Veeky Forums things you just don't understand

>Veeky Forums things you just don't understand

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grappling rules

Planescape, Spelljammer.

What is it you don't understand?

traditional gaming with groups assembled at some hobby shop instead of with people you actually know and are friends with

The appeal.

how people still like warhammer.
it's just edgy bullshit to me.

Philosophy 101 BS for edgy smart kids

7+ person groups
I just don't understand why would you do that to yourself, razor blades are cheaper and take less time to draw blood

Why more people aren't playing Dungeon World. It's fast, with a strong core mechanic built to enhance the story, not restrict it like the shitty D&D mechanics. Failure in Dungeon World is actually interesting, and all of the abilities are codified into the core mechanic to make it fast, fun, and easy to use. The combat is also much, much better. A dragon doesn't need 300 hit points to be challenging like it does in D&D, it can do stuff that's actually terrifying, like rip a character's arm off. Also, armor is damage reduction so no more of this "less likely to hit, but still does full damage if it does hit" bullshit. The monster stats are incredibly light, character creation is extremely fast and fluid, with just as many options as D&D when you consider that most of D&D is trap options. There is no powergaming in Dungeon World, just a fast story-based game that still has the mechanics from D&D that you love (hit points, classes, etc) but with much stronger mechanics that lead to a more fulfilling roleplaying experience.

My last session of Dungeon World, my human fighter wrapped a vampire in a bear hug and wrestled him out a window into the castle moat. This is real roleplaying we're talking about here, not babby D&D shit where you have to make two different rolls and then have some autist look up how far you can move about while grappling. Dungeon World is about fun and good story, not rules and combat bullshit.

If you want to learn more, check out the SRD:

>Spelljammer is actually
Spelljammer is actually also Age of Discovery, but mostly Age of Sail
The original idea was, "a knight, in medieval armor, can stand on an asteroid without flying off or dying"

Spelljammer got canned but they still wanted a setting for crossovers
The target audience was World of Darkness players (I'm not kidding!)
Sigil is not!City State of the Invincible Overlord (which is itself not!Lankhmar with an always bigger fish)
The factions are babbies first edgy philosophy

The planes come from the older Manual of the Planes which was loosely based on
toking so hard you wind up in a shared hallucination while acting all enlightened and also on Plato's Theory of Ideas

Nice pasta; why are DW haters such douches? I know it was shoved down your throats when the game first came onto the scene, as it were, but no one really gives a shit anymore outside of Reddit. So, stop browsing Reddit and go play whatever RPG the fuck you want. And for the love of God, stop posting this stupid troll pasta.

>The target audience was World of Darkness players
Oh, that explains everything

Two of my favorite things really. It's all about how goofy and out there you can get with a set of basic rules.

reluctance to call out obvious politcal or corporate shills. We love our games, hate our game companies, worship our monstergirls but you guys are way too polite in dealing with obvious shills. I mean you'll all pitch a bitch it if I shitpost 3.5 ed/Pathfinder>5th ed, but you'll all be happily bitching about a new product when a shill will jump in "pleb taste, you're wrong, new stuff's worth it and all for the cheap amount of ??? dollars" (gross simplification but basic structure of shill posts). I don't fucking get it you guys are normally so happy to rage but you never seem to.


I barely get how the core mechanic works, I don't understand the variants, and I'm at a loss when it comes to the "actual" game, the betting and calling and all that.

Oh this is gonna be embarrassing... I don't understand balance. I understand the general desire for it, but I don't know how to do it. I've worked on a few homebrew things and concepts and everything is generally horribly balanced. Moreover, I don't know how to look at something and know that it's balanced until I see how players react to it.

"competitive" gamers, and by that I mean the "wish they were professional and talk like they're going to win Gencon but only ever sealclub in the small ponds of local stores" gamers. The store I hang out in has a lot of magic players like this and I'll watch them drop $500 on cardboard like it's nothing. Some of the 40k players will rotate armies on an almost monthly basis in an attempt to chase the meta, fielding unpainted or barely painted armies in the desperate chase for wins. They'll then go on about whatever the next big event is going to be, endlessly rattle on about their best lists, and only ever want to play whatever type of event they're going to next. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't constantly go on about it though.

