It's /gurpsgen/, the only place on the internet where you can find people that unironically like GURPS
Question of the day: What's your favorite system of magic?
It's /gurpsgen/, the only place on the internet where you can find people that unironically like GURPS
Question of the day: What's your favorite system of magic?
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I like Basic magic, but if I am picking my favorite I think I'd go with Sorcerery for being powerful and needing less GM work then RPM.
Spells as Powers, with Sorcery Talent.
Add Sorcerous Empowerment for those who want to be able to improvise spells.
Add modifiers to the spells and to sorcerous empowerment to make different types of magic.
Consider having higher MP-cost spells than typical for sorcery, on a regular basis, for mages with less staying power but more versatility.
(WIP) Use Modular Abilities from powers on the Alternate Abilities used for sorcery, so you can build 5e style prepared spellcasting loadouts.
So i'm reading the Ritual Magic rules from Thaumatology, let me know if I got them right:
Basically, you have a base casting skill that is set by the character or GM (Thaumatology for a mage, maybe religous ritual for a cleric etc.) From there, you can buy a "Ritual Path" as a hard skill. These skills are basically an entire school of magic, say buying the path of fire. From there you can cast spells in that appropriate skill, using the appropriate path, and each prereq for a spell adds a cumulative -1 on the spell. For example, if I wanted to cast Fireball that would be (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't feel like looking up the actual number of prereqs) say, -4 (I think it's something like ignite fire, create, shape and one more). You can then buy each seperate spell as a technique if you want to specialize in a specific spell, and each path cannot exceed the base skills level. You can also default each path at -6, though if you want to cast anything that's not a basic spell from a certain school, it's going to start getting ridiculous penalties (that fireball from earlier would turn from a -4 to a -10)
Sorry for the diarrhea of text, is that basically right?
Hey now, the forums are a nice place too!
I unironically love Symbol magic to death. It's just so ripe for setting lore and flavor that I can't pass up opportunities to use it. Mechanically, it does need some work though, so I use the parameters from RPM (mainly for stuff like Bestows a Bonus/Penalty).
Yep. That seems about right.
Speaking of, I posted this right before the last thread died:
The idea is that I would like to make a bunch of Spells-As-Powers, and some of the expensive ones would have high FP costs (which is an optional variant for Sorcery on page 17 - though he does mention the staying power of Sorcerers is one of the main things that differentiates them from other mages - but in a game where ALL casters are variant sorcerers, I don't feel like that necessarily needs to be true for literally everyone - if someone wants to pay more for their spells to buy down their FP, that wouldn't be terribly difficult, but this offers a variant playstyle).
Channeled Casting AM[13CP/lv] MM[3CP/lv] TMM[2CP/lv]
You spend your turn gathering temporary energy to cast spells. You can only hold on to this energy for 10 seconds (so 10 seconds of cumulative channeling, at maximum). This temporary cumulative ER cannot be refilled by any other means. You can't channel without magic. You can't use the reserve after channeling without magic. It requires overt gestures and vocalizations. The ER gained each attempt / each second is equal to your degree of success on a Thaumatology skill roll x Channeled Casting level.
[Temporary ER 3pts; Cumulative +400%; Fixed Duration (3min) -0%; Magical -10%; Somatic Components -10%; Verbal Components -10%; Magical -10%; Reduced Duration (1/18): -24%; Requires (Skill) Roll (PU8-17) (IQ-Hard) -10%; Special Recharge -70%]
1. Did I build it right?
2. How would I factor in ambient mana?
3. Is it crazy bonkers broken, balance-wise?
Yeah, the OP was tongue in cheek, if anything I find GURPS being brought up a bit more than usual recently.
Symbol magic just makes more sense to me, what with runes being a real thing, and just being more unique than your usual spell-flinger
I'm a "build it with points" guy.
RPM has a bunch of mechanics I like, but I hate its spell creation system. Give me Sorcery and other Sorcery-Like Spells-As-Powers type subsystems.
If I want symbol or a ritual path magic type mechanic, I still want it point-built using powers for customizability.
