I was really hype for Necromunda to return but even the initial rules seem shaky as fuck. Gang balance seems wack.
Honestly? I care enough about Newcromunda to give it the benefit of the doubt and see where they go with it in the future. No doubt there'll be errata and improvements on the rules.
Yeah, the minis aren't perfect, but since when has GW ever made perfect minis?
Better than I expected. Those are actually decent, unlike the cluttered Escher and Goliath.
They got shitty painters, tho.
>nu-male memehair
>young ganger scum fighting at the bottom of an industrial wasteland has shitty hair
Color me shocked.
If only they had regular 40k weapons and not these memeguns...Better than Goliaths at least.
>You don't grow that in a vat, son.
Has meme really become a term this empty?
Using meme as a catch-all term is a meme in itself for years already.
The most annoying part is the long wait for any gang that might actually be interesting.
Orlocks are still a ways out, so I am under no illusion that Spyrers or Enforcers can be expected before the next decade, if ever.
Same goes for Shadespire, the next four warbands are around 2nd quarter 2018, which is just baffling.
Orlocks are first quarter 2018, no? I know for a fact GW want to release every major house before q4 2018.
There's also rules for legacy gangs to tide players over in the meantime. Why not use genestealer cultists or AdMech for a gang?
When's Redemptionists, Chaos, or Genestealers?
Genestealers will be a community or WD release, since their box already works very well for a gang.
Chaos cults might be the same, but their kit is garbage, so who knows?
Redemptionists are probably still a ways off and, quite possibly, Forgeworld.
>More than 50% of the Original Houses still to be released
Looks more like cossack hair to me.
How come they are covered with Iron Warriors symbols? The skull, the danger stripes.
>House of Iron
By far the most METAL house...
>Tommy Guns
Because of how they have been making each gang feel more unique, and seeing how Redemptionists were basically Cawdor gangs with more unique wargear it wouldnt surprise me at all if they binned them and just focused on the new Cawdor gang with a more redemptionists feel.
>horseshoe moustache
Now listen here you little shit
Teaching those kiddos in Goliath and Escher how it's fucking done!
Post facial hair worthy of Cawdor!
These are just autoguns with a drum rather than a banana clip. Same weapon everybody took with Orlocks in the original game.
>Wanting to play meme gangs that barely even worked in the original.
Orlocks are in February, Van Saar are in May. The only people truly screwed are Delaque who are next December.
That's intruiging; a really well, excellent paint job on a old 90's model still looks like a crappy model.
That kind of paintjob on the new ones would be amazingly good.
Yeah fine, but when will the best Gang return?
Last quarter of 2018. Sadly.
I hate how they'd made Escher "unique" desu.
The Necromunda stuff is painted by a couple of Spanish painters, bgarciafenix and pedro_c_souto on IG.
>Everything you see belongs to me, to one degree or another. The beggars and newsboys and quick thieves here in Paradise, the sailor dives and gin mills and blind tigers on the waterfront, the anglers and amusers, the she-hes and the Chinks. Everybody owes, everybody pays.
Spyrers were always garbage, Enforcers were okay. Personally I'd want Ashlanders, Ratskins and Scavvies before them.
>Yeah fine, but when will the best Gang return?
that doesn't look like delaque or van saar you garbage totting napalm sipper
Second to last. Last quarter is Delaque.
Cawdor when? I want the Emperor's blessing if I'm going to start a gang of underhive hoodlums.
Hope the KKK hoods say.
they look a bit anime.
That is probably my favourite single miniature from the 40k universe.
I fucking love the original Orlocks.
>nu-male hair
>le stimpank aesthetic
I'd say Klovis needs to be in this game but I'm not sure if named characters are the proper direction to take this game in.
The whole aesthetic are british workers of Victorian Age
I don't thing British workers have ever had worn shinguards, spiked shoulderpads and loin cloths.
"It's not steampunk it's industrial gothic. NOW ADD MORE SKULLS"
Stim-punk on the other hand is obviously the new Goliath design aesthetic.
I actually kind of like these guys. They look way better than the starter gangs at least. How much are they gonna be?
These guys are just generic enough that they could be used in a wide variety of settings with a bit of tweaking from the look of it.
They'd make good IW cultists. Might slap some vanguard heads on them
>Redemptionists are one of the most well known gangs outside of diehard Necromunda fans
>"Nah they're a fringe gang don't worry about it"
They got their own fucking comic book, they're not a fringe gang. I've been waiting solely for them to play this game. You can't tell me a Redeemer model wouldn't sell like crazy. Even people who don't know who he is would take one look at him and say "Man that dude looks fucking 40k as hell".
