Previous Thread: For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War. Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.
>Who's making the new 40k RPGs? Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.
There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.
40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.
40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.
Have you made models from any of your characters from the RPGs?
James Ortiz
The Dark Heresy guadsman I'm currently playing Initially was inspired by the memorable artwork and made just for fun but later incorporated in game
Ian Cox
Anyone have good stories of an astartes party in Black Crusade?
Jacob Ramirez
So, in rogue trader's ship generation can you take multiples of one supplement (unless stated otherwise in the rulebook)?
Because I want to turn a universe transport into a mobile agri-world, or a mobile paradise world, or a moving port of which all three would require multiples of certain supplements.
Julian Davis
Am I the only one who feels that the starting equipment in DH2 is a bit... lacking? Compared to RT or DH1, where every character is reasonably well equipped, it seems that your kinda limited when a guardsman doesn't even have a knife.
Henry Flores
How big of a deal is the character creation to you guys? In terms of home world, background and role are their any combinations or options you don't approve of or do you just let people do whatever? Current GM and closest bro starts looking like he ate something disgusting t as soon as I say something like "frontier world admech" which I personally don't think sounds very crazy, and he very obviously dislikes stuff like daemon worlds and exorcised, but later added that he just wants to avoid an entire party of exorcised daemon world psykers or blanks, which I get, but knowing him he does have a habbit of having very strong opinions on things before he really taken a look at it, and bases a lot of opinions of small bits of half heard hearsay. Granted, in his defence, I tend to make at least 5-10 characters for every potential campaign, half of which are just an exercise in just ridiculous proofs of concept, and I think half of his knowledge about the extra character creation options in the extra DH2 books are from me telling him about my latest dumb fucking idea.
So anyway, yeah, any pet peeves/preferences regarding character creation? Also, roll in order or roll and assign?
Robert Lewis
DH2 is all over the place, exorcised has: autopistol or revolver, shotgun and chainblade, drugs and robes and some more shit, guardsman gets flak armour and either laspistol and sword, or a lasgun, and a pack of smokes.
Michael Morales
Is there any alternative rules for starting equipment?
Liam Ramirez
If you're the GM, invent anything you want.
Jack Reed
Just ask you GM "bruh, can I start the game with a weapon that does the single worst damage in the whole game, even doing less damage that an improvised weapon and has the availability of tissue paper and that I'm likely for find 15 of on session one anyway?" because I'm pretty sure every person I have ever had as a GM would say "yeah sure whatever", and so would I. Alternately, if you absolutely have to spend one of your start weapon choices (one up to scarce availability for each point of influence bonus) then just pick a best craftmanship and get +10 to weapon skill tests made with it and +1 damage, or get a best craftmanship bayonet (or melee attachment or whatever), which is an attachment and not a weapon, but is also plentiful, and could easily be argued to be used as an improvised weapon when not affixed to you lasgun, unless your GM says it counts as a knife, in either case, it will be a best craftmanship knife or improvised weapon, dealing +1 damage and +10 to weaponskill tests. Although depending on your GM he or she might contest that last bit, but personally I'd rule it as fair, another thing that might be contested is that the best craftmanship melee attachment, when attached and turning your basic weapon into a spear in melee, will be a best quality spear, with +1damage and +10 weapon skill tests. Optionally, put a mono attachment on your best craftmanship knife of melee attachment, and remove the primitive for the improvised bayonet and add damage and pen. Then since you average 3 picks, but a red dot on your beefed up bayonet affixed lasgun and go to town. If you're a feral worlder, you're also looking at replace the primitive (7) on your improvised weapon with proven (3) and +1 damage and +10 weapon skill from the best craftmanship part. Although, might wanna talk it over with your GM, because you're at a place with unexplained details.
Adrian Powell
My players are unironically great. The entire group, each and single one of them is very good.
Jacob Perez
>frontier world admech That sounds pretty great actually.
It could be a new Forge World, not fully integrated yet into the Machine Cult. There could still be trees and grass, the population is still running at Wild West levels of tech with AdMech people milling about with what amounts to magic in comparison.
New Tech Priests recruited there have a rustic, nuts and bolts view of technology. The dogma and ceremony of the AdMech is still a little lost on them, but they stick to it as well as they can.
