ITT: We make better rules for Battleship.
ITT: We make better rules for Battleship
>Take a shot every time you hit water.
>the loser dies
Winner must eat all game pieces
3d grid - they are now Space Battleships
Played with actual battleships.
I fooking spit out my tea
Buy a loot box and a key to open it to unlock a 3x3 nuke!
I would actually legit play this.
1 - 10 are your left to right
A - J are your front to back
I - X would be height up to down
"I attack 1-B-IV"
"I attack 5-J-X"
You'd need splash damage, because otherwise it would just take 12 times as long for no benefit.
>Turbulent Vortex expansion for 4th dimension
>Ships changing positions mid game
>KanColle skins for your ships
Perhaps every player gets a limited number of nukes that can auto clear any one line, row or column? Or maybe all adjacent spot in either a line, row or column?
A ping move that shows what's within a range on your opponents field but does the same for yours
On your turn you can either move a ship forward or backwards 2 pegs or rotate it 90 degrees instead of firing.
>Instead of firing, you may use that turn to name a row or column. The opponent must answer (truthfully) whether or not any ships are there. Your next turn may have to be skipped for the sake of balancing.
>You may use special shots that have a 9-square block area. The opponent says if anything has hit, but doesn't need to specify. Any hits don't count as damage. Your next turn may have to be skipped for the sake of balancing, or shots are limited per game or have a cooldown of turns
>Play Captain Sonar.
You can stack ships.
Every time you shoot you must name a specific boat you're firing from and name a 6x6x6 space, decreasing by 1 dimension every time you fire, or send a drone which scans a 3x3 space but you must decrease by 2 units when you name your dimension
This and simulatenous turns.
Each time you miss your opponent must tell you how many squares you missed by. BUT he doesn't have to tell you if it was vertical or horizontal. So if you have a ship A3 to A6 and you hit C 7, he can tell you you missed by 1, or that you missed by 2, but nothing else. Not the direction or anything like that.
Would require more thinking and less randomness that way.
If you're black or a woman, you get an extra ship.
Not a bad idea, but here's one better. Anyone with a political affiliation gets one extra ship.
A partisan ship, if you will.
real missiles
If I saw it in stores, I would bi Partisan Ship
Instead of picking where to shoot you instead masterbate, measure the volume of your discharge and then look up your hit location from a chart based off your semen volume
This is now BattleFlight
>each round players can move up to one space their planes.
>planes are kill with just one shot to make the game faster.
>limited 3x3x3 bombs for each player.
your sub is allowed to move on your turn until it is hit.
sounds retarded
>that kid that would position one of his ships so that a slice of it was off the map.