Drawthread lesbian paladin edition

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Anchoring for edgy blackguard

Anchoring Lizardfolk grave cleric for drawfriend

Requesting an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor, but he's an Eldar, not a human.

I'd prefer a full-body image like the Inquisitors in the references, or at least half-body, please; color is optional, but if you do use it he should have a matching deep red coat & hat and red/bright auburn hair. Hair in a ponytail.

He should have the long, thin, severely angular face shape (though not as roughed up as that Dark Eldar in my reference), with an aloof/stoic/stern expression, and his rosette should be at his chest or throat. Other details are up to you.

Requesting a changeling warlock for my 5e campaign.

She has the pale gray skin and white hair and eyes of a changeling, everything else is in the reference thank you so much if you do this for me!

Anchoring for the Not!Visual novel girl and fiend owl.

This isn't a flame war ordinary anons can win. This is the future, permaban's an inconvience now, nothing more.

lacking anything better to do, I'm going to start attaching crysis quotes to my posts

Requesting the viking in this picture, but dressed as a wizard, with robes styled after the lady to the right's own outfit.

Requesting my peasant adventurer, Flopin. She has brown eyes and hair, fights with a tankard and handaxe, and occasionally, because she often loses her axe, her metal boots.

She's got a cheap clay wedding ring on her left hand and nice, but relatively dirty clothes on.

She's very friendly and pretty over confidebt but has been rather incompetent due to bad rolls.

If you're willing to go the extra mile I think itd be very in character to have her tossing her axe in the air in attempt to seem cool, not realizing its about to come down on her head.

I tried remaking the reference from my computer.

Anchoring for drawfriend and pheonix requester.

Fought a green dragon in our last session, my pc got the final shot before it could kill our druid. Would like to capture that moment of Diana aiming her killing blow. Somewhat dirtied and her hair unbraided(long silver hair), although in a tough situation, looks focused and somewhat hopeful. The dragon managed to claw her and critted, so she has a pretty bad eye wound, so there should be blood and such.

If you're up for it, you can change what you please. It was a little badass moment for her so I'd love to see the direction any artist takes on this.

Migrating my request from the last thread:

Asking for something other than your standard waifu requests today; I'm requesting my female Half-ogre Warder, a character that wields a meme weapon, the Butchering Axe. This is a weapon that, when sized for a human, weighs twenty-five pounds. When sized for a half-ogre, well, it's just fucking massive.

Heavily armored, Mathilda is a defensive wall with an enormous reach. Unable to get more normal human armor, she's settled for a design she made herself - thick, spiky, and reasonably well covering despite her size. She uses a sallet helmet, but if that gets included in the image, I'd prefer for it to be off. Possibly in one of her (egregiously large) hands, or hanging from her belt. The axe she uses is a thing unto itself, with a haft thicker than some trees and a long beard trailing down towards the handle, and overall the axe head weighs about as much as some people do. It should be about as crude as her armor; it was crafted by her, and she's not exactly a master, even if her gear holds up in combat.

As for her face, she's the type to have a vanity she takes care of, and that'd be her hair; black locks she's determined to keep clean and looking good. Her skin is a gray-green and rough, and she has a small pair of tusks poking out from her lips. She's all smiles most of the time, having learned putting on a pleasant expression keeps the civilized folk happy, though it's a genuine smile in combat. She's always willing to share a joke, and is chronically unable to be serious.

If you have any other detail questions, feel free to ask, but anything I haven't mentioned is up to artistic interpretation. Thanks in advance to anybody that chooses to pick this up.

Hi Friends requesting my new paladin, Armor like A, with gauntlets like B, and a bandolier D {Including the stakes}, the general colors are like C {Put the rags of C as well}
He uses an axe like E and a Warhammer shaped like G,
Helmet like E {not on}, as for face small eyes{blue~, greek nose, hair form H and beard from I {jaw like I to}, thanks and have fun

Reposting from last thread x2

Hey all, looking to get this guy drawn for my campaign, hope someone picks him up!

My character is a deep gnome illusionist, similar to pic related, but his beard has beads in it. He walks with a long runed staff that has a clockwork birdcage hanging off the end of it, with a mechanical bird inside. He has a celestial/spectral owl as a familiar, which may be perched on his staff, shoulder, or just flying somewhere; his focus is a pair of Baoding Balls, which he rolls about in his off-hand when he is casting.

Thanks in advance!

Hi all, can I get a Jedi character drawn? I'd really appreciate it.

