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PPP+? when???
Does anyone have Serene Serendipity, Fulcrum, and Eternal's Rising?
user i want to do this so bad but im too much of a eyelet
can you divide it into more pics for better resolution?
Either the post after this one or never.
No one has all three, it's not possible.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Dinner just finished cooking, anyone willing to take over?
To be honest, it actually feels kind of weird to post so many pages without adding text.
I'm just reposting it from files. If I cut it up I'm doing it in MSPaint. That alright or would it be about as bad?
Seriously I don't have Fulcrum, or Eternal's Rising though.
Damn, forgot the image on the last post. Also for some reason I didn't have to solve a single captcha through this.
I feel you man.
Worry not, I have both, but you'll have to wait for Fulcrum until after I eat dinner.
thats great user any avatar cyoa coming my way is a positive
Dinner's getting real tempting to grab
Just four more pages.
>dinner in the morning
Do you live in Asia or something
It's 12 AM
Fuck, there's probably barely any left for me.
Last 2. If someone would please be so kinda as to post Fulcrum while I'm gone...
No. You have to post it.
Alright, that's everything. Hope there's at least something decent left fr me.
Could've sworn it had 1 more page.
So lunch then
And that's 8/8. Hope this'll work user.
I've found and saved only these 15. Unsure if there's any more.
12 AM is midnight, user
As requested, Fulcrum, or as I like to call it: Space Opera's Fantasy cousin.
Also, what's the difference between jpg and png and which takes less space?
I need to spend these 30 seconds writing something so might as well ask if ZBG has any new works, and if Ordion's come out of hiatus/retirement yet.
Also, did that Marvel CYOA ever get an update?
Just a little bit more...
All right, I'm off to sleep.
There is a shorter version of Fulcrum you know
do they all have a downie narrator
Wasn't this 11 pages?
Nobody wants less content.
I do, so you're wrong.
Go play your pick ones by yourself in the shed.
What do you mean by less content. It's all there in shortened form.
If you shorten the text, and remove options, that's less content, user.
Earth Bender - Everywhere and practical.
>Weapon Proficiencies
Staff - No one complains about a walking stick, and it has reach.
Throwing Knives - Throwing obsidian knives?
Shirshu - It is adorable.
Car - Practical
Kyoshi - Earth Avatar should have a few tricks and tips to share that others may have forgotten over the centuries. She's practical, and practical is a good thing.
Toph - Metalbending ftw, and great drinking buddy.
Azula - Companion and LI, she just needs someone to not bail on her.
Ty Lee - Chi Blocking may be a useful thing to learn, even if it's just to learn to defend against it. Another great drinking buddy, another friend for Azula, and great at relieving the tension in stressful situations.
>Home Base
Ba Sing Se - There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
>Avatar Quests (Not sure if it counts with an Avatar in the party? If it doesn't count, ignore.)
Return of Ozai - This time with Kyoshi.
Wrath of Amon - Zombie/Skeleton horde invasion... I got this.
>Rewards (Again, ignore if Avatar in party doesn't count)
Cupid's Arrow - Azula
>Non-Canon Abilities
Nigga Dey All Chinese - Need to read.
Cool Heads - Kyoshi doesn't like men, I would rather not have her drop me in a canyon.
Hippies - I have 2 followers that would help us lose the hippies (Toph and Azula) on occasion (even if it's only a few days). Ty Lee would love to have someone to perform with. And I have no idea how Kyoshi will deal with hippies
Bad Day - :shithappens:
Fire Nation - I like the general aesthetics, not sold on the red but I'll deal.
Earth Kingdom - Comfy, and green.
Except it's all there. All the options. All the text.
Dentists are expensive.
Then it's not shortened.
I think five pages instead of nine is what you'd call shortened, user.
That length would be achieved by cutting content.
I'd suggest the word "condensed".
Everything's there, just in fewer pages.
Or squeezing pages together
I haven't seen the version he's talking about, but the pages are short enough (
Ooooh, a new ToT update.
Time to summon the forces of the other side and conquer Svetlania
can you apply the points from a challenge to the section it was part of?
eg: can you use points from childhood challenges for childhood training?
I liked the idea of endings, but disliked that their requirements were so trivial that it seemed like none of the preceding choices mattered.
Triple Jelly Layer Slice, and I'll go to a perfect isekai with no day/night cycle (or one that takes many thousands of years) so I can stay for my "one day" forever
Is it that time again?
afraid not
Were are my Skeletons?
At work.
My body is ready. (I don't really know what I'm doing and I'm gonna cut corners but I'm gonna try to follow the rules) To fucking kill a deathless freak and to piss everyone off.
>Season: Black, Other Worldly Blessing
+3 Will and +250 power
>Upbringing: The Fool
+500 gold and 100 power
I'm gonna save the skills and items for later. I want to collect everything first before I spent it
>Dynasty Patrikeyev: Zhanovich
+2 will -2 honor
>Religion: Umbraic Religion, Borealian Sect
+3 will +1 honer -1 glory, 3 free buildings
>Provinces: (Fuck you I'm doing what I want here)
Olchatka as my Capital. Volynov, Scola, and Wyrmland as crown holdings
Total pop of 5,000. 600 military. 550 gold.
I'm gonna make that Deathless cunt know death and then stay with death. No one takes my fucking lands.
>Vassels: Nope. Fuck'em.
>Building: (I'm gonna get all the defaults and the three free ones out of the way first)
All the defaults, Rye fields, Sunflower fields, gardens
I'll come back to that
>Military Advisor
Hero of Might and Magic
>Law: Dark Accords
Fuck year Casters
>Spouse: Azovka
Fuck yeah Half Other Side wife with Other Side Units and 150 power.
They'll Strain +12 Will fucking power
20 will, -1 honor, -1 glory, 500 power, 1,050 gold
Pretty much the only person who doesn't hate me is Ivan
>Bogatyr: Yevpatiy and We choose to fight mission
Just know I'm gonna have Militias, Archers, Casters, and Other siders
>Hereditary Monarchy: Session by right
Have a Daughter
>20 will Make Svetlania great again
Thrice Ninth Tsardom
How did I do senpis?
Usually don't like this types of CYAOs but I should at least try.
Siggy Estrella
Bubble Butt
Quick Learner
Public Speaking
Small House
>Special Rooms
Home Gym and Live-in Help
>Own Room
>Personality Traits 0
Dad - Hardworking, Handyman, Jacked
Mom - Wise, Ambitious, Supportive
Blood Related
Small Allowance
Teacher (Mom)
>Younger Sibling
Eleanor *free
>Older Siblings
Maid - Mimi
Butler - Andrew
Chef - Ivan
A fresh start to become what I always wanted.
A wedding planner
So Grave Robber with Brains means I can just walk into any old graveyard and resurrect everyone as skeletons but with their old personalities?