>a wind priestess wishes to join your party because the Divine Winds foretold that you will meet the evil she is destined to destroy
>She's a competent fighter, has cute and polite mannerisms, and can ask the wind for help
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll gladly accept her company. Anybody else is up for destroying an evil, soul-sucking sword?
Sure? I mean the more the merrier, and if she's competent, useful, and not irritating, then why wouldn't we want her help?
>you will never run a soul calibur game of literally every playable character having to find soul edge
>you will never have everyone confused and frightened by Charade trying to gesture for what it wants
>you will never have Necris as Shrek
"Tell me about this wind gods".
"What do they want"?
Not going to let any fanatic joining my party without knowing their god's intention.
Thinking about it, Soul Calibur seems pretty well set up to be an RPG setting. A cast of colourful characters with different weapons and fighting styles, grouping up as they venture through the world with their own agendas, all revolving around a particular magical mcguffin.
>"To restore the balance of the world brought upon by the corruption of nature."
>Soul Calibur
>Not Chronicles of the Sword
For Grandall!
Man, I fucking miss that mode. It was so fun, this weird RTS/fighting game hybrid. There really isn't anything else like it, is there?
Those weapons will have to change, though. They've got edges pointing towards her arms for Windgod's sake!
With Taki's impossibly skintight suit my character wouldn't even need a blade: his dick would be hard enough to cut diamonds.
Do you mean literally every single character?
Don't talk shit about my main man Ezio, he belongs in the Soul Calibur universe more than most other cameos (I'm looking at you, Darth Vader!). He lives in both the right time and the right place compared to the canon cast.
Actually, I remember something like it. I've never PLAYED it, but I remember reading about it in a game journal in, like, 2004 or something
Not gonna lie, that and the weird RPG mode and dungeon crawler from Sc2 were aces.
>This is your noblewoman for tonight
How does your party react?
>How does your party react?
Is this a banepost?
Since she's literally retarded and can't form full sentences, no. Where Xianghua at? She's a terrifyingly competent swordswoman, I want her for my group.
>literally talking about Xianghua
She can totally join if she stops holding her swords like a fucking retard. Actually, just replace them entirely. She's ruined those weapons.
The problem is only the edge that faces towards her arms. They're supposed to be tonfa (which are legit and effective weapons) except more dangerous because edgy and the artist fucked up big time. The side that faces her arms should be round, an outward edge and pointy end is fine, those hooks can be used to trap an opponents sword and keep it away from yourself while you bash their face in. The handles could be set a bit further towards the blade to allow for wielding them more like shortswords if you want to switch styles, but that's picking nits.
The concept of those weapons is solid, but that one glaring problem ruins them completely. Solve that problem, and they're firmly in "hey that's cool"-territory.
Why is her left leg so much shorter than her right?
Star Wars happened long long ago and Sith are big into not dying.
>flashbacks to Nam
>getting caught in her fucking 15 hit stunlock combo
I was such a scrub I didn't even need that. My friend would just spam the rush move where she vaults over you and hits you in the back. Just do that, wait for me to start getting up, rinse, repeat.
When I started spamming Astaroth's spin move in retaliation, we called a truce and had some SALT discussions. Those two moves, Raphael's three-stabs-to-the-forehead spam, and Maxi's "titty drum" apologies, we were around 11 at the time all ended up on the list. I think one of Kilik's moves got banned too.
probably that dumbass endless tornado spin that's only actually used in katas because you can't carry momentum into that as an actual attack.
>The problem is only the edge that faces towards her arms.
Neither edge faces her arms, user. At least not in that image. Her arms are against one of the flat sides of the weapons, respectively.
Why do you keep making threads with Talim and the word "Wind"?
I think that's mostly due to the angles being all over the place. The one in her left hand (to our right) manages to have the blade mostly flat against her arm, while the handle is at a 45° angle to that. It also manages to appear to be either half a meter and a meter long at the same time, or be flat against her arm and at at least a 40° angle to it at the same time. And god knows where exactly that hook is pointing.
