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Looks more like WRHW general judging from the OP.
anyone want to hear the story of "I'm not vampire Jesus"?
Dumb frogposter
Story time?
Why does Baba Yaga have Thaumaturgy when she predates Tremere?
Bumping my post
translation guide+SAS modules
She might have learnt it after they became a thing?
She died long before Tremere was even born, you fool.
I thought Baba Yaga was killed in like 2004
Killed by loli
Yep, ignore the fucking clueless faggot. Theres even a fucking adventure where she gets killed by a nictuku.
how would you guys stat the Sword of Gryffindor and something like Riptide in CofD?
I want some cool shit to give my players (so other magic items are welcome)
Nights of Prophecy to be exact.
Why specifically are you going with 20th?
Perfected Metal imbued items.
do perfected metals last? I thought they stopped being cool after a bit
They removed creating lasting perfected metals and alloys with magic but you can do it the old fashioned way, it just takes time.
And considering SoS isnt even out yet, we have no real idea.
the old fashioned way?
Magically conjured would be Indefinite
Personally crafting them would be Lasting
If you make them the quick and easy way, the best you can get is indefinite duration, which isn't actually indefinite. Somebody can dispel the effect, and you would have to burn a willpower dot to release it safely so the spell isn't taking up a slot.
The 'manual' method that makes the effect truly permanent is to pass the object in and out of Twilight dozens of times depending on the side, letting it 'rest' for a day every ten passes.
ah, that's how you make it without magic
Eh, not directly. You could do it with an iris that 'leads' to Twilight, but for Mages they're just going to be using Ghost Gate (Death 3) and Touch of the Grave (Death 2) over and over again.
If they have Death 3, that is. If they don't the next best option is to commission someone who does.
If the other splats have powers that allow them to get in and out of Twilight, they can make them too.
>they can make them too
Thats unknown at the moment, there might be more than just moving shit in/out of twilight
"Information on Deviant beyond what's on the main site?", he asks yet again
Is there a mage more alpha than Voormas?
I don't see why they wouldn't be able to. The doc says they aren't inherently magical, and says that the process was just carrying them between other realms. The biggest roadblock to them at the moment would simply be not knowing about them.
The fags who killed him
It seemed like the easiest entry point. Are there better options?
Not canon
Oh wait, he wasn't killed, wonder why I thought he was
There is no more info. Stop fucking asking.
How can I protect my enhanced Imbued items from being dispelled?
also do imbued items cause paradox when used?
Czar Vargo.
Well, for easier access, yeah. God Machine Chronicles, the second edition of Chronicles of Darkness. Opinions on quality vary widely (I personally like it), but I don't think anyone would deny that it has the most accessible and digestible rules in these games to date.
Splats that currently use these rules are Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, Beast, and soon Changeling. And mortals of course. And maybe Demon?
He's the final villain in one of the ascension scenarios. Way better than that fag No Name
This neckbeard
>How can I protect my enhanced Imbued items from being dispelled?
Advanced Potency.
>also do imbued items cause paradox when used?
If used in front of Sleepers, yes.
Is there anything specifically wrong with V20? Like I said I know next to nothing beyond an autistic amount of shit I've read on various wikis & playing Bloodlines.
>maybe Demon
Yes, the splat that is explicitly about agents of the God-Machine uses those rules.
Fuck that's a terrible picture of him.
it's like they sketched the guy that probably played him at the LARP session
They nearly always cause paradox because they only get 1 free reach and thats probably used for instant casting. So anything needing reach means paradox.
Also note imbued items are created via an attainment, you cant dispel the actual item, but you can dispel the spell its casts as normal. As for the enhanced part, yeh you need advanced potency.
Wait, imbued items are caused by an attainment?
Just use V20. CofD is an entirely different setting and Requiem's just the Masquerade you know stripped of most of its lore. If you want feel free to give the Requiem books a read and compare it to V20, but don't let him strongarm you into playing Vampire GURPS unless you actively dislike Masquerade and its lore.
Look im going to assume your using the best awakening version ie 2e cause if your asking about shit for 1e then you can fuck off as there is plenty of 1e imbued items out there already.
Yes Prime 4 attainment: Imbue Item.
>Is there anything specifically wrong with V20?
No, the mechanics are just somewhat clunkier. A lot of people like to import the VtM metaplot to VtR but that's going to require you get to know both.
