Who wins, Elrond or Galadriel?
Who wins, Elrond or Galadriel?
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Isn't Galadriel a God?
Niether. Gil-Galad wins.
Why? Because he's a fucking badass.
What kind of contest? Poetry slam? Hackisack? Carving wooden miniature figures?
Farewell, my brave Hobbits.
Galadriel, no question.
Her blood isn't watered down by pathetic humans.
Short answer is no. Long answer is also no. She is however one of the oldest beings on the face of the earth, and at one point straight-up told the gods to piss off, she was damn-well going to do as she pleased.
>Sauron challenges the Fellowship of the Ring to a game of basketball for the fate of Middle-earth
Galadriel. Nobody EVER wins against their mother-in-law.
>Her blood isn't watered down by pathetic humans.
Neither is Elrond's, though? Tolkien's half-elves are like, you can choose to be human or elf.
>muh oaths
sort of?
IIRC (it's been a while) he chose to be immortal, while his brother chose to be mortal. He's still not as strong as one of the ancient elves. compared to galadriel he's a whipper-snapper
I would watch it.
but that goes for any elf born after the fall of the trees, and particularly not in the blessed west. He's as mighty a warrior and user of magic as any elflord of his generation, and his relation to Earendil is only added to by his upbringing with the feanorians.
In all honesty Sauron would go for a poetry slam. He would probably poetry slam them into the ground.
He'd decieve/seduce you into believing his rhymes were good, when in reality he's a punk ass busta.
Such is the way of Sauron the Deciever.
No, she was trained by one.
And for all that, what did she ever do beside bum around in Doriath while pathetic humans were instrumental in the eventual defeat of Morgoth?
seeing how Aragorn is a mary sue and tolkien won't have sauron best him in any way, I highly doubt it.
>Sauron has a team full of black people
You mean troll-men of Far Harad?
>Her blood isn't watered down by pathetic humans
>pathetic human
You mean greatest heroes of Edain? Which are as much trueborn children of Eru Iluvatar as elves are? FFS he is cousin of the very guy that killed father of ALL dragons and is rumored to kill the dark god Morgoth in the final slam. He is son of the very guy that sailed to the land of gods and CONVICED them to get the fuck back to Middle Earth and help them. His father also killed bigest, badest dragon ever. His human ancestors are the only things that stoped Morgoth from rolfstomping elves in ME and his elven ancestors are all strict baddas royality as well. The best thing that Galadriel did was hang out with cool kids.
Thats right, the only thing that Galadriel is known for is hanging with the cool kids. Even during felloship the party is saved by Elronds river attack, what Galadriel does when they are in need, does she come to save them in Moria, maybe saving Gandalf? No, all she did was gave them some loot and bread. What a bitch.
Elrond wins no contest.
> That dude in right that peacefully looks away, pretending that nothing is going on.
How would the history of Middle Earth have changed if Fingolfin-senpai had crushed that faggot's skull then and there?
All the Sindar would have died
Why was he so piss with Fingolfin in the first place? It was his father who remarried while Fingolfin never seems antagonistic towards him.
Whats the deal with Celeborn? How powerful is he?
Fun fact: Galadriel is older than the fucking moon and her uncle crippled a fucking god. Not even a regular god, the most powerful god aside from Eru Illuvitar.
Galadriel wins hands down.
And they say anime has samefaces.