She's a light blue twi'lek similar to the twi'lek in the reference. She has a slim build, and wears black versions of Ibuki's pants as pictured, though not quite as billowy, and with black boots to go with them. She wears a tight sleeveless black top like the blonde woman in pic related. She should have a playful attitude. Her lightsaber hilt hangs from her belt. She can be using it if you want, but I don't mind. If so, its a blue lightsaber blade.

Can I get two satyrs/fauns, both male (one with curled goat or sheep horns, the other with either straight antlers or deer antlers), both manning a machine gun nest. They're both wearing kilts. The one manning the machine gun has his armor, the one manning the belt is topless. Both wearing black barrets with a gold navigation compass star pin on it. Both look like they're in kind of a panic.

Migrating from the last thread. Requesting a Duros dressed as Hunter S Thompson.

Would anyone be able to take a shot at coloring the picture to the left for an upcoming campaign? The version on the right is my best attempt after several tries, and it still looks like ass. You don't even have to keep the same colors if you don't want to, I'm certain whatever you make will end up better looking.

Please and thank you!

Forgot to quote the OP because I am a forgetful person, sorry.

Greetings drawthread

I'd like to request this scene from my last Starfinder game please.

My character pictured left was communicating with the captain of the ship. He was checking scans on a ship's communicator for her.

He spilled his orange drink all over the terminal and onto the floor.

An Alien dog who is a resident on the ship (And harmless but she is scary) Is trying to lap the beverage on the floor (Like a dog would if you spilled food). He is trying his best to stop her, whilst on the communicator at the same time.

You're free to change the console and the chair if you want.

Thanks in advanced.

>Lesbian paladin
Homosexuality is basically the prime definition of selfish love.


Heterosexual sex is a biological directive, not born out of love and comradeship, and as women are biologically inferior to men, they cannot be equals to male partners and thus cannot be truly loved by men.

Greek philosophy 101.

Nobody actually cares, don't feed the shitposting.


Hey guys, bored waiting for my request. Link me your request and I'll give you a guilt-free shit-tier doodle that doesn't count as a fill and if nothing else gives you a consolation prize equivalent to a primary school artist's sketchbook

Stop don't derail th thread

migrating from a few threads ago, hope all my americans had a good thanksgiving.


Requesting this with a Krieg soldier but with a broken mask lens instead of a bandage.

Requesting this with an Armageddon Steel Legion soldier instead.

I don't have a request currently, but how about a two-foot-tall kobold (male/female at your preference) filling art requests while using normal (human)-sized art supplies and being very proud of how they turned out (though they're terrible)?

re-anchoring, would like to see my character drawn as a wizard or sorcerer, large dorky wizard hat is optional but encouraged.


Hi, I'm requesting my druid/hunter type Exalted character

>He's a tall and lean black dude who wears a cloak from a deer's pelt similar to the chick wearing a doe on the right picture.
>The deer pelt doesn't have a lower jaw, like how wolf and lion pelts are when worn like this
>The horns on the deer are of a deer, not a doe, and are bigger like the top picture
>He has a bow made out of still-living wood that''s continuing to grow and change with the seasons
>The rest of his clothes are pants and shirt made from the hides of animals he's hunted himself.
>His shoes are those cloth wrap things that go under and around your arches, but leave your toes and heels uncovered. Don't know the name so I couldn't find any pictures
>He is always accompanied by his faithful mouse companion who has snow white fur and pure golden eyes

God that's so fucking cool

I'd like a picture of a character I play. He's a fat cyberpunk hacker nerd in a dumpy T-shirt and pants, just like this guy but with a gun and glowing blue tattoos.

I have a request with room for artistic liberty.

The character can be male or female your choice, but if male please give him short hair and a beard, or long hair if female (and no beard obviously).

The character is missing an arm, but it doesn't matter if it's the left or right arm. If you want to instead replace the missing limb with a prosthetic that has a make that would read as elvish that'd be neat.

The character is overall meant to be one who lives in the bottom of a bottle of alcohol, battling depression and a bitterness that only seem to be alleviated when in the company of their partymates.

Can someone draw pic related being serviced by a blood elf, a night elf and a nightborne womens.

Keep his smile, pls.

Go away and stay gone.

OK, this isn't a huge improvement, but it's got shading.

What it says on the tin, bra

Bump from old thread. Requesting my Great Old One tomelock who fucked up and now has to deal with Hastur.

Sure as hell is. I'm looking forward to the finished piece, might take awhile as the artist said they're real busy with school but I'll keep anchoring I hope they come back

I'm from the next thread, I've come back to tell you none of your requests get filled.

