Metokur's (an outsider who doesn't play the game) view on the whole MTG drama that happened yesterday.
Let's all just watch and laugh.
in b4 SJW mods delete this thread too
Metokur's (an outsider who doesn't play the game) view on the whole MTG drama that happened yesterday.
Let's all just watch and laugh.
in b4 SJW mods delete this thread too
Other urls found in this thread:
>make a video about how you think some wizards employee is a terrorist
>whine like a little bitch when you get called a cunt and banned from events
fucking sjws am i right? i should be allowed to accuse random people of being terrorists without any kind of consequences
Replace terrorist with rapist and this post is pretty funny.
>in b4 SJW mods delete this thread too
They'll just move it to /pol/ again. I really want them to do it just to have /pol/ throw it straight back here.
Please tell me what's defendable about the shit he did. He accuses people of doing terrible shit and then backtracks with "it's just a prank bro" when the people get death threats from his thousands of followers.
Remember to report, kids!
Talk shit get hit, go back to your /pol/ space.
>being this low test
Nobody cares
If you follow this you should kill yourself you literal disgusting fucking troglodyte
All those involved are also troglodytes and if you follow them in any way you also fall under the blanket I'm throwing here.
wuw wuw wuw i care about what some fucking mtg youtuber does(This is like bottom of the barrel in terms of social influence, like really?)
Nobody cares about your fucking video.
Kill yourself.
stay on /r9k/ when you ghostin.
everyone who posts on /pol/ should be autobanned from Veeky Forums so faggots like OP can't shit up the board
I frequent pol and both these posts are me.
I'll tell you the trick to /pol/.
It's just an indicator, 90% of threads are trash.(Discounting shill/slide threads which don't count)
Just like all the rest of Veeky Forums.
you have to go back
I've been here since 06 you little faggot.
Course you have my child
>@the guy:
Fuck this guy. He's a low effort content dickbag without any sense of reason or self-awareness. If he gets run over by a truck, the world would be a better place. I hope the followers are caught in the driving path too.
>@the gal:
If mean internet words and youtube videos are enough of a reason to abandon the hobby which she dedicated 5+ years of her life to, got her in contact with the creators of the game and links to all of her loving and avid supporters who send their love and real money every day:
Well, fuck her. She apparently didn't deserve any of that if she quit this easily.
>So, now that this is all sorted out
Why is reddit using this event to try and silence every single white, straight male on the planet?
Why does this metokur guy still even exist?
Jeremy's a gift to SJWs. He's exactly the sort of neanderthal subhuman poster boy they need to pretend is the face of gaming.
We should have deleted /pol/ and made all this Reddit's problem.
So let me get this straight, everyone is complaining and creating drama over literally nothing? Just some guy who is known as an asshole is an asshole? Despite playing magic I don't keep up with any ecelebs, youtubers or article websites at all.
There'd be no one left for you to talk to, faggot.
dunno man. if i was a cosplayer, the type of attention i get would definitely define whether i'd want to continue with this hobby or not.
>Why is reddit using this event to try and silence every single white, straight male on the planet?
They've got an opportunity to do it. This is just an excuse now.
Yugioh is the better game anyway, who cares.
Guy is openly hostile, abrasive and panders to anti-SJW identity politics in order to garner that particular audience, because no one else had claimed anti-SJW MtG players yet. He frequently makes incendiary remarks and comments about anyone that he believes is pushing MtG in a SJW direction or is taking advantage of the currently SJW nature of MtG. This is how he acquires views, followers and Patreon money.
This came to a tipping point when one of the individuals that he has commented on in a hostile, abrasive and anti-SJW manner has said that she is leaving the MtG community, particularly because of the hostility from this individual and his audience. This turned into a landslide of other individuals that he has attacked in his videos saying that they have also received harassment from this individual and his followers. In return, he states that they should grow thicker skins and that he's the one being harassed and that they're trying to shut down and that all he ever said about them was simple criticism.
asshole talks shit about people to an audience of kekistani trolls he has purposefully cultivated, gets hit when other people complain about being harassed by said kekistani trolls that he directed towards them
Metokur is a fag, everyone who likes him is a fag, and his opinion is not relevant in any context. Fuck off niggers who are trying to ruin my favorite game in order to fight the big bad SJW.
So a guy who is trolling and being retarded on purpose is successfully baiting people and enjoying the attention?