The one in her right hand (to our left) has one edge pointing away from her arm, the other being flat against the inside of her arm (in a great position for her to give herself some nasty abdominal cuts btw) which means they should be at an angle to each other, but they still look like they're parallell. And she's about to stab herself in the thigh or butt with that hook.
A blade flat against the arm wouldn't make any sense at all since the only way to cut someone with it would be by backhanding them with your entire lower arm. If the edge (on weapons of the type seen in OP) doesn't face away from your arm at 180° you have no way of putting your weight behind it. You're already trading momentum for defense, putting edges at odd angles to the way you'd move in a fight means you will at most manage to give your opponent some minor cuts if they get within range.
I'm pretty sure FFVII had something similar as a mini game at that Phoenix Fortress thingy.
I'm of two minds about Chronicles honestly, probably because a few missions were a little dodgy in terms of design.
God Raphael's Triple Botta in Tempo was so OP when we were 12 and didn't know how to sidestep or crouch.
Then we hit 14 and realised the real powerhouse was Geo da Fucking Ray.
She can fuck all the way off, so annoying.
Tell her sure she can join us but only after she gets some real clothes and some armor. This ain't no picnic on the beach. We're be killing some monsters and traveling all over the place.
>geo da ray cancel just to fuck with people
GDR can be punished on block and you are in danger of ringing yourself out. iGDR was pretty pimpin in corner combos tho.
>the weird RPG mode and dungeon crawler from Sc2
>tfw figuring out a Merope Monastery strat in a day when the last time I played it I was 12 years old and only really knew Raphael's lunge combo
>wind priestess asks to join the party
>It Ain't Me starts playing
>mfw I mained Talim when I wasn't playing Link
It was all about that windup punch for me. Tiny little 15 year old asian twiglet decking Astaroth in the dick and ringing him out from midstage was a fucking RIOT.
So she's an Air Tensai? Sure, welcome aboard.
Nah, fuck off. If you're "destined" you'll manage on your own.
No, Ezio is a couple centuries out of date.
A reminder that the SoulCalibur universe is actually hardcore as fuck and that you can run some legit terrifying campaigns in it.
Nothing after SCII happened, but I guess Malformed are kinda cool.
>corruption that basically does whatever the plot needs it to do
I'd rather play a Resident Evil campaign instead.
>evil bad mutation makes you icky
>except if you are a girl, then you get to be forever young
FFS japan, your biases are showing
>except if you are a girl, then you get to be forever young
Tira was trained from youth to be an assassin and human weapon, and the malfestation only made her more twisted. The only thing in the world she holds any kinship with is Soul Edge itself.
>being more twisted means you get to be forever young
I don't follow.
>and by "more twisted" I mean "permanent makeup and lavender eyes"
Some guy did come up with a campaign where you're in a major city when the Evil Seed launches, and you had to escape the chaos of the city RE3-style.
Sure, our party could always use another fighter. Also if she can talk to the "wind", that could be very useful to us.
Why not, I bet she gives good blow jobs at least.
Talim is a pure maiden.
She's also Filipino, if that counts for anything.
>be Mitsurugi
>guns come around
>REEEEEE so hard you develop a style to fight against bullets
I'm pretty sure he was the inspiration for most Warblades I made back in the day
>Mercenary who lives by the sword
>Advent of guns
>"Shit, I'm gonna be out of a job"
>Challenges a rifleman to a duel to prove his worth
>Loses, badly
>Hears about a legendary sword that can beat any gun
>"Let's go find it"
>Can't find it
>"Fuck it"
>Challenges the rifleman again
>"Guess I don't need that legendary sword after all"
>Now just wants to fight everyone and become the strongest man in the world
Oh, and he fought the creator of Soul Edge and Soul Calibur to a draw.
>evil bad mutation makes you icky
Only Cervanted got bad mutation and he still lokk cool.
Siegfried got even more flamboyant after being freed from the curse.
Same for Raphael.
Not in my party!
The malfestation turned Raphael into a straight-up vampire. Presumably his foster daughter, too.