But i havent requested anything yet.

But just filled my request, and it's great! Thanks a bunch, by the way.

You're welcome!

I make my own destiny fag

That doesn't really make him wrong...


You obviously weren't counted.
You really, really don't, as far as this goes. You ain't getting shit.

Requesting a character from a game I was in.He is holding the gun shown, and the mouth is where the four horizontal tubes are on the head.The body is the type shown,with the weird ribcage back.The colors are the body's on the lower left.

A pose like pic related would be nice,if you could.

Forgot the pose because I am dumb.

Well sweet crackers batman, thank you for taking it up. I'm excited to see the finished product :D

Double fill!

Oh shit

Nice, got a tumblr or something?

^ this

Requesting this character drawn in some way or another, a girl with black hair, pale face, she's supposed to be Russian / Eastern European, about 19 or 20 years old, brown jacket, the blue jeans, maybe torn a bit. It'd be cool if you could draw her fighting some demon wolves (if you search Abyssal Skulker on google it'll give you an idea of the kind of creature) in an alleyway of a gray city or something that'd be cool. But obviously just a normal drawing is fine. Anything is fine. If you want to draw her in a wheelchair looking sad, that is fine, too, because that is where she ended up after my players were through with her....

I know who you are and what you're trying to do.

...what? What am I trying to do?

Anchoring for street urchin


Stop jumping at shadows and leave requests alone ffs

oh, so you mean a self-portrait?


Both of these were unnecessary and were already anchored.

Who gives a shit


If 4kh4 is here, im the OR from the One Punch Man Knight. Quote me when its finished, really looking forward to it!

Use the anchorpost

Maybe somebody would be willing to help a drawfriend out who is currently waiting for Christmas time to roll about so he can buy a new tablet since his old one broke.
My idea is a big buff (amazonian?) earth genasi woman, pic related has inspired me but unfortunately I can't quite get the hang of it on paper.

Its my first time doing this sorry, im kinda messy.

requesting this punk but with an actual face. That weird backwards C by his eye is a noserigng

also, anchoring

this better not be sideways like it was posted off my phone

ok nvm, everything I post is going to be sideways

fun times

A lesbian paladin with lesbian boots, poncho, and lesbian hat.

Requesting Tessou with band-aid on nose wearing Elysian Drop Troops uniform with raised visor, no binoculars and holding a Accatran Pattern MkIV Lasgun sitting like in the picture example below. A wallpaper version of her is what I want.

Picture related in real size:


You mean boots, poncho and hat made of lesbians?

Whatever you want.

get it, because lesbians like plaid

Requesting a dark haired, beautiful asian looking girl about 20 years old wearing baggy black trousers, a martial artist vest and metallic boots on one side of a slightly taller redheaded boy in servant clothes suitable for an asian setting [he looks European tho] with a short, dark skinned redhead girl on his other side, wearing a red gi and a smirk.

Sorry that I don't have any reference pics but one of my players keeps bugging me for "OT3 art" of these three and maybe this will get her off my back. Thanks guys!

Requesting a female Alchemist and her large mechanical servant.

Never gonna get it, buddy

Patience user. Someone may pick it up one day.

Please can somebody draw me pic related as a sentient, playable race?

Elf Vikings.

Requesting a man in bloodborne clothes, with a weapon similar to this arquebus and in this pose

Requesting a post-apo woman.
She have the same haircut as pic 1 (albeit black instead of blue) with a metal "bandaid" plate bolted on the side of her head.She is wearing the same outfit as pic 4 (without the welding mask, robot and wrench) and is roughly the same build and age as Sarah Connor on pic 3.
I have no particular idea for the pose so do as you wish

How isn't this a standard Waifu Request? just cause you want her ugly doesn't make her not a waifu.

Not OR but this is fucking cute

Requesting a Living Saint for Only War.

Virgilius, The Burning Saint.

He is a young man in elegant robes. His face beatific. He has a short beard and shoulder-length brown hair.

He has a pair of bloody wings and his body burns with holy fire.

That's all I have for a description. So anything you would like to add is a plus.

A robot cowboy with cowboy boots, poncho, and cowboy hat.

Eh ill pick up I kinda suck so keep those expectations low. couple questions though is she wearing the mask? how big is the Servant? any more on the colors? or just straight up black coat and white mask cause that's gonna clash a bit.

I am working on Ranulfa

Good grief, she's naked!

isn't wrong, but you know user, there is no shame in making a waifu request, don't worry about what other anons might says about it, it's all up to the artists to pick what they will deliver

Thank you so much!