Still though, a majority of the newly inducted TechPriests there have a fondness for revolvers, shotguns, and bowie knives.
Brandon Miller
DH players - what is your band's subtlety? Trying to get a handle on this game 4 sessions in and we seem to have the accelerator pedal stuck all the way down. Last session, we needed to get a prisoner out of Arbites hands and we ended up re-enacting the opening heist from Heat. Is this normal?
Connor Smith
>Is this normal? Was diplomacy with an Imperial organization not the first option?
Lucas Phillips
Not that user, but because things such as these are often afterthoughts, we're all having much more fun in only war and deathwatch.
Connor Price
It couldn't look related to the inquisition. We couldn't fathom who else the Arbites would give a shit about, so we went with something short and violent. Only killed two of them, so that's something.
Brayden Sullivan
Adam Russell
What are some alternate flamer fuels besides stuff like holy/high grade/nephium? I know they're called flamers but they apparently contain air compressors so maybe you could stuff other things in there, I want a freeze gun
Caleb Peterson
Hi everyone! My RT players barely survived a 2v4 raider fight against some local orks, and now have to tackle the Rok. What fun stuff should I throw at them? So far I have kannons, torpedoes, a Boss Mek, maybe some fighta-bommas...
Maybe a squig gun?
Alexander Cooper
>Compressed air Where the fuck did you read this?
Adam Wood
You want liquid nitrogen
Evan Thomas
I think he's getting it from how real world flamethrowers work which involves a volatile fuel that's pressurized. To be fair that's also how 40k flamers probably work because using dark age tech to propel flammable liquids is dumb even by mechanicus standards.
Charles Lee
Would it be tonally appropriate to have GiTS-esque brain-jar human looking cyborgs running around a forgeworld?
Wyatt Sullivan
That's like Mechanicus-level cyber-enhancement.
You'd have to be in the top .001% to be able to afford it, and the somewhat technophobic Imperium would look at them like they were some kind of freak or a Servitor.
Wyatt Howard
I think I've done it. I think this works. Now I can just add in some meaningful campaign/princeps/Collegio symbols and I should be done, right?
Hudson Adams
Is that just a bunch of Lorem Ipsum on the text?
Nicholas Peterson
A few of my players have asked to try out a campaign of Only War but I'm having trouble coming up with ideas for what to do other than combat. What would be plausible things for them to do that actually involve them talking and interacting with each other and other npcs?
John Barnes
Just do Kelly's Heroes in space
Jackson Walker
Garrison duty on a hive world. Comes with perks of hab-housing, joy girls, and cults for mini dark heresy
Jordan Cooper
Given the size of the imperium, even seemingly small percentages mean big numbers. Plus, Rogue Trader has the appropriate group. Probs ITS.
Matthew Myers
Are there any systems in place for retrofitting Dark Heresy 1ed and Deathwatch with the revised BW/OW skills list?
Cameron Jackson
Well sure but even then it's: 1.) Only on Forge Worlds 2.) Only the richest of the very rich in a universe where most capital is collected under a very small percentage of the population 3.) Committing an act that might be considered heretical and to which there is significant cultural aversion (except with some Space Marine chapters)
By which I mean, it's kind of not tonally appropriate? The 40k universe's "brand" is that most cybernetics look like giant hunks of metal bolted onto the human frame.
Michael Collins
Partly that's because the AdMech don't care too much about appearances, so they don't see too much point in getting gold and ivory inlays when it functions identically without them. That said, they'll still appreciate superior craftsmanship.
Nobility can typically acquire much more refined cybernetics that also happen to be far less cumbersome or intrusive. If they don't bother to conceal the prosthetics but actually want to show it off as a status piece, you're looking at finely-wrought articles from preserved rare woods, precious metals and other rare materials that look more like something made by DaVinci than by John Deere.
Dominic Ramirez
Working on a map for an upcoming RT campaign, was hoping for some suggestions on improving it.
Hundred years after Indomitus ended. Sector's just a little north of the Tau Empire, straddling the Great Rift. There will actually be a second map detailing what's Trailing of the Cicatrix Maledictum, in the half of the sector caught within the Imperium Nihilus, but I wanted to make the "light" side interesting, too.
