/wfg/ Warhammer Fantasy General

Chorfs edition, post chorfs

>Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/8rnyAa1S (embed)
WFRP: pastebin.comq/0e6RuQux
Novels: mega.nz/#F!9Lw1WIRZ!eKxkOlAQwuZO3_8pHOK-EQ

>We're looking for these novels for the archive (not updated)

>Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
Tomb Kings Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-undying-dynasties-army-release#/
Bretonnia Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-kingdom-of-equitaine-army-release

>The 9th Age

>Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

>Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer 2: store.steampowered.com/app/594570/Total_War_WARHAMMER_II/
Vermintide 2: store.steampowered.com/app/552500/Warhammer_Vermintide_2/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Age of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/

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Probably varies wildly, but I'd imagine that whoever the 'best' or most experienced knight is in a fief would be expected to contribute to the training of young future knights. I could see it ranging everywhere from 'one Instructor knight teaches all of the kids' to 'one instructor per generation' to 'we have a guy who shows them the basics of sword-work and everything else you'll have to teach your kid yourself.' Similarly, the quality of said education would vary according to how much experience and skill said knights actually have.

One thing I would definitely change from the rules as-is, though, would be to make Read/Write a skill for Knight Errant. I can see how they missed it; they were thinking of it as a "fighty career", and in so doing forgot that it was also going to represent all of the pre-adventure education a noble receives.

How do I use shooters? They get like one or two turns of shooting before the lines meet (if at all, depending on the terrain) and then they're kind of just sitting there.

Complete liberty, they're above question by the common rabble or nobility of Bretonnia. They're openly and notoriously promiscuous, but I can't recall any choosing to actually marry off-hand. I could just be forgetting.

Interestingly, Ice Witches (just the witches, not the lower orders) are known to marry.

use skirmishers to redirect frenzied enemy unit charges into shitty positions by fleeing and drawing them into a trap.

shoot at warmachines if you are a dickass poison wood elf who can ignore my 7 toughness of the siege weps.

if empire:
DETACHMENTS OF 5 ARCHERS EVERYWHERE,block shots/charges for parent unit. redirect shit so the parent unit has favourable charges.
redirect some more.

repost from last thread

so putting together my first demigryph, no idea on the best way to put the damn stirrups on, anyone know the secret here?

Any advice for painting vampires? I'm finally ready to paint my Vampire Lord, but unsure about how to actually make such a small model look amazing. Skeletons and zombies were easy since I didn't have to really bother with facial details, and most of the rest of my army is monsters.

>gunpowder weapons are somehow even weaker than they are in wfrp

Why can't any of the RPGs fucking do guns right?

I went through hell pinning them in on my first round of demigryphs. Afterwards, I just said fuck it and haven't bothered. They really don't lose anything visually without the reins.

What do you mean by redirecting?

I'll have to try one user(at least for the champion), it's the most finicky model piece I've ever had the displeasure to put on though, I may bail on the other 2.

this quick link explains it

in short though, mean enemy unit with frenzy charges closest unit, your closest unit is placed to the side of the rest of your army. The enemy unit pulls itself out of position to attack said distraction unit. thus opening itself up to a juicy flank charge from your main block

just remember if your bait unit decides to flee the charge then you'd need another redirector unit to guarantee them not charging your main block

God I really wanted to like this game but it's just needlessly complicated while also not adding anything of value. Still gonna run a game with it tho

Will Neferata finally be able to rape Khaldia in the new Warhammer TW DLC?

Sounds just like the 9th age.

Fucking cancer

You shut your whore mouth, sabretooth-lover!

>an ugly individual with a curly beard, a hooked nose and a weird hat offers you shekels to go with him

wat do?

Man that’s pretty on the nose
What’s the source?

Correct me if i'm wrong but iirc a unit that fails a charge doesn't move at all in 6th ed

Why would greenskins care for gold though? It's not like they can walk into a town on market day and spend it.

Damn, that is some good looking Chaos Dwarfs.

WD 203

Shiny bitz are a sign of status even among greenskins.
Also i think they cared more about not being slaves anymore

prolly user, I forget 6th ed rules. I was talking 8th

This really is spot on, but hey, someone has to hold the enemy still so I can aim my shotgun proper.
Even in 40k, in Commoragh, if a slave can catch the good grace of their masters, somehow, and get some money, he can go to the lowest districts, and enjoy all the sex, drugs, and booze he could ever hope for. Its even mentioned in the path of the Incubus book that there is a slum/subrealm the DE have, where the majority of the population are "freed slaves", alien mercs, and other riffraff. The DE don't willingly go there unless on a business trip, or they have no better option.

Chaos Dwarfs are very similar to the 40k DE, more so then the Fantasy DE are. Remove the elf aspect, and take a look at their living arrangements, both live in one giant fucking big city, with small sub-realms, on its outskirts. So chances are, had the greenskins made it back, they might be able to move up the ladder enough to merc captain, and live in a district all to themselves, only heeding the call of their masters in times of war, or...a time lacking of sacrifices.

