How much have you invested crypto and how much is it worth now?

How much have you invested crypto and how much is it worth now?


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anyone else /pajeet/ here?


If you couldn't make gains in 2017, then you should just go back to Walmart.


Been here since october lol



Up to $7k
Cashed out 4k before the fork
Now worth 1k

I invested at 18k so im doing decent. was down to $280 at one point

$1000 aka .355 BTC
2+ BTC


thats a nice bag user, how long you been in the game?
I'm hoping ZCL pays off for me to get me on your level ahah

$2366 as of ten minutes ago.



way too diversified.


Got memed, but not gonna be posting pink wojaks any time soon.


Missed a tonne of moon missions though. Im not one to go all in on anything so ill never see massive swings in my portfolio



7.000 2017 june
31.000 2017 december

3000 6000

$4000 >> $5200

If I hodled, it would be 4,000

I hear that! @ diversified.

I got in with 3.5K.
I took out my initial investment and now I've got still about 9.1K spread out among around 17 coins.

+$1k'ed today trading

get a lot of advice from this group, come join

overall started with 1k 2 weeks ago, at 4.5k now

460 to 1900 since october.

I dabbled on and off for a few years, but Q2 2017 is when I took it more seriously. My gains are nothing, compared to what can be made in the market by people who are really into this shit. Spending too much time doing this gives me a headache. I am not built like that, hah.


1000 € Invested
Now 15K plus plus whatever the SKT tokens will be worth but that's not now I guess.

that was on bitmex
then switched to altcoin shillingz
now 12k
inb4 pink wojaks



Please teach.



Started on December 12th, if I was smarter with everything then I'd be looking at closer to $5000, but oh well, ive learned a lot of my lessons.

Please..... the discord shilling.... i cant take it anymore...

$150, $11000 but I'm cashing out $3000 to cover taxes soon

>about 2000 in
>portfolio value is at about 24000 7 months later
>tfw if I hadn't been a complete fucktard I'd be at well over 100k by now


ETH -> NEO (ANS at the time)


started a month ago

feels goodman, but its all longterm holds so im not pulling out anytime soon which sucks but w/e

if i put $10k right at the start of february instead of $1k every month i would easily be over $600k but instead i'm a fucking retarded pussy

2 months


Taxes on something they know nothing about, are you retarded? Pay capital gains if you cash out but honestly tell them to go fuck then self and say you lost it all. You will be able to buy cars/houses easily with crypto soon anyway. Screw the governments and banking system. The banks are already failing... good.

$4500-> $4600

can't seem to make a solid profit

You guys started with so much money.
Makes me feel like a retard for starting with $50USD.

Been at it for three days.

$1000 then sold when my porfolio hit $3k

Now I'm investing 1.5k spread across ICX, KCS, QLC, and BNTY. Am currently at 1.55k

300 usd
1000 usd

2 months.

Since August.


Ay IRS glad to see you are still around

teach me pls

One day user just keep putting a bit of money in it that you can lose :)

Yeah but now you have 50k invested so if you just extend that out the same amount of time, roughly 11 months from now (Q4 ’18), you’ll probably 5x the 50k like you did the 10k.

>$4000 >> $5200
^ This was mine, just adding that I've only been in it 2 months. Hoping to have much bigger gains by this time next year.

You probably will user if crypto has the year we think it’s going to have. Pick alts in the top 20 on coin market cap. You should be ok.

started with $50 three weeks ago. got on the raiblocks train, have about $280 now.
invest in some coins you can get behind and try to guess what the crypto space needs right now, what are the problems it's facing and what is hindering mainstream adoption. at least that's my perspective having tech background.


24 days

a month in so not too bad i guess

this is from buying in may 2017 and hodling

so not great

1 month
4 coins
Lucky so far.


about $2700 invested, at $5050 now. started like 25 days ago

i fear that i'm too late for the gains that we're all hoping for, but i hope not. don't know if neo is good for a "safe" coin that will make some gains, i own it but think about changing it for something else


Get on my level

>tfw I got into Ripple instead.
>it's crashing now
>get called a normie by half of Veeky Forums

Well, I got some chain and some poe, now.

Initial investment it's not the same as total investment. I started with 40€ and then put more along time, I know it's 1K in total because by 800+ € I wanted a round number.

Since the last week of November. Still learning the ropes.

Triple money in like 6 months... Not good???

>Started in March 2017

Could be a lot worse I guess

Bought ~$300 worth early this year (all I had, my NEET allowance saved up), which is worth 2k now. Bought $700 more since then, but much less judiciously spent - that portion is worth $1800 now. I'm too anxious to daytrade so I just buy & hold; I also diversify compulsively, and have my tiny ammount of money spread over 50 coins, also thinking about buying gold, silver, gems, mtg cards, &c.

If you're day trading then never fall in love with a coin. Just today I got into mod because of news and rode the voltality of the day to net myself 10%. Rode BNTY pump for 35% a couple days ago.

Siting comfy in BTC at the end of the day so I can sleep at night.

Find a good exchange with low fees, I got into KuCoin right after the launch. Under huge traffic it gets wonky, but the team behind it are adding backend for the website daily.

If you are watching a coin, have multiple tabs of the coin on different exchanges (mainly the ones with the most volume) this can help you predict movements on the exchange your hold on. I used Binance's MOD prices to reassure my hands when holding on KuCoin today. Sold once a whale stepped in to accumulate at a higher price.

KuCoin is the place to be if you don't have a lot of capital (money) to start with. Lots of shitcoins prime for launch on KuCoin (after etherdelta).

If you feel like I helped, please use my ref code when you signup.


250 eurobucks in august
5.2k now

only been here for 2 weeks though.

started with 500
peaked at 4000 a week ago
lost 3000 today
back to 500

im wasting my life

In crypto? No, that's abysmal.



0.37 ETH

3 weeks

>All these dumbasses posting their crypto hodling asking to be hacked

I really fucked up HARD at one point. I bought a shitcoin 2k sats higher than I meant to.

$500 into ADA a couple days ago.

Worth $1000 Today

I put $1000 in and I have exactly $1077
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing


i started 9 days ago...i guess thats decent


Like 1 - 2 years.


We're all going to make it.

doxing thread


less than $0 (total was about $20-25k but it's all cashed out)

So far so good (in before $0)


3k CAD
11k USD

1 month. Ripple, Stellar, and Litecoin only. currently all-in LTC waiting for new years announcement.


Why ADA?

>Pay capital gains if you cash out but honestly tell them to go fuck then self and say you lost it all.
it's hilarious when people say this. I can't wait until they go to fill out form 8949 for the first time ever and realize they're going to need to commit tax fraud.

initial investment was 300
ive now added up to 500

current is 800 (before the big dip of today, now its at 650).

2ish weeks

Invested $750
Now $1250

They call me The Wolf of Wallstreet

Came in during the "flippening" drama bought the btc dip at 8k like nov 20th or something like that

Started last week bought bounty at .06 and sold at 24

7k now

Started in August. I'm the one that loses when everyone makes money. Didn't make much but at least I regained some shit. Portofino was under 1k 1 month ago