The PDFs must flow!
Previous Thread:
The PDFs must flow!
Previous Thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
These are still wanted, afaik.
Book of Familiars/Mystical Companions
Beneath the Inverted Church
White Death
Stonehell 2
Fosc Anansi: Shadow of the Spider Goddess
Many Gates of the Gann
Scourge of the Tikbalang
Evil Wizards in a Cave
The Gem Prison of Zardax
Primeval Thule (Savage Worlds)
FARFLUNG: Sci-Fi Role-Play After Dark
Anyone got a fabled city of brass yet?
There are 2 pdfs, only really looking for the main one. TIA!
Re-requesting from previous thread:
The Hell House Beckons
I've added another folder to the backup stash on Resilio Sync (Share#111). I'll add files shared by anons in this thread to the folder and hopefully that will give people another chance to grab them.
You'll need Resilio Sync to access them, this link will take you where you need to go.
If you have a file to share you can add it to this vola room:
vola file org /r/db91awem
and then post here to let us know.
Or use whatever method of sharing you like.
Just don't post copyrighted material directly in this thread.
Do not ask for or share any of the following, on pain of thread-cancer.
A Sundered World
Ten Candles
Is there a preview PDF for Spire? If so please let us have a look see.
Any scans of heroes of normandie?
Will gift steam game
I added the latest update for ICRPG to the vola.
It's 80% off on Drivethru today btw.
Does anybody have Genies Great and Small: 21 New Genies of Zakhara for D&D 5e, from DMs Guild?
Why doi you keep asking for this? no need to ask, if it was liberated it would have been shared. So again if you want to see this liberated, go buy it and share it.
Looking for Black Hat Magic if somebody has it for sharing.
user is politely asking for it once per thread, seems fine to me.
See Maybe one day it'll be posted.
>Maybe one day it'll be posted.
Maybe, but I doubt it.
Well I doubt it won't be shared!
Does anyone have Grimworld for Dungeon World?
Either way, no reason for you to get pissy about somebody asking for something.
Does anyone have Waters Above: Astral Adventuring from the Dungeon Master's Guild?
m3dia f1re com folder/xt8lpco2pdp39/RP
what vola?
Thank you!
Aren't there other bits to it as well? Or is absolutely everything in one PDF now?
That one.
Has anyone ever found NeuroSpasta for 5th edition? I know it came out some time ago....
Da Annex is slightly dated, so go to Resilio for the last couple of threads.
If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, one way to clean it is to contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs, and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, and the pdf is purified.
[email protected]
By the way, thanks, Mageguru. You're the best!
CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits. He may also be available to clean your files.
[email protected]
By the way, thanks, Carse. You're also the best!
Hey guys! To those of you who scan items for me/Mageguru to clean (or for whomever), here are a few tips and guidelines that make our lives WAY easier.
1. When you scan, the higher the resolution, the better it will turn out in the end. 1200dpi is not necessary, but anything less than 150 is not really worth it. It's easier to reduce resolution, but not the other way around. The higher the quality of the raw image, the better in the end. Personally? I scan in 300-600, depending.
2. If an image is just black & white text, it is perfectly ok to scan in greyscale, but resist the temptation to scan in a lower resolution. See #1.
3. Blurry text cannot be corrected. Period. I have to try to figure out the font that was used, go get it if I don't have it, and literally retype the blurry text and match it to the text on the page that is readable. Either that or retype the entire document. No thanks.
4. Try your best to eliminate the "gutter shadow" that shows up when you press a hardcover (usually) on the scanning surface.
5. Try to scan as flat as possible. Use a heavy text book or something. This usually eliminates #3, and text warp, which is the text that is caught on the edge in the gutter.
6. If you are scanning thin pages or newsprint or the like, try to place a solid black sheet on the back. That usually eliminates most of the bleed-through.
When I scan from a physical source, I remove staples and scan each 4-up section flat. This is assuming staple-bound, obviously. If it's a hardbound, the difficulty goes way up. The hardest part being getting the scan flat and avoiding gutter shadow. Probably not possible to remove all of that, but the least amount, the better.
Thank you all so much for donating scans of your books. I am very appreciative of the opportunity to work with all of you. These tips are not complaints, just suggestions that speed up the cleaning process. Thanks
Looking for:
Through the Breach – Penney Dreadful - One Shot- A Stitch in Time
13th Age – Battle Scenes – Orc Lord: Old Injuries Repaid
Sixty Mile Sky
Gravity Age: Mutant Menagerie
Elizabethan Adventures: Gamemaster’s Book
Elizabethan Adventures: Player’s Book
Looking for wild skies Europa tempest
Alternity can be found in the Big TSR Archive.It has the core rules as well as the Dark Matter, Gamma World, Starcraft and Star Drive settings material. If you want stuff published under the TSR imprint that's usually the first place you should look.
snip /TSRArchive
Does anybody have any of the newer palladium books out there to share, secrets of the atlanteans, soyetski world book 36. Or if there is a trove out there that has it.