Ethan Reed
So I'm running my party through the intro campaign from the DH 1st edition Rule book. Since they are out of print, some of the party and I have bought as many of the books as we can, and I plan to start running them through all the pre-gens; Advice on what I should run for them after 'Rejoice for you are clean' which is the follow up for the starting adventure;
Also, after they fight the BBEG, how should I move them along to the next adventure which is on Scittla or however it's spelt. I have it planned that the Local Sister Mission sends like, five of the Ebon Chalice who are on planet and a bunch of recruit sisters show up investigate the demonic presence; Of course they suggest purging everything in fire, and either they go yes or go 'Maybe hold off?' regardless, stuff happens, Inquisition reinforcements arrive, taken back to Port Suffering, then eventual Black Bagging and de-briefing interrogations. Is that alright? Meh?
Colton Johnson
Wait, I just remembered Forge Worlds are run directly by the AdMech, there are no Highborn there. There are only two base classes, AdMech and menials.
Nathaniel Gray
Could be one of those hundreds of thousand worlds with fucked up politics, like most of the Imperium. The Ad Mech Run a forge world on the planet, but the planets menials have a writ from Terra (Either High Lords, from the Emps himself so it's mad old, or somehow else) That states they are free to run themselves or something. So the Ad Mech begrudgingly doesn't smeer them into paste.
Thomas Baker
I mean if you genuinely think the Treaty of Mars, the 11,000 year old document dating to the founding of the Imperium, being broken on a Forge World, the kinds of places that as a rule the Mechanicus doesn't even like people landing on, which are so polluted and devoid of resources that most people live to about 30 before they die and get repurposed into a biomechanical robot, so that an independent population could live on a planet, directly occupying land the AdMech could be using to build tanks to defend the Imperium, just so that you can have some neat looking GitS cyborgs, that's fine.
But when your players ask why the Mechanicus didn't fake a gas leak or a plague in the last 11,000 years, you're gonna be the one to explain that to them.
Isaac Brooks
They couldn't be assed, as the nobles of the planet have just as much disdain for the other menials on there as the AdMech does, and it keeps them from having to run the menials.
Oliver Walker
Wait, so the AdMech on this planet has a population of independent highborn who've transplanted their brains into entirely cybernetic bodies of tremendous beauty, and the AdMech LETS THEM RUN MANUFACTORA?
NOPE. That planet's getting purged. Kill the beautiful robots in the streets, mindwipe the Servitors, purge the AdMechs. We're in Tech Heresy land.
Brody Martin
I think you are putting words in my mouth. I said runs the menials, not the manufactorum. As in 'Here are the meal plans, work shifts, sleeping arrangements'. And while working, the menials are obviously under the orders of the AdMech, where they are working, who's carrying the liquid hot metal with their hands today, ect.
All I'm really trying to say is that in the vast un-fucking-countable sectors, systems, stars and planets, there isn't one conceivable way for A)Nobles to exist on a Forge World, even begrudgingly, and B)For said nobles to have at least some high quality GiTS level implants. Perhaps not the whole body and brain, as that's a bit much, but still.
Nolan Morris
I'm gonna say, why do you so badly want a forgeworld that doesn't act like a forgeworld, filled with people the AdMech would ordinarily never let within 100 goddamn light years of any of their tech?
Do you know what should happen to a population on a forgeworld that technically has its independence from the AdMech? They'd be put in a ghetto, surrounded by the highest walls they could get away with, with Gun Servitors at the top. Probably with pict-recorders so someone can monitor them.
The AdMech are, barring some individual cases, a bunch of xenophobic cultish weirdos who would rather hang themselves by their own belts than give away the secrets of how to build so much as an electric toothbrush. A population of rich, tech-obsessed highborn would represent a massive danger to the integrity of the forgeworld and the secrets of how its run. In their mind if they let imperial citizens figure out how the sausage is made, that's the end of the Cult of the Omnissiah. Never mind the fact that replacing your body with mechanical parts that mimic the human form would weird out most AdMechs (the whole point is to lose as much humanity as you can).
Jace Cruz
>the vast un-fucking-countable sectors
There's five.