But anons how do I do JoJo in GURPS
That's a question that can only be answered by someone familiar with both JoJo and GURPS.
And I've never seen JoJo.
Ally (Sympathetic), Puppet, Telecontrol, See Invisible (Stands) is the gist of it.
>Ally (Sympathetic)
Coward. Also not an option RAW and GMs create/control Allies, not players.
Real answer is Alternate Form (Projection) with Cosmic to avoid going unconscious. Built in total control and wound-sharing. Also not a point crock due to Ally's exceptionally low cost.
>Also not an option RAW
Sympathy: If you are stunned,
knocked out, mind-controlled, etc.,
your Ally is similarly affected. The
reverse is also true, so you should take
special care of your Ally! -25% if the
death of one party reduces the other to
0 HP; -50% if the death of one party
automatically kills the other. If your
wounds affect your Ally, but your Ally’s
wounds don’t affect you, reduce these
values to -5% and -10%.
nigga what
>and GMs create/control Allies, not players.
And the GM can give control to the players if he wants to. I do it all the time. Alternate Form also works, albiet messy since you're throwing everything on the same sheet including HP and thresholds and such, but crying point crock doesn't work when literally everyone has the same ability.
Holy shit I feel retarded. I have NEVER seen that entry before. I always thought it was some homebrew thing or a limitation from another advantage like Duplication. Fuck. Just, fuck.
Still, AF (Projection) does do scaled HP loss and crippling injuries. I will stand by that being the superior option, though I will no longer disparage those that choose to use Ally. As for point crock... If you're running JoJo, you should let people have stuff other than stands. Ripple users, honorable vampires, ghosts, aliens, and other bizarre things should be available as well. A second character under the player's total control that is half-again as powerful as the PC should cost more than [20] in my opinion, even if killing one means killing the other.
HAMON users would easily fit their powers into the 300 or so points it takes for Telecontrol 2 + Ally + Puppet + Mindlink + Telecommunication. Ghosts, probably not, and vampires would be a buffed version of B262's version, but definitely not Dio-tier. If you call it a 400 point game, stand users are pretty low-powered heroes compared to their beefcake companions, but they're also wizards with whatever (likely wildcard) advantage gimmick they can fit into 250 points on their Stand (I have their racial template at 166 points, but fuck if I know how accurate that is). I think you're overblowing how many points you save with Ally, unless someone picks something turbofaggy like Mind Control and soups it up to hell and back.
However, looking back at these sheets, AF(P) would be a much cleaner build overall, compared to this massive meta-trait I made. I'll use that next time.
Ah I totally forgot you're actually paying for the direct control with Telecontrol/Puppet/etc. Point crock comment rescinded, you've invested the points.
My original build got super messy when I tried to accurately convert stand's Range attributes to GURPS. I think it was some clusterfuck of Emanation and Dissipation that reduced the stand's stats the further it got from the user, and you could take Increased/Reduced Range to affect your radius.
It was a shitshow and I'm glad I abandoned it. However, I would like to differentiate punchghosts from remote stands, even if we lose the granularity of power loss over a distance. Isn't there something like reverse-Dread that causes you to stay within a radius of a given item/person/location? We could use that.
How do I find GURPS groups IRL?
I was trying to smash together a system of RPM and Symbol Syntatic using D-script for the drawings.
I'm the user from a couple threads back doing the TL 4 Transylvania Vampire hunt one shot. I made 3 characters so far, and I'd like some feedback. Please ignore the shitty names, I'll think of better ones. What other roles in the party should be filled? Did I do alright? How plebeian am I?
GURPS Character
100 points
ST 10 DX 10 IQ 10 HT 10
Per 16 [+30] Will 8 [-10] FP 10 HP 10
Disadvantages: Bloodlust [-10] Callous [-5] Ugly [-8] Uncongenial [-1] Careful [-1]
Skills Guns (rifle) 31 [80] Armoury 10 [2] First Aid 10 [1] Swimming 10 [1] Stealth 13 [14] Survival 15 [1] Knife 10 [1]
What do you guys think of this character? Planning to play him in a post-apocalyptic campaign starting next week.
