Discussion topics:
Complaining about Cooking
Group thought on how Dragon King is best and Lion God is worst
Making fun of new fans
Why elves are shit
Previous thread:
Discussion topics:
Complaining about Cooking
Group thought on how Dragon King is best and Lion God is worst
Making fun of new fans
Why elves are shit
Previous thread:
>Making fun of new fans
What have new fans done that's so shit, anyway?
Ask dumb questions, get frustrated over miniature assembly, fail on rules. Standard stuff
So I guess basic newbie stuff. I don't entirely blame them, some KD:M minis are fiddly as all fuck, but there's a fine line between that and being a fagmo about it.
I haven't gotten to the cooking innovation yet, without spoiling what it does, why is it shit?
There are no humans in Kingdom Death. Survivors are not human, they are Monsters like everything else.
There's Dark Elf, Anonymous Survivor, and while less canon, the elf from the Pathfinder promo. There are also characters with jewelry designed to make it look like they have pointed ears.
>I already fear it will be a dumpster fire of Veeky Forums in references.
Nothing's been solidified, just a number of different ideas thrown about. The references have been assured to be subtle.
The innovation isn't shit anymore, but actually cooking is shit because it all used phoenix drops and acanthus.
Cooking got buffed on a passive level for 1.5, but all actually cooking food does is grant you very expensive access to single-survivor stat buffs.
A bunch of people who didn't know what they were getting themselves into, and wandered into what they thought was a fad, now screwed by their casualness.
Cooking getting buff and change in advanced Kingdom death from the Gamblers chest, hope.
SO kingdom death has some fantastic art, so why the fuck did you use pathfinder art?
That is KDM art
Then the few will survive to become new great fans. Quite fitting given the survival of the fittest game that KDM seems to be.
Reminder that Kingdom Death could likely be produced for vastly lower cost than its already overinflated price tag, and that poots has basically turned identity branding and kickstarter into a yearly, gamified rip-off market that people are desperate to sign up for.
That said, enjoy your games.
That is a pathfinder character, in Kingdom death, as Kingdom death art.
Why don't you do it then? You seem to know a lot.
Why is Merisiel in KDM?
KD:M isn't pushing a lot of product and molds for HIPS are about ten thousand dollars.
Because they're doing a PF/KDM crossover.
Crossover with Pathfinder during the last kickstarter.
Probably just to produce some cool minis.
Definitely a bid at Paizo to keep PF relevant.
Brand deal.
and to get killed in humorous ways.
>le gatekeeping is bad meme
Remember anons, this thread use to be good before preorders came up for sale.
Thanks, that's pretty interesting. Im game for more interesting minis.
Any point to the promos? Seem expensive unless you really really want the minis
extra rules and scenarios and gear and such only available with said promo minis.
And the promos will most likely not be reprinted.
How do I look for overall content here? Flower Knight and Slenderman weren’t my first choices, but I put them in to improve my coverage for timeline variety.
I’m frantically wondering if it’s safe to drop First Hero until this time next year. There’s several reasons I want to end up with that expansion, but $35 is a week of groceries right now and I already flattened my wallet buying gifts for others this week.
What about the expansions? If I miss a wave 2 expansion, will I just have to pay out the ass for shipping from Aussie land like how Americans have to if they want to get Spidicules and Lion God without Backerkit?
I'd drop first hero expansion personally. Pick up another expansion in its place or groceries, food is always important.
You were the bloke from a few threads ago who was broke from gifts weren't you?
why are people so angry at new friends? alot of us were new friends during the 2nd ks, i always enjoyed the nice nature of it all. now it just seems like you all want kd to become 40k or some shit.
>Im game for more interesting minis.
A lot of KS campaigns like to do shout-outs to help other projects, and sometimes they even do cross-promotional items as extra backer rewards.
The KD 1.5 campaign had cross-promotions with PF (mini campaign where you can play as the 4 mascot characters and improve their class abilities), Hyper Light Drifter, Soda Pop Games (Candy & Cola, version 2), and Zombicide.
They are 90% collector's items, but a lot of them also include a few gear cars, settlement events, or other small non-essential game add ons (in fact, many of these are unbalanced, and are meant for fun, at your discretion).
Drop First Hero, man. You might get a chance in a year to re-add it, and if not, it will retail for $75. Certainly not a deal breaker or wallet killer like some of the other expansions.
As for Green Knight armor and death armor, maybe you could compromise on those, instead? Death armor doesn't seem too expensive down the line, and Green armor needs at least DBK, Flower Knight, Manhunter, Spidicules, Gorm, and Lion Knight to make a full set. If you don't have them all, then you can probably drop it and pick it up later.
