Pathfinder General /pfg/
How can /pfg/ GMs avoid getting shouted down for crap campaigns and avoid bamboozling/cancelling the game?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
How can /pfg/ GMs avoid getting shouted down for crap campaigns and avoid bamboozling/cancelling the game?
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The "shouted down" campaigns have all run anyway, haven't they?
> avoid getting shouted down for crap campaigns
Make a campaign pitch that's not crap.
>avoid bamboozling/cancelling the game
Don't bamboozle or cancel the game.
They're never gone, user. Just sleeping, waiting for their time to awaken once more and haunt this land with their evil.
>How can /pfg/ GMs avoid getting shouted down for crap campaigns and avoid bamboozling/cancelling the game?
Pick out the one or two real players out of the swarm of anime erp faggots.
That's "just bee yourself" tier advice, you nog.
>DM who actually gets scared off by pfg and doesn't run
It's simple; if someone doesn't like your game they won't app. If they app, they like your game. A campaign is for you and your players, it does not matter what other people think of it.
Somebody is going to have a problem with almost any campaign. Bambitching out is on the GM. The thread not talking about a game isn't the same as shouting down. Just post your listing and shut up. If people want to talk about it, they'll talk about it.
I think the frustration is what kind of people do like your game, and how some GMs aren't satisfied with what they're getting in apps. Why run a game if you get the feeling it's only shitter randos or people that misread the tone of your game that actually apply?
Can I use Hypercognition spell
With Linguistics (in place of Diplomacy) from Orator?
Since Diplomacy require at least a minute and the spell doesn't have a duration... will it always be +10?
>a Linguistics check to detect a forgery or decipher a hidden message
Only solution to that is to play to the thread. Ask folks what they want in a campaign and design accordingly. If you just make what you want, you risk a lack of interest from the people you want to apply.
Salty B-listers was Vult's meme, not Blingmaker's.
Currently recruiting games.
That's when you clarify the tone. All you have to do is be reasonably clear about what it is you expect.
I suggest that salty B-listers has simply become /pfg/'s meme now. It's a buzzword used to discredit people posting in a thread, implying an accusation that you often can't even know is true.
Good idea.
What do you want in a /pfg/ campaign?
>Time slot
>Other stuff
Fellas, level with me
Is it gay to app to a game?
I mean, you basically tryin to impress another dude
Here's your (you), faggot.
A good chunk of society is straight dudes trying to impress other straight dudes. No big deal.
>Lawful Evil OP
this thread is off to a great start
>only 35% want to be in a supernatural detective agency.
Well, ain't that some shit.
I do, but in a system other than Pathfinder.
Is there any way for a vigilante to get access to advanced rogue talents?
What system then?
>"urban fantasy"-themed game set in Egorian, Cheliax
>a highly magical bastardization of Egorian where magic is ubiquitous, conjured planar servitors and necromantic creations are a dime a dozen, and there are many Sigil-style planar portals
>a chuunibyou-fied version (non-negotiable) of Egorian where even the average person is a Ranko-tier chuuni or a Koume-tier goth, with an interest in devils and diabolism, even though they may be a legitimately good person
>gothic lolita dresses everywhere
>while technology is not modern, there are plenty of modern-day-isms, like department stores, idol concerts, and illusory advertisements
>the PCs are a motley group of slaves, commoners, nobles, and Hellknights who are part of a government agency, which has connections with some Hellknight orders and the Sleepless Detectives
>the PCs are charged with investigating and neutralizing heavily occult disturbances in such a magical city
>restless ghosts, unbound outsiders coming in from portals, urban fey causing mischief and mayhem, predators in dream/mindscapes, manifestations of people's negative emotions, aberrations from the Darklands, cults to dark gods other than devils
>think Ghostbusters, the Dresden Files, magical girls, or just about any one of those "spirit hunters" manga and anime
>discretion is important, as the public dislikes having their activities ceased just for an investigation
>many threats are masters of disguise and/or shapeshifters who infiltrate society, including the gilded halls of the noble houses
>heavy emphasis on psychic magic and the psychic bonds binding together communities
>plenty of peering into the Ethereal Plane to view clusters of emotional energies, which, incidentally, give rise to spiritualists' phantoms
>medium (empath) is perfect thematically, even as a rune seer
>episodic game, with combat infrequent but very difficult and high-stakes
How much potential does this have? How can it be polished? Who is interested in it?
How do I make a Bardadin come across as a paradoxical stick in the mud but also slightly less asshole bard?
I'm playing a LN Paladin against Chaos/Bard, and I'm playing it up as a racist, mostly heartless asshole lawbringer, who has zero flexibility when it comes to the law, but is in an interesting position due to their location far from his powerful human-centric kingdom of origin, and he's around a rag tag group of non-humans of varying and mostly chaotic alignments.
Point is, he's an asshole stick in the mud character that is roleplayed as exactly that, a racist, somewhat snobby asshole Dredd, VERY loose morality but strict ethics. He's still a new character though (At level 8 though) so I still have a lot of leeway of shit I can have him do to characterize him further
So basically, how can I characterize him as a LN Bard while not really diminishing the LN Paladin side? Something along the lines of "becomes a proper bard when drunk" sort of thing? Or something else?
