Unfortunately, everything has to be political nowadays...
Sooo, the community is really TOXIC?
What are the problems of the community nowadays? With me, 15 years ago, the problems of the community were players trying to steal each other's cards.
Unfortunately, everything has to be political nowadays...
Sooo, the community is really TOXIC?
What are the problems of the community nowadays? With me, 15 years ago, the problems of the community were players trying to steal each other's cards.
No, it's the business practices of WotC that are toxic.
Please call these threads mtg bitching general /mtgbg so I can filter them
WotC has had many screw ups that are killing the game
>reserve list
>Neglecting the Modern and Legacy formats
>Mythic.deck in standard
>Multiple Standard Bans
>Lack of reprints in Standard
>Card Stock Quality
>Printing Quality
>Poor play testing
>Fanfic HS writing level lore (except my boy Ken Troop)
>Overall Bad management (read a glass door review for them)
The last thing they needed to do is get political. As a company and a product they should have been a political, mtg should have been a place for people to put aside the outside real world and have some fun, play a game or read a good mtg story. Am not saying to make it all white hot chicks with big boobs, but don't jerk yourself off over a black walker or making the mtg logo rainbow colors on twitter.
Will this thread be auto-saged like the last one?
Maybe, mods seem to be against it like pussies. cripple chan Veeky Forums has a discussion but that place is just so slow I'd rather deal with auto-saged threads
Youtube has started to remove Jeremy's videos.
Welp, guess I better go download them all.
I would be okay with this
Lefty pol your shitty meme is showing
Pol couldn't give a fuck about mtg, Wizards is doing a damn good job at that already
Reminder that Jeremy made up a letter from CNN to convince people that he was going to be a victim of some kind of hit piece.
Still can't believe there was a /pol/ thread.
because mtg isn't weeaboo monstergirl shit lmao
Well good golly gee it's not like it's a fantasy world or anything.
The word toxic is cancerous.
Who the fuck is the author, Kip Shanks? Does this person even exists? It doesn't seem so, based on what I've been able to find so far.
Also, this writer is a fucking idiot for thinking that we wouldn't be able to sexualize a flat-chested snake. Probably some woman who thinks all men are only attracted to large breasts.
Still in the archive if you want to see how indoctrinated they are.
>everyone knowing snakes don't have tits
>just more pandering articles to attract soyboys and more feminazis
shoot the paying customers right in the face more huh?
Japanese snakes have tits.
These aren't snakes, they are monster girls.
I keep telling you: if you don't change your filename on occasion, nobody's going to think you're different people.
At this point, he's avatar fagging.
yea user, it's cool to post that but not so much.
What the fuck are you on about, indoctrinated? Most people on pol could care yes. I know its hard to believe but just cause someone wants brown people instead of black for Egyptian world and they don't care for trans people, does not make the fucking Hitler, you god damn idiot.
Oh wow, there's more from this dork.
See, that's the key thing. I'm not trying to be different people. I'm not trying to mislead or trick people into believing what I want them to believe. I'm just offering them information, like this.
So whenever I see an obvious MtG /pol/ thread, these will get posted. Just to inform people there's folks that are invested in manipulating them and 'killing' MtG.
those are two different anons tho
Did the idea "Because she's a snake person" ever run through this blogger's mind?
Inb4 deleted.
that's because they're two different threads tho
>actual thing happening
>it's just /pol/ threads
leftypol please leave, you're worse than regular pol at this point.
No because all these people see now is "muh progressive"
Gee, it might be because these threads have absolutely nothing to say about playing MTG?
shows how much I know, I got b& for a few hours yesterday from all boards and bounced lol
Like half of the threads on Veeky Forums are not about playing some game. Why are you calling for them to be deleted?
*not calling
you just want this deleted so everyone will only see your Reddit echo chamber.
ya limp wrested twat.
because he's an SJW/leftypol running damage control as usual. Just ignore them. The entire intent to to prevent people from discussing the actual topic and devolving it to get mods to delete it. It happens every time. Seriously, just don't reply.
Can someone explain to me what happened with MtG this week? I heard stuff about harassment but never picked up any specifics
>muh leftypol boogeyman
Thanks for making my case for me.
Please point out where I made any of those accusations beyond the word "indoctrinated."
People don't like Jeremy because he's a self described shitlord and then some cosplayer basically made up some bullshit about quitting over him. There is no real accusation, just the idea that Jeremy needs to be banned from YouTube/Twitter/Any WOTC thing ever because he's not down with the SJW club, which is a really intense thing in the upper echelons of WotC management.
Alot of things Wizards went full on cuck this time. More than usual.
Form your own opinion after watching all of those. Don't trust anything posted here.
this isn't a bad selection of links, I condone this post.