>Oh I wouldn't run that, it's trash, you should run *blatantly broken interpretation of the rules* instead.

Yeah? Cool, whatever, I got it because I thought it looked cool, relax.

>What? Why wouldn't you take the blatantly superior option 100% of the time?

Because this one is painted, and that option feels scummy and is deliberately bending rules as intended based on some form of legalese even a Jewish Lawyer in New York would consider reaching

>Fuck you! It's absolutely legal rules as written, if they didn't want it to work that way they would've said so.

Yes, I'm absolutely certain you were meant to combine a bunch of chapter masters from various chapters and make them invisible so you have a rerollable 2+ invuln that I can only snapshoot at, that absolutely sounds like a fun and engaging mechanic and not something that is slightly less agonizing to experience than having my wisdom teeth removed.


Cool man I'm not sure why you walked up to our game to comment on our list choices but I won't miss you.

I have no issue with competitiveness, the whole point of a game is to win, but there are some people that take it way too far.

This punchline never goes out of style.

Ah yes, the WAAC tabletop/CCG players.
They're a cancer at our LGS too.
Fortunately, the biggest ones are stuck still playing WMH, which died over 3 years ago here and haven't moved onto Infinity, AoS or Xwing yet and refuse to go back to 40k, so we don't have to deal with their idiocy.

Having another ma fuck your wife.
Being a virgin stupidly thirsty for puss.
Playing d20.
Playing mtg.

Are you me user? Or is there someone else out there who just likes fun fluff games played with well painted fluff armies?

>waah wahh let me win the game
Git gud faggot.





Not entirely, I actually enjoy competitive play to a degree, and do build my lists with the intention of winning and not handicapping myself. I just want it to be where at the end of the game the opponent and I can shake hands and have had a good time because we didn't spend half the game blatantly twisting the rules in our favor. I'll run intentionally trash lists against people I know aren't very good because a hard fought victory is my favorite thing. A good narrative fight is nice but I like a win I earned.

If I win a match because of an odd rules interpretation or something that's blatantly stupid (like shooting a plane down with a flamer) that will piss me off more than any loss.

I just don't get how people will pursue it to the point where they'll gladly bend rules, argue about the tiniest fucking thing, and destroy all goodwill in a store just so they can stroke their winners ego. The worst part is they're usually sore losers AND winners. If you win, clearly the dice weren't fair, or your list was OP, or you just cheated and he couldn't prove it. If you lose, you should've gotten good, stop playing a shit army, and get cucked.

I mean dude, we're playing with fucking plastic army men, unless you're actually playing for the top table at Adepticon this game doesn't fucking matter and is meant to be an excuse to flex your brain and paint cool stuff. Chill


You're probably the only one getting worked up about it. Relax.

DnDickholes who try to sound like they know everything about fantasy, but don't
Dresdenshits who try to sound like they know everything about urban fantasy, but don't
shitheads who try to shill magitek garbage in every magic related discussion

>"Competitive Gamers" aka WAACfags
>People that think it's ok to play with un painted plastic on the table
>Folks that think fucking falt paper counters are better then actual on the board terrain
>Rules lawyers

I agree, I enjoy my wins. A well built list, played with a fair opponent, who tests you. It's enjoyable.

But the guys you mentioned in I cannot stand. It's why myself and a few friends do play our own narrative games, with the expectation of having most of your army painted when you field them. I keeps these wankers away as much as possible and the "list build criticism" conversation is easily shut down with a hand wave you're playing a fluff campaign.

I play mainly to enjoy it. And as you pointed out a win, and a good competitive game is enjoyable. But these guys suck the enjoyment out of any encounter you have with them. By playing in a way they wont enjoy (but I can) I can limit my exposure.