Unironically GURPs, for one.
Shadowrun, for another.
Other than those crunchfests, something much more rules light. Something that's actually conducive to detective shenanigans.
It's about a 55% interest for me, if only because I don't like the devil worshipping thing, the lolita dresses, and psychic magic
I think the setting and premise would be much better suited to an artifact hunting adventure across the land.
What if it were devil dresses, lolita magic, and psychic worshiping?
It'd be 30%.
>lolita magic
The dreaded smugomancy? Heavens forbid!
From your give options:
Time Slot > Tone > Plot > Setting > Chargen
Gotta be available to play
The tone is very important, since you can filter people real fast and save them and you time by simply saying stuff like: “a classical dnd dungeon crawl” “anime shenanigans with OP Kitsune DMPCs” “spy stuff”. Think of the Tone as being part of the opening paragraph of a resume
Plot is important, but the tone shapes it more, and I can deal with most settings
I think in order of importance I'd say Time Slot > Decent Chargen >Themes (plot and tone) > Great Chargen > Setting
No 3pp or feat taxes is killer to me. I can make do with just jolly and elephant, though I'd like a little more personally.
I need an op gestalt build 20 point buy lvl8 no 3rd party stuff
I need someone to blow me. I don't see why either should happen.
instructor wizard/slayer
I don’t know if I have the skill to make a Monster to oppose 3pp stuff
Shifter || vow of poverty monk. Drink up your GM's tears as you break the campaign over your knee.
But isn't that exactly the opposite point of being set in a single city?
The idea, of course, is to not bother staying in a single city.
Alternatively, there is only The City and the PCs plumb it's depths for artifacts and treasures, returning to the City to deal with it's unique brand of trouble
What's wrong with psychic magic?
It's mechanically limp wristed and it has a flavor that feels just sort of tacked on in a shitty way. I don't see why it couldn't have been either arcane or divine. Most of the psychic classes are just milquetoast or outright bad, with only occultist standing out, or kineticist with far far too much required 3pp.
>Have campaign prepared for months
>No time to run
Spiritualist is a flavorful, nerfed summoner, and how can you say you dislike the Mesmerist?
Does anyone have some 'must have' illusion feats?
With a quick
>Immunity to mind affecting
that a lot of the game has. And I disagree that spiritualist feels more flavorful than summoner.
Psychic magic is more thematic than psionics.
Psychic magic feels like Victorian occultism with ESP, mediumship, spirit-channeling, hypnotism, etc.
Psionics is just being a fucking X-man mutant.
You can mitigate that with psychic inception, and you do have non-mind affecting spells you can use. Not much, but they're there. Plus you're able to buff your teammates, kinda like a bard.
I wish that the whole "Rune Magic" thing was the default state of psionics. And funnily enough, it feels like akashic magic is the most flavorful out of the box.
What makes akasha more flavorful? Akasha is just playing dress-up with mini-dresspheres.
Its the names of the abilities, I think. They sound more mystical to me and it just feels magic.
Exalted is thattaway. It might be more your speed if you get dazzled by fancy names.
Just app to games with female gms
So recently we’ve heard twice about DHB being strung out as a roleplayer.
First was for his night having he party turn against him because they couldn’t trust him. Second was his orphan girl meeting the salver who bought her father. Both of these had him as an animated roleplayer, but not necessarily in line with the party.
Is it ok for a player to take center stage like that, especially if it means going against the party?
Of his three characters we’ve seen get played through a game, these two and his street doctor, the most powerful common thread is an almost obsessive care for their family. Is that a good character drive?
>"female" GMs
This false concern is a new low, and that's compared even to your previous tactic of trying to lie and say he's a pedophile furry.
female (male)
I actually have nothing against DHB and wanted to talk about the campaigns he is in. The only way to get people to talk about campaigns anymore is to talk about celebs who are in them.
I shouldn't be surprised at the amount of trannies on Veeky Forums given that most of us are here to pretend to be something we aren't.
I assume they're all trannies
except for the one /pfg/ female that is obvious female, because a male could never be so histrionic and cunty, even after pumping his body full of damaging exogenous hormones
I only know of one cunty /pfg/ female.
we are likely referring to the same individual
Who? One of the girls in PLD?
>""""""girls"""""" in PLD
I don't know how many of them dropped out, but weren't there three to begin with?
Yeah, but I think Vult's the only one left.
I feel bad for laughing at this so hard
Can someone talk me through how the hell Rajah works? I've never been good with PoW and this is just a whole other level.
It's PoW, just ask your DM to automatically kill anything you begin your turn adjacent to
Get into the /pfg/ Discord and contact the people there. They'll help you out.
Can't they help me he-Well I guess not.
I mean that’s no different than a martial full attacking something.
Firstly, fuck off for artificially trying to start "drama" with your baiting questions.
Secondly, DUH it's okay and fine. What, you think any group of very different people is going to have near-identical goals, opinions, beliefs, and circumstances-of-change?
No, there's going to be conflict that goes directly against the rest of the party, there's going to be times where you're in the limelight.