Newbie here,
Haven't gotten my copy yet or done nearly enough research, bought the game for the minis essentially. This game is cooperative right? You all take control of a settlement and what? Take turns on controlling survivors in fights?
Human looking monsters wake up to a big ass lion getting ready to eat them, try to kick its ass with some stones they pick up off the ground, survivors wander off to go form their own settlement and build it in between frantically fighting phallic monsters and carving them up ala monster hunter for new clothes and weapons.
There's four survivors under direct control at a time and you split them up among players, plus you hand around responsibility for executing the monster's moves and rolls. Settlement stuff happens between fights and you all choose together what actions to take towards developing the settlement.
You each control a survivor (or several if you are short on people) and you hunt monsters for their hides and resources and meat.
Kill monster, eat monster, wear monster, repeat.
then you die and pick another survivor to play as.
I've been in these threads long enough to know the pitch
So, is there anything built in to prevent one person being flat out better at the game and telling everyone else what choices to make? Because if there is't then I need to choose my group carefully.
There is an element of that.
But there is also a lot of chance, so what that person can do is mostly try to influence odds, but strange weird things are going to happen either way.
Also the game is best played when you don't know all too much about what will happen or look ahead, so the group not knowing what is going on is a good set up.
The only things that can really prevent that is telling them not to cow everyone else in the group, and random chance shitting on their best laid plans. You can have great strategies and gear, but that means little if you can't roll dice for shit.
I suppose between First Hero and the Armors, Hero has the gameplay content and anime references I want most while the armor sets are in here for the fantastic looking survivor minis and that cinematic as fuck Green Helm ability.
I was thinking it might be possible to homebrew out the need for Gorm and Manhunter parts, but if that can’t be balanced properly then I suppose the late-game shortcut weeb fight is more valuable.
But user, I'm the dick that normally finds the best plan
Has anyone here ever beat the legendary phoenix? Its massive toughness and the fact that you can't really crit it invalidates most regular builds. I've googled around, and never even found anyone pretending they beat it, which is rare for a challenging game.
Pretty much.
though wave 2 will probably be reprinted at some point.
I am not angry at new friends.
Dung beetle and lion knight is some nice variety already, but it looks solid.
Anything wave 4 is pretty much safe to wait on.
Phoo, pretty happy with things so far.
And with that, heading off to not think about Kingdom death for about a few months.
>Hey I have not done research what's up with this game is it co-op lol
>I've been in these threads long enough to know the pitch
Nice job.
Well there's alternate rules to make one player a permanent monster controller I think, you could take on that role and let your lower strategy friends fend for themselves.
For someone who got the whole wave 2 bundle, which one of these dudes am I selling? I figure Tree and Lion God are both goin' to the market given what I have read about them.
Manhunter and Slenderman are the only things im at odds for picking from that wave, are they worth it? Lion knight I've heard mixed things. Have everything else basically, besides tree and sunstalker
Lion God becomes much better with Silver City.
Yeah I don't get the hate either. Unless its something really really really dumb I like seeing new players.
Slenderman and manhunter are far superior nemesis to the core game nemesis.
Slenderman I own, but have not played with yet, so I can't talk about it alot, but his stuff looks cool.
Manhunter I have played with, and he has both an interesting fight, and some cool gear and invocations that does not dominate the campaign, but just adds to it.
Well I've been putting it off but I started on the phoenix. It looks like cheetos at the moment.
You're making me hungry
>I was thinking it might be possible to homebrew out the need for Gorm and Manhunter parts
It would be tough to gauge the balance properly. To craft most parts, you need mixes of innovation paths, certain enemies on the quarry list, difficult-to-obtain (S)FAs, and other conditions, on top of fairly uncommon items and gear.
For Manhunter, you'd need to kill him at levels 2 and 3; Gorm requires a normal monster resource, a level 3 Gorm reward, and an item you get for rolling a 10 in a pre-fight event with a level 3 Gorm. You also technically need all four of the gormchymistry innovations to craft all the gear pieces. If you think you can balance that somehow, then go nuts, I guess.
Also, you can make the helmet without anything other than DBK, if that's of interest.
>literally though that was KFC covered in Doritos dust
>game is co-op
>could be D&D style "here's your character"
>could be Pandemic style "here's your hand of things you can do"
>could be XCOM style "here's your sub-game"
>could be committee style
Why do you have to be rude about it?
Jesus, that helmet is a fucking monster.
