Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Marbo is Resin Edition

>Warhammer 40k open day latest. Blood and Dark Angels get some shitty upgrade kits who fucking cares.

>Daily Duncan

>Chapter Approved Leaks, the tears lmao

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary (up to 1.3):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!) recently updated

first for first

Fucking why?

ultramarines suck

nth for have a nice threath everyone

It's between Bloodletters and Kroot Hounds.

can't complain.


Fix Me

Celestine pls sit on my face


>summary of my last ad mech game


>DAs get space marine flyers

How do they compare to their native flyers?

Move and fire without penalty.

Fire at 30", every six is 2 wounds.

Damage spills over.

Always D3 shots though.

HP Shells: Same as it is now, rerolls to wound vs
HE Shells: Double rate of fire, damage spills over vs

The heretics have seized the initiave!

I really want to play mono-god chaos, and I've narrowed it down to either Khorne or Nurgle.

Which should I choose?

Grinding advance.

Where does it say that ? I saw BA get some of the vanilla flyers but it might not be 1:1 with what DA will get. I just hope Deathwing gets the heresy era armors.

Well do you want to go faster or do you like being slower but tougher?

Do you like choppy or a mix of shooty/choppy.

Do you like the psychic phase at all?

Which aesthetic do you prefer?


>creates meme and complains on Veeky Forums

My last game ended with my opponent rage quitting when a Dominus tanked like 4 dreadnought melee attacks on his refactor field and refusal to yield. Apparently me getting a bunch of 5++/6+++ saves is bullshit but having half an army with stormshields and tanking 15 or so overcharged plasma shots is 100% ok.

As amusing as it would be, it probably shouldn't be able to make its points back in one shot.

What's the best way to run fodder melee infantry like tzaangors?

Full 30, morale be damned?
Min 10, so morale works?
20, so purchases are less annoying?

Thinking about starting a Minotaurs army, the paintjob is great.

What's a good escort for Moloc? Thought about Moloc, 5 assault termies, and a dreadnought in a stormraven, but that's so many eggs in one basket.

Is the Roc Storm Eagle any good, or would I be better of with a Stormraven/Fire Raptor?

Why did Kastelans have to look so fucking dumb when they have awesome robutt designs like the Castellax and Thanatar? Also Thallaxi are fucking rad.

So I'm splitting the Tau battleforce with a friend of mine. What would be most fair?

Ghostkeel and Stealth Suits/commander and Crisis Suits

Commander and Stealth Suits/Ghostkeel and Crisis Suits

Commander and Ghostkeel/Crisis Suits and Stealth Suits

I guess you could theoretically split the Crisis box and Stealth Suit as well. What do you guys think?

Because they're based off of old ass RT era robits.

It ain't right.

You don't even need mars for this to work well.

Having something like 54 shots from 3 robots, hitting on 3s and rerolling 1s from a dominus is insane. Having 3d6 overcharged plasma which hits on 3s, rerolling 1s and doesn't explode you is also OP.

Fuck ad mech man, fuck em.

Crunchwise they play very differently. Khorne being basically exclusively melee with no pyscic phase and Nurgle being a mix of both melee and shooting with a pyschic phase. Khorne favors fasters more immediate tactics while Nurgle grinds the foe down slowly while taking a lot in return. Nurgle is getting a lot of support right now and Bloodletters are pretty underwhelming so it might be better to go Nurgle but that's just my opinion.

Because the Kastelan was designed to look like goofy old time robots and the castellax and Thanatar are Forge World Edge mode.

I'd say 10 unless you got a lot of CP or spells to ignore/improve your morale.

Those kataphrons also die to a stiff breeze and make up probably 10% of his points. They have a lot of firepower but killing one is a massive loss of that same firepower.

It's beyond fucked and will never outperform a Pred / Any dinobot / Oblit sqaud, etc. I tore the shields and guns off mine the second i saw how pathetic they are in 8th and made 'em into useful Rhinos.

t. IWfag

>Point cost updates didn't nerf Chaos

Nurgle just got some great new models and more support because newer.
Khorne has some rad shit like Lords of Skulls and cool FW units.

Why is it that buggies dropped to a reasonable price in CA but Deffkoptas only dropped 4 ppm and are still way too expensive to be usable?

They actually slightly buffed my Skulltakers army.

I like them, they're very fallout.

Make it 2D3 by default, reducing it to D3 only if the target unit is a single vehicle model, and making the extra D3 for each increment of five, not just every unit over 5.
So the total shots in each scenario versus a particular target would be:
>Vehicle: D3
>5-10 men: 2D3
>10-15 men: 3D3
>15-20 men: 4D3
And so on.

OR make it a D3 per 3 models in the unit, rounding down.

