Why doesn't MTG just focus on being digital?
>upgrade MTGO so it is like MTG Arena
>digital redemption on physical cards
>end protectionist policy with LGS's, and just go to big box stores (eg. Wal-Mart)
GarbageFire Investments hinted at it.
Why doesn't MTG just focus on being digital?
>upgrade MTGO so it is like MTG Arena
>digital redemption on physical cards
>end protectionist policy with LGS's, and just go to big box stores (eg. Wal-Mart)
GarbageFire Investments hinted at it.
They have tried multiple times, but Magic was not designed to be played in digital form, so every attempt they make either comes out: too complicated for the standard user (MTGO), or a simplification of the card game meant to appeal to hearthstone players who aren't going to quit playing hearthstone to play magic.
Keep a lookout for psyops, Veeky Forums.
Because editorial is a genuinelly great industry to have a hold of.
You would have thought books wouldn't be a thing anymore but sales records continue breaking.
Paper gives people some weird fee fees.
Its because MTG made the mistake of catering to "investors" so now the games survival is tied to the physical cards
Because Collector/investors ultimately control card prices, if MTG does go to a good digital medium they will lose their shit, the secondary market to collapse, destroying the games value,more competitive players will panic sell their cards and leave the game, the game hemorrhaging players will scare off casuals fearing they can't go anywhere in the hobby. ultimately killing the game entirely
TLDR: reserve list was a mistake and MTG won't last forever because of that one bad decision
How worthless must their lives be in order to dedicate time to doing something like this? It's like the living incarnation of "stop having fun I don't like". Pathetic.
>one user bullshited his way to become the MTGshitters boogeyman
I'm impressed
I wonder if MtG will die due to it's Investor problem before Hearthstone goes to shit due to it's RNG issue. It's probably a dice toss
Sounds like /pol/ to me.
For fuck's sake, let me just play my games in peace without having these retarded redditors turn it into their next battleground.
other than that last part, he's pretty much right and all of it can be fact checked
>cards are lower quality
>cards don't hold value like they used to
>Many LGS have when out of business due to over prioritizing of MTG
>and counterfeits are more difficult to identify than ever before
even the SJW shit has evidence backing it
A falseflag psyop can still be true.
Sure thing, x1e.
How is it psyop if they're telling the truth?
see he's your fucking boogeyman, that ass hat probably hasn't posted in months
I can confirm card quality has gone to shit.
And counterfeits are hard to ID now, especially when wizards forgets to put the damn holo sticker on the cards that's supposed to mark them as being real
one can be solved by a simple format addition, the investor one can not be solved
>mfw a magic thread on fucking /v/ the other day went to bump limit with literally no shitposting, actually had reasonable discussion
>any thread even tangentially related to magic on Veeky Forums degenerates into shitposting rapidly.
That's because we actually care about the game.
Magic is a dead game walking.
It can't just focus on going all-in digital because its structure is really unsuited for digital games. Triggered abilities are really the biggest offender, but all the response windows the physical game gives you make any online experience clunky. A version of Magic that functioned smoothly would be very, very different.
In the business side, the decision to go for Arena will either flop or kill the paper game. If Arena catches up with Hearthstone, the paper game will become more and more obsolete and will eventually be discontinued. If it doesn't, then Arena will be basically a failure at what it wanted to do (conquer digital card gaming money) and the paper game will eventually be killed by HS and the like.
Hi, x1e.
You're allowed to like mtg on /v/ because it's not a video game.
Hearthstone might die due to RNG before that though.
RNG makes Hearthstone stronger, not weaker. It gives audiences interesting visuals to watch, makes games fairer to new/bad players and can make a person who got screwed up in the roll decide to go on just to see if his luck changes next time.
O, how I hate you.
It's pol dude. It's like asking why does dog shit smell like dog shit.
I enjoy playing with paper cards though. Digital will never replace that.
Aside from the unproved claims of them being SJW and the bullshit about online being better, he's right.
>cards are lower quality
Not especially. Yes, the cards from certain recent sets seem to be more prone to curling, but overall print quality isn't that much worse than it was a few years ago. The cardstock quality definitely needs to be bumped back up
>cards don't hold value like they used to
This is inaccurate. Cards that are strong in the standard environment, but not in any other format, always drop in value when they rotate. They always have. Unless a card sees regular play in strong decks in multiple formats, it's price will continue to drop. But cards that see heavy play, espeically in multiple formats, will continue to hold thier value over time, even through multiple reprints(look at Aether vial: hit around $40 in 2015, and while it dips down after reprints in sets like Modern or Iconic masters, it always rebound to about the same).