Why grognards feel the need to gatekeep so much in a small, rapidly dwindling community. (and then they go and complain about how they can't find a game anymore)

>When you love something, you protect it

Some people are too protective.

No game is better than bad game.

Well then dont play, rather than gronking at people who we might want to play with

Why people care so much and get so vehemently angry about women, transgender people, black people and homosexuals playing games in this hobby.

Trannies are not people.

/pol/ hates everybody who is unlike themselves, even if it would affect something they don't actively participate in.

Let them play, but do not cater to them.
It comes at the expense of my enjoyment.

Genuinely what does 'cater to them' actually even mean. Who is catering to 'minority' groups in their games and how exactly does it 'ruin' the experience for white men , as I've never seen it in anything I play.

A passing glance at Marvels Comic division is one way to describe what catering to a particular audience looks like. The only problem is when that audience doesn't show up to buy your new product and even worse when said audience had no intention of buying it anyway.

Dresdenshits? Why does Germany hate urban fantasy?

This is obvious fucking bait and I'm ashamed anyone seriously replied to this.

Even if they wrote it seriously it's still bait.

Okay, modern Marvel sucks, point taken, but what does that have to do with tabletop again? You just listed an example of pandering without actually connecting it to the issue at hand.

nor that one

Pandering alienates people not being pandered to, and potentially people that are being pandered to.

Don't be racist/sexis, just ignore the race/sex of the people you interact with, full stop.

>Genuinely what does 'cater to them' actually even mean.
Are you so new that you haven't seen that screencap of the PCs ignoring the Lich for to make gay marriage legal? Literally that mentality, except in this instance, the DM wasn't a pushover like most people in society today.

>and how exactly does it 'ruin' the experience for white men
This has nothing to do with being white or male, it has everything to do with shoehorning politics (of any kind) into tabletop game intended for fun. It'd be as reprehensible as trying to recreate the German Third Reich in a fantasy setting it had no place in.

Doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you're on; if you can't put aside your politics and sit down for a handful of hours of playing games with your buddies, you're a shit stain that needs to remove themselves from the gene pool.

its went from grimdark to nobledark

thats a decrease in edge user

>A passing glance at Marvels Comic division is one way to describe what catering to a particular audience looks like.
how about you explain it in your own words like an adult

I thought it was in relation to the complaint made by another user about certain demographics being perceived as being pandered to in the current market for tabletop rpgs. In which case, my example is relevant, because pandering to a group that is already not interested won't suddenly decide to just buy your new thing because you put X in it. Same basic concept.

How about you read what he said and take a look at what happened to Marvel like an adult.

No one's here to hold your hand

its not my job to make your argument for you

I think they may be referring to 40k, which is pretty tongue in cheek about it's edge.

As a Dark Eldar player, literally the edgiest faction in 40k, I find it to be hilarious. Not one person I've ever met in the hobby actually likes the edge in earnest. It's about being crazy over the top, dialed to 11.

No one can take even a passing glance at Ork's fluff and then claim 40k is a "serious" setting.

>my argument
Reading comprehension is lacking

>his argument
It's right there. There's no way this isn't bait

lol, this buttblasted user is in full damage control now. I don't think there's a smug enough loli to react with.

>i'm not samefagging i swear!
sure pal

Why are people always wrong about samefagging

In my own words, and my experience reading her work, Gabby Riveras America is a piece of hot garbage SPECIFICALLY made to pander to a specific group of people, that group of people being the kind that want lesbian brown women in comics to be represented regardless of the quality of said representations. America as a character is several degrees of stupid and self-centered and should not be trusted to save the Earth, nevermind the multi-verse. Amazingly, Gabby gets all butt hurt about cultural appropriation and then America the character does exactly that with various Hispanic cultures in South and Central America without skipping a beat (America is a lesbian from the lesbian dimension. That is not a joke). Her mary sue like author character X'andria is a special kind of cunt who suspiciously gets darker in skin tone as the comic goes on (and we're like 5 issues in now last I checked, I could stomach 3 from /co/'s storytime of pain threads).