>This is how he acquires views
Well, any criticism of the direction the game is going in is quickly crushed so of course people were going to rally around this guy. This is the only outlet that's talking about it.
He was the biggest channel before he ever even heard of the word SJW. Go back to NeoGAF.
I bet 5 bucks that you are that same fucker I bitched out on pol yesterday. Fucking reddit faggot, pol is not some secret fighting force trying to use mind games to kill mtg. WotC is doing a great job killing their own game catering to SJW's. Wizards played stupid games so they are going to win stupid prizes.
Plenty of channels complain about crap cardstock, crap reprints, valueless secondary products, bad set design, etc. Are people really butthurt that some people don't care about uggo pirate women?
>Implying MTGHQ even plays MTG
This is definitively not true. Literally a new video about card stock quality, MTGO, and artificially-inflated prices every single day. It got so bad on reddit that they made a megathread for card stock complaints.
There's no need to go that far. Just delete /pol/ and force it's users to make a choice: Is shitposting about SJWs more important than posting at all?
Veeky Forums has successfully forced out large groups of rampant shitposters many times before and there's no reason for this situation to be any different to when they banned CP or dealing with furries or bronies.
There will be a couple of weeks of rage, and then almost all of them will give up. The ones who have disappeared up their own asses about this stuff will storm off somewhere else, and the rest will wean themselves off of it. There will always be a couple of holdouts who desperately post their shit to get a reaction, but over time they will be worn down and fuck off. /b/ will take the brunt of it, but that's what /b/ is for.
It will be a lot of work in the short term but sometimes these things are necessary for the good of the site.
It's radiotherapy. The body suffers but the cancer dies. /pol/ is the most cancerous thing Veeky Forums has ever had, and the longer they wait the more of a fuss it will be when it's removed.
They would just flow over to like /v/.
I like jim, and have never heard him talk about mtg prior to this. He's not even explicitly anti sjw, he's been moving away from it because he doesn't particularly care and finds it exhausting. Is there any user who can sum up this autistic "drama" that seems to involve a smug, abrasive asshole who likes to take the piss out of the retarded, and some useless attention whore crying for reparations?
I wonder who is behind this post.
but /pol/lacks needs their own safespace as well like tumblrites.
I don't know why hasn't their been a mass exodus of /pol/lacks to stormfront
Don't subscribe to jim, I'm not saying this as an SJW but someone that's followed him from the start.
Regardless of what he does, he's just a shit content creator and overall crybaby, he HIMSELF started drama over his channel and when his viewers realized he wasn't taking it seriously he shat his pants, cried like a child and abandoned Internet Aristocrat.
Now he's "mister metokur" and pretends nothing happened.I have Zero fucking respect for people that just sweep shit under the rug and pretend nothings happened, it's straight up cowardly and there's no reason to believe he won't do it again.
And when he started getting smaller, he focused on acquiring a more specific, more loyal audience than just 'people interested in MtG.' An audience that would stand by him due to being invested in a certain sort of politics, for example. Now he's got a loyal, unyielding following that he has purposefully cultivated, a following of individuals with specific political beliefs that he has designed his content around.
It's basic Youtube audience manipulation, he found a niche and he pandered to it.
>I don't know why hasn't their been a mass exodus of /pol/lacks to stormfront
Because /pol/ is just friendly enough to their shitposting that they feel welcome. They're allowed to come to Veeky Forums and shit up our threads with their cringeworthy memes like this liquid shit
/pol/ makes them think we all want them to shill their action plans for how to take down the SJWs. It's a failed containment board, so it needs to just be removed.
I seem to remember from an early video when all he did was unboxing packs, he treats Youtube and MTG as some business and you need "business-savy" for a channel to work or some shit like that. This was around 2014-2015, I can't remember.
Maybe I'm remembering another dude with his same of style of unboxing.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
>Defending women's rights
>Being on Veeky Forums
Neck yourself faggot
>it's a /pol/ thread
Who cares dude.
/pol/ wasn't mentioned, only 'kekistani' was and it seems like a pretty accurate statement.
>So a guy who is trolling and being retarded on purpose is successfully baiting people and enjoying the attention?
He is gaining money from this and cultivating hate.
If you like hate, go back to being bullied at school.
If that happened then every board would become /pol/. Imagine the threads here but 20x the /pol/ posters.