He'd be like Marbo 2.0
I've already set aside an eviscerator and some choice bits to convert up Klovis when they come around.
I think they're more mad max than that. I can't really see any steampunk at all.
I think his point is that the Cawdor and Redemptionist identities blended with each other enough to retcon them into a single 'faction' gameplay-wise.
In which case I'd agree heartily. It's up to you to say if your gang is Cawdor or just some other redemptionist nut-jobs running around the underhive.
The mad max/post apoc style is throw back to the original miniatures like but with an extra dose of the modern 40k aesthetic of oversized everything turned up to 11.
I've never actually seen a steampunk worker
I can't help but picture this guy as basically Frolo with a flaming hat and a magic "do whatever the fuck I want" badge.
I'll probably get into this when the Delaque gang comes out.
Lolwut? Where is any post-apoc element here
What gang is this again? Cause they look sweet as hell
>>Tommy Guns
Those are combat shotguns senpai
Here's hoping they aren't the fucking weakest gang this time around
They're bikers, for fucks sake.
I was going to post this. Well played brother.
I'm waiting for Delaque to come out so I can finally make that 1920s gangster themed gang I've always wanted.
>tfw some wasteland wanderer hyped up on Nuka cola took one look at a PPSH and said "you know what, what this is really missing is the ability to shoot 12 gauge slugs"
Can you deny that would be /k/ as fuck?
These guys do look pretty nice, I gotta admit.
Wonder if they'll come with other weapon options aside from autoguns and the whale hunter there.
They're literally all wearing Max's jacket.
Whale Hunter is perfect for fighting Escher (cause they're fat)
> dat power fist
Be still my throbbing cock.
I love how industrial it looks. Looks almost like they chopped off his whole arm and replaced it.
>Delaque who are next December.
For FUCK'S sake. I just want my plastic trenchcoats dammit
>since when has GW ever made perfect minis?
Never, despite salty grognard protestations to the contrary
>implying they didn't
I'll be back into Necromunda when this mofo is back.
>Who is Jes Goodwin?
Fuck off newfag.
Orlocks are now the loincloth shoulder pad gang.
Why do you say that like it's a bad thing user?
>After another slug of Nuka Cola with a Catsblood chaser: "You know what, those 12 gauge slugs could be loaded with Phosphex."
They're a mix, one dude is definitely carrying a drum mag autogun.
-phosphex weaponry is to be used solely by member of the Adeptus Mechanicus
-any contrevenant will be lobotomised to gloriously serve the Omnissiah as penance for his heinous actions
-praise the Motive Force, the Omnissiah and the Animus Mechanicus
That already looks like Escher desu.
Escher got the worst possible matchup in the core box, that being a cage match vs Goliaths. People say they do much better once you switch to 3D terrain/a 4x4 board.
Which one? Cause I like the one on the right.
Their skills and gear just seem kind of nonsensically gimped. I'm sure it won't matter too much in campaign but I don't know what GW were thinking.
>in KKK hoods
What was up with that?
Thats exactly what happened.
Played confrontation before it became Necromunda. This was my favorite dude
17th century spanish inquisition hoods.
Yeah, I could do without the loincloths to be honest, but the models otherwise look pretty sweet.
Love it.
So looks like weapons wise Orlocks can already be confirmed for stub pistols, auto pistols, autoguns, heavy stubber, harpoon gun, shotguns, what looks like some sort of sawed-off shotgun in the powerfist guy's hand, said powerfist and some basic melee stuff like knives and swords.
desu enforcers models are good enough to just be rereleased
Hold the fucking phone, the legacy gangs are going to be released soon?
I haven't seen a single peep about them anywhere. I'd love to use my admech kill-team in Necromunda.
They said somewhere that all the gangs from Outlands would at least get rules.
>They got their own fucking comic book
isn't that a Kal Jerico comic?
>but since when has GW ever made perfect minis?
Wot? GW may be scummy and have crappy game system, but their minis are top notch. Hell, I changed the big bad of the game I DM from a dragon to a barbarian king just so I have an excuse to buy and paint the Darkoath Chieftain.
Archaon on foot is better.
>not "listen here bruther"
they're (minor) antagonists in Kal and protagonists in Redeemer
Unless it's a shitty goatee then you not gonna see it from under their mask
At what point did I say Jes Goodwin wasn't a good designer? I'm talking about people with nostalgia goggles who seem to think every metal necromunda model was perfect in every way. They are not. Same as this release.