It's bad, and not even the funny kind of bad like Girls is to excuse is poorly thought out premise. America is just one example in a big ocean of current misfire stories in Marvels lineup right now. It is so bad, I would rather just imagine not exist for the reason that it's name might accidentally get people to look at her shit rather then a far superior story with the same name that deserves more genuine praise for being a good story.

>weak ass pussy detected

>fun = good
or more precisely that enjoyment somehow equates to quality.

This isn't just a tg issue though, this applies to all sorts of media.

Thankfully that's one of the few things GW seems to be remembering again. Things like the Regimental Standard shows at least someone there still gets the joke 40k was built on in the first place.

Fucking Shadowrun rules where they apply to drones and gear. Shit is ridiculous and it's like they're forgetting key rules or are just spreading them out where it's hard to fucking see them.

Fuck off /v/

Stop this. DW is an ok game, people who shit on it are overreacting, no more.

fucking buzzwords amirite?

Why do people play DnD?


We don't really Gatekeep, we just don't like Mr & Mrs Low Entry Score Social Science and Arts degree waltzing on in and telling us how we should be doing things and trying to push us out of our own thing when we dont do as they say.

I don't get angry at people for being, I accept them. The only problem I have is when these people don't accept me or others who don't fit their genderqueer rainbow and tiptoe around their ever changing sensibilities.

Read this and you have your answer

To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand dungeon world.

Would you like I cigarette? I usually like a cigarette after I've fucked someone that hard.

Good work user

Going onto a hobby that is already made of the awkward, then craping the bottom for those that can't even find acceptance among nerds and then complaining about their habits and playstyle.

If TTGers were a jail, LGScum would be the pederasts and people that kept their mothers corpse around for sturday night.

literally takes 10 seconds to edit a post to remove a (You)

Was his cock big? I'm guessing it was judging on the butt hurt. Just put a cold pack on it and the swelling will go down after a few days.

Blaming marvel turning into a shit show recently on SJW's is a hilariously simple minded logical leap though.

For a start the issue isn't that they have some storylines that touch on themes about gender, race , it's that the writing is shitty which has nothing to do with 'pandering' and everything to do with shitty writing.

Likewise other reasons Marvel is shit that has nothing to do with SJW's

>copy and pasted artwork
>Capeshit being done to death on cinema and regurgitated in comics
>Endless reboots and very little originality
>It's not the 90s anymore

So again I have no idea what the anti-sjw circlejerk is about as it's almost entirely irrelevant to Marvel which is the only example at all mentioned.

Balance is for bitches.
if the PCs aren't tempted to run away, or don't get out of combat without looking like they walked through Harlem yelling "Here niggy niggy" then I didn't properly execute an encounter.

Combat is not sport, it's not about building a balanced team of mirror enemies, or asymmetric tit for tat. Combat is war, and if they are only rolling to hit and hurt through every fight I'm not doing my players or the hobby any good. a good bar brawl with hit and hurt, fine. a dungeon crawl with hit and hurt, boring as fuck.

No game means you have to make up shitty stories for Veeky Forums. Bad game means you have endless stories about how the fucking paladin started murdering guards because he was trying to sneak into his temple at night.

Lots of settings have Fantasy Nazis, user. Where would we be without Thalmor to murder and rape without compunction or consequence?

You are somewhat right, but not entirely. This SJW moral puritanism does fuck up quality. As does any dogmatically enforced agenda. All you have to do is look at the introduction of the comic code in the 50's against "morally bankrupt art" and communism or TSR under Lorraine Williams with her ham fisting in her Christian shit, to see that SJWs are just the latest incarnation of moral puritans trying to bully an unrelated field into pushing their dogmatic shit. Each time this has happened the overall product quality took a fucking nosedive.

Yes there is an over saturation (first to admit I'm over comic book films and tropes)

Yes the writers are shit.

