months and I doubt I'll miss him
Jokulhaups, would be Worldfire if Sheldon didn't hate fun

Is Naya objectively the best color combination for FFA casual EDH because you have access to the best ramp and the best removal?

Decimate, Hull Breach, Sylvan Reclamation, Krosan Grip, Return to Dust, Swords/Path

Bant or sultai is better.

Bant gives you access to universal answers.

Mardu. You have access to white's boardwipes, red's artifact removal and hate cards, and black's suite of removal, ramp, card advantage, and value cards.

This is correct. Simic is the strongest two color combo by far, then white or black both can cover what it lacks, which is creature removal.

bant and grixis are better imo

So I went back to check the archives for responses to this and some people had helpfully pointed out that the combo was missing something. Also a couple didn't seem to get that it's supposed to be stupid? Whatever

Bant or Abzan are the best.
>green for ramp and unconditional recursion
>white for superior board wipes
>black for card draw and unconditional tutors or blue for card draw and counterspells

Just kidding, Sultai is actually the best. The combination of Golgari and Dimir causes obnoxious levels of tutor and graveyard degeneracy, and you can easily make up for lack of white with Damnation, Pernicious Deed, Gaze of Granite, All is Dust etc.

>Thread question
Janko Fett, I'll bring some weird and shiny tricks to the table but usually I'm just fodder for stronger decks.

I pulled the Green and White Praetors + Genesis Wave and Hydra from Iconic Masters, and now I'm pretty much obligated to build some kind of green deck. I also bought the Planeschase big box, so the Thromax devour deck is also gravitating towards whatever green monster I end up trying to assemble.

Right now I'm only playing a BU-Silumgar steal shit jank and a slightly upgraded Eddy Markov vampire deck. Any thoughts on what to look at with the Green pieces I've landed already?

Ruination, the classic

My playgroup hates me because I orchestrate the competitive level. I am by no means a spike, just slightly better than them.

How fragile is smoke stacks + Sundial? I can't find an Orochi Hatchery so I'm looking for a stand-in until I can, and I guess sundial is my best bet

Jolrael, Empress of Beast

So if I untap 5 creatures with mesmeric orb on the board and mill 5 creatures from that does sidisi trigger 5 times or 1 time

So my group has been giving me alot of shit for playing Kaervek and I get targeted most games because "Its too oppresive" even though its slow as fuck and quite shitty wincons. Are there any upgrades I could swap in or should I just switch to Rakdos and buy as many eldrazi as I can?



Sounds like they'll be butthurt no matter what you play, unless you run something completely noninteractive with no major wincons.
So you have the average EDH group.

Anyone here play Cockatrice? I could play with /r/EDH but, you know.

My man.

I use cockatrice and I know some people in the discord do sometimes


You have Unstable Obelisk & Chaos Warp & Steal Enchantment.

Spine of Ish Sah, and I guess Scour?

Shit taste user.

>just cracked a mana drain in an Iconic Masters draft
>didn't even play it because everyone passed me a bunch of mind wrench and I just fucked people with eternal thirst and balustrade spies
Holy fuck on toast, how do I use this crazy thing? Should I just sell it?

Sell it and buy fun cards or cards with more impact

how is she as a commander? how would you build her?

I mean you could, but this is the only format it sees real play in, and it's not going to be this cheap again for a long time.

If you are a poorfag sell it, otherwise play with it while sitting on it. It will be much more in a few years, make the call then.

Like what?

I mean just jamming it into Kruphix seems like a good play.

What's the go to combo control edh deck?

Coming from Modern.


Not an easy question.

What kind of combos do you enjoy, and what type of control do you prefer? My gut says Sharrum or something.

It's a strictly better Counterspell so just jamming it into literally any blue deck is a good idea, but I would much rather have 5 cards worth $10 each that have high impact and make me smile when I draw/cast them than 1 card worth $50 that's just a cheaper Plasm Capture.

you can build combo control in every color combo in EDH. Obviously UW(B) is the best at it but everything works in 100 card singleton

sheldon comes to you and says "hey, we can only ban one of these three big green fatties, which one should it be?"

what do you pick?

Splintertwin-y stuff usually.

Which would you recommend for medium group hate?

kleep prime time banned

I'm doin it lads, I'm gonna tear down Volrath and build Chainer

Wish me luck

Definitely primetime. Hulk is barely a problem, vorinclex is laughable, but primetime is genuinely degenerate.