>or making the mtg logo rainbow colors on twitter.
Did they actually do this? I'd retaliate by not buying MTG anymore, but I'd just be hurting my FLGS who lets me play D&D there for free (well, "free" cause I buy drinks and shit but theyre cheap). Also I love how WotC fucked over local game stores with the D&D books giving Amazon the low prices on them but still making the game stores sell them for 50 bucks. Fucking bastards.
Well, the last time I can think of we had snake girls, they definitely had tits.
MTG Headquarters guy realized he was slipping out of public view, decided to reassert himself the only way he knows how, full-on ass burgers.
Prof, one of the most prominent MTG Youtube folks, makes the wrong move and addresses him head on, giving Jeremy exactly what he was looking for.
Someone was getting harassed and quit the game and it has devolved from that completely insular scenario into "personalities of the MTG community" trying to one-up each other which will ultimately do nothing.
Playing MTG at big events hasn't been an issue for years insofar as harassment or bullying or anything. This all took place online, where WotC has absolutely no say and the community has no real power.
TL;DR - People are getting riled up about something that doesn't affect them or anyone they directly know. What else is new.
They did, they marched in a pride parade and everything
Yet its hips still flare out.
Fucking retarded.
>he decided to re-assert himself
>but receiving vague accusations over him ruining lives
are you stupid?
>implying this isn't a good thing
>implying the constant printing of MTG cards isn't just a gravy train at this point for WotC
>implying the real fun of Magic isn't kitchen table anyway, and even if they stopped making new sets we'd still have a fun game for years and years.
>implying that 90% of every set isnt unplayable trash anyway.
>wizards is struggling, with recent issues of bannings and some pretty big issues with print quality
>hey I know, let's fuck it up even further by telling anyone who isn't a cultural marxist that they should get the fuck out and stop giving us money
I got banned from the main mtg subreddit for asking the question of how they're banning hateful trolls, while not banning people who have simple disagreements. I was banned in a fantasy game discussion board for having questions about censorship concerns
How can I love the game so much while hate the company that's responsible for it so much
It's like LSV and Limited Resources. It's an amazing podcast, but LSV is such a terrible piece of shit that it's hard to look past it
There's the idea that the only reason Wedge and Tolarian went after Jeremy was because he called them out over refusing to acknowledge or talk about the card printing issue relatively recently.
The funniest part is the initial cosplayer story is so weak that no one is even talking about it, it was never about the cosplayer, it was always about people hating Jeremy for being a shitlord.
you may be the most retarded person here
Damn dude you must be one hell of a hateful troll.
So you've got some good screencaps for us, right?
Sad.... i really liked MTG back in the days..
>I'm just offering them information, like this.
When you offer the same information 10+ times in two days, it's more like spamming.
This. This shit right here.
Why do they have to be such lefty faggots?
Yeah, this all started because apparently making a video a year ago saying people don't care about cosplayers and calling one person a 6/10 is target harassment worthy of banishment
Fucking cultural marxists, they always have to ruin everything
I only post it in the relevant 'MtG is shit/dying' threads. Which apparently there have been 10+ of in two days. But that's not spamming, oh no.
Asshole acts like an asshole to cosplayer. Cosplay mop blames toxicity for no longer being able to take advantage of community to make Patreon bux, and leaves in tears. White knights for both sides ride out, intent on making sure no one has fun ever again, ever.
Because MTG has a declining userbase and there's a corporate meme that if you get rid of all the neckbeards you'll get double your population back because muh diversity.
This isn't true and has never shown to be true, but it is a popular belief that is being repeated over and over at a corporate level.
Surely, those are just the vocal minorities. It's not as if the entire company is like that.
What's this garbage about "brigades?" Too many people have opinions I don't like, thus they need to be banned.
Those are all WOTC employees btw.
>Like half of the threads on Veeky Forums are not about playing some game. Why are you (not) calling for them to be deleted?
It's hard work being a board policeman. So many threads about things you don't like, and the faggot SJW janitor keeps deleting your helpful and informative posts whenever you try to improve Veeky Forums.
Their mostly artists and other imagination people who live on the west coast. Of course their leftists
My issue isn't their beliefs. My issue is that they feel the need to virtue signal all the time, and look down on anyone who doesn't agree with them. I'm a race realist, but I don't call opponents niggers because MTG isn't the place to bring in politics. But their forcing this civil war, which will result in the death of the game/community
>muh leftist boogeymen
Explain in detail how advertising using inclusivity is a bad thing. Because that is what WotC does.
