>"work your way up from the bottom, user. Find a nice company that has a lot of room for advancement."
Is this even possible anymore or is it just a boomer meme?
"work your way up from the bottom, user. Find a nice company that has a lot of room for advancement."
Mike Lazzo started working for TBS as a little bitch boy in the 90's and now he runs Adult Swim
It's true but it's the financial advice equivalent of "just b yourself"
>in the 90's
This ain't the 90's friend.
Depends on the company, most are closed loop and you will only advance to relatively minor position at best.
Start your own.
Not in tech, you have to job hop to get real raises and promotions
of course there around. trump economy is great, if you NEETs haven't noticed.
No, make mad crypto gains and create your own empire. Become a tech CEO like Wallace.
Yup it is. You actually need to go do it though and stop half assing then quitting when you dont see the value anymore.
In 2018 there are a few options for financial success.
>take out massive student loans and put it all into crypto or wagecuck and put every paycheck into it
>become a camwhore
choose wisely
It used to be true, but baby boomers are so fucking stupid that they didn't save up enough for retirement and so they have to stay in the work force, now there's no upward mobility for the younger generation because no room is being made for them.
Yeah for the elites you dumb fuck. 90% of the jobs created since the recession are minimum wage. We are actually more of a slave economy now than we were 10 years ago. Kys boomer.
Theres a few but prob not in the industries most of the people on here work in.
idk how anyone can even pay for their own gas on minimum wage I make $15/hour and I feel like I live in africa-tier poverty
You'll never become rich working for someone else bro. Start your own company using the startup capital you gain from crypto
>Boomer:"How dare you not want to spend the rest of your life working in a sewage treatment pond or on an oil refinery in the middle of Alaska? You entitled millennial piece of shit "
no it's not a meme unless you are a retard.
join X industry. Keep your head down and do good work. Soon you understand how things work and understand what you need to do to help/advance. Then you do it.
It's easy because everyone else is stupid. If you fail, that means you are a special class of stupid.
>get kneepads
>advance baby advance
If you are not an owner, you are just a little cog in the wheel. You get paid 1/10th what you make for the company. You will never ascend the ladder and get ownership, all you can hope for is that you work hard enough to learn some trade secrets and break off one day to make your own company, but good luck with that.
absolutely possible if you're very smart and hard working
but you have to be great at networking and ass-kissing
it also isn't quick at all, expect to be working for 10+ years before ever seeing a "decent" wage
lol no. Just don't be a drugged out retard. That is 97% of the "competition" out there. If you look at a job as "wagecucking" you already lost.
Shift your perspective and success is EZ.
Or live life as a soft girlbrains.
also don't ask Veeky Forums for advice on careers, 80% of people here are probably working fast food without any higher education