>perfectly fine TCG
>blizz cuts it loose
Perfectly fine TCG
So they could turn it into a really dumb game called “hearthstone”
>tfw I actually had a local playgroup
The RNG told them to
To make some money.
they cant be making that much more money compared to this
this was the shit
fuck fartstone
Hearhstone makes profits of 1M+ USD per day.
You don't grasp blizzard.
Blizzard is very good at doing 2 things.
1. Making stupid money
2. Making addicting games for casuals
hearthstone is bigger than M:tG
this wasn't
>>perfectly fine TCG
It really wasn't.
1.) directly competed with MtG
2.) was too skillfull for the average retard to invest himself into it
3.) wasn't nearly as random so no wack/zany situations people can ooh and aah at
4.) completely outside of Blizzard's main market which was all online
It's genuinely better than Hearthstone, but execs and investors don't give a fuck if a product is good, only that it sells.
Why wasn't Hearthstone just Warcraft TCG: Online?
Because that wouldn’t have made them the stupid large piles of money that Casualstone rakes in.
Me and my friends have recently started doing raids with our old decks. It breaks my heart to see how good it still is, after 4 years of its death
>they cant be making that much more money compared to this
They are, you are just wishful thinking.
This was literally the best card game Ive ever played and it pains me to see Hearthstone be successful
Game had a big hype and then died a slow painful death. After UDE stopped taking care of the competitive sector, nobody took over and everyone stopped caring. It was a mercy kill.
t. Top 100 WoWTCG-player
eye of the storm
black ice
What's the difference between the WoW: TCG and Hearthstone?
I've never played the former, nor do I know anyone else who has played the TCG either.
WoW:TCG is very similar to MTG in almost all respects. Enough so that I've taken my raid decks and shit to FNM, explain the minor differences, and had people very successfully pilot some of my decks against the raids who have never played the WoWTCG before. The biggest difference is when attacking, you have more leeway when targeting, and are a lot more limited with blocks (only dudes with protector can block), and the 'mana' system, where you can put down quest cards as a resource, or if you don't have any quest cards, any card face down. It cuts out the possibility of getting mana screwed as you can in MTG. Quest cards themselves tap as resources, and can also have things you can do to complete them to get a reward, IE: if you attacked with 3 dudes this turn, pay 1, flip the quest, and draw a card
Hearthstone cuts out all the depth, giving you a guaranteed 'mana' every turn, removing things like instant spells and interrupts and such, and adding in a shit-ton of lolsorandumb bullshit.
>no RNG
>different taunt mechanics
>hero equipments
It was a completely different game
>tfw I still have my decks
Fucking hell man. I miss this game.
you can still play it on OCTGN(if links for card databases are still working) or simply download them through Steam Workshop for Tabletop Simulator.
problem is finding people who play this.
we played a few games with my friends but we had to host and teach other players.
Yeah, finding people sucks. I haven't tried OCTGN, I'll look into that.
link to that card database, any chance?
I just installed OCTGN. It doesn't seem to have the WoWCCG working now. I do know that Lackey has a WoWCCG database that is working right now.
This game was fucking perfect in every fucking way.
holy heck
I played hearthstone for a little over a year, never spent anything on it
it's pretty pathetic compared to games like yugioh or magic though
The lackey appears to have all the card images, but seems to lack any preset stuff, but I might just need to mess around with it some more.
Fuck, thanks for reminding me. I still have a Molten Core box I never got to actually play with collecting dust.
I made a thread about this the other day.
Greatest TCG that ever was. Cant wait to play it with my friends again over christmas.
should i buy a class starter pack or two off ebay to play with friends, or just stick lackey?
i like the physical aspect of being able to hold the cards, but i also want to build custom decks in case we keep playing. not worth the $?
>had a week long school trip in highschool
>three of us that played wow tcg got in the same room
>we used to stay up until 3am making decks doing raids and having fun every night
>wake up call was 6am and we stumbled through every day until the class got to the next hotel
fucking hearthstone
You have no idea how vastly simpler it is to have a digital product versus a physical one
afaik, they replaced most of the creative minds.
the latter expansions are mostly shit with loot cards. yayyyyy loot cardssssssss.
Trading card games are a racket, and always have been.
>inflate the value of certain cards by making them more powerful rule-wise and simply not printing as many of those
>booster packs contain randoms i.e. gambling
>power creep every few years to keep people buying
People are just starting to wise up to it now for some reason, and Blizzard's seeing the writing on the wall.
Probably because it didn't make enough money to justify keeping it around.
When you get down to it, the WoW TGC is just one of the many, many TCGs made based on a popular IP in order to cash in on the popularity of MtG, Pokemon TCG and Yugioh. Most of them were pretty bad and quickly forgotten. Unlike most, WoW TCG actually had good rules, but it was still very much a niche product, with the primary audience being people who liked WoW, liked TCGs, and weren't already invested in MtG. I doubt many people got into the game who weren't already WoW fans, and a lot of people dismissed it as yet another shitty cashgrab TCG (I know I did when it first came out). In the end, the profit from the game simply didn't justify the costs.