The thing is? SO WILL EVERYONE ELSE. Good games make it so that everyone is the hero, everyone is the temporary-antagonist/opposing belief, everyone will enjoy the ride.
I took TWF, Improved Shield Bash and Shield Slam because I'm a Sword and Board fighter and I want the most bang for my buck, but is it worth it? The free bull-rush sounds fun, but I don't know if I'm missing 3 good feats for some niche attack.
1. You can use your maneuvers (basically little mini-spells that are direct-damage, buffs, or debuffs) through your allies instead of using it yourself; this gives you greater battlefield-control as and lets you keep safely-distant, which is good because your BAB and HP aren't great.
2. You can give the party floating little buffs that give them new abilities, like "throw evil feathers at people to slow them down" or "teleport instead of walking" or "get stronger if you hit people with only unarmed/natural weapons". With a feat you can put them on yourself too. These are called "Title Veils", and are Akashic.
3. You get a couple of additional little advantages, such as having a magical item shop to always sell things to, or a retinue of Unseen Servants to carry you around on a couch.
These are both amazing, but I'm more partial to the detective thing.
I'm glad you like them both. That gives me a bit more confidence to actually run one of them.
I'd love to hear more.
Do you plan to do an app circus if you plan to run?
So what's the deal with "Binding" then? I don't think I get what that is. And do the title effects have to be recast each day or after the entitled leaves close range?
I hope he doesn't.
>I mean
what is with the prevalence of this soyboy-tier verbiage?
source on that artist?
No idea if I would end up running an app circus, or run these for /pfg/ at all yet.
The artifact hunting was going to be looking into ruins or sites of previous big wars or sprawling civilization for interesting bits of magical items or artifacts. You would report your findings back to the old wizard in town who sent you on your journey because he was too old to go himself. Not entirely unlike a certain professor with a tree last name. As the party continues on their journey to archaic sites, they'd find some old threats stirring from their long slumber, and factions that wish to wake them.
The detective one was going to have the players be in a detective agency that takes on cases of a more magical nature. Things that the police might not be able to handle or sometimes, might not want to, if they even know about it in the first place. Maybe there's rumors of a Chimera in the sewers and just a few too many missing kids. I'd expect there would be undercover operations, gathering evidence, taking out threats that don't want to go quietly, and getting paid. This idea feels a little less fleshed out, and I definitely want to research mysteries, noir films, and detective shows more before I end up doing anything with it.
Read the file name
What happens if you cast Shunning of the Material on a dress or a robe you are wearing, or failing that, a full-body suit or full plate armor?
Have you become ethereal for 1 minute per level for the low, low price of 1 power point?
For the first one, I’d be tempted to play as something stereotypical and let it go out from there.
>One of numerous children from a low level Noble family, given a weapon and vague instructions. That was a decade ago...
>a Sorceress, branded and abandoned, taking whatever job she can do she can go back and take her blanket. The petty idea the only thing keeping her going in all her dark times.
As for the second one, I’d actually argue you should read comics instead. P.F. characters are crazy powerful and capable, even at low levels. Most enemies against them have to be Spider-Man tier, they’d mulch most Batman threats.
Thinking about doing a Hornbow-wielding Sohei, is it worth taking Erastil's Blessing even though I'm gonna want high STR for the Hornbow anyhow? Also, is there much point in going pure Monk? I mean past 6th level the only reason I can think of staying is another flurry attack at 11 (as Unchained). Should I maybe go Warpriest or something at a certain point?
Nevermind that first question, I'm an idiot who thought composite bows gave STR-to-hit for a moment.
I like the first one, it sounds like a fun traditional adventure.
My main point of contention at the moment is not the base rajah, but the batal. It is absolutely overloaded for an effectively full-BAB full initiator, and while a destruction zealot can overtake a batal at 8th level and above, I would always take a batal over a zealot from 1st to 7th level.
It does not help that the batal is a dipper's dream for one or two levels either.
The main issue for both single-classed batals and one- or two-level batal dips is the batal crossroads class feature. Considering how a batal circumvents the main weaknesses of a rajah (light armor, d6 HD, reliance on ally positioning), batal crossroads gives too much, and too early.
The sword of the sky sovereign starts off middling, but then evolves into fighter weapon training, which can be capitalized on with Gloves of Dueling and advanced weapon training. (This is also the batal crossroads to dip for a Dexterity initiator.)
The sword of the sun king is a terrifying fountain of automatic damage that forces enemies to constantly five-foot-step away, thereby curtailing enemies' movement options.
The sword of the moon queen is a significant mobility boost on top of a durability boost. (This is the batal crossroads to dip for a Strength initiator.)
Fixing the batal crossroads to be less spectacular and less dip-worthy would go a long way towards balancing the batal.
Question for you, 2hu. Does Royal Mandate on the base Rajah seem overloaded to you? The idea of a single standard action that gives an (buffed) ally an attack, recovers maneuvers, rearranges essence (which might be able to be shifted to the attacking ally) seems strong already. But to allow the swapping out of maneuvers readied with other known ones seems really strong to add on top, as well as still having your swift and move to do with as you please. Maybe I'm overvaluing things, but that just seems a bit too loaded.