Ok, but can we just talk about the fact about how the ENTIRE NORTHERN HALF OF THE EMPIRE just got enslaved by the Skaven, as well as the destruction of 3/4s of thr population of said Empire, pretty much the creating the End Times before it was canon, and then
And T H E N
I'm sorry, I know its only fluff
But we had a chance at the big time
A faction above ground
But no, Middenheim has to cockblock us
What are you talking about? Wasn't Middenheim razed in the end Times?
Who cares? Whole setting is -10hp.
Enjoy your Fat Space Marines of Eternia.
I think he's talking about Storm of Chaos?
It lives on in my heart...
Sigmar shall return to light our darkest hour.
if by
>to light our darkest hour
You mean burn the whole setting then yes.
Enjoy your new "we put in effort honest" setting. Have a super quality map.
Who commissioned this and thought this was okay?
I don't understand? How could you criticize such works of genius?
It sure is an improvement on the generic and flavourless as fuck WHFB ye olde atlas look.
Wait that's new stuff in WH Fantasy?
What the fuck.
This is what the old setting was sacrificed to make. Wasn't it worth it? Just look at those vibrant, clashing colours and inventive names. Truly it's a work of genius and absolutely not the head designers 14 year old downs child's note book.
fucking embarrassing
This look like something i would photoshop out of google image search in one evening. What the fuck.
My favourite bit is the demon/skeleton faces in the green water (?) and the masterful use of them mad l33t "flip horizontal" MS Paint sk1llz.
Sigmar was a fucking mistake
Not the Morturary from Planescape: Torment being there, just... whatever the opposite of chilling is because it's on fire?
But what about the deep immersive lore and all new and wonderfully trademarkable names?
Reminder that Sigmarines are riding Draco-whatevers because GW can't trademark horses.
I'm sure they tried.
I'm rambling about the 7th edition Skaven Army Book, because this one event always stuck in my mind
Has there been any third party knock offs of Sigmar stuff yet? I don't mean any of the WHFB stuff, I mean like Not-Sigmarines, Not-Fyreslayers, etc.
You can pick up TW:Warhammer or the Medieval 2 mod and rewrite history user.
Is there a AoS mod?
Are you that eager to fight over the Mortuary Factories?
No, i just hate nice things.
Christ the fucking art is complete dog shit.
>It's another user cherrypicks bad examples from the (very, very shitty) first year of AoS episode
Read some recent shit. And don't give me any guff about "muh moniez" or "JewDubbz" when you can do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free
How drunk were they when they made this setting? The names are something you'd find in Generic Fantasyland with no afterthought
>the setting is 404.
Fuck off retard.
who /thiccfu/ here?
Rats fear the human warrior
>muh super speshul OC donut steel setting with aelfs.
Instead lets discuss total warhammer
What factions are you guys playing as, what mods are you using?
any houserules you use to play the game?
Pic related, doing an estalia playthrough with miss boobarella and her loan troops
Holy shit didn’t realize that I would like Vampirella without her being, you know, undead.
>not liking vampire chan
its ok lucretia is hotter and she speaks in a bretonnian accent.
>factory for producing mortuaries is on the fuck-all opposite side of the map from the rain of corpses
The corpse carters' union did this. >:^(
Hearses are thematic, we have to have hearses.
the hurtful hearsehold?
I like the way you posted a counter example and provided an argument to your claims. It was truly stellar.
Why are there two pools of tranquility?
The name for the first one doesn't even make sense.