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First for age of shilmar, this is a dead game who will fail and all-prrfffffffff AaHAAHAHA goodness can't say this shit with a straight face.

Aaa-niways, how's shadespire going around your locale?

Eh, we have a small community of aos players here, and shadespire was never on our radar. However my bro a destruction player wants the ironjaws warband because its a cheap points filler for an ironjaws army thats pretty decent.

Some poor sap last thread was asking about an elite, small model count 1k Seraphon army, and I think that could be cool. Any good ideas?

Lexicanum needs your help get getting the realmgate wars article up to date.

If you find that any event is missing from there tell me in this thread and ill check it up.(or can you join the lexi and add it yourself.)

4000pts of Pyrofane Cult
Leave your thoughts


Min battle line and the rest bastilladons. They are great.


Do you guys have personal theme songs for your models?
I like to think of my Gyrobomber pilot playing this on some sort of Duardin wax cylinder phonograph as he flies by and blasts away enemies.

Repostin for clarification

1 attack, 4 damage = 4 dead clanrats
4 attacks, 1 damage = 4 dead clanrats

i dont know where you got that info from, if it was here then i wasnt there to see it corrected. Damage carries over.

Cheers for clearing it up. I assumed it was this but was told overwhelmingly otherwise on tg a while ago.

While ive got you,
1 attack, 4 damage = still only one save, all or nothing style, correct?

You save for each attack

One save. If it fails then it goes to "wounds taken" and they are treated individually. Those can be saved individually if it has another save listed in it's abilities.

A good example is how the death faction "death save" works, which ignores the wound on a roll of 6. So this is how it would work on some skeletons with their death save:

1 attack hits, for 4 damage
Skeletons take one save, failing it, because it's one save per attack that hit
Player would normally remove 4 skeletons, but the death save allows him to roll 4 dice, one for each damage, and on any 6 it is ignored
He rolls one 6, so only 3 skeletons are remove from the unit

this is awesome

That just seems like conflicting advice.
You said one save for an attack that does 4 damage at the start but your example shows that each wound is saved seperately.

Which is correct?

Because technically the 2nd part is not a save. The save is what you roll in your little stat-wheel. The 2nd 'roll to ignore' is generally an ability on a warscroll or allegiance ability.

Okay, so I roll my to hit and to wound on ONE attack that does FOUR damage.

Do I
A) attempt to make FOUR save rolls, one for each wound


B) attempt to make ONE save roll, for the attack. Taking either exactly ZERO wounds on a successful save or FOUR wounds on an unsuccessful one

see what i wrote here That explains it without having to repeat myself

You make a save roll for each attack that wounded,so A. But there are special abilities like deathless minions that let you make another "save" roll for each point of damage that you took

Meant to say B

Not him, but basically you always do 1) for all regular saves.
If you have a secondary save (like Death allegiance or Nurgle's Disgustingly Resilient), those saves are generally done on each point of damage.

Thanks guys. Sorry im retarded.
Guy from last thread playing death vs his girlfriend's sylvaneth.

Is it just me or are skeleton warriors incredibly resilient for their point cost?

Derp, meant to write B).
Disregard everything, I suck cocks.

Eh, they're so-so. I guess they cost fairly little for what they bring.

Played my first match with a proxy army of spiderfang grots the other day, and they are great. However, building an army with only three models seems a little boring. What are some good allies for these guys, preferably something more durable?

Fellwater Troggoths?

Holy shit I'm fucking retarded and so is everyone at my store. It's clearly worded in the rules that you roll for every wound for these kind of pseudo "ward"-saves but we always treated it just like a save and just rolled one dice whether it was one wound or d3 or more. That is such a huge difference how did we fuck that up so bad?

To be fair, it's not really clear, and it is only clarified in the FAQ. A lot of people didnt know that additional saves are rolled for individual damage

Are witch elf armies viable? They seem neat, with a cauldron of blood they get a 5+ fnp basically and can attack twice and have lots of attacks and look cool as hell.

Viable in what setting? Casual play? Sure. Competetive? Fuck no.

when durthu bitch slaps you with his 1 attack that does 20 damage you get to try to make one armor save roll on one dice or your entire unit gets removed as a casualty. (some liberty was taken with hyperbole for narrative purposes)

Durthu bitch

Not Durthu Birch.

