The Trade Prince Sends His Regards Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.
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The Trade Prince Sends His Regards Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.
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>tfw no playable naga or vrykul
The naga serve Queen Azshara, and at last measure, she's still a big ol' bitch.
True. However, Blizz is all about rebels, insurgents, and freedom fighters so playable naga would be right up their alley.
Nth for Forsaken Vrykul
> tfw no goblin gf
Actually? Naga were a playable race in WoW D20 - they were in the Dark Factions sourcebook.
But why choose to look like an elf when the Titan look is objectively superior? Especially for Alexstrasza and Nozdormu who don't interact with High Elves all that much.
Blizz is also all about avoiding unnecessary work, and making pants textures look halfway decent on naga is a whole load of unnnecessary work
Personal preference.
>Perfect blowjob height
>Natural breadwinner, so no need to worry about money
>Crazy smart if a little unstable
>Loves her work almost as much as she loves you
>Knows a guy who knows a guy
>to the point some Loa could turn into greater Wild Gods, as well as Elune
>as well as Elune
>Natural breadwinner, so no need to worry about money
Lmao sweetie. No money, no honey
I still don't get why the fuck people think Elune is a Wild God or a Loa when we literally saw her influencing the goddamn space
So, based on this chart, each of the six power sources has an obvious "caster". Light has holy priests, Void has shadow priests, Fel has warlocks, Arcane has mages, Death has necromancers, Life has druids. Shamans fit in the middle, using the elemental spheres + spirit, and dark shamans use the elements + decay instead.
But some also have their own "martial": paladins for the light, death knights for death, demon hunters for fel, monks for spirit (chi is explicitly the same thing that shamans use, which also explains why monks have an elemental thing going on sometimes). What about arcane, nature and void martials? Do they exist, or what would they look like?
>Arcane martial
Some kind of spellsword or arcane archer
>Nature martial
>Void martial
spellbreaker from BE, spellswords from Nightborne. kind NE sentinels since they use both Light and Arcane
Hunters are pretty connected to their pets by magic, however they also use Death and Arcane.
And obviously, Druids
Alleria is one for example, some of Rogue's abilites can be explained by Shadow magic (and some by Death)
I think user means that she's not likely to waste the money in a way that won't make some returns in the long run. Obviously you need to prove you're not a fucking parasite to any decent gobbo girl regardless.
I still find that chart fucking retarded.
No. Fuck that shit. No. Just ignoring the retcon like a battered housewife. You just DONT lay out cosmology like a map to the walmart like that. You are supposed to LEARN those deep and mystical secrets from putting together several, often contradictory canon rumors from different sources and contrasting them with ingame events to get a glimpse of truth, how the universe is actually working
It's meta knowledge. It's not guaranteed that any one character will know all of this.
>not separating in-character knowledge from out-of-character knowledge
>not remembering that the chart is a Titans'-eye-view of the cosmology, something the vast majority of characters will never have access to
>implying it's not purely for the out-of-universe benefit of the reader
First of all, Enhancement shaman were a thing long before Monks.
Second, Druids aren't really more likely to be casters or martials.
Third, Death Knights are essentially void martials.
Lastly that chart is outdated and I'm really looking forward to Blizz publishing one that uses actual in-game names for things and doesn't pretend the Emerald Dream isn't inherently an arcane construct or that Life and Death are on the same playing field as Arcane, Fel, Light and Void.
It's not even anything complete. It offers you REALITY connected to the Emerald Dream. Emerald Dream is just Azeroth. And there are more worlds than just Azeroth. It's like a scribble in an attempt to understand something.
Are you confusing your headcanon for actual canon?
Except WoW is an MMO and not a pen and paper game of five grognards. There is no "out of universe" because by default everyone but hardcore roleplayers on RP realms are OOC.
They should have at the very least put this ingame as a series of junk items, scrolls, hidden secrets etc for the players to find.
>Dark Souls-style emergent lore
Not sure how well that would play out.
Like it played out in fucking vanilla. Not everything has to be spoonfed to players like they are braindead drooling morons.
No, I'm going off what's been provided in the game. The natural laws on Azeroth aren't "natural", nor the ones on Draenor, they're the result of Titan meddling. Furthermore you don't just -get- living or dead things out in space without any elements to interact with and everything with how Shadow and Light interacts with the Elements suggests that "Decay" (which it is never called in game, the word corruption, void and shadow are however used a lot) and Spirit are a process by which Light and Shadow affect elements to create life. Azeroth consuming spirit to grow and leaving the elements restless also supports this, as does the Well of Eternity, a literal wound in the planet contributing to the progression of life on the planet.
Going of what said as of Legion there's enormous amount of content provided for the cosmology that a coherent picture can be made that would look not entirely unlike that chart. But because there's nothing in the game to directly suggest a "Life" or "Necromantic" overpower, those do not belong in the model in that sense. Arcane magic, Fel, Void and Light all are named and examined but those two are not.