Yeah I am talking about 2e, thought imbuing items was just an effect/spell of prime 4 not an attainment, thanks don't know how I missed that
I wouldn't know. I haven't seen a lot of autistic bitching about it on here so I assume it's largely inoffensive. And the other user is right, Requiem's lore is a lot different and not nearly as codified or plentiful as Masquerade's. I personally like Masquerade's fluff more, but Requiem 2e does have better crunch. There's a translation guide to help you adapt Requiem's rules to Masquerade, you could do that.
Or you could try a splat other than Vampire. It's the most well-known outside the community, but imo a lot of the other splats are more interesting.
Great, thanks guys. I'll go with V20 I think.
Good luck.
For owod go from the most updated to least mechanically but use the lore as you see fit
Generally, not always but generally revised editions are better than 1st editions and 20th editions do steamline the mechanics.
while there are some 20th edition adventures and lore books use 20th edition rules and move back in time for lore-adventure if you want more, of course that wont work if you demand adventures to be in v20 rules but dont be too anal about it wod is a game more about storytelling not combat and loot and dungeoncrawling.
>What's your favorite creature in WoD, old or new?
It's a tie for me between the Imbued from Hunter the Reckoning or Slashers from Hunter the Vigil. Although with the Imbued I'm less enamored of the "normal people who are redpilled to the truth" and more stuff like Wendel and the Wayward creed.
Maybe I'm just an edgelord.
Quick werewolf the forsaken question: are gifts limited by tribe and auspice? Or can you pretty much get any gift if you have someone to teach it to you?
Please don't use frogposts for generals.
I might be thinking of rites, but I think there's maybe the odd gift that's limited to tribe.
Requiem feels kind of dull compared to Masquerade. The thing I like about Masquerade the best was the impending sense of doom, the entire setting felt like it had the sword of Damocles hanging over it ready to drop at any time. The lurking threat of the Elders and Antediluvians, Gehenna creeping closer, gave it a really nice clostrophobic feel that meshed nicely with the overall goth punk feel of the setting. Requiem in comparison feels like it's designed to be status quo forever with no real existential threats lurking. Mind you I think Requiem works well for small self contained campaigns, which I think it was designed for, I just preferred the grander scale of Masquerade.
Thank you for this unsolicited input that will probably spawn another pointless Requiem v Masquerade argument. We get it. You like Masquerade.
So where does the cut off for "affects something's pattern" appear? Like can I shape an object and have that be duration Lasting, or did that change it's pattern and therefore wouldn't work?
Do not living things (and spirits) even have patterns?
What can I and can I not make Lasting
not him but no need to get agrresive about it, just opinions my friend.
I think after a decade the debate is pretty much settled, not that one won over another but both camps are doing their own thing just fine while. Exempli gratia would be these general threads. Sure the occasional which werewolf is better etc posts happen but I think they are respectfull and people dont shitpost
I haven't played woof in a long time but other than auspice gifts I believe you can get any gift eventually.
>Trying to act like the referee of the thread
You aren't the arbiter of what can and cannot be discussed kiddo, fuck off
Dumb weebfaggot
If the spell has a reach that says it can be made lasting then it can be made lasting otherwise it cant.
Pretty hypocritical post, user. I wasn't saying he couldn't express his opinions, just that they were unsolicited (which they were) and that he would probably start another dumb argument, especially since he's made that post a lot lately, and it's what usually starts the dumb arguments. Either way, you aren't the arbiter of what I can and can't express. I must have touched a nerve to get such an aggressive reply.
Are you talking 1e or 2e? The short answer for what can be made lasting is GM fiat. There are guidelines but not too many hard rules.
When you change a pattern consider the side effects of what you've done. If you ignite a building on fire the fire will still be burning after the spell ends because it will have ignite the materials that make the house. But if you turn a brick wall liquid it resolidifies afterwards but the bricks won't just snap back to where they were.
All healing spells are Lasting too, unless they're wholesale regeneration.
Depends on what you're healing.
Growing a limb back would be Indefinite.
Reattaching it would be Lasting
Excuse the noobish questions but,
Do you ever play online? Where do you find the groups? is roll20 a good place for non dnd games?
I only play online. I just get friends or people who aren't complete strangers from related communities instead of total randoms.