So in short it nets them some form of quality of life improvements.

Rub my hands together and say 'oy vey'.

So with plauge drones, is death's head worth it? And is it just one attack per model with it, or the flies 3 attack at range?

BS 3 so hitting on 6s with moving and range looks pretty bad.

ok fuck that, Im going to use string or leather and fuck the reigns forever

hanz Bär somewhat related

Gold is gold, the face value of the coin may not be worth anything but it's still a precious metal.

Plus Orcs and such do work as mercenaries sometimes so they must be able to spend it somewhere.

[x] pet bear

on topic though string of some description will look better for demigryphs anyway

Say that I, just hypothetically speaking, wanted to run a game where the party are all crypt ghouls, how should I best deal with the, uh, quirks of the whole ghoul lifestyle?

There's a new DLC?

Best bear!

Hobgoblins are weirdos. They actually do do trade and hire themselves as mercs. They're super-backstabby as well. These factors combined are what make other greenskins hate them.

More of a /v/ question, but can someone pill me on Vermintide 2? I got Vermintide 1 because a) Skaven and b) WHF support (even if it is End Times).
But even with the success of Total Warhammer, GW doesn't seem to be willing to do anything more than milk the IP for whatever they can, abusing those who really cared for the setting and wished to throw in support for its return.
The first game was great for a while (especially after some fixes to the grind), but the DLC was overpriced and rarely on sale for a reasonable cost, and they've now got more DLC coming out with the 2nd game being hyped and on the way at the same time? I want more Skaven, but I don't know if I can take the cost to both my emotions and wallet again.

I don't know why people dislike the Forgeworld models. Their so fucking badass.

What exactly does an "Empire Knight" refer to in army lists?

A general knigt in the roster of Empire armies

2 is priced basically like an expansion pack, but it looks like it'll be greatly varying the kinds of enemies. We've not seen much indication of how the gameplay will shake out. I think it is going to have a more linear story than 1, but it probably won't be super story-driven due to different classes for each of the characters. Preorder gets you V1's last adventure DLC free when it drops, so there's that.

slap yourself because that's a terrible idea

I believe Knight Panther, Knight of the White Wolf, and Knight of the Blazing Sun.

Kinda sucks in TWW, we only have Blazing Suns, and regular Knights. Hey at least we have Reiksguard...

What, the whole 'eating dead people' thing? I mean, it's your game, and securing food is central to ghoul life, so I can't really tell you how to do it.

Because they aren't Chaos Dwarfs, they're small Chaos Warriors.


Those look like demonic garden gnomes from an eighties metal band poster.

In other words, utter horse shit.

I'm glad we know for sure Total War's going to use the Forgeworld stuff.

The look has been updated. Big hats are for nobles and officers. Personally I think it looks better too.

These are Forgeworld Chaos Dwarf's, yes?

Their hats are taller than them. It's kinda cute.

Those are staple placeholders from the storm of chaos

I like the idea. user's a cunt.

Is lewd writing still banned on Veeky Forums? Or can I post links to things I write?

Last I checked, the jannies didn't care and ignored it as long as the thread wasn't exclusively about it. Probably the worst you'd get is a warning.

Please vote on what my next story will be about



But there is no
>please just stop

Feel free not to ignore it. I will make like 3 posts related to it in total, that post, an announcement of "winners" and a link to the final story when done.

>dark elf (male) winning the catcher category

feel free to*

You think *those* are tall hats?

Let's hope that it's all there will be.

Well, I guess minotaurs are the next best thing to chaos spawn, but I'm gutted that the noblewoman is coming last.

It's just not right.

>next story

What was the first one about?


>only one girl form the empire
>not even a sister of sigmar
>not even a shallyan high priestes
>only two girls from bretonnia
>no kislev
>only one from norscan
>no amazonian
>no female ogre
>only one vampire
What a shit list. I expect nothing.

*coming second, rather

Though, thinking about it, it does seem like a shame that vampire-chan isn't doing better.

Right? Dammit, people, thing of the fancy underwear, petticoats, and corsets!

Personally I would look at the older take on ghouls instead of the most modern one, if nothing else because it gives them a real chance to use weapons and equipment rather than being knockoff Gollums. Ghouls are apparently often treated by Strigoi as servants they can actually have run errands for them, even if they're weak-willed and easily dominated by a vampire's will. And they can go where other undead can't, namely graveyards blessed by Morr.

So you could try to focus your campaign on a scavenging, scrabbling to survive lifestyle with heavy doses of cannibalism. Your ghouls can slowly rise from the muck in almost invisible degrees, going from being one of many ghoul courtiers to being a particular trusted or noteworthy servant of a Strigoi, or a particular useful assisstant to a Necrarch or an almost acceptable manservant of a Lahmian vampire, with equipment that is shoddy by human standards but rich by the standards of most ghouls. Perhaps one can even become a crypt horror and take on an adventuring party in a macabre reversal of the usual game.

