Reminder: Lightning Network and Bitcoin are doomed

Bitcoin Cash is the future.

Segwit soyboys are idiots.

Other urls found in this thread:

>ran by a woman
literally the biggest red flag ever.

2018 the normies will realize this


It is doomed to fail, no matter what. Already sold all my BTC for alts.

idk shes kind of a robot

This, she is weird watch her interviews

Not a regular kind of women

I trust her

Bitcoin Cash has and always will be the true bitcoin


If bitcoin could some how get back to $1 transactions that confirmed in an hour they would call it a success...

Why use BCH over XRB. Honest question. XRB still has more room to grow and it does BCH's job but better (7000txs/sec and 0 fees). XRB less established though but plenty of upside

Ripple is run by the banks, they can lock up or steal all of your funds if they want to and they own so much Ripple that they can manipulate the market anyway they want.

not talking bout that jew coin. wouldn't touch it w a 10ft pole. I am talking about XRB not XRP. Raiblocks

oh sorry, Raiblocks could be better, don't know much about it

It's more similar to IOTA than to blockchains if I understand it correctly

>send a bitcoin tx
>confirmed twice in 10mins
>credited on binance instantly

baka poorfags crying about fees desu

corecucks everybody

It would be some pretty breakthough shit man

>1 dollar fees
>1 hour confirmation times
how far we've come

How many of these did you buy?

Yes people are starting to wake up from the corecuck fantasy they were seduced into, it's not too late boyo's, jump onto the the bitcoin that works and you will end up making more money than on BTC if you do it soon.

Satoshi explains why Lightning is doomed

The co-founder is a nigger
They're funded by kikes

This shit hits the trifecta of everything bad in the world.

this guy gets it

Founder @Lightning Labs. @UCSB - Computer Science MS+BS. Bitcoin Engineer. Bitcoin, Distributed Systems, Applied Cryptography.

Cool, I bet he got into and through uni on merit too. Had absolutely nothing to do with the fact he's a nigger. He also had a few internships at (((google))), I bet (((Google))) filled their diversity quota nicely.


>ITT: Pajeets shilling for Btrash

>deciding between bch and btc
>eth and xmr exist

>Unironically hating people just for being female, black, or jewish
clearly an unbiased and rational investor

>another BTrash thread filled with hyper-emotional and delusional idiots



I'm a white male who voted for Trump. But you probably won't believe me

What'S the deal with BTC transaction fees? Does it cost over 20$ for every transaction (each time you convert from fiat to BTC, from BTC to alt, etc.)? I have a small amount of money sitting in an exchange and I'm thinking about converting it to BTC, but the transaction fees scare me as they would pretty much reduce what I would have bought to nothing after a handful of trades. So what's the deal with them?

That is accurate. So, buy Ethereum and enjoy your 10 cents transaction fees.

>commits disabled for this video

what did they mean by this?

ltc also has cheap transaction fees

This is incredibly dumb then. I've stuck with ETH up to now, but some alts only have BTC pairings. I guess I'll skip those for now, thanks.

Good to know. I'll be going with LTC for the first time instead since it's been dropping a lot. Hopefully the floor isn't too far.



>lightning just around the corner