The chart is basically like having a table of periodic elements, studiously collected via research, and then tacking on "Ether" and "Calories" to it.
Dont forget how every expansion pack just pours a new batch of retcons and absolutely retarded shit on top of the previous pile. Like that entire thing about the world oul, void, sargeras being a dindu nuffin good guy now, all the titans being dead, alt-light, prime naarus, the whole light vs shadow but they are both dumb, light corruption etc.
Sargeras was never made a good guy, they just made him Arthas.
>The Trade Prince Sends His Regards Edition
I think playing in a Goblin cartel would be great fun.
Wasn't that an entire expansion in Hearthstone? Gang warfare in a vastly expanded Gadgetzan?
The joke is that the Nathrezim used the same trick on Arthas as they did on Sargeras.
Any new information or expansion of the lore is by definition a form of retroactive continuity.
None of the things pertaining to the setting introduced in Legion contradicted earlier detail, if that's what you're fussy about. Burning Crusade and Warlords were the two instances of worst retconning anyhow, the former because it was actually contradictory and the latter because it was fucking incoherent.
It turned out great for the goblin hero. You do all the work and Gallywix gets all the credit.
I actually wish they'd push Gallywix into the story somehow. I'd love to see his model updated to match his art.
But the Nathrezim didn't dupe Sargeras. He was spooked when he discoverd the Void Lords, and that's what made him crazy.
He did, in 7.2.
>Gallywix gets put into the story
>Quest where he oversees the firing of that big goblin cannon at Stormwind
>Firing countdown sequence
>Cutscene plays
>Cannon explodes, killing Gallywix and wiping out Horde presence in the region
>defeat the Legion
>it's a Azeroth War 5: Electric Boogaloo with a Vengeance
Hope the world police will be able to take down the Lich Queen
Or, alternatively, and fitting with the current story direction... FF7 Diamond WEAPON cutscene.
Because WEAPONs are a thing in WoW now. And yeah, we have to fight them.
What is this pic supposed to prove?
What is the problem that more powerful Loa can be Wild Gods, Elune being one of the greatest? All steps on the same ladder.
Though the difference in Loa and shaman spirits I'm unclear on.
Isn't that what the Archaeology skill is?
>Shadow opposed to light.
I thought the whole point of shadow priests what that they were supposed to be the place between light and dark, which is why the majority of their kit was about healing based on damage dealt.
Elune being a loa is very, very unlikely. The Tears Of Elune are one of the Pillars Of Creation. Pillars Of Creation are all titonic artifacts.
>He posts as a human DK
Alliance posters are literally the worst.
Also true.
>Playable Mantid race never ever
>talking shit about the world police
Every race is equal among the ranks of the world police
>He did, in 7.2.
What? How'd I miss this?!
Aren't Loa animal spirits, as shown in Zul'Drak, such as Mam'toth and Har'koa, how is it different than Wild Gods like Ursoc or Malorne?
They're literally servants of the Old Gods. You might as well ask to play as the Qiraji or Nerubians.
Names come from strange places sometimes.
Is it because they delved too deep and greedily like the Dark Irons?
Loa are essentially "greater spirits" that trolls acknowledge and worship.
They were created to serve Y'shaarj
oh fuck that noise
Gonna go bury my head in the sand with WC3
Good, they look bad and would require extensive retooling of armour skins.
>I thought the whole point of shadow priests what that they were supposed to be the place between light and dark
Modern Shadow Priests are basically just Old God worshippers. They even have a crayyyzee suicide button as an ultimate attack on one talent spec.
Shadow priests are Azeroth's equivalent to psionics, since they have all these mind powers alongside their Power Words and junk. They're meant to wield the Shadow, the Light's inverse. As mentioned, it's only recently that it was tied more closely to Old God lore.
So, anyone here at all familiar with the lore from the WoW D20 game? How do you think it generally compares to WoW lore in general?
I will admit, I do wish non-Broken draenei had come out in time to get a PC writeup in WoW D20. But then, I want to 5e stats for Draenei PCs.
The old d20 game is generally considered wildly out of date as far as lore is concerned, especially with regards to population numbers and whatnot.
>Broken Draenei presented as being basically sad and suicidal
>Normal Draenei stand by and just let them kill themselves to get rid of them
>Sub-races come along
>I want to 5e stats for Draenei PCs.
The interaction between normal draenei, broken and lost ones is some of the most interesting anf subtle part of lore..
Loa can also be ancestral spirits- Bawonsamdei seems to have once been a living troll- or seemingly otherworldly beings- Hakkar and Ula-Tek have some possible relations to the Old Gods. And of course there's the Troll Druids in the Druid areas, who refer to the spirits there as loa.
