Blocks your path
Blocks your path
Pssssh, nothing personnel Black.
I don't believe you.
That monster is imprisoned by magic. No reason for me to get involved, so Ill just go around it.
I step over it, it is clearly meant to only impede ants.
My magic does nothing.
*unsheathes katana*
*pays two extra mana*
Wow, that was hard.
Paths your blocker
*Grizzly Bear wavedashes onto the battlefield*
me on the left
>not having infinite black mana on hand at all times
blocks your path
This is atrocious to look at.
I'll be generous op,
Do you want a bolt, a lava spike, or me to suspend a rift bolt?
Enchantments can't attack or block.
What in the fuck is going on what that name there
What language even is that?
>Literally building a Zur deck as I type this.
Oh really?
That is actually disgusting. I love it.
I don't know about you, but in my playgroup the pace of EDH games is basically set by the board wipes. Making all your enchantments vulnerable to Day of Judgment or In Garruk's Wake seems like more of a liability than anything else. You do you though.
Nah, I agree. But like the point I was making was... enchantments CAN attack and block (not to mention enchantment creatures).
>my playgroup the pace of EDH games is basically set by the board wipes
>tfw my group still hasn't learned that if I play no creatures for the first six turns I'm going to wipe the board
>tfw they still vomit their hand as fast as possible expecting an easy win
>my playgroup loves boardwipes
>I play an aggro Edric deck and vomit my hand as fast as possible
>I wait for someone to set up a Disk or Jokulhaups or similar
>Act meek "please don't...please.."
>They wipe
>Heroic Intervention
>Kill everyone next turn
It keeps working! It just keeps working! I love that card so much!
Best post in the thread.
>My playgroup refuses to play creatures or enchantments or any permanent without an ETB until they can resolve their infinite game winning combo and hides from aggro behind 40 life totals and group focus-firing them for being the only person with non-land permanents on board.
How do I get my group's innocence back?
Can't attack if there's no creatures
now how do i turn my artifacts into creatures?
Dude Yugioh cards would be dope as all fuck if they actually looked like this.
>needing 14 mana to generate infinite mana
Enchanted evening
That's it's beauty. It's simplicity.
Blocks your Path
Blocks YOUR path
>Friend group finishes its arms race
>Dragonlord oujitai control
>Azusa combo
>4 color aggro with a couple finite but gamewinning combos
>~20 lesser decks from our level to pre-con
>Note: if we know its below a certain point we have other decks, sometimes we dont know until T1 tapland T2 rupture spire
>Games are always oujitai keeping 4c and azusa in check
>Game is always the 4th player gunning for oujitai because Im stopping their awesome craw wurm plays
>Ends up being either azusa comboing for 20 minutes to wipe the field
>Or 4c dropping a hammer on azusa then on 4th player
>Never win because oujitai is my french list with less 1 for 1s and exists solely to keep the game going past turn 5
tezz is better
It's needlessly complicated and retarded. This is what a simple, clean infinite mana combo looks like, no complex mechanics or anything.
>Infect forced to block
Sounds like I'm already winning
>Blocks you're white knight faggotry
what are you talking about? I can get to your face just fine.
Let's make everything creatures now.
>destroying all lands
So where are the infinite slivers in that combo?
its hilarious how strong this/propaganda are in my play group when there are so many answers
Just add the queen and it's still superior to the other stupid combo.
>Combo generates black mana instead of green and involves cards that are conducive to a sliver deck rather than an elf deck
>It costs 5 more mana so it's stupid
Let's play spot the brainlet
There are dozens of ways of generating infinite mana or tokens and that one is definitely not a good one