Now that you mentioned it's in the FAQ I honestly feel even dumber. Like, it's explained super clear right there!

> such special saving throws are taken after damage is determined and as each individual wound is allocated to a model that has such a save (see ‘Inflicting Damage’ on the rules sheet). For example, a unit of Phoenix Guard is attacked by a Cannon. The Cannon successfully makes its hit and wound rolls, and the Anointed fail their save roll. The Cannon therefore inflicts D6 wounds in step 4 of the attack sequence. The roll is a 4, inflicting 4 wounds on the Phoenix Guard. The attack sequence is now over, and the wounds are set to be inflicted on the Phoenix Guard. However, the Phoenix Guard’s Witness to Destiny ability means they ignore a wound or mortal wound on a roll of 4 or more, so as each wound is allocated, a dice is rolled, and on a 4 or more it is ignored.

They can do fine in most sitautions outside of a more competitive group.

Keep in mind that according to the FaQ, the 5+ FnP stacks, so you can have several cauldrons giving your characters multiple 5+ saves.

god damn I love me those phoenix guard... They are like literally one of two elf infantry units that are not complete garbage.

Wait, are save rolls one dice or the successful wound dice?


the other one

the rest... utter garbage.

Was the Allgate of Hysh and Azyr ever named?

Reposting from last thread.

So I'm recently getting into AoS. Never really played WHFB but I'm really liking the rules for AoS. I plan on picking up 1000pts and seeing where to go from there.

So the faction I'm interested in is Nighthaunt. Something about ghosts just seemed cool as shit. The I wondered how I could customize it.

A friend of mine came up with the idea of doing a Haunted Woods ghostygoo army using Sylvaneth models, painted and converted to Nighthaunt models. Spirit hosts coming out of trees and whatnot.

So my list for 1000pts is this, with the treedude conversions next to them.

2x Wraiths - 2 branchwych with scythe
1x Banshee - branchwraith
6x Spirits - 16 dryads + 9 ghosts (mix the two between squads so it looks more ghosty altogether)
5x Hexwraiths - 5x spite revenants
1x Mourngul - Treelord (use most of the Durthu sprues for extra skulls and nonsense, both claw arms)

And here's the cost comparison I came up with
Start Collecting Sylvaneth Box - $80
Ghost Box - $22
Spite Revenant Box - $30
Branchwych - $18
Branchwraith - $20
= $170

Which isn't that bad for a starter army, in my opinion.

What do you lads think? Am I a goddamned fool? Do you think people would be too weird about using Sylvaneth as Nighthaunt?

Ehh, not too keen on using one model as something they are clearly not. When playing against you I'd be continuously confused by the models not using their Sylvaneth rules.

Sadly this desu.

Executioners are amazing.

Hm. I think I'm mostly annoyed by how samepose all of the nighthaunt models are. There's the option of doing 3rd party stuff Wraiths and Banshees but I'm failing to find good wispy ethereal ghosts for Spirit Hosts. I do like their aesthetic, I just hate you can only get three poses out of the box, and that's it. Unless I'm mistaken.

The other sorta 'make it unique' idea was to do a sort of vampire themed Nighthaunt army, with Blood Ghosts and a really red aesthetic. Throw in a Vampire Lord on Dragon and a Coven Throne and shit. But that didn't sound nearly as cool as 'Haunted Woods' did.

Is there any way I can make this work?

If you were to use Spirit host models, then put some trees on it, I'm ok with that. Like have the actual spirit host models coming out of trees that you cut up. Pic kinda related.

Youll have to make it more than 50% visually the original model in my opinion, so that when your opponent looks, he KNOWS "I'm targeting the treelord".
Not "Wait whats that guy again? Ok.. not him, Whats this guy again? Ok yeah him"

I guess you could take the Sylvaneth models and embelsh them with an assload of Spirit Hosts to make things clear beyond all doubt, but that'd mean like one spirit per dryad and a whole bunch on each treelord and such.

I want to do a Tzeentch army that is MOON themed, Cult of the blue moon or something.
I'd use the Acolyte moon masks on most infantry, and paint a moon on the helm of all chaos warriors etc that have regular helms.