It pisses me off how kekistani is even a common word.
another trash /pol/ thread
go to r/magictcg if you want the answer to this story, just watch the Professor's video
there's nothing else to discuss, just a bunch of dickhead nazis shitting up Veeky Forums once again
Nice falseflagging, bro.
>go to r/magictcg if you want the answer to this story
the levels of SJW shilling in this thread are unreal
>go to r/magictcg
>go to reddit
((( tolarian ))) doesnt know what antifa is. /pol/ would be intresed
>replying to your own baitpost
antifa doesn't exist, bro
>replying to your own reply to your bait post's reply
I saw this. Also he is a actual jew. The fact that mtg is so sjw now and this may get them into this. Acting on this is a golden chance
The amount of intellectual dishonesty going on here is impressive.
Hey WOTC worker
These threads are being slid by wizards obvioisly
We both know that's not what I meant, son.
>The amount of reddit going on here is impressive.
11 minute mark. Damn. I thought you where baiting user
BULLSHIT! This fuck knows full and well what Antifa is.
How does someone samefag this badly?
>go to /pol/
>try to dispel myths on /pol/
>redditbanned from Veeky Forums for trying to make /pol/ a less shitty place
>sympathize with /pol/ because now I'm considered "one of them"
>Trump 2024
As much as I hate /pol/ trying to brainwash us, if we get too aggressive with containment, we are only going to push people into becoming /pol/acks.
Wait, who was meant to be the redditor again?
>Defend women's rights
I didn't do that. Why would I need to defend a cause that is entirely on the offensive and scoring victory after victory?
I just want you to stop getting mad about it and shitposting on Veeky Forums like a pussy. Go to Tumblr and change some minds, or better yet tell people what you think in real life. I'm sure your ideas are so persuasive that they will at least respect your intellectual stand-point. Don't adulterate them though. Your beliefs should be able to stand for themselves, after all.
Reddit needs to be banned from Veeky Forums
Also to the samefagging sperg, I like your spirit, but god. Stop
Why does /pol/ think this is a new and interesting meme? It's fucking ancient, and makes very little sense in the age of (you).
I don't disagree with him, professor is a giant SJW and should dissapear, I watched that video and honestly was dissapointed, He knows what Antifa is and the crack in his voice both times when it was brought up showed he has shit to hide. Needs some /pol/ investigates.
>10.000 people are sending me a dollar every month on patreon, but I will quit because of these 3 mean Twitter comments.
Yeah and then we can finally get to work killing MtG for good, so we can show the world how SJWs really do ruin whatever media they touch.
Honestly it would be example of how bad SocJus can be for a company user. But Veeky Forums can't do it, reddit has too many people, like other user said, /pol/ is the only hope
>professor is a giant SJW
He's the sort of normie who's sympathetic to feminism because it's never hurt him personally. But who cares? The guy makes videos about trading card shit and usually keeps his politics out of it, only bitches as WotC over things they deserve to be bitched out over like bad reprint policies or printing cards on toilet paper.
You'd be surprised how politically unplugged normies can be because they focus on their hobbies and don't stew in politics every day.
You really are immune to satire, aren't you?
threads when?
I mean, unsleeved isnt wrong. And I doubt in his videos he ever said to send death threats and shit
If they left out the "straight white male" part, I would've tolerated this rule change, but now that they have infected themselves with identity politics and assumed all harassers are straight white males, I'm staying away from that. It's shit like this that makes /pol/ grow stronger.
I was playing you my son.
never, /pol/ would be serious and the autism would crash a billion dollar company with green frog Jaces
i doubt it was 3.
also don't you think that says a lot? what do you think a hobby is? a job? of course she'll quit once it isn't enjoyable anymore.
Nigger did you see amonkill? It's too late for WOTC, I only buy old cards and rarely a new single.
Do it. Make them kill MTG and bring back the old battletech CCG I'd give ungodly amounts of money into this.
dude this really isn't /pol/ doing this.
You really think one autist couldn't be doing this to Veeky Forums by himself? It wouldn't be that hard.
wot cunt?
You are putting too much effort into troglodytes, an admirable effort though.
Fuck off commie faggot. I browse /pol/ probably twice in a blue moon but if it goes I'm coming for you.
It was fucking ONE
Give wotc like, 2 sets, at least before you start sperging the fuck out christ.