I was asking regarding 2e, as the only thing I remember about the reach was that it couldn't affect somethings pattern (so was wondering what exactly things like that would be)
Also wondering because I don't want my thaumiel to just revert to lunargent and siderite, and my enhanced clock to get dispelled
Which is
why I was looking into Lasting things
Or you could bully a spirit into doing it. Hell you could turn into a spirit and do it.
Er no, healing spells are actually instant duration. Their effects are lasting.
If you give a healing spell advanced duration then it'll cast itself every gnosis interval.
Learn to mage 2e.
Spirit is a cool Arcanum because of its Lasting capabilities, yeah.
Shame Influences aren't as broad as the Practices.
This is a funny post.
Funny but true idiot:
>If a spell would logically have an immediate effect but is cast with Advanced
>Duration, the effect recurs at every multiple of the character’s Gnosis-based ritual casting time, until the >Duration >runs out. For example, a Gnosis 1 character’s healing spell with a Duration of a day heals
>its Potency in Health boxes every three hours.
All spells are default instant 3 sec duration, there are no default lasting spells.
Unless Dave puts out another developer update you'll probably have to wait for SoS for details about perfect material crafting.
As for patterns. A pattern is mage jargon for what makes up an object. e.g. A person is a complete pattern not the collection of trillions of patterns of each individual cell.
>you'll probably have to wait for SoS for details about perfect material crafting.
Well there's already enough for you to use in a game.
You can cast the spell, or you can pass your iron sword in and out of Twilight a bunch and have a Lasting Duration on turning it into Siderite.
I dream of Mage FAQ
But it never comes
Regeneration is a strange speed bump in my opinion. I allow it to be cast as lasting, not that it comes up that often, since by adept level there are so many ways around the issue it's not really a roadblock.
Yeah, I was going to use the not spell based avenue for creating the materials, really the Lasting bit was for the enhancements/things I was going to do to the item after the fact, I guess enhancement could be protected by the same thing that prevents an imbued items from just getting dispelled
I really don't understand why you're sperging. Nobody said Lasting was a Duration. And healing spells ARE Lasting, in the sense that they're effects are Lasting. On page 113 it says, in a box titled "Lasting" that wounds don't reopen when the duration of a healing spell ends.
What are you even trying to correct?
And have thaumiel be lasting somehow (as it needs magic to create) or have Frankenstein's monster the metal item
I seem to recall that perfecting something the 'old fashioned' way requires a spectacular quantity of base material. Since each passage into and out of twilight destroys some amount of the material.
>Mage FAQ
The Mage FAQ is now little more than a cruel tease by Dave.
From what I've read (which isn't much), it didn't seem to actually destroy the base material, so much as turn a bit of it into the perfected material each time
Blame Magefags. Dave straight up said he wasn't doing the FAQ unless he got paid for it because he knows people will use it to beat people over the head in online arguments.
But he stills answers questions on the forums and on the discord, so guess where he was talking about.
It doesn't do that. I think you're getting the fact that you would need to collect a lot of the material if you're looking for natural occurrences, and that you need to pass it into and out of Twilight a bunch of times based on its size.
>Dave straight up said he wasn't doing the FAQ unless he got paid for it because he knows people will use it to beat people over the head in online arguments.
I require proof.
Doing a chronicle of VtM (2e) with a few friends. I need some nicknames for the Nosferatu party member. He's a film noir detective type of character. So far the only nicknames I got are:
>Rat Pack
>the gumshoe ghouly
>P.I. P.U.
>Orlock Holmes
>private eyesore
>sewer slueth
>inspector ick
>the foul flatfoot
>ol' drainpipe dick
>ghoul o' the gutter of the Yard
Any one got anything else to contribute? Looking more for friendly stuff, not direct insults. This is supposed to be more banter as opposed to something sharp.
A healing spells duration is default instant, its effects are lasting. There is a difference.
You are wrong by saying healing spells are lasting and tt'll only cause massive confusion if you misuse terms like this.
Damage spells are also instant spells with lasting effects. Kindly use the correct terminology faggot.
And where did I say that the duration of a healing spell is Lasting? Instead of just Lasting?
Not actually all that straight up, but Dave has said that he doesn't want to give "FAQ-style advice" on the Discord because he knows that it'll be used on "another forum" (cough cough) to "beat someone's head argumentatively", and because he's not paid for it. So he would give answers in a book or an official blog.
Dave is not happy with his devotees.