How could I give a lord of change a moon face? Any suitable bits large enough? Is the battle for Skull pass moon bit big enough? Or any gobbo bits?

Well to go down the list
>Spirit Hosts
Skeletons and Trees with Spirits coming out of the trees. Stumps and scraggly looking trees.
Still not sure on this one. Probably some cross between the Branchwych and the Cairn Wraith. Maybe use third party.
Seeing as I'll only ever have two, I imagine, a wispily converted Dryad and a Branchwych will be fine I think.
This is the most difficult one, partly because of the wysiwyg for 'horse hooves and teeth' but I figured Spite Revenants would work for the visual, and maybe give branchy looking wings? I'm a bit lost on this one.
I like both the FW model and the Treelord model, but at the same time it doesn't look too hard it makes a Treelord spooky. Use bits from the mortis engine and the like.

That's my idea anyway. I dislike the idea of using Dryads as Spirit Hosts, as pictured.

They are absolutely disgusting.
Easily 40 wounds per turn in melee. No I'm not overexaggerating.

Make sure to give your general sunglasses.

You can use parts of the coven throne to make things more spooky

Ive tried it, they are mediocre at best now a days.

Back when this was a legal formation... those were good times.


Guys, would it be cool if I used Sisters of Silence models as Greatswordmen(women)?

I don't even play 40k, just really like theyr models

Been done. Looks fine.

Hmm no don’t think so.
Only gyhran, aqshy, chamon, shyish, ghur ... Ulgu, Hysh and Azyr are not named ; yet..

The Lexicanum says the Ulgu one is called the Penumbral Gate. Either way thanks.

It works fine, but they are stormcast-sized.

My wife wants to convert Sisters of Silence into female Blood Warriors.

I was building some Bloodletters the other day, and the torso with the spine ridge reminded me of the Fellwater Troggoths from Destruction.
If I was to use Bloodletter torsos to make some Gollum-esque cave-dwelling merpeople, what could I run them as in a Destruction force?

Quest For Ghal Maraz isn't listed as a source. You might want to look into that.

Mmm that doesn't have to be bad, I could even use them as SCE replacement for wathever
That strikes me as a pretty good an original idea, she could maybe use pick related as theyr leader

And about the destruction thing... it's pretty hard to imagine an unit of those things as Destruction, but maybe, just maybe they could be used as Yehtis

Imo they would fit nicely into a Death army

That's because I don't have Quest for Ghal Maraz(nor anybody else in the lexi has) and used other sources to "plug the gaps" so to speak.

is she going to be plastic or resin?

I should have specified that the pic in isn't my mini. Looks kind of like a Murlock though...

Most likely plastic.

>those manly ranger faces
Glade guard hoods would have been much better

Get with the times.


>implying 8 foot tall jacked genetically modified warriors wouldn't look manly

>space muhreens

Looks even scaries, and since some people latelly paint khornates brown she would fit accordingly lol

You forgot reavers

I'm on the fence about Reavers

as far as skirmishing cavalry go, they are as good as you can get for the most part. But they don't exactly lay the hurt down on anyone, and they cant sit there taking punches all day either. Not saying theyre bad, but I wouldn't say theyre awesome either.

Most elven archers are underrwhelming and they easily top that catagory, competing with glade guard probably imo

I like you

They won't do anything that prosecutors can't and cost more points but have the advantage of sinking a battleline slot so hey-ho.

fair point but let me ask you this...

when would you ever rather have 10 reavers when you could have a dragon lord for an extra 20 points, or a black dragonlord for even points?

they just don't do enough for the points they cost IMO

Am I supposed to feel bad for using my old LoC model? The thing is tiny, especially compared to the new HUEG one

Yeah but stormcast are ugly as fuck
Theyre good battleline fillers.
I got 2 squads of 30 elven spearmen and 5 reavers and just add on good and fun stuff

If you just use him because you have and like him and he has the necessary equipment - why not?
If you just use him to abuse cover and make it easier to hide him - yes.

not really i guess. It does make it easier to use cover, so I guess that complicates things.

Just get the newest LoC sometime, its a great model and fun to paint.

fair enough. So long as you're having fun with it that's really what matters.

liking your dudes > having the strongest stuff

in my experience for best aelf battleline you have to give it to Darkshards

10 bodies for 100 points putting out 2 shots each, and rerolling 1s and 2s for saves in melee phase. But that's just my personal preference, not necessarily better.