Owen Carter
I'm not, I'm not even the original guy who was suggesting it. I'm just saying that in the entire Imperium, which size defies the minds ability to put into scope, there couldn't be a single world where it somehow worked? Yes, the setting is Grimdark. Yes, the AdMech are a bunch of Xenophoic fucks. But then so are the normal humans. And the Eldar. And the Necrons. And everyone else. Cept maybe the Tau but we don't talk about them.
Jace Nelson
You are thinking of Sigmentiums.
Ryan Lee
The thing is there aren't actually that many Forgeworlds. There's a couple thousand, and they're all very carefully monitored by Mars. Forgeworlds are where the AdMech are at their most Orthodox and jumpy. They're the key to the kingdom, so to speak. If a Forge World falters it's a genuine goddamn catastrophe for the entire Segmentum. Lives will be lost, maybe even planets, and faith in the AdMech will falter among the Imperials. The AdMech knows that their monopoly on manufacturing is their key to survival. Otherwise they're just a bunch of heretics with no practical purpose. They don't fuck around with those things. If this were some other planet I think you could swing it for a few individuals, maybe on a Hive World. Slowly replacing themselves with a special-order part here, another there.
So which part of that are you disputing? The article seems to make it clear that Bionics are so expensive they can only barely get into the hands of wealthy citizens, much less a full-body replacement.
Jack Gonzalez
Christian Richardson
All three points.
Evan Gomez
Okay well let me do this for you then. 1.) The forgeworld part wasn't me. That dude brought up forgeworlds 2.) "Even some particularly wealthy members of the Imperial citizenry can afford, and have been known to use, bionics." That suggests that only the richest of the very rich could possibly afford an entire body made of Bionics, considering how rare they are among citizens. 3.) There is a thing in Tech Heresy called the Proteus Protocol. It's the act of putting a person's consciousness directly into a machine, and it is a significantly profane sort of Heresy to the AdMech. This is dangerously close to that, especially for non-Techpriests who the AdMech are distrustful of at the best of times.
Here, I'll even link you a non-retarded wiki about it:
Techpriests who reach that level of augmentation usually deliberately make themselves look inhuman, in order to distance themselves from the weak flesh
David Torres
Or you can just do whatever you want really because making the game fun's more important than making sure every single part lines up with the mass of undercooked spaghetti that is the canon.
Brody Butler
What were your biggest “oh fuck” moments? For our group it was when due to us getting involved in inter-inquisition bickering resulted in a craftworld emerging in the sector capital system and starting gutting of the sector battlefleet
Benjamin Cox
That's what I was planning, wild west techpriest, really good at making do, and just can't stop bubbaing guns, pick desperado as a role and exchange the extra ballistic skill for intelligence and get crazy high tech use and what not and macgyver my way through tech use tests. Cybernetics mostly aiming at slowly turning oneself into a gun platform.
Matthew Gutierrez
>DH1 >whole party is still in rank 1 >GM: genestealer lmao
Aaron Perez
How did it go?
Chase Ortiz
>>What were your biggest “oh fuck” moments? >Find a hulked ship with no obvious damage >Board it >It's full of technozombies with semi organic metal growing into their bodies. Wielding weird green lasers that turn whatever they hit into grey dust >Make our way to the bridge >There's a goddamn Necron in the Captain's throne. IC, we have no fucking idea what this fucker was and why a robo skeleton was here. >It starts yelling at us about "Uplifting the savages", "sharing the gift of eternity", "bastard children of the Nemesis", "The galaxy will burn", and "Endless legions". >RT makes an executive decision and calls down a lance strike on the bridge. Cue the entire party running like hell. >Outbreaks of a so-called 'Iron Plague' start popping up all over the region a few years later It was a clusterfuck.
Jackson Phillips
nucanon faggot
Juan Martinez
Looking for input on my BC character sheet. How can I clean up the alignment section?
Brody Gomez
The next 40k game I play, I'm stealing this idea whole heartedly.
Please post how it works out for you. I'd love to hear the adventures of the Tech Priest With No Name
Jacob Torres
It actually isn't. It is copy-pasted fluff from the sector the legion is based in. I'm going to put real text in it eventually, but then I'll have to shrink it down to illegibility because right now the font size is bigger than it should be.