You could also steal a page from Mousilion's questline where there's actually a ghoul undercity that's a parallel of Bretonnian society, but to me that seems to get too far from what you want, since the ghouls in that are almost treated like...I don't know, ghouls from Fallout.

The change to the Dawn Zharr was as exterm as fantasy becoming AoS. It too was needed, yet nearly everyone agrees a middle ground would have been better then killing off fantasy.

Would a Dwarf know the difference between a Dark Elf and a High Elf?

The disparity of these choices, yet their variety, make me just mad enough that I actually want to write a story of my own. It's as if I'm mad that some choices are even an option together or why some options are on the lists but not others or even shared between them, but also intrigued by what outcomes could occur.

Worst part is I could probably only manage vanilla shit, like a Bretonnian knight and a damsel, even when my interests run lewder.

if the Dark Elf is making an effort to seem like a High Elf then no it's very difficult to pick up the minute difference between the to "races"

Physically they look exactly the same, but if he's somewhat knowledgable about how asur dress then he might expect something. If the druchii doesn't try to hide his origins.

What are your interests, then?

What's the disparity? The majority of races are represented, and with the way voting works the race voted for most wins. All you are missing is Chaos Daemons, Undead, and Ogres, it's not really a big deal.

That's not a bad idea, actually. Thanks user. I'd been thinking of something similar, where they'd be the servants of a Ghoul King what's putting an army together.

Do a Bretonnia damsel and a wood elf waywatcher!

>All you are missing is Chaos Daemons, Undead, and Ogres, it's not really a big deal
You are missing a shitton of human girls and some vampires. That guy probably only knows Warhammer from the the video game.

Lahmians are unlikely to let ghouls get too close to them, but if your players are into neglect play that might rev their engines.

Strigoi are generally the most decent to them, at least understanding their plight.

To be fair, it's a strawpoll from the total war thread.
Strawpoll also has a limited amount of options, and no one cares that much about most of the human females. You'd be unlikely to get a lot of votes for an Ice maidan, or even a priestess of Shallya, especially when elves are so popular.

No, because dwarfs don't know much about elven politics. More experienced dawi, like say from Barak Varr, would know the difference between sea elf ships and dark elf corsairs, though.

Young, naive Bretonnian knight-errant and a bored wood elf waywatcher.

>from the total war thread
Well that explains that.
>You'd be unlikely to get a lot of votes for an Ice maidan, or even a priestess of Shallya
Because they are plebs, like this guy above my post.

How very dare you.

>wood elves love /ss/
>dark elves like bdsm but secretly want vanilla
What do high elves want?

For you to go.

>>wood elves love /ss/
Nice meme.

Bodice ripper stuff.

Can a daemon puppet a corpse?

There's no real precedent for it. But Chaos works in mysterious ways, so go for it!

I can't fucking find a PDF of Storm of Magic anywhere, doesn't seem to be in the op mega either.

Anyone know where I can find this shit?

Read the pastebin harder
It's in the mediafire

Shit you're right, ctrl+f didn't work when I first tried it since I didn't scroll down.

If I were you I'd try to work in some derangement and unreliable narration to really sell the warped mind of a ghoul. Have their run in with their Strigori lord sometimes be depicted as chivalerous knights and assortef retinue meeting with their noble human liege lord. A simple quest of preparing a feast for him and his fellows could then be revealed to have been the kidnapping and slaughtering of human villagers. Working in some flickers of reality coming through could potentially be a neat idea. In essence, if you're gonna run a ghoul party try to make your players second guess themselves.

Read The Quest of Unknown Kadath. Half way through, there's a tribe of Ghouls that are actually pretty Ok NPCs. When Lovecraft writes some of his monsters as pretty Ok, that's a good sign that there's something worse out there. But you probably already suspected that...

If we allow the heretical usage of End Time-sources they very much can. For instance, in one of the few parts I actually somewhat liked Nurgle brings back and has one of his lieutenants possess Isabella von Carstein who then leads a huge host of Nurgle Daemons against the united Undead.

Nobody likes /ss/ except for subby males. Keep living in a fantasy that women will want your sorry, pitiful subby ass.

Just realized how little I know about Druchii subfactions. I mean Druchii are Naggaroth, as much as Asur are Ulthuan. Though considering Ulthuan everybody knows about Cothique, most probably have heard of Saphery and Chrace, maybe Caledor. But without looking it up I would have no idea how the subfactions and armies of Naggaroth are organised, what identity they have. Am I just stupid or do they just get little attention?

Aw yeah, keep talking dirty like that user. I bet you think I'm really pathetic, huh? A total loser, right?

Ghrond is about sorcery, Har Ghaneth is Khaine Vatican, Naggarond is Malekith's JRPG Demon King fort, Clar Karond is where you learn to please your fellow elf in the navy, Karond Kar has the best mall in all of Malekith's Winter Wonderland. As for Hag Graef? I got no fucking clue, I guess they got Malus Darkblade.

Also you have the rapemurder elf versions of anprim /k/ommandos living out innawoods called Shades.

Actualy scratch what I said about Hag Graef, it's Dark Elf Chiraq.