You basically have to start one yourself.
Not terrible, but with Knife only at 10, you're at the mercy of your gun not breaking and finding enough ammo to keep relevant.
You'll want to add a few more points to your melee skill, up your HT to resist diseases better, add some Scrounging or Search so you can actually, y'know, find ammo, and get your First Aid to at least 12, preferably higher since you're gonna be using improvised equipment more often than not.
Guy looks like a doomsday prepper that really didn't know what he was doing and spent all his time at the range instead of going outside.
I know it's bait, but I never tire of making fun of it.
>post apocalypse
>no Armory (Small Arms)
Enjoy your soon-to-be club and 80 wasted points. You ain't even got the Charisma or negotiation skills to talk someone into fixing it for you without sucking dick.
Damn, you don't even have Erotic Art. Did you make a virgin on purpose?
I guess most of the GURPS NPCs I've seen are virgins, then.
Explains a lot actually. You gotta get the spare time to run GURPS as a GM by cutting something out of your life.
I need do something nice for my GM this Christmas.
>GURPS being brought up a bit more than usual recently
And not always in a bad way, either. Quite often, in a good way, even.
I wonder why that is? The only things I can think of recently are 5e's release, which was a couple years ago. 5e, while definitely not my first choice, isn't completely broken, either. Also, Dungeon Fantasy RPG box set, but I haven't seen many rumblings about that outside the community. There has been a flood of "Can GURPS OSR?" questions, lately, though.
Generally, people have a tendency to drift toward whatever custom-made system exists for a particular genre first, even if it is trash. I can't think of any startling revelations in that regard, other than aforementioned DF rpg. Star Wars already has its own systems which are I guess okay, and I haven't seen any rumblings. There has been more babble about Fallout than I think is usual, lately, but Fallout 4 is already two years old. GURPS does cyberpunk really fucking well by default, I think many will say it does Shadowrun better than Shadowrun does Shadowrun, but the only recent, big cyberpunk things in the public consciousness are Blade Runner and Mr. Robot.
I dunno. I'm not complaining, I just wish I had a better understanding of what is causing the uptick in positive traffic and mentions.
Basic DX roll for "ordinary" sexual positions popular in your culture if you have had sex before (call it a familiarity penalty that gets reduced as you progress past being a fucking virgin); Erotic Art is like an expert skill, and connotes a much higher level of sexual expertise than the average person.
I think it's detailed in the "Fade to Black" sidenote/box in Social Engineering.
>I love GURPS
Seems accurate to be honest. I impress my friends all the time by running at full speed and shooting a small target 100 yards away.
Honestly your build could use optimization. Drop First Aid, Swimming, Stealth, Survival and Knife and bump Rifle to 33. You'll thank me later.
Familiarity through repetition. The more you see something the more you'll like it. It's the reason why I advocate the research and development of new GURPS memes. It's not for haha funny moments I can share with the boys, I can tell you that.
Roll Propaganda for me please?
More like "roll Propaganda, using Expert Skill (Memetics) (p. 80 of Social Engineering) as modified by Memetics Talent as a Complementary skill".
Ive recently (last 6 mos) gotten a bunch of gurps stuff. Yet to play it.
So far i am liking DF and Powers and Sorcery.
Is there an existing way to do permanent golem / clockwork / undead / awakened animal craft through powers? Where would I find that?
>Is there an existing way to do permanent golem / clockwork / undead / awakened animal craft through powers? Where would I find that?
There are a ton of ways to do that, depending on what magic systems you want to include in your campaign.
Unfortunately I don't have much feedback for you as I am new to a lot of this. I do like what you're doing however and will be following with interest. I was trying to figure out a way of implementing Drafting from Brent Week's Black Prism series and this looks like a good step in the right direction for gathering luxin.
What are AM, MM and TMM referring to?
Any advantage with a power modifier is a power, so you can represent your friend as an Ally that is constantly available and slap on the power modifier of your choice and bam.