Jack Cruz
you're ironically being too dogmatic. there are millions of planets in the Imperium, you honestly belive that all of them are cookie cutter societies that fit perfectly into some half dozen of types? lets entertain anons idea and: lets say that Machine Cuklt needed a planet for their schenanigans, Administratum granted them their wish and allowed to make base on some small planet. but because Administratum being Administratum, they accidentally fucked up and gave them a planet that was taken, millenia ago it was already granted to soldiers of an Imperial Guard regiment and their descendants by Rowboat Girlyman himself as a reward of their valor. now, Machine Cult dosn't really have a jurisdiction over those people that already live there and doing something to them would be a big diplomatic fuck up. but luckily a whole continent was not used by current occupants of the planet so Mechanicum just put up their shop there and both societies went on doing their business. hundreds of years passed, upper echelons of both societies eventually tightened their bonds, societies became friendly and grew clloser while mainataing independence and stayin on different continents, just like separate countier on our planet. higher classes of guard descendats society eventually started buying augmentations and recieving them as gifts.
Angel Gray
>Augmetic implants are ubiquitous throughout the Imperium. From the prosthetic limbs ofImperial Guardveterans, to the life-extending sanguinary actuators of ancient savants, to the multi-jointedmechadendritesof theAdeptus Mechanicus, one is hard pressed to find a resident of a civilised world who does not sport some form of bionic implant.
>MostTech-priestsapplaud the burgeoning Augmenticist for recognising the limitations of the flesh and for taking steps towards the “true flesh” of theMachine God. Unfortunately, as an Augmenticist is implanted with increasingly complex devices for ever-more-selfish reasons, the Adeptus Mechanicus comes to regard him as a fetishistic dabbler, an abuser of both his body and the sacred technology that infuses it.
Simply having an augmetic body isn't enough for the AM to get shitty with you.
Christopher Howard
This actually raises an interesting question: can the Mechanicus even make new Forgeworlds anymore?
William Hill
Sorry you choose to be salty instead of looking for ways to make canon fun.
Jace Baker
Yes. Places like the Lathe Worlds were established fairly recently, in the grand scheme of things. Most of the stuff on Forge Worlds is well-understood by the Mechanicus, I should think, since the majority of the facility is geared toward the production of certified-kosher goods. Only a small portion probably involves R&D.
Ethan Myers
Fuck that retarded piece of writing that is the new lore. Just ignore it and base your campaing in the old true 40k lore.
Brandon Ortiz
Finally 40k RPG joins its brother WFRP
Colton Cox
That sure is an opinion you've got there.
Adrian Bailey
I will pretend GW's saturday cartoon never happened and continue along in my way.
Jeremiah Wright
And I'll continue right along with doing a homebrew sector set later than current canon.
We both have our own our own versions of canon that differ from the official one and nobody suffers.
Liam Bennett
Someone ever made a successful Alpha Legion-themed campaign? You know sabotage, sneaky cloak-and-dagger stuff
Levi Perry
Yours isnt differing from it. Yours is being built upon it.
Asher Garcia
Most RP'ers are not smart enough for that.
David Harris
I'm new to this Quick rundown how good is commander dante and the sanguinor?
Liam Hall
We both build on official canon and diverge at some point. You just happen to do it earlier.
Jose Parker
Wrong thread?
Ian Hall
Juan Phillips
Oh no! Sound the hurt feefees alarm! Someone's been triggered by a badwrongfeel!
Robert Jones
Hey so I wanna GM a game of Black Crusade but I'm confused about something, would a normal party with access to a warp-capable ship turn off the gellar fields and if so, would there be random encounters?
Jordan Miller
It would be just as bad for them as for imperials. It would be spawndom/death.
Kayden Nelson
>Partly that's because the AdMech don't care too much about appearances, so they don't see too much point in getting gold and ivory inlays when it functions identically without them. See that's where your wrong. Pic related. I'd flip you off in the pic as well but I'm holding the book open and taking the picture.