How's this for a final purchase? Think I got everything mostly worthwhile. Lion god I'm only interested in if silver city turns out to be worth it
We don't fucking know about wave 4 shit so who knows. You did good otherwise except i'd probably get Manhunter
>They didn't go all in.
>Only buying the dragon king expansion
am I gonna make it lads? Did I fuck up?
Looks pretty good. I don't know your taste or whatever, but if you're looking for the expansions that add the most bang for your buck, I would recommend Sunstalker.
It might change as things develop, but it sounded like the Red Witches might require the gryphon in order to use the armor they give you.
The dragon king is a massive expansion, so if you had to only pick one, you're getting alot.
If you only have about ~$75 to work with your options are basically either DK or DBK+Gorm. I opted for the latter, but only after deep contemplation, and I respect your decision.
I do indeed have only around that much to play with. It was a hard decision but I just fucking hate the gorm model. I'd rather wait for pepedog.
I've already gotten core and played it quite a bit, my reasoning was basically "I want to fight fewer lions."
I read that but I don't want to spend 75 bucks on an expansion that doesn't grab me right away for one item that barely connects it. Can't I just pretend a different monster drops it, and might at that, like damnnnnnnnnnnnnn
added em, fuck it
Can't fault you for that. I'm just looking for the most bang for my bucks and I think DK has it is all.
DK seems like the closest we'll ever get to a Dorf Fort board game.
I hope the new crop of weapon masteries are good. Scythe and katana were both kind of shit.
I forget, do you still leave the settlement when you master katana, like the twilight sword?
Is it possible to just add 15$ with the re opened pledge manager for like say a pin up? looking but I can't seem to find it
Yep. You leave, and have someone else set their weapon focus to kanata with 1 level of proficiency.
The specialization is also pretty lame if blind and at 4+ weapon proficiency, you don't draw a HL for your first perfect hit for that attack, and instead cause 1 wound.
No, pledge pinups are being sold in batches for $100
>almost everything could be produced for less
>almost everything is a rip off
all these darn sheeple and their consumerism ruining the world
>were new friends during the 2nd
You still are, m8T
>Added Abyssal Woods and Silver City
>don't have Manhunter or Sunstalker
>now wondering if it would be better to drop Silver City for Sunstalker and save $40 on it vs getting it once reprints are up for sale in the shop
best doggo best girl
I'm staking a bet that wave 4 stuff will be available next black friday and buying none of it this year.
>them pronounced canines
just like in my lewd Chinese cartoons
Did they release a male savior model as well? Are they supposed to be a different survivor creature? This model looks very different in proportions to female survivors
I'm not the one who asked for a description of the game and then scoffed when people provided a description. If you have been here enough to "know the run down" then how do you not know what the game is about?
Damn, thanks anyways
How do you not understand that I'm asking about the mechanics of the rules and not what it's trying to emulate?
Some of it is just people being dicks, but I would venture a lot of it is just people asking questions that are super easy for them to find the answers to themselves, which just inflates post count and annoys folk when they have to answer it again .. and again .. and again.
I wish they'd release the saviors in hard plastic so I could use them as saviors for the game
You decide how to distribute resources and characters as a group. No one can really just impose their will on the rest of the party unless the rest of the party lets them, and even then that only applies to the settlement phase and making gear. You're absolutely in control of any character you're given control of.
Should we make a pastebin? I think it would be helpful especially for the people who keep asking about magnetizing and what the deal with pinups are etc
We used to have a big thread opener with a short FAQ and links back in the day, but we stopped usin' em for whatever reason.
It might have gotten lost when the hype died down after the KS, and threads stopped being posted as often.
>not putting /kdm/ in the OP
One job faggot
Lion, Flower and DBK team up to take on GSK in a tables and chairs match. Who wins?
Man,I've been reading so much about this game,I sure wish I had someone to play it with
>Lion, Flower and DBK team up to take on GSK
Interference from Ivory Dragon extends the timeline until Survivor Series.
You could play it with yourself. No crybaby shitters bringing down the team, and no one bending your cards or roughing up your book because they can't be assed to care about something they didn't spend money on.
My decision not to read the results on the random tables before choosing a survivor and rolling is really messing with my heart rate.
I love the look of Green Knight Armor but I can't bring myself to drop $50 on the Gorm's derpy model
Send help
No one likes the tarded rhino baby, user. Just suck it up.
nobody buys Gorm for the model, deal with it
The Gorm's model is the low point of an otherwise really good expansion, user. Best you can do is buy it and give it a really nice paint job to lessen the wonky look.
Not everything needs to look super badass. The model is meant to make people uncomfortable.