I think "loa" is just the term Trolls use to refer to anything vaguely spirit-like that they deal with as part of their spiritual tradition(s).
More of a title than an actual classification.
Oh, and let's not even get into Light-forged Draenei. God damn that shit's lazy. Light-forged isn't sub-race. Light-forged is letting a naaru touch you inappropriately because it's part of your religion.
Can't wait for the next sub-race, Raped Altar Boys.
Fucking Elves, man. Between Blood Elves, Demon Hunters, and now fucking more Elves, you have more options for Elf characters in the Horde than you do Orc options.
...Just think about that for a second.
Let's not beat around the bush about what they really are, shall we?
You sound more than a little bit triggered.
Boggled more than triggered. It's like I encountered something that makes so little sense that it's infuriating.
Nothing happened, he got a model update to "balance" out Anduin getting a model update of his own and an Alliance-only questline in 7.2.
Blizz has more or less forgotten about Gallywix as of right now.
If you can give someone a Fel enema, why not Light and Void as well?
Anyway, we've been over this in a previous thread.
They are just people infused with the Light Energy, comparing them to stormacst eternals is idiotic, they completely differently. They are more akin to Death Knights, but with the Light instead of Death/Void.
It makes some sense from a business standpoint. The most popular races in the game are Humans, Night Elves, and Blood Elves. Makes sense they'd add in more Elves because it's obvious that's what the players want.
If there is one ray of sunshine to it, this hopefully means a good chunk of Blood Elf players will jump ship back to the Alliance now that they can play as edgier, cooler versions of their race AND for the faction we all know they really wanted to play in the first place.
Question: what is the least played species-sex combination?
Forsaken Female would be my guess.
Female troll or female dwarf, no question.
Male goblin.
ignoring goblin/worgen/pandashitters/...
fem troll
You underestimate how many "Night Elves" want to play nu-Highborne in Suramar. The net traffic will be close to zero.
I'm just not looking forward to the maximum snootiness that'll be in the Horde once they accumulate the dreck of both races.
So did it just put the model into the Goblin starting zone?
And here am I just wanting to play High Elves in the know, that thing they were a founding member of. Of all the various elf types, we somehow don't have high elves.
Here's an interesting guild idea: the Combined Survey Service, or Survey Service. At least on an RP server, it'd be interesting to gather census data about the player characters (the in-game player characters).
Blizzard's perennial excuse for no high elves is that there are too few of them in the world for them to be a significant part of the Alliance fighting force, never mind as mercenaries. In short, high elves are an endangered species.
>Survey Service goes to Wyvern's tail
>Hello sirs, may I get some logistical data for our census bureau?
>Orc: back off, whelp! *unzips battleaxe*
>Forsaken: Mine got! Zis one vill make an EXCELLENT specimen!
>Tauren: [Ignores you in Taurahe]
>Troll: Ey mon, ya be griftin ol bimbwe wit dat!
>Goblin: Oy, Oy, ya battah git outta heah, ya little tuhrf-stealah!
>Pandaren: *Disney Song Quote*
Haven't played the Goblin starting zone since the model change, so I don't know.
As far as I'm aware, it's only changed for the post Broken Shore Horde scene with Vol'jin dying since his model is unchanged in SoO.
I probably won't go to Argent Dawn EU, however, those responses are also data. Survey Service agents can also use passive data gathering methods.
Probably not, then. I'll have to actually do the Broken Shore scenario with my next alt to see if it's updated.
And yet we end up with two new sorts of even weirder, rarer elves now. I don't even...
What honest to god difference is there between playing High Elves and Void Elves? They added Void Elves because they wanted something for Alleria to do in the plot, from a consumer standpoint there's no difference unless you seriously consider Blood Elves and Void Elves to actually be a separate race from High Elves.
>What honest to god difference is there between playing High Elves and Void Elves?
Do void elves get to swap between the void form and a more normal looking form for PCs or are they perma-stuck in the void mode?
Void elves are elves who went crazy after exposure to the Void and were taken in by Alleria Windrunner to help them control their new powers.
>Argent Dawn EU
This was my experiences on Wyrmrest. I'm not really convinced the RP is any better on any other realm.
Alliance isn't much better
>Ignore Humans, they're in-universe /pol/fags with massive chips on their shoulder and a white knight power fantasy
>Ignore Night Elves, they just want to ERP in cat form
>Ignore Dwarves, you can't understand anything they say
>Ignore Gnomes, they don't exist
>Ignore Draenei, they all want to buttfuck you with their giant futa cocks
>Ignore Worgen, all they do is write ten-paragraph-long descriptions of their knotted wolf cocks. You also can't understand anything they say
I have no fucking idea but most of the time they don't look like they're Super Saiyan Purple if that's what you're asking, someone can provide photos.
They have DK-tier pale skin but are otherwise elves.
That's better than I was fearing, at least.