A lot of adepts are vain and there are ones who have no issue cultivating good professional and unprofessional relationships with the imperium at large. It makes getting resources easier when the person negotiating with you is on good terms with you. So a magos or lower ranked adept might make their frame appear more humanlike. Or they might even make an underling of theirs fashioned in a pleasing manner to hold negotiations in their steed. And that's not even tapping into the possibility of them being a sect member the the biologis (spelling) that does venerate the human form, or the also likely possibility that they enjoy social interactions.
Dylan Fisher
The Warp is not kind to any mortal, not even those worshipping the Gods.
Tyler Jones
They'd never turn the Gellar field off. They know exactly what kinds of horrible lovecraftian nonsense is out there.
Jacob Perez
I could see a heretic turning it off in the warp as the capstone to ascending to daemon prince with the sacrifice of the entire crew along with whatever prisoners/slaves/etc. are in the holds.
Bentley Perry
>half the party panics >try to outrun a genestealer >laughingrippers.jpg >remember we encountered a caged naked ork nob > >release the ork nob and hand him the snazz gun we picked up >que my cleric getting mauled by the nob >try to get away >genestealer shows up >get mauled by genestealer >nob joins the fun >brazzers >something something nob kills genestealer with snazzgun >operator as fuck assassin wyrdling tries to use his powers >fucking it up and exploding all his gear leaving a naked man on the floor in the middle of the fight >somebody stuns or flashbangs the ork or whatever and the rest of the party that actually unloads on him >ork charges party >"naked snake" the wyrdling assassin punches the naked nob in the nuts and gets righteous fury >yeah just let that image sink in >while the nob is reeling from that my cleric charges the nob with hammer and righteous fury him again >nob is pissed and cleric brains splatter all over everyone present >nob tries to push naked snake down to splatter his brains like he did my cleric's but misses >naked snake picks up my clerics revolver and does 1 damage to it and kills it
Still being learners we figured out my cleric had a fate point left to burn and figured it would be a great chance to try out cybernetic resurrection. My cleric somehow ended up being the GMs punching bag, but I found it weirdly entertaining how she just kept on trucking through most of it. This was second session, and in the span of just those two she: Got shot in the face twice and critically wounded losing her nose, got blown up, blown up a LOT, mauled by a daemonette and fought it in single combat right after being blown up a lot, got covered in gretchin, shot some more, mauled by ork nob, mauled genestealer, mauled by both and once, brain splattered by nob.
Colton Campbell
How good is two hand weapon fighting is in only war? I was thinking about playing a weapon specialist that used two stub nose revolvers (or hand cannons/automatics?) and a twin-linked sniper rifle or auto gun acting as a DMR. As of now I know the talents I want to get would be Ambidextrous Two weapon fighter and gunslinger so I can duel wield but should I spend any and all xp I get for all of those or should I take it slow and make sure other things like skills and characteristics are in a better place seeing how I have a 30~40% chance or landing a shot in the first place?
Logan Jenkins
I mean there should be a general corollary with 40k that adds "except in instances of insanity"
Justin Peterson
Take it slow. Two-weapon wielding is a massive exp sink. >Thinking any sane GM would allow a twin-linked weapon with the accurate quality
Or in this case, instances of GLORY
Elijah Johnson
>Thinking any sane GM would allow a twin-linked weapon with the accurate quality That is true then maybe it would be better if I got it on a autogun then? I was thinking of using a combat shotgun but scatter and twin-linked sounds a bit much too.
Evan Williams
A twin-linked combat shotgun is okay if you're using errata. Scatter got a nerf so it gets +3 damage at point blank instead of an extra hits.
Ayden Wilson
alright think what I do then is use a shotgun and autogun till later then
James Jenkins
Yes, it just takes a very long time (centuries) and is incredibly resource consuming
Connor Howard
30k is not 40k, they are two separate settings.
Gabriel Hall
There are so many books where the Mechanicus and the Imperium rule a forgeworld jointly though.
Luke Murphy
List them.
Jayden Nelson
IIRC, the planet in SPACE MARINE is a forgeworld, with a regular IG regiment guarding it and looks plenty regular Imperial.
Carson Moore
Does Akellon have anything good going for it? I'm planning a DH2 campaign and I'm considering either setting it in Calixis or merging the two sectors into a custom one.