But the pushing of these SJW agendas plunged the quality from merely bad to retch-ably bad. Denying this means you're an SJW shill who cant admit reality as it has a tendency to burst the little unreality bubble puritans build around themselves.

All this whining about SJW / Special Snowflake Lefties etc when they have been part of the hobby for longer than not.
(Chainmail was published in '71 and Vampire the Masquerade in '91.

>America is a lesbian from the lesbian dimension

Who the fuck is this appealing to?
Why the fuck do people think dykes just want HURR ITS A LESBIAN WE GOOD NOW?
Jesus fuck.
The only person this sort of tokenism appeals to is the sjw fuckmasters who don't actually give a shit and just virtue signal that they do:

I'd rather play and read about a hundred straight male space marine generics than another fucking 'but she's a LESBIAN' tokenism bullshit.
Fucking ree.

I'm not whining about leftists and SJWs I'm complaining about the whining they do and cant shut the fuck up about. Having a political opinion is fine, enforcing that political view through social shaming, language policing, the threats and harassment until people cave (even then it doesn't stop), the bullying, and the complete and utter villianization of anyone not sucking their poltical dick. I dont have a problem with SJW beliefs. they're not a new thing, I have a fucking problem with current SJW practices, they are a reasonably new thing. You judge a tree by the fruit that it bears, and the current "progressive ideology" has bore us nothing but division, hatred and fear. Fuck you for not understanding this.

This tbqh


There are 2 kinds of WH? One is full fantasy and the other full distopian space wars?

Yes. It seems like you understand it afterall.

You are full of vitriol, but so far you haven't even put forth an example of 'muh SJW' to relation to Veeky Forums at all.

And are orcs (orks) in both settings?

He's talking about fans of The Dresden Files, a series of books (and there's an RPG and a card game now too) about a PI who is also a wizard in modern Chicago in a world inspired by WoD (or so I'm told, I know almost nothing about WoD, but am a fan of the books).

>It'd be as reprehensible as trying to recreate the German Third Reich in a fantasy setting it had no place in.
>a fantasy setting it had no place in

Also, there's a difference between adding nazi inspired enemies for the players to defeat and a wehraboo trying to shoehorn a nazi utopia into an existing setting

Being a neckbeard.

Same reason there's D&D, D20 Modern and a sci-fi version I forgot the name of.
Some people like fantasy and some like sci-fi, now your product appeals to two demographics instead on one

Characters and character development. I only really care about the things that get done, not the inner workings of your character's personality, and don't understand why people like to piss about with complex in-character philosophical debates and roleplaying downtime slice of life bullshit.

>leads rebelion
>awakens planeswalker spark
>kills über powerful evil god

And you are deliberately missing the point in order not to address the argument.

As for current examples, how about the current and harrassment of @MTGHeadquarter despite no solid evidence being presented he did anything other then tell some lame edgy jokes? Or the current purge on anyone calling into question the targetted harrassment on the Reddit page? What about the long winded discussion on the Facebook page feminist 40k where they openly discuss chasing "undesirables" out of the hobby? How about that feminist considers anyone "undesirable" who do not agree with them and have co-ordinated mass flagging and complaint bombing of people who criticize their rather silly views? What about writers from Paizo like Amber Scott openly declaring intention to isolate people in the hobby who do not share their political views? Am I to accept this type of behavior even though I find it to be completely reprehensible?

And as for the vitriol go suck a dick you pathetic faggot, stop gaslighting. I don't care what someone thinks, or what political view they hold, I made this pretty clear. I do have a problem with the behavior, and the complete and utter dishonesty practiced by them, and now by you.

Have you ever thought that the reason most of us don't like these people or you is not because we are horrible, but because you are horrible? Stop being horrible you'd hear a halt to the complaints.

I'd do the later if I had more friends interested in ttrpg
desu I gm for stranger every months at my lgs to introduce people into the hobby and it always has been pretty fun so far, never had a that guy or bad experience with the players

Are you actually legitimately no-memes autistic?

8/10, would take the painted army to play with.