>he went too far

dude you went too far

keep it topical for best results

It's probably slavfag.
I thought he was banned though.

Nah, it's what I have from my old 5th 40k daemons army.

I would like to get the kit except
There are so many other things I could get instead of spending it on a single model.

Those are Mel Gibson's words, not mine

I use mine as a Daemon prince since they are the same base size now.

When 5/6 battleplans are about capturing objectives with superior numbers. Dragonlord happens to be quite good, I run two in my mixed order list in fact, but I sure wouldn't trade my 30 vulkites for a 3rd dragon.


>30 vulkites
the absolute best order battleline choice

these guys are just too good. I would buy some if I could get over the fact that they are half naked sweaty midget men.

So me and a friend are getting into AoS and wanted to basically revive the armies we wanted to play in whfb. He played skeletons and vampire counts, I played ogres.

What should I pick, beastclaw or gutbusters?
Really cool models, especially the big dudes. Not fond of yhetees. Is it possible to do a full army of the big dudes? They cost like 300+ each lol. That's like a 5 model army? I also really like the ice/frost aesthetic.
My old love. Really liked ironguts and leadbelchers. Butcher dude doesn't seem as good as he used to be, but the iron fist on regular dudes looks nice as hell. And what's with this giant Cannon thing?

Which should I pick?

or choose the moneybags option and use fyreslayer mohawk and beard heads on ironbreaker bodies

I'd go Gutbusters, as things stand. They're tanky and have good damage output, while also having enough bodies to have a fighting chance playing the battleplan, whereas beastclaw are even tankier but lack the bodies to effectively capture or contest in most cases

>Not fond of yhetees
Don't worry they aren't worth playing in bcr.
>Is it possible to do a full army of behemoth?
Technically but you'll get destroyed in matched play.
>butcher dude doesn't seem good
Butcher with cauldron is the best model in the army. never leave home with less than 2.
>iron fists
Cool, but keep in mind rend -1 will make it impossible to proc the mw.
>giant cannon

>which should I pick?
Gutbusters, despite not having a battletome they are better than BCR (and have placed higher in the last few GTs).
massive regiments of Ogor bulls are 48 wound mack trucks for efficient points, and killy with double weps.
Leadbelchers as battleline make for nice 6 man units
Ironguts are overpriced but can work in a small unit reaching over a front line of ogors/grots.
Tyrant with battle brew and great gutgouger is a fucking beast.
Tyrants without artefact should be on massive club instead.
butcher with cauldron's Maw spell is really good, and two can pull guts out each turn.
Grots make a good chaff, esp. when the tyrant kills one on t1 making them battleshock immune for the game.

You're lacking in ranged, mostly, so for allys:

If you want one of the gorgeous bcr behemoths, go ahead and ally in a huskard on thundertusk, it's the only one really worth playing (though is pricey at 380). The 6mw ice can pick off enemy heroes if your opponent a) messes up on positioning with them or b) you don't play with the proper amount of terrain and have los to basically everything.

Else a troggoth hag is good at everything.

I don't like allying high And dark elves together. I understand it's a new setting but it doesn't feel right, and there's no new lore that makes me feel different

Yes it would be considered modeling for advantage.

This is why you can't use the old nagash model and use the current warscroll. People use it as a necromancer or whatever

You cant use the old bloodthirster model and use the new warscroll. People use that as a daemon prince of khorne

You cant use the old archaon model with the new warscroll. People just use that as a chaos lord on daemonic mount.

You can't use the old LoC model and expect to be able to use the current warscroll. People use the old model as a daemon prince of tzeentch.

There are lots of ways of avoiding a ban. He's been banned several times, and it doesnt stop him.

>I understand it's a new setting but it doesn't feel right, and there's no new lore that makes me feel different

I respect that

Personally I was really into the end times alliance of aelves under king Malekith in the end times Khaine book. So for me its just like an extension of that narrative.

For any fyreslayers players here. Is there any particularly good use for Hearthguard berzerker? They seem like they don't bring much to the table in comparison to the Vulkite, especially for the cost. Sure they are usable in small groups compared to the Vulkite but they are so much more expensive.