Dungeon Fantasy 5 provides many worked examples. Note that the familiars in that book don't have power modifiers because it's supposed to represent a deep connection to the master - this can of course be different in your setting.
Sorcery and powers and powers modified sorcery. Thought that was clear, sorry. I want to use everything built with frameworks from powers and expansions to it like sorcery and powerups.
Sorry. I was thinking spells to create them with "truly permanent" or the like. Bonding with them and taking them as a permanent ally is a completely separate concern, and that part is pretty straightforward.
The 3 methods of modifier calculations for pricing powers, 2 from powers, one from the forums.
Additive modifiers; multiplication modifiers; true multiplication modifiers.
I prefer tmm i think so far. Am is kinda crap and goes wonky the more modifiers something has, but it's the default and its how everything in thr books is priced. .
Fuck, what do.
I've been buying and reading GURPS for 3+ years now, bought tree copies whenever I could or just printed-on-demand everything else. This includes the whole DF line and fantasy-related pyramids, Magic, Thaumatology, Martial Arts, Powers, Low-Tech, and more, much more (I even compiled the best ideas from blogs). I literally have a whole shelf for that shit, printed-on-demand is, like, 2000+ pages.
But I just can't get myself to play it. Work and other hobbies just get a higher priority when I compare them to tabletop (say, improving my guitar jazz improv, or drawing skills, or solving some algebraic topology problems).
Should I just drop it? It's some sort of a sunken cost nightmare. I like the system and have a couple of friends interested in a bronze age or Dark Sun campaign. But as soon as I imagine going through all the information to cherry-pick appropriate rules/items I just put it off and do something more useful with my spare time.
It's not even a GURPS question per se, but the probability of similar autistic behaviour is likely to be higher here in /gurpsgen/.
I'm planning on running a game set in the Boshin war/japanese revolution, but I'm having a problem finding gun statistics. Historically there was a huge variety of weapons used, and I found stats for Dreyse needle guns and the Snider guns used at the time in High tech, but I was wondering what profile I should use for the smoothbore muzzleloading Gewehrs commonly used by Shogunate troops. Any suggestions?
Biggest problem with gurps.
Start with DF or monster hunter.
Pick options and piece together campaign presets in your off time in a document, for fun, and when the time comes to run something, only run what you've got ready to go.
Do you have your blog compilations in documents you could share?
I have just started several of them today.
A DFmod for faerun. A DFMod for golarion. A core gurps mod for shadowrun.
Ill pile on more of them as I go, cherrypicking what I like for each, over time.
I've determined I want to use powers to build basically everything supernatural including magic systems, so that narrows stuff down for me a lot. I dont need magic or rpm.
I havent narrowed down other subsystems i like yet, so to start I'm going 5o stick with the core ones in DF.
I suspect i wont just quote pages as i go, ill probable copy paste rules into a word document from the pdf, so when the time comes I can just hit print and have a single source for it to save me hassles.
For me I'm largely focused on collecting or building templates and powers though. Collections of the stuff. Super useful, customizable if you want to tweak stuff. Massively time saving.
Universal eggplant is fucking great. Everything built as powers means of i want to change stuff (cast times, FP costs, etc) it makes it real easy to do.
Gonna finish compiling that shit into a bigass spell compendium once of these days.
Wish he'd do the d&d/pathfinder spells.
Am is a*(+x% - y%) max-80%y
Mm is a*(+x%) * (1-y%), max-80%y
Tmm is a*x1*x2*xn*y1*y2*yn (with fractional multipliers instead of percentages, no maximums, order doesn't matter)
Not bad, I didn't see any huge problems. Descriptions are placeholders, I assume? Otherwise 5'9" 127 pounds is pretty low for ST 11.
Bank has a solid set of skills and seems to fit right into the 'vampire hunter' thing. He might have trouble staying brave as things escalate, but that can be a fun cross to bear.