Yes, that's what I said, he got even more flamboyant.
I think you misunderstand, nature is doing the corrupting, and we must restore the balance by adding more civilisation.
Means she knows fun martial arts.
Actually, she's isn't so much like a hippie but a guide of humans and nature. She knows the world is changing and man is part of nature. She doesn't want Man to forget nature and the evil is corrupting both.
That's even worse
V sucked, but Siegfried in it had a damn nice aesthetic.
Darth Vader was fun as fuck to play as. Say what you will, but it was like that scene in Rogue One all of the time.
Wow I didn't know she was capable of wearing clothes.
V sucked because it was unfinished, practically sabotaged by Namco.
Ivy's alt costumes have always covered her up. SCII had her infamous "Dead President" costume.
I think you misunderstand. Magic is doing the corruption. Wind is the power of rejuvenation, and the evil overlord's tower is strengthened by magic that prevents wind and other elements from breaking it, which must happen naturally to the building so impractically high.
>Frosty bitch (as is typical of the English)
>Reclusive; tends to stay in her lab doing alchemy experiments
>Functionally age-immortal
>Complains about her father a lot
>Yet known to have dominant tendencies (can turn you into a chair given the opportunity)
Eh, I could ask for worse.
Is Ivy a NEET?
>biggest semen demon ever
>goes to fight dressing in bdsm attire
>daddy issues
>canonically virgin and willing to stay so
Were they mocking the players?
She has a very good story reason to be celibate, and it's assumed her femdom tendencies are her working out her frustrations.
As for her battle outfit, it's implied that the leather is what she wears underneath normal clothes, and when it's time to fight, she dramatically rips her dress off to reveal the leather underneath. It's essentially her "work" outfit.
She works in a lab, a BDSM leather suit makes no sense at any job whatsoever except being a mistress, which we know she isn't.
I'm not complaining, but there's no actually legit reason for her to dress like that.
For what it's worth, Ivy does own regular underwear.
>Travelling through India
>Some shirtless dude with a mustache comes up and challenges you
>Pulls out an urumi and small shield
Do you accept his challenge?
The far east chick we picked up at the port city will defeat him.
Seems like it'd be rather good against unarmored foes but utterly useless against high quality platemail.
So that said I'd remove my armor to make it a fair challenge. The character is actually a Monk, and is just as strong without it. Nobody else in the party has noticed yet.
What book is that from? You wouldn't happen to have a pdf would you?
Some SoulCalibur art book. I don't have all of it.
IIRC it's to display her amazonian physique as to distract male opponents, and taunt the occasional female one, but I wouldn't know about the source apart from recalling the "Go big or go home" slogan.
Also Isabella has rebuilt her whole body at least once so she's kind of a walking art exhibit.
Thanks very much!
Just be happy you didn't have to deal with fucking Yoda. It was Gon all over again.
Amy is indeed a vampire
Man, the later games fucking ruined her with that super annoying """genki""" personality.
>mfw one of the games made her a fucking catgirl
The caption in the bottom right actually says that most Malfested don't mutate, and even the ones that do only do so under stress, appearing normal at other times.
The opening signs of malfestation are pale skin and discolored eyes. It leads to witch hunts if the signs are that basic.
Ivy used the artificial soul of a homunculus she was building to replace her original soul, which she lost when dear old dad Cervantes stole it. It's why she has stopped aging and is, as mentioned previously, functionally age-immortal.
Eh, I'd take Catgirl Talim over NOT Talim at all like in fucking SCV.
>but there's no actually legit reason for her to dress like that.
Late renaissant aristocrat.
So she and Zasalamel now both have eternal youth? Who else has it? Raphael and Amy right?
Zasalamel is straight-up immortal, though. The crux of SoulCalibur 3 was him trying to break his immortality before realizing he liked it after all.
Tira, Raphael, Amy, Ivy, Cervantez, Zasalamel, Nightmare if you count him and Olcadan.
Man that ending was AWESOME. He even had a hot blonde secretary to bang.
If I become immortal I wanna do THAT.