Old cards (Pre-Ice Age to me, at least, are "old cards") all have additional intrinsic value because they come from smaller, more limited sets, and are goddamn old and therefore fewer of them survived in decent condition. They will always be more costly and "collectable" by dint of being more rare overall.
>Many LGS have when out of business due to over prioritizing of MTG
You can't blame LGS going out of business solely on Magic. There are a number of other factors that contribute to them closing. The decline of comic sales, niche nature of tabletop gaming, the rampant growth of the internet, and computer and console gameing all played hands in game and hobby stores dying.
>and counterfeits are more difficult to identify than ever before
But still not that hard. You can still spot the overwhelming majority of them just a jewler's loop. The hyperamazing ones that are nigh-undedectable are almost as costly as buying the real things(well for modern, maybe not vintage).
Thanks for the compliment. Yes it was intentionally done to do that.
Magic Duels worked just fine. The monetization and presentation were the major issues in that case.
did anyone play it?
It had zero hype.
WotC thinks any serious attempt at online M:tG game other than Magic Online will cheapen the value of actual cards despite the fact there are multiple software solutions to play with proxies online for free
Yep, cell phones will cut into their landline phone business so only release shitty ones designed to lead in to landline sales.
For all I know this could be you being a LARPing faggot.
>bullshit in mtg is above criticism now because of muh boogeyman
Daily reminder that Hearthstone wouldn't be a strong concurrent today if Wizards actually tried countering it
MTGOs problem is not that it's too complicated, it's that the client is a fucking dumpster fire. If they actually put the money towards decent software developers to create a user friendly interface then it would easily be as popular as Hearthstone
The problem is that MTG is actually a super complex game, and that the program that handles it needs to be similarly complex. They HAVE created versions of the game with simplified UI, and that necessitates cutting down the complexity of the game, which is how we end up with things like Duels and Arena.
A simplified UI shouldn't necessitate cutting down on the game complexity
If it does, it's a bad UI since it doesn't allow to enjoy the game fully
The first iteration of MTGO was made with software that wasn't meant for game development. WotC just doesn't have the right tools, and don't want to spend a lot to actually make a digital version of the card game. They just want physical sales.
This is a LARP to derail the thread.
The card quality is so low now I've decided to switch to competitor digital products. Sucks because the LGS was in rough times with huge declines in MTG sales and players. Hopefully MTG can go back to the good old days someday before it dies from this new direction.
I think the decline is well and truly in now. Me and my friends still play magic but only kitchen table now. Never to go the store anymore.
I just want the battletech card game to resurface.
It's not the UI that's the problem. It's the priority rules. Unless you remove ability to bluff, you have to give the players the ability to respond to every single interaction all the time. It can be shortcut in paper format with shorthand rulings and interactions which isn't the case in digital.
The UI isn't nearly as efficient it should be the client has stability issues but 90% of people I've talked to about MTGO that don't stick with it quit because of how cumbersome something simple is.
I have literally never, even once seen any evidence that MTG is forcing some extreme SJW messages down peoples throat unless you actually think
In which case I wouldn't feel bad if you were found hanging from a ceiling, because you have no idea what you're talking about.
Fuck, I hate reddit.
They think /pol/ is the new /b/
Off-topic threads are going to be better on any board because they are ignored by the faggots whose only purpose is to immediately shut down every on-topic thread with tired malicious shitposting.
It's because it sucked.
true fact
Her jaw is too masculine!
S-she's more handsome than me.
I played the fuck out of it. I loved the rarity restrictions. Literally the only reason I stopped was because we were not getting the full sets released. They kept withholding cards and it pissed me the fuck off.
It mostly comes from MaRo's Tumblr. He really likes ticking in boxes.
I don't think it's some kind of extreme message but I am getting pretty bored with ambiguously brown empowered women in slim form-fitting but not sexualized armor. There are other ways to draw a fucking woman.
Digital format has a lot of advantages and design space if you're willing to break the mould.
Look at Hex. At it's basic level it's an MtG ripoff, but it did what MtG should have done years ago and went full ham with exploiting the digital mechanics.
You can also snag the non-competitive market with relatively little effort by mashing together some PvE style campaign decks. It's not a huge thing, but it exists, and it's probably big enough to be worth the devtime.
Good lord that guy who harassed Sprankle must be really butthurt at how everyone got mad at him
Quality has gone to shit, counterfeits are more pervasive, and arena seems neat, but the rest is rabblerousing crap. If my shitty small town LGS can hold it together things are fine.