Freiderick only having a helmet seems odd. His weapon choices aren't bad, but if if it was me I'd go for 4 in Knife rather then 8 in Rapier (for the same base SL) and 12 points in bow, or maybe Weapon Bond (Longbow). A long knife could replace his rapier and he would have a much more reliable attack with the longbow, especially at range.
Simms is a tank, but could use a horse.. or anything else, really, to help compensate for the fact that he is carrying as arsenal and heavy armor. Move 2 means he gets to a battle slowly and when he's there he isn't going to be able to withdraw. I might go as far as to call him overspent on DX, and would benefit from more ST. Historically, the "broadsword" as listed in GURPS wasn't really a thing, instead people carried what GURPS calls a 'thrusting broadsword"
Enhanced Dodge is one of those advantages you never really see, because Combat Reflexes is so much better. I'm not saying you have to swap it out, but it seems like it would fit. It's also REALLY compromised unless he takes off his armor. His Dodge score is currently 6.
How much ST should and alpha kangaroo have? How about an uplifted kangaroo that's been taking supplements and doing hardcore strength training for years?
7-9 for males, 6-7 for females, roughly estimating from their mass.
Upper limits for a mentally uplifted but otherwise unaltered kangaroo (assuming they build muscle somewhat similarly to humans) would be around 16 for a male, 14-15 for a female.
ST 14 or so for a large Red Kangaroo, to 16 for legendary examples, while deliberately encouraged muscular hypertrophy in a self aware example might get to 20.
Pretty close to human, though in truth they can't match human upper body strength due to skeletal construction, they can certainly be very strong and obviously have more powerful/differently constructed legs.
Adult male red kangaroo can be two meters tall and 90 kilos, though on average I'd say you are right.
>be me (Overweight [-1])
>take a six-mile, two-hour walk (2 FP)
>still aching two days later
The Last Gasp >>> RAW
I've spent hundreds of $ on PDFs without playing a single session. I just read the books, write programs to automate random generation, and design vehicles for fun. Don't worry about it.
>Spaceships 4
>Spaceships 7
>Alternate Spaceships (in Pyramid 3.34)
Do these four items contain all the canonical options (systems and design features) for designing in the Spaceships system, or do I need to get other Spaceships books or Pyramid issues?
I'm gonna be honest, I was just using 10/100 as a range for stands with 10 being the "1/2D" range where all of their combat stuff was halved (damage, how powerful their abilities were, etc.)
If it's fun, it's not wasted time.
If you're really worried - just bite the bullet, get some friends over for dinner and have a good time. Just start simple, you must know the system well enough to do a basic game. Don't worry about much more than 3d6 roll under (even though you have all those rules!). Roll and shout - if you find yourself really missing rules for something that comes up in play, make a note of it and add it next session.
You know the system well, you just gotta rope friends in. It's easier if you have friends that already have played shit like D&D, but otherwise just tell them it's like that game that those nerds played on Big Bang Theory. Use GURPS Lite with lots of wildcard skills to make simple characters in a simple fantasy setting, invite them over and play a one shot.
I took your comments into suggestion, and made some updates
Yeah, I just didn't bother changing the descriptions, the players can do that much.
I plan on having some fun RP moments with the disadvantages, just to get the players comfortable with the idea of taking disadvantages.
I wasn't really that worried about encumbrance initially, but now that I think about it, it's probably better that they all have lighter armour saying that they'll be travelling a lot. Frederick still has some pretty heavy armor, but it's toned down enough that he isn't going to be lumbering around everywhere.
As for the DX and Thrusting Broadsword, I'm not too worried about either. I suspect they'll be mostly doing ranged combat, and won't care too much for historical accuracy.
I'd like to make one or two more characters for the group so more people could join in, but I'm not sure exactly what other roles should be filled. Any ideas?
Honestly? Stop thinking about it, set something up and play. The worst move you can make at this point is none at all.
Keep it simple, come up with an idea for what you want to play, and get it going. Once you're moving, the rest is cake.
Worst case, slap down Dungeon Fantasy, Monster Hunters or the like, use the templates or pregens, and use some sample adventures/scenarios to start things off with a bang with little to no prep required.