Anyone have the star trek corebook from modiphius?
>half-assed OP twice in a row
Honestly though I don't get why we have to have half a dozen posts every thread just to get the OP stuff out of the way.
Just have a pastebin with all the shit linked there, it's not hard.
Can somebody please point out to me the ff:
ICONS Superpowered RPG (1st edition/2010)
Supers! (Cubicle 7 edition/2011)
The newer editions are the ones posted in the archives. Thanks in advance!
It worked well when the user making the archive pdf files was the same one making the threads. Now they aren't necessarily updated between threads, so it can be a waste to post the same ones again.
So why not just kick off the thread quickly? If someone wants to post the latest annex they can go ahead.
Pastebin with all the repeated stuff? People who are willing to read it all can go read it, the ones who just skip it will skip it anyway.
Yet again, the pdf share thread turns into a big mess thanks to people waffling over some crap or other
Back on topic, any sign of the final version of the Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion yet?
(The newest one, not the one from some years back)
Problem there is you can't link the particular bit of the copypasta, like if you want to quote somebody the bit about "don't post copyrighted PDFs" which I've done many times in the past.
Most of that stuff was added specifically to cut down on the "but why?" discussion and other stuff that came up repeatedly.
Plus making it a pastebin adds an extra hurdle to reading it, which further discourages people from bothering. At least when it's up top, people will kinda skim as they scroll past and some of it will stick.
tl;dr - the standard op copypasta improves the quality of the threads
I don't think you know what a "big mess" is. This is nothing.
Yep, been shared a few times. Stop your bitching and go look for it why don't you?
Except it hasn't. Only the final draft, not the final version, has been shared so far.
All messes start somewhere.
I found it, and I'm likely only a little smarter than you, so good luck with your search.
Hello, I put a Battletech audiobook in the V0la for Smink's Novels trove and everybody of course
'Heir to the Dragon'
And not the Bloody Tongue version from 3 years ago either, I meant the actual new one
Seconding this request.
The one that was Kickstarted in 2015 is the new one that was released this year.
And? I knew that. It's been out for months, and the only version that is doing the rounds is the v0.9 draft.
Doesn't matter that it was kickstarted 2 years ago, as it only got released this year AND that's still newer than the Bloody Tongue version from 3 years ago.
There's a contributor's edition:
and Kickstarter edition:
Yes, I know. The contributor's edition PDF is the one that has had updates since the hardback version released, which is why I'd like it.
Pretty shitty trick doing PDF updates on a book so rare and expensive after the physical version launched.
Does anyone have a pdf of Hit the Dirt: WWII Scenarios for Crossfire?
Looking for a Starfleet Battles Trove.
The one, the only... Castle Zagyg: The Outs Inn!
Get it while you can! Would someone please put this in the trove with the other Castle Zagyg material? Thanks! All I can say is, it pays to be persistent, yet nice to people.
mega nz
>FARFLUNG: Sci-Fi Role-Play After Dark
This was shared months ago, and is in /PbtA at snip.
Also for today: a more complete set of faserip's material for MSH. One of these is already available online somewhere, the other two not so much. I remember there being a discussion about this a number of months ago on the old 7chan Veeky Forums when it wasn't a shitshow. Anyway. An initial search on the waybackmachine showed pics and dead links, but nothing else. I emailed the dude about 4 months ago, I think.
Just got these from the man himself today. Thank you sir!
MSHRPG - HA1 - Heroic Age
MSHRPG - HA2 - Avengers Academy
MSHRPG - CW1 - Civil War
mega nz
Does anyone have the pdf's for the Super Squadron RPG by Adventure Simulaions?
Super Squadron Rulebook
Super Science
The Tome
Dark Hold Goblin Adventures for Savage Worlds
Requesting Gem Dragons of Faerun from dmsguild by Kobold Press
As a backer, I have not seen one yet.
I am looking for both you have one?
You do need both to use them though. I'm grabbing them on payday next week.
Some printable heroes for Champions. Didn't see these in the Hero's Trove, Mage, so thought I would contribute.
Champions Printable Minis
mega nz
If I could add a couple:
Purple Worm Graveyard (Labyrinth Lord)
B/X Monster Reference Index
Cool, thanks
So, does anyone have
and is willing to share?
Requesting the Rise of Tiamat Roll20 assets, if that's possible
Also I had several 2nd and 3rd edition Champions scans that were donated...
I am doing a final visual clean up on them, so they should be added to the trove this week.
I have HA1 & HA2 in the Hero Trove...
CW1 was needed... I am also looking for the Fan made MHAC-12 Guide to Clan Destine
And that completes Castle Zagyg does it not?
A few new things I'm looking for if liberated...
The Bleak Harvest (PF/5E) by Total Party Kill Games
Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos (PF)
Petersen's Abominations (CoC)
Please/Thank You
anything on 5th edition maybe Cyber Heroes or Ultimate Mystic?