Right needs to be explicitly broken through deck building, only provides decent value in any other situation.
Left provides a lot of value, but the value is ultimately temporary.
Middle completely ruins any meta with clones, reanimation, Bribery and becomes even worse with Gaea's Cradle, Cabal Coffers and many others. Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

volrath is fuckign based though, why would you do that?

He's super one-note

but its so much fun

It's fun, but you really only have one trick. Once you plug someone with a fuckhuge Volrath, you're out of tricks, and if Volrath leaves the table too often you're fucked

haha what?
obviously keep it banned.
>Prot Hulk
I could see banning it, but as far as I can tell it hasn't become an autoinclude in every deck that runs green.

>Which would you recommend for medium group hate?
Jund, group slug is powerful but not quite as tier 1 as straight control/stax

>Splintertwin-y stuff usually.
Literally just play Grixis twin with a bunch of tutors for your combo and counter and kill spells for control. Try Sedris or Marchesa for recursion.

Do you use a token card for every goblin or dice to denote how many you have?
The former is intimidating

our buddy opened titan and asked if he could play it. we agreed but only if he fetched basic lands. a couple of the guys in the group didnt think the card was that big of a deal "its only just a creature"

he took it out after 2 games with everyone agreeing it should stay banned, and thats with fetching basic lands.

Why does every deck I build end up revolving around artifacts?

Silas Renn, Daretti, even my Ydris deck is artifact-based strangely enough.

yidris list?

Build something that is impossible to make that way. Mayael?


It looks like complete jank but it works ridiculously well in non-cEDH and honestly I don't need to use Ydris but obviously he's super good so he helps. He's mostly for the colors, I already have Vial Smasher / Thrasios so I decided to use him instead of partners.

Can get like 30 clues/treasures/gold etc out and just do ridiculous things with them. Add to that Rashmi, Sunbird's Invocation, Mind's Dilation & Ydris, and you have some seriously ridiculous shit going on, and tons of different wincons. Mechanized Productions, Revel in Riches, Ghirapur Aether Grid, Hellkite Tyrant, Hellkite Igniter.

Also it's budget ($75) could be a lot better with another $100 in new Vraska, Doubling Season, etc etc

>group makes its own ban list
>doesn't put Prime Time on
>build Roon
heh, nothin personell

But it dies to removal bro

PSA: I've been noticing that when I use tappedout to get deck lists, unless I explicitly export it, it uses a version of the deck a few changes behind.

I accidentally bought a few cards I didn't need and didn't buy a few cards I needed the other day because of this.

What are some good life gain cards in mono-black? I'm gonna try some kind of suicide build (dunno the general yet) and I need some good ways to get more life so I can pay for shit

Does anyone use Garruk Relentless? He doesn't seem that bad, being able to ping off a small creature to flip. And as long as he comes back around to you, he can tutor up a creature.


Whip of Erebos
Extort creatures
Sorin's Vengeance
Sanguine Bond
Exquisite Blood
Blood Artist

Oh, I almost forgot this dude

Man, why the fuck is the new FTV not on amazon? That's the weirdest shit.

I want one to maybe one day be able to use his ultimate in my Jarad deck

Vampires as a tribe can hit pretty hard. Mono black has problems with sweepers that I feel white can do wonders to solve, Vona from Ixalan or Vish Kal could serve as commanders for that, and Vish Kal himself is a pretty decent combo-goodstuff leader.

thank you to the m8 who explained mikaeus to me

My autism compels me to only get decks in sets of three with each set completing the color pie. Do I get Teysa, Orzhov Scion, Talrand, Borborygmos Enraged, or do I get Teysa, Orzhov Scion, Ezuri, Niv-Mizzet the Firemind?

>as long as he comes back around to you
>implying that will ever happen

Yeah, but that's the same with any walker, really.

Which is why you only want planeswalkers that pay for themselves with one activation and any further activation is icing on the cake, such as Dack Fayden, Tezzeret the Seeker, Tamiyo, the Moon Sage etc.

So... not exactly commander related, but you guys helped me in the past.. i was planning to do some introdutory decks to magic. The idea is that they will all be not only balanced, but show everything a certain color is about as completely as possible; for example: red will have dragons, damage, artifact destruction and at least one wheel effect, with enough discard/draw cards to give a notion of how fast red has to be.

But now i'm having some issues with blue. I mean, it counters, it draws some cards, it has some big creatures.. but how does it Actually wins? i mean, in a way that you don't just steal everyone's creatures.


Blue can also be about bouncing threat back to their owner's hands and using evasive guys (be it flying or unblockable) to hit the opponent.