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If I were wanting to run a game with this kind of Mech/Exosuit.. I guess gameplay aesthetic. Which system would be the best, or hell are there any mech based RPGS that aren't based on Gundam or other super robot stuff?
As someone with no experience with Gurps, would you mind answering a question or two.
How lethal is the combat?
The picture you posted implies the whole gundam stuff, or maybe it's just bad artwork.
As with anything in GURPS the system can be tuned.
It can be realistic; you can correctly model every fight from Game of Thrones or Saving Private Ryan if you like.
But you can not do that.
In a realistic system a large part of the dynamic of combat revolves around not getting hit.
But you can not do that.
Reducing the realism in GURPS is dependent on selectively turning off certain rules. In a mecha game, for example, you can declare that all mecha and battlesuits have the same body construction as a vehicle; they're unliving, usually have a uniform construction, and markedly less vital points than a human.
This would have the effect of making a mecha fight until it drops; it can't 'bleed out' or 'pass out', so it would continue to take damage, and fight, until it reached -5xHP (the instant death mark) if it continued making 'not-die' rolls. For a machine that can lift cars this is *hundreds* of points of damage.
Even without armor such a machine could tank multiple anti-tank rockets. The only real danger is if something like the engine or crew is hit. And yes, you *can* model that.
Pic somewhat related.
Just realized I didn't answer your question.
If you know what you're doing the system is suprisingly safe. You can be punished quite severely for mistakes, but the game's 3d6 dice system severely reduces the change of errant crits killing you or costing you anything.
Of course like any system this is strongly dependent on how willing the GN is to play it that way. GURPS is a particular case; like a high-performance engine it will do it's job beautifully, but it must be very carefully tuned to do it.
That all sounds very interesting.
Do I need the core book and Mecha or just Mecha?
Missed this answer. I mostly ask cause I love lethality in games. Makes things dangerous and to me at least that makes the game more fun and less of a MCU movie. And from my somewhat limited experience the games that have built in high lethality tend to be better than ones where you have to alter or homebrew some rules or changes to make them more lethal.
Nice, I love that.
Well, the book is for 3rd edition, which can get *awful* if you start custom-building your vehicles (the vehicles sourcebook for gurps 3rd ed infamously requires algebra skills to use correctly).
in 4th ed the game has no *specific* mecha supplement, but can function just as well, because a vehicle within the system is treated as a form of character on its' own, and designed the same way. This sounds wierd until you actually get into the rules.
If by 'lethal' you're asking 'can a basic enemy kill me in one hit if I'm a dumbass and don't use tactics' then yes, that can absolutely happen. Even characters at double the point level of their foes have trouble with the simple tactic of being mobbed by multiple foes.
Forgot to post this: forums.sjgames.com
Look for posts by Kromm, the lead writer.
You could use the D6 system, with his scale based stuff you can make Hardsuits scale (+2) and Votoms mechs(+4) with ease, it's what I'm planing to use. It's also easy to understand and make shit on the fly.
Also posting mechs.
Heavy gear will handle that just fine.
Looks comfy as fuck.
>You will never kill your enemies while relaxing in you weapons plataform.
>so many cool suits in this thread that are restrained in their designs
>no anime/tv-show with mech suits that aren't completely over the top
Votoms, Lost Planet etc. The problem is the west doesn't have a very powerful mech scene, Battletech is mismanaged be a bunch of fans than seem to try to destroy it's legacy at every step, DP9 have problems too, and videogames with mechs aren't very plentiful, at least we can thank the now defunct hawken or titanfall, at least they tried.
I would like to see how operator's body fits into that and what it's control scheme is.
Why anything with a female in it has to have some sort of a high heel? Especially jarring with an overall tacticool aesthetic.
That's a damn shame too, I've always preferred western stylized mechs and there's just not a lot of stuff for it nowadays. Titanfall sure, but even then.
I've never gotten that either, I always thought high heels un armor, suits, and uniforms made no sense to me.
Honestly it always sorta irks me to see a mech in a desert. The only place where powered humanoid armour would have a purpose that can't be filled better by some other vehicle is in very dense terrain: mountains, jungles, and urban environments. On flat ground, a wheeled or tracked vehicle will always be faster, harder to hit, and better armoured, for a given pricetag.
Holy fuck that's a wicked cool exosuit.
Does anyone have any art of soldiers/SWAT fighting room to room in powered armour? More like fallout-style power armour than full-on exosuits.
BattleTech and GURPS come to mind. There are dieselpunk games in the genre. Jovian Chronicles and heavy gear.
But you can turn on combat switches that make it less one-shotable.
Well I guess it gets hot in that tank so might as well wear a bikini. Tank crews did that all the time in WWII against Rommel. Well documented fact of drunk history.
This Brian Sum has some good shit
Hey I watched this about two hours ago
A side question of sorts, was police armor in 5th Element powered? It looks quite heavy.
How does she fit there, I like this one.
Battle Century G/Z is pretty cool, just rule out supernatural stuff.
That, or ChromeStrike.