Trash channel anyway.
Good riddance.
>Paying attention to plebbit
I'm not clicking this.
>implying girls have hobbies
Na they do but they're either forced into it, failed women or self-perceive as failed women.
True facts
No but he purposefully designs his content to cater to an audience known for trolling and what mainstream media considers to be 'harassment.' He should be fully aware that if he puts out content criticizing people he disagrees with in a hostile manner and he should be aware this his 'sarcastic' comments such as "haha it should would be funny if someone trolled xyz at this event" are likely to be misconstrued by the audience he has purposefully acquired.
You don't buy an aggressive, violent dog from an animal shelter, let it off the leash in a kid's park and then act surprised when it mauls someone's child.
What's dishonest about talking about how much of a scumbag MTGHQ is? I've seen previous threads, so that's where the context is.
I'm too afraid to see for myself.
Dividing the community will only drag more of this stupid culture war into the hobby. Banning should be a last resort.
Unsleeved in only responsible for himself. Anything anyone else does is on that person. Why people act like everyone who watches his video is some robot that just does his bidding is beyond me.
I mean hasnt this been played out like 10000000 times in other shit. Eminem, ice cube and tupac (whether you like them or not) talking about how they just make music and when other people do bad shit they get the blame. Seems to just be another form of shifting the blame. You cant blame the nameless nerds that actually do this shit so you gotta put it on someone with a name.
The dishonesty lies in the people of a certain political persuasion that are samefagging, willfully misinterpreting posts in order to bolster their own points and falseflagging.
And I'm not talking about SJWs.
In the future, I think that it's best for pundits and those talking about other news to make a disclaimer not to harass anyone in the beginning so that they can keep their hands clean. From there, if any harassment happens, they can't pin it on said talking head because he or she expressed not doing that shit.
Not trying to victim blame, just thinking that it would be wise for the sake of their own integrity and image, because us humans have a tendency to blame hastily.
And I am sure you're swimming in pussy since you fight the big bad /pol/ monster.
No, he isn't. Those people wouldn't be aware of the individuals they attack if it wasn't for him. He has cultivated a following that enjoys attacking those that they disagree with and the majority of his tweets and videos are about making his audience aware of individuals with politics that they disagree with.
He might be able to dodge accusations of encouraging harassment or taking part in harassment himself but he should be smart enough to be aware of his audience and how they're going to react to him pointing out the SJWs that he opposes and the things that they say and do that he disagrees with. A content creator is responsible for the actions of their audience, if said actions can be connected to the content creator in question. Or do you really believe that Sprankle would have gotten the same amount of negativity if Unsleeved never mentioned her ever? Do you not think there is a correlation between the trolling of MtG personalities and Unsleeved's exposés on those personalities?
>people dislike pol because they want to get pussy
is this the kind of argument that only low IQ /pol/fags can understand?
Not him, but I will not blame the content creator unless he or she encouraged, or expressed desire of, to the audience to go after a person. Content creators cannot control people like drones, only manipulate them. If there is intention of manipulation, then the cc is guilty. If the cc made no implications to go after someone, then the audience that did is guilty and the cc needs to call them out on that.
It would be best for the sake of integrity for ccs to do I'm not sure if Unsleeved is guilty here, though. Just giving my views.
/pol/ likes to take kernels of truth, such as a few male feminists being willful cuckolds, or a vocal minority of racists from BLM, and blows it astronomically out of proportion. This kind of stuff is not exclusive to /pol/, but /pol/ seems to be the biggest offender that I know of.
>A content creator is responsible for the actions of their audience
Unless they explicitly say "Go attack this person" then no.
>Or do you really believe that Sprankle would have gotten the same amount of negativity if Unsleeved never mentioned her ever? Do you not think there is a correlation between the trolling of MtG personalities and Unsleeved's exposés on those personalities?
This is just how publicity works. If you are going to criticize someone or something, you have to talk about it. You are and should be allowed to make youtube videos criticizing people. If thats a crime then sure he is guilty. The professor doesnt have this problem because he criticizes WotC and their products. WotC is just a faceless company so it doesnt feel like he is targeting someone. Unsleeved criticizes people which of course makes it feel like a personal attack.
I mean that one guy who increased the cost of the aids thing became the most hated person in the world because he increased the price by a lot. Should people not be able to write about the supposed terrible thing he did?
Good one kiddo