Compare the Hearthstone, which Blizzard can develop in-house (since it's a videogame and makign videogames is what they do), don't have to spend money on making actual physical cards and packages, and actually has less competition (there's less TCG-style computer games than actual TCGs, and the market didn't have a massive long-running game like MtG dominating it).
>they cant be making that much more money compared to this
They probably make more money off Hearthstone every day than MtG makes in a month.
>People are just starting to wise up to it now for some reason, and Blizzard's seeing the writing on the wall.
>he says while Blizzard rakes in dollars hand over fist by doing exactly the same shit with Hearthstone
the mounts of this TCG are ridicously expensive and rare
Anyone else get Lackey setup? Perhaps we set up a discord group or something for organizing play?
Fuck the mounts, the game itself was the great part.
Anyone else get Lackey setup? Perhaps we set up a discord group or something for organizing play?
>tfw you talk your gaming group into buying class starter decks
>tfw you buy all the dungeon decks, and run them through them with increasing difficulty, rewarding them with new cards from your substansive collection
>tfw their decks "graduate" to raid level
>tfw you run your first Molten Core raid deck
>tfw they finally beat it
>tfw they continue to tune their decks, and take on Magtheridon's Lair and eventually Black Temple
Man, those were good times. They never did beat Black Temple, though.
Back Temple was kinda rough in my experience. It was long and some of the scaling stuff in it was fuckin brutal. I think my playgroup got through BT once, maybe twice.
how do raids even work?
i used to play only normal VS mode.
do you use the same hero decks?
Raids are 1 vs many, with the 1 playing a raid deck that has some special rules, and is designed to be strong against usually 3 other decks.
A deck you use for regular ol' 1v1 is probably fine for raiding, but in my play group, we all made purpose built raiding decks to more readily handle raids. Usually greater than 60 cards, lots of stuff to possibly last for a long time and deal with multiple board wipes, and for all the decks up to Naxxrammas, we built big angry slow decks that were just pure unadulterated rape once they got going.
The raid decks they published were Molten Core, Onyxia's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Black Temple, Naxxrammas, Icecrown Citadel, Dragon's Soul, and Caverns of Time, plus they did 3 dungeon decks fairly late in, Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep, and Scarlet Monastary. Shit, I still have 2 sealed of each of the dungeon decks that I got for a pittance right as the game was going under.
Sounds like Archenemy in MTG. Neat.
I'm 99% sure archenemy was MTG basically copying the WoW raids. Which is fair play, considering the entirety of the WoWTCG is very much a copy of MTG.
At latter stages of the game, almost no one played it. Stores here kept stocking it because of these MMO nerds coming in, opening several boxes for the loot card and left everything on the table.
Yeah, it did drop in popularity. My group kinda fell out of it because one guy went and became a mega tryhard and started dropping a bunch of money on singles. Made playing 1v1 and 2v2 miserable, and doing the raids laughable. So everyone went meh and stopped buying right before the WotLK block
Oh, we also didn't have an LGS at the time. All cards bought via wally world or gamestop, or trying to figure out the shitty online market of the time.
My group started to kinda get back into it like a month or two before they killed it off, much to our communal sadness. I did still end up getting a hold of every one of the raidd decks and shit.
Blizzard asked Cryptozoic to not go forward with their Online TCG "Hex" and when Cryptozoic said they were still going to do it, Blizzard decided to not renew the licenses.
Such a shame.
Hearthstone is a shitty replacement for a game that I personally thing fixed all of the worst shit in MTG.
Funcard Bump.
I really want to play some more, but I dont want to go buy tabletop simulator and play with >leddit
>Leeroy is one of the first WoW players to become more than a nobody
>Ironically, his cemented place in lore means that he ranks lower than the generic PC story character who can have him as a follower
>game didn't sell for shit
Honest truth.
The Heartstone system most certainly does not have the tactical depth WoWTCG had but frankly speaking it doesn't seem like anyone cares.
In addition it's also true that WoWTCG was MtG with a few tack on "improved extras" though 90% of the MtG concept was directly copied.
just buy tabletop sim you poorfag
it’s like 50% off
Fuck you, I'm in the middle of closing on a house.
That $10 is better spent on booze to help keep the stress down.
>instant spells and interrupts
Literally traps
Fuck, i meant secrets
That's some shit from newer hearthstone sets?
It's not gonna be the same. They have to be automated. In MTG and the WoW TCG, you can use interrupts to target specific things. Like you said, they are closer to traps. From YuGiOh.
They can fulfill some of the things instants can cover, but not all of them, and it takes out a lot of the depth. Plus the whole thing is also full of lolsorandumb swingy bullshit.
They cut out the middleman with Hearthstone and now get to keep ALL the money.
AND it's easier to impulse-gamble on packs if you're sitting at home/on a phone.