Fuck off guardnigger

Change my view: The design of 40k intrinsically prevents it from ever working as a good competitive game. All the extra rules and regulations required by 40k tournaments is proof of this.

What's a better spending of points? Assuming a list is built around them of course etc etc.

80 Poxwalkers or 20 Plague Marines (Of which 12 have special weapons).

That incremental stuff is far to complex as far as rules go. People would shit themselves because they can't count models at a glance

What specific rules and regulations are we talking about here user?

grav-flux bombard does it

How did everyone else fair in Chapter Approved then?

>pic related for my Deldar

You're right. Don't think anyone here would claim otherwise.

This just in, Castellans are broken, more news at 11

Yesterday I played a game against my brother, and we played way different. We took turns with each unit, so he would move-psych-shoot-charge with one of his units, then I would move-psych-shoot-charge one of my units, repeat until everyone has went.

It was actually a lot of fun, and fixed the main issues with 8th. With the normal turn structure whoever goes first can usually slamfuck the opponents lead units. It also keeps both players engaged and thinking, rather than half the time because you need to constantly act and react to the opponent.

My pure Primaris force is very happy


I run Tazzys in either squads of 10 or 20. 10 if I don't feel like helping them much and just want them to run at shit. If I go 20 I'll give em psyker support. With WoF a 20 blob is pretty hard to remove, and acts like a good distraction.

Okay so do it again filming the battle report for science. Evidence trumps anecdotes user.

Both of those are way high.
Personally I run with 32 poxwalkers and 14 PM (6 special weapons)

[Saint Alicia Dominica intensifies]

I cant wait to swordfight enemy characters with my canoness now

Meanwhile Rustalkers and Servitors are still shit because GW didn't see a need to change the cost of units almost nobody uses.


faired well, still shit
>Space Wolves
faired very well, could be good, but I hate wulfen
>Blood Angels
ask me in a few weeks

Well yeah. 40k rules are originally written by people coming from DnD, where narrative is more important than the crunch and random is "fun".

They completely lack the rigor when writing rules that would allow for a competitive game.

Moreover, pay2win units : The more cost efficient stuff is the box they have in extra/are new.

The "codex" vision of the game and factions, taken from DnD as a way to sell more books that have only a few year shelf life, is utterly nonsense if you want to create anything competitive, as you will hence lack any kind of centralized and unified repo.

They should push for digital much more for anything army building related.

What has everyone been working on this weekend? I've finished up basecoating and applying washes to this part.

Sure. I'd encourage other people to try it out as well.

All games can be made competitive also your statement is very unclear as it's unknown what's the intrinsic nature of 40k is.

Yes it is a bad game to play competitively
Doesn't mean it can't get better

It's better than just using templates, is it not? No arguing about how many models are in a unit. You could put an upper limit on it in the case of conscripts and so on to represent the explosion having a limited radius. Max 4D3, perhaps?

which unit is that again? Am I forgetting or is that from 30k? (Which was more complicated 7e)

>Blood Angels get access to not only Tartoros and Cataphractii Terminators but also the two new Flyers
Fuck, if we could just get Land Speeder Storms the sun would never set on my dick. I wonder if we'll get the Captains in Cataphractii too.
I can't wait for Flesh Tearers to get absolutely none of this new shit as well as a shitty Chapter Tactic. I swear that I'd cry but I expect to be shit on by GW for not being primaris progressive like all the good boy Chapters.

He also needs to do it with every army running every possible list combination. Running shoot heavy armies vs assault heavy armies. We need to know how it affects all things. Because it could adversely affect certain armies compared to others.

Why those numbers?

What else do you run?

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought. It's FW

When you use that kebab skewer (?) do you drill a hole in the model or do you stick it to the model without making any new holes? And do you stick it with blutack or super glue or what?
And how do you keep it standing up, by the way?
Nice Cawl. Interesting take on the skin, it certainly makes him look like a creepy old man.

Ah, now I remember.

Magnetizing and tubing.
Nothing is really hard glued so ill have an easy time fucking up the paint job as usual

My group also has an admec player. He always fields his 2 Kastellan protectorate robots that goes double shooting T1.
>B-but user, they can't move anymore! That's a real downside!
>Sometimes he brings more.
>Also those god damn neutrino lasers.

Meanwhile I play Necron, the other play orcs, the third is a newer IG player and the fourth plays GK.
>We're all salty here.

Which of these three has currently the best focus on flamer weapons: Salamanders, Catachans or Sisters of battle ?

i doubt that flesh tearers will get special chapter tactics, they will most likely just have the normal BA rules

That's a lot of play testing for 2 men user, let's all pitch in an do our part and release a Veeky Forums approved alternate rule book!

Nah? Thought not

They had a special, if very small, section in the index, so I wouldn't be so sure.