You either have time and energy for gaming or you don't. You simply need to break the Gordian knot-ish mental state you've worked yourself into.
Share the programs. Shaaare
They're extremely amateurish, with no GUI. I wrote them in Processing, which is basically Baby's First Java.
I've got at least ten different versions of the Advanced Worldbuilding sequence from GURPS Space, in various stages of incompleteness, plus one or two similarly-unfinished versions of the alien-species generator from the same book, and a barely-begun program for DF: Treasure Tables. The only GURPS program that I've actually completed is one for a Pyramid article, The Turning Points of History, for randomly generating the history of a country. I'm at work now, but maybe I'll upload it later.
How can I beef up this character? Approx 80 points to spend.
Altered Time Rate (Accessibility: While shitposting only -40%) [60]
Or Compartmentalized Mind, if it's a mental action only.
The real shitpost is that that image uses D&D attributes, aside from HT.
What happens if I have Extra Attack and then I do AoA followed by Defensive Attack?
What if I do two Defensive Attacks?
Jokes aside, would you accept Suit Familiarity (Layering) in your semi-realistic low fantasy games?
>would you accept Suit Familiarity (Layering
I don't think I'd accept it in any game, it'd be hilariously strong wouldn't it?
I don't know about that, it only compensates for a single -1 DX penalty (two layers) and you still suffer all the other effects like encumbrance.
I personally like the idea of allowing it when the underlying armor has at most DR2*.
-1 DX is huge though, normally a perk should be worth one skill-level in a very limited scenario (such as Equipment Bond/Weapon Bond for example), letting it affect an entire attribute is a bit too much IMO.
If I choose to use tactical combat, but ignore facing and its effects on movement cost, does that neuter the entire idea of tactical combat?
Or is it a decent enough way to make tactical combat a bit easier on D&D-oriented players?
What if you further limit it to Torso Only? As in no extra armor on shoulder/thighs?
That does sound reasonable. Yeah, I'd probably allow that up to DR2 for the underlying armor. Depending on setting and how good armor is, possibly 1 perk level per DR you want to ignore the penalty of, up to 2 points to ignore the penalty from 2 DR.
user who was trying to make Bind Weapon + Kick combo somehow work yesterday here.
Is there any technique that allows me to buy off the -2 penalty when trying to grapple with legs?
You can create a technique for it yourself, it's a perfectly straightforward and legal technique.
Ooh that does seem nice. How to add it though? Ranged, Add 1/2D and Max, -50%?
Grappling is already complicated enough that I didn't want to add in custom techniques into the mix but maybe I'll have to resort to that...
I'll try to see if I can find another good way of subduing someone without seriously hurting (ie bleeding) other than grapple, first.
Great! Now what about Enhanced Block 1 (Accessibility, Requires weapon, -20%; Limited, Attacks that can be parried, -20%) [3] and/or Enhanced Parry 1 (All; Accessibility, Requires shield, -20%; Limited, Attacks that can be blocked, -20%) [6]?
It's also from DF supplement but I've seem some HEMA dueling videos where the sword-and-buckler user kind of combined both to better block an attack.
Hm. Is this meant to only apply to your front, where you could choose to either block or parry? It's not meant to work against attacks coming from your sides, since you can't block an attack on your right hand side and can't parry with your shield arm, right?
Otherwise I don't think the -20% for attacks that can be parried/blocked only is a justifiable value for the limitation. It's basically only supernatural dragon-breath-attacks and high-tech flamethrowers that are blockable but not parryable. Thrown weapons and even arrows can be parried, albeit at obscene penalties, and guns can be neither blocked nor parried, so it comes up very, very rarely and is probably worth less than -20%, like -10% or even -5%.
Besides, does an attack that is parryable but not blockable even exist in the first place? I can't think of one or what one would even behave like.
That said:
If it only applies against attacks from your front, where you have both a shield and ready weapon, I'd allow it.