>digging through IRC
>wargames folder
>see "Backyard Brawls (erotic furry wrestling).pdf"
Say, didn't somebody request Victory By Any Means 2e recently? Cause I see that, too.
Looking for Shattered (by It's Never Dark Enough)
I think it just dropped... so probably no one has it yet,
Looking for Killer Katanas 2
RoC The lost and the damned
Thank you.
The Two Hour Wargames Stockpile could use any of these if you folks happen to see them around:
5150:Alien Fight Night
5150:Back Alleys, Bright Lights
5150:Carrier Command
5150:Star Marine
Adventures in Lost Lands: Motor City BC
After the Horsemen
ATZ: High Rise to Hell
ATZ: Mass Hysteria
Captains and Kings: Medieval Warband Combat
Charioteer: Chariot Racing
Colonial Lemuria: New Worlds to Conquer
Hell Hath No Fury: WW2 Tank Battles
Larger Than Life: Action! Scenario Book
Lovecraft's Revenge
Machinas: Death Races in the Wasteland
Muskets and Shakos: The Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815
New Market Round: By Savvy & Steel Scenario Book
NUTS: Blood Upon the Risers - D-Day
NUTS: War Without End
NUTS: Fire In Korea
NUTS: War Against Japan
NUTS: Italy After Normandy
NUTS: Peiper at the Gates v2??
NUTS: The Big Hurt
QWIK: Game of the Wasteland
Red Sand Black Moon
Red Streets Blue Mats: MMA Combat Game
Rifles and Rebels - Fighting the American Civil War
Tales of Dread: An ATZ Supplement
Warrior Heroes - Legends
Warrior Heroes: Warbands, High Fantasy Warband Combat
Requesting (New additions to my request list at bottom):
The Spire of Iron and Crystal
Beneath the Ruins
Do Not Let Us Die in the Dark of this Cold Winter
Dreams of the Lurid Sac
Ironwood Gorge
Many Gates of Gann
Gnomes of Levnec
The Manse on Murder Hill
The Shadowed Keep
Shattered Skull
Tomb of the Dragon's Heart
Yrchyn, the tyrant
Purple Worm Graveyard
BX Warrior
BX Rogue
Mageguru is it you who runs the superhero trove? If it is can i get Underworld Heroes for Hero System/Champions since it won't download from Mega.
Newly donated miscellaneous items, including:
Wyrd Chronicles 31 & 32, Umerican Survival Guide both Chase and Delve covers, Children of the Sun (Umerican material), Shattered Dawn, Wild Skies, Against the Dark Yogi, Atlantis Bestiary, Incorporated Vol 2, Lone Wolf Terror of the Darklords, Questers of the Middle Realms, Cold Shadows, Cold Fury, Wise & the Wicked revised for PF, Road Warriors, and Unmasked Day One fiction.
Some of this may have been donated recently, but as I get these in bundles, I will offer them as such.
mega nz
Other than the current cleanup project, I believe it does!
It's been a while since I posted the /PbtA trove wishlist, so here it is again. Let me know if there is any full/released stuff I am missing other than these. I totally missed Heroines of the First Age a bit after it got posted here.
A World Full of Nightmares
Amazons (Worlds Without Master #11)
The Bloody Handed Name of Bronze
Cartel: Ashcan
Dies Illa
Disco World: Village Edition
The Dead Geas of Duke Vulku (Worlds Without Master #10)
DSA5 Erzählregeln
Dust, Fog and Glowing Embers
Gauntlet World
Kult - Divinity Lost
MADCAP: Screwball Cartoon Role-Play
I posted a link to the combined Bone Hilt Sword campaign in the last thread
Specifically, he means here...
Seconded! Would be nice to check this out before buying a physical copy.
ICONS 1st ed. is in the PHATE trove with the other Icons stuff - in the core folder. I just checked
Looking for Rifts: Secrets of the Atlanteans (Dimension Book 15). Thanks!
I own cyber heroes...need to scan...looks like I just can't keep up...Carse, I'll shoot you a message later about scanning
Yes, I forgot to remove that request. Thank you!
no worries ;) thought you might have been the same person, but didn't wanna take the chance lol
Sounds good.
p.s. If anyone is curious, I am putting Yggsburgh aside for a bit, and catching up on the Judges Guild material. Yggsburgh will take quite a bit of time anyway, and I am at about the halfway point. Will post the JG items as they are completed.
Thanks for all this awesome stuff, especially wild skies
Looking for any of the following:
Ironclaw: Book of Horn and Ivory
Shadow, Sword, and Spell 2e
Search & Destroy
More Marvel items.
Marvel Nth Edition, revised. Same directory as the other couple of Marvel items.
mega nz
Bump just because it looks so bad.
Maybe if by bad you mean AWESOME.
Agreed. The space suit helmet for the alligator is worth it alone. Classic!
Is there a collection of the heroic map|s maps lying around_
Missed that was totally distracted by giant negligee wearing heroine in her best super pose, the lady with the scorpion tail next to the....umm not even sure what the heck that is, a pile of striped super guys....