I drilled a hole and pushed it in tightly with superglue. I just hold the stick by hand while painting and lay him down while not painting (which I really should stop doing as it's gonna damage the paint job)

Got some solid point reductions for my CSMs. Malefic lords deserved a price hike, but it might have been too steep. Confused about the price upswing for the FW super heavies. Overall, I'm glad that GW is trying to re-balance stuff outside of the one codex you might get per edition and irregular errata

Well Salamanders and Catachan get bonus for Flamers.
SoB get no benefits from them.


Where could I get some tiny vulture heads with necks? I want to make tiny kairos

Salamanders have a tactic that benefits flamers the least, and their relic item somehow isn't a flamer

Catachan's have tactics that benefit taking battletanks and shit that wouldn't work in a jungle, whilst nothing to encourage Ogryns, snipers, poison, etc.

And i have not played against Sisters in about eight years no idea what their rules are, yet i'm still gonna say Sisters.

All template weapons should hit depending on number of model in unit :

Old blast : Roll a hit roll for each model in the target unit.
Old Large Blast : +1 to hit
Old template : Hit every model automatically.

If target is NOT infantry : Roll two hit rolls instead of one for each model in the target unit. (Flamers hit each target model twice).

This way, flamers get good at hunting hordes again (and are not the best anti-air gun in the game anymore).

Characters get fucked by blast less.

Average number of hit on 5/10 models unit goes up, on unit 5 or less goes down.

Because 30k Mechanicum is not the 40k Adeptus Mechanicus the same way 40k Marine chapters are not 30k Marine legions.

Also, Rogue Trader Castellan robot.

Gadzooks gaming sells Malifaux singles and there's a vulture model in that game

Sisters of Battle.

Literally no other faction can put 4 Heavy Flamers inside a transport that has 2 more, extra-range assault Heavy Flamers. Your special character's sword is a heavy flamer. Your dreadnought equivalents dual-wield heavy flamers.

My last list took heavy flamer rets in immolators and then allied in salamanders land-speeders, for MORE heavy flamers.

Salamanders and Catachans have niche flamespam, which you can ally in to Sisters' much more centralized flamespam.

If burnas didnt goddamn suck, Orkz would easily rival sisters in flamespam, as well. Nobz can all take skorchas, Wartrakks with Skorchas got a price drop and are no slouch in melee. Big Meks can dual-wield Skorchas. Burna Bomma air-wing detachments can shit out burna bomms like its going out of style

let the galaxy burn

(note: never bring a flamer that isnt heavy. Just don't do it. Stop.)

Poxwalkers are there for standing in the way and bubble wrapping and PMs are not very cost effective atm. My Plague Marines are two squads of seven because it's fluffly and I use them for holding objectives.
Otherwise I have 3x Plagueburst Crawlers, 5xBlightlord Terminators, 1xHelbrute and 3xFoetid Bloatdrones
Also a bunch of characters.
With that I tailor my list to what opponent I'm going to be facing.

True but SoBs can fire twice in a turn thanks to acts of faith, which might be better than +1 to wound rolls with flamers.

Whoa new sly marbo? Are they expanding catachans again?

i vote this

>Catachan's have tactics that benefit taking battletanks and shit that wouldn't work in a jungle

I'm sorry what ? Threaded vehicles are the only ground vehicle that would ever work in a jungle.

they had one model in that section and thats it

sorry to destroy your dreams of Flesh tearer chapter tactics

>Death Shroud down 15pts each

>Blight Launchers down 4pts each

>Plague Marines down 2pts each

>Lord of Contagion down 20pts

>Plaguecrawler down 10pts

>Tallyman and Blightbringer down 5pts each

Outside of flamers from Celestine, Repressor and Immolators
SoB are better off spamming meltas and Storm Bolters

Maybe Heavy Flamer Retribution’s inside a Repressors for Flamer run by

In other too expensive, random and short range to be worth a damn. Only good Flamer is the Immolation Flamer because it is Assault and 12”

Is multi-melta+fist+soulburner a decent anti-vehicle loadout on the (Chaos) Contemptor Dreadnought? Or should I go dual fists with soulburners in each?

Hopes and dreams for the DA and BA codexes, Anons?

Sob can build a battleforged army where every single model is equipped with a flamer.

What do you run your Terminators with?

Also how do you get most of your Cralwers? Lord with rerolls? Also Arch-contaminator?

What HQs do you run?

Really wondering how to get my DG working.

thanks for the info.
I've been considering trying this with brass rods (which have standard diameters). I think cork might be a good thing to put the stick in, but wood won't be sharp enough for that without a drilled hole.

How do you find painting your models in sub-assemblies? I've looked back at some models I abandoned painting as a noob and sub-assemblies seem to be the only way I could have salvaged them (along with being more sparing with the glue). The specific SOB I'm looking at at the minute being the BaC chaplain