If it's against attacks coming in from one side, I'd probably begrudgingly still accept it, at least one or two levels. Neither Enhanced Parry nor Enhanced Block are *that* amazing point-wise. We're essentially talking one or two points potential discount here for applying a limitation that should never come up, at the end of the day it isn't a big deal.
80 points on guns.
I didn't go into the details on how it works exactly in gurps mechanics but in the video I saw the user indeed used it to block a frontal attack (though that might just be because it's a duel). If I recall correcly, he had his buckler pushed in front of him and the sword into a horizontal block linked to the buckler or something.
I think it was this video below but I can't seem to find the move...
You could use a proper brute. Maybe a man with a musket and plenty of ranks in Two Handed Axe/Mace to use it as a close combat weapon after firing, and plenty of ST.
Maybe a sailor with pistols and a cutlass, climbing skills, ect.
If you use Control: Weather to reduce visibility, does it affect you too? What modifier or advantage would I need to prevent that?
If I have someone's weapon binded through Bind Weapon, do I need to roll to hit for Disarm?
Acute Vision or Nightvision?
I'd say it does. As for workarounds, maybe rip Defensive from Obscure? A weather mage may also sport an advantage that lets them target without vision; see Enhanced Senses for more detail on how this would work.
A mage calling down a thunderstorm then locating enemies by sensing what the raindrops are hitting and where would be baller.
Does anyone have a copy of GURPS 1e / 2e? I know about 0e (Man to man), but I like looking at old RPG books, and can't find copies legally or illegally anywhere
Ally already has range (within sight), so I just treat 10/100 as the default. Then you just add on increased/decreased range as a limitation/enhancement. No ideas at the moment on implementing it on AF(P), though.
>Old as fuck muzzleloading smoothbores
Maybe the Charleville Mle 1777? Ignoring specifics, it looks like all muskets hovered around 4d pi++, 100/1,100 range, and ST 10†, so you probably won't be too off regardless of which entry you settle on.
I've never seen a copy in real life or online. The oldest I've ever seen is the first printing of 3e with the bubbles on the cover.
How armor works has always been a little iffy to me.
There's zero penalty for layering up to 50% coverage, then the full penalty instantly kicks in no matter what the layers are. A DR 1 gamberson layered over light mail is much more cumbersome, apparently, then heavy capatharaht scale armor that unmounted people could barely move in. layered over heavy mail half shirt., despite the latter being an insane and utterly ahistorical armor.
Armored surcoats and vest over mail were European standard for 300 years or so. I would say a perk exception from the stacking rules would be fine.
> that pic
"Hol'up, lemme think about it"
How would I plan out a regular GURPS adventure?
The same way you would plan out any adventure for any other RPG. Decide what you want the adventure to be then plan it.
I like to start with a fun story idea and build from there. For example "heroes team up to stop evil machine crawling at one mile an hour to a helpless village".
With that outline, I break it down. Why are the PC's involved? I want them as the heroes in this story, maybe I can start with them being begged to intervene by a young man from the village that has gone out to try and find help. When they arrive, it's twenty five miles away from the village.
Next, come up with scene ideas for how they might stop it. Maybe a place they could cause a landslide and rocks to come down on top of it as it passes, or they could try to board it.
Have evil infantry/scouts guarding the rock-slide part if they go there, needing to be defeated, and more people garrisoning the machine if they try to board it directly.
When in doubt, think of 3 fights on their way to the goal, one simple, one complicated and one big finish.
Be ready for players to do unexpected stuff, like evacuate the village or try and create a huge pit trap for the crawler. Be ready to improvise, and if they fail remember that trying is still good. Maybe the crawler wrecks this village, but they have more reason to fight in the future and a new hate for whoever runs the thing.
Always interested where you guys get all those points for that or you plaing over 9000 point peasant-gods?
I can't get the mega to load. It is stuck in a loop saying it is decrypting the files, then loading. Am I doing it wrong or is it down?
Pyramid 108 when reeee
Disable your browser extensions. This is a common problem, especially on Firefox.
Did you even look or is this just the most pathetic, unimaginative, and whiny bump you could thing of?
*think of