It's Reddit's go to, any time there's people who disagree they convince themselves that it's the_donald just being hateful trolls. Because clearly anyone who's actually real and looking for a discussion would just agree with them, because clearly their viewpoint is the only reasonable viewpoint to have
see as an example of this belief
lol you still here?
it's not, but beat me too it like a fucking champ
It's not about being diverse, it's about shunning anyone who isn't sucking the cock of diversity
I don't care if I play a woman, or a black, or a gay at a tournament. I do care when they say there needs to be less white men and anyone who doesn't agree is a racist who should be banned
Guess I'll be booting up some of my old accounts later tonight.
You don't need an email to make a Redddit account :^)
>the banhammer is locked and loaded
Jesus christ, what a waste of flesh.
>and there's a corporate meme that if you get rid of all the neckbeards
I guess I just missed what Wizards was doing along this line. Please expound.
It all becomes clear when you realize that diversity translates to less white men 100% of the time
Reminder of what has been happening in the MTG and 40k community lately, which is why so many people are trying to make it political.
You just have to look and repeated instances of things like this very issue with Jeremy, where he's getting witchhunted for basically not being an SJW.
Also consider their new rules about artwork, this is an obvious push people actively talk about in MTG community. It's not a secret that "inclusivity" is a strategy to increase playerbase, but there's no real basis to believe any of it will happen beyond alienating the existing fanbase.
Because it brings in straight white self-hating "allies" who are invariably mentally ill people incapable of community or anything other than being catty and showing off their egos. I'm glad that homosexuals feel more included. I'm disgusted and terrified that liberals feel more included.
Which invalidates this entire "conversation" then, because actual registered events and even FNM level stuff hasn't had issues with harassment, bullying or violence (that were not addressed by staff / WotC) in years.
Since when did watching Youtube videos become "part of playing MTG"? I have been playing since Beta and as long as my opponent doesn't steal or damage my cards and can play the game then what else even matters?
"eceleb" starts drama to gain viewership, WOTC goes full witch hunt. Some whore's feelings got hurt.
There is no such thing as a community. There's 12M egotistical assholes that all want to be pandered to exclusively.
Stop inviting politicians into your private life and stop doing their job of dividing us into consumer groups and voter blocks for them.
Funny how all the pics of the event is at the office or this lone street and not in the crowd with grown men wearing only cock socks grinding up to young boys in drag. How homophobic of them!
You mean like these threads?
Boogeymen? Where? They're out in the streets, ruining fucking everything.
Hmm, its almost like it is advertising! How novel!
>Because MTG has a declining userbase and there's a corporate meme that if you get rid of all the neckbeards you'll get double your population back because muh diversity.
>This isn't true and has never shown to be true, but it is a popular belief that is being repeated over and over at a corporate level.
So, these mysterious "corporate" people that you think control WotC... do you think that there's a reason why they haven't all been fired and replaced yet?
I'm curious to understand the worldview of people who think that the all-powerful SJWs have enough influence that they can cause a board of directors to knowingly force a company into bankruptcy, fully aware that their decisions are causing them to lose money the entire time. See, it seems to me like in the real world, a board of directors would see decisions that cause them to lose money and say "Hey, stop doing that thing that's causing us to lose money!"
Like, in your mind, are these wealthy Americans going to gleefully make corporate decisions that result in them losing their jobs and living on the street just so they can bask in the smug self-satisfaction that they helped the SJW cause as they panhandle and suck dick for crack and Doritos? Because I don't think that's a realistic expectation for a board of directors at a for-profit corporation.
>new art rules
I wasn't aware of this, links?
If you've ever had to move to a new city and find a new playgroup it would be fucking obvious to you why the uptick in SJW influence is relevant to playing magic. This isn't about some dumb youtuber's right to make his equally dumb videos without consequences, this is about defining what kind of behavior the Magic community wants to encourage
Remember not to fall for /pol/ disinformation. Do your research first before you trust anything posted on Veeky Forums. Look up all of the videos and tweets before you come to a conclusion of your own. Do not blindly trust any Anonymous that posts here.
Think for yourself.
Corporations fail and make poor decisions all the time. You're literally retarded.
>LSV is such a terrible piece of shit
for the whole cucking Emerson Spartz dealio?
But Wizards has nothing to do with what's going on with Jeremy and the artwork just occasionally calls for people who look different while still having a little of every flavor.
I'm not seeing how Wizards is pushing out neckbeards.
I live in the Carolinas. We have no SJW bullshit in our groups and the game stores in the area.
It must be a Yank thing
Other than not buying more cards, what can I do to hurt WotC? This "harrassment" witch hunt is a joke.
Yeah, the whole leaving his wife and newly born baby girl for a woman who also left her husband. Only a piece of shit would do that sort of thing, and you know they were cheating before leaving their respective spouses
I shouldn't be surprised that a fat neckbeard who got money from a fantasy game is actually a piece of garbage