How is everyone getting on with the game? Any tips on dealing with the orks and their attack rerolling leader?
Shadespire general
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It's dead, Jim.
Who are you playing as? Reavers can just avoid them until they know they can win.
Like said, what are you playing?
>playing bad X-wing clone instead of waiting release of proper adaptation for ground combats
ded game
kill them one at a time so they don't all inspire, if they sink too much upgrades on gurzag (or anyone else), just ignore the nigger, aside from a few ploy cards he can't move more than once per activation
So when do we expect new warbands? I know Skaven are on the horizon, but what else?
I would consider playing if we got some sick Tzeentch mortals.
> Tzeentch mortals.
Then come back in 2019
Skaven > Dwarves/Vanguard Hunter/Blood Warrior.
>Dwarves/Vanguard Hunter/Blood Warrior.
Are those all different types of Dwarf? I know little about AoS fluff and armies. I just know the Tzeentch mortals available for it look pretty awesome.
Naked dorfs
Stormcast with crossbows
Khorne guys in armour and a flesh hound
>Stormcasts with Crossbows
>Khorne in armor
Do these really need to be their own warbands? That seems retarded.
X-wing's turned shit several waves ago. This one is much better, even by the older game's benchmark
They are distinct unit types. Skirmishers and bloodwarriors, also, come with an eagle and a doggo also
Sold stuff a couple week ago, dead game
Aren't you tired of sameing user? That's the third post you've made containing almost the same wording.
Anyways, had my first game with deathrattle and man, do their unique objectives suck by and large.
But do they need to be their own warbands? Do we need TWo Stormcast Warhansa when theae Vangaurd guys could just be an option in the current one?
It just seems silly to me to not have as many diverse warbands as possible. Skaven, Dwarfs, Elves, Lizardmen. All distinct enough factions, but they're making more Sigmarines and more boring ass Khorne shit.
If they bring an intersting playstyle to the table I don't care what they are fluffwise. That's my view anyway.
Yes.. What matters is that they have DISTINCT PLAYSTYLE. Everything else is secondary.
>can't type for shit
It checks out.
Who gives a shit? You can easily proxy other models for the rules.
Want Freeguild? Sepulchral Guard works well, the rezz might as well be a officer calling for reinforcements.
Want Sylvaneth? A box of Tree revenants works excellently with Bloodbound rules.
>AoS spinoff
>nobody cares for fluff or models
It checks.
This is meant to be a competitive game, so fluff ain't primary. And really, if "caring" about the fluff is bitching about the faction of the moments you have a very unhealthy view on that concept.
Game is steadily growing here, have some weekly nights with friends playing it.
Dealing with Gurzag isn't too difficult. The last two expansions have one similairity and that's to kill the leader asap. Killing Gurzag before Unduying or Soultrap is just important to do. However it's also very easy for Orruks to over commit. What you want to do against Orruks is kill Bonekutta and Gurzag, leave the others alone and only kill them once they are gone.
So far had the best results with Sepulchal Guard, followed by Stormcast and Orruks. Reavers are fun and somewhat of a counter to Guard but also have the shit Tier ploys.
Nobody cares for models? I don't even think you've seen some painted up Warbands then.
Fluff is in there but it's typical that a competative game revolves around its game system, else it would be a narrative game covered by RPG's.
Guess your new to the concept.
So, what warband are the best at the moment?
>painted up Warbands
Painted by local GW managers, no doubt.
My spoopy skellington objective deck has 1 objective unique to them the rest are objective holding based generics.
Basically camp your side of the board and farm objectives, it's kind of dull but it's very effective.
>/awg/ tripfag only ever posts in Shadespire or AoS generals to complain about the lack of variety of models and generaly shit up the place
You don't even play do you?
Wow, show us where garrek touched you on the doll user, because you do seem to hold an unhelathy vendetta on this game and seem eager to see it dead.
General consensus is either garrek's reavers, sepulchral guard, steelheart's champions or ironskull's boyz.
Bloodreavers ploys are pretty crap but they have decent upgrade cards and it's not like there aren't plenty of generic ploys that synergise well with them that you can use instead.
It varies, especially depending on what you mean by "best". Bloodreavers and Guard are harder to use than Stormcasts and Ironskulls but played well they can outstrip the other two pretty rapidly. Stormcasts and Ironskulls are very easy to play and also very forgiving.
My best victories have come with Bloodreavers if that means anything.
Mine too, though I do have solid track records with the other warbands bar sepulchral guard (though I only have played them once in so far, and theirs is the more different playstyle).
I find the Liberators to be fairly hard to play, actually. Their low numbers make objecive play nearly impossible, yet punching the other warband out is not really an option, either.
Skelingtons are significantly easier to play, though their style tends to be fairly unexciting.
>punching the other warband out is not really an option
This is nonsense, Stormcasts have the most reliable and hard hitting attacks in the game. They can reliably one shot everything in the game besides other Stormcasts, Orcs, and leaders.
The level of bad you have to be playing to not be able to hulk smash and steamroll as Stormcast is unbelievable. Also considering that you can easily build a deck for objective play that never requires you to hold more than 3 and that Stormcasts have multiple mechanics for negating knockback you can quite comfortably play an objective based game with them.
First time posting in a shadespire thread, haven't seen one here on Veeky Forums in quite some time (when the game first came out); though I have been busy. Anyways nignog, guess there are several posters which had the same idea to dump the game *shrugs*
Ghartok is a pretty cool guy
>I-i-it's not me!
Yeah, and I'm rudolf the reindeer.
Believe what you will, it matters not. This game is dead in most stores, though i see a small/temporary resurgence once more boards and warbands are released.
>Citation needed.
It sure as fuck isnt dead here. Dont confuse it with the recent Necromunda.
Its a game for skirmish players, some stores just have the room for massive army games and others do not.
>Best Warband
Matters completely on what you want to do. Best Objective Warband is Sepulchral Guard, best Melee is Orruks, Reavers and Champions fit nicely in between.
I do like Reavers but their own Ploys are largely shit. Warband would also have been great offensively if they had a Cleave Upgrade but they dont. The moment Universal Cleave Upgrade comes they will be ace too.
I'd beg to disagree. Bloodreaver maybe lack sheer body count but they compensate it with speed. Sprint means they can go once per game up to 8 to 12 tiles, which means that they can ensure they get objectives in the enemy backfield, all while still having the manpower to get all objectives. Skellies on the other hand will struggle more.
Right, nearly finished my khorne guys. Only need to do faces and bases.
Aim was for tabletop standard. Also originally they were gonna have pink armor and gemstone weapons. However I never painted turquoise before so I tried it and after they were finished I thought the gemstone would ruin it.
Thoughts? Also how would you guys paint the bases?
I will happily admit to being quite bad, but I never seem to be able to make the most of the SCEs. Occasionally I manage to eek out a victory, but compared to the apparently idiot-proof orcs it feels like I am always fighting an uphill battle, struggling either with low numbers or awkward objectives that I can't claim at that point.
At least Seak has cleave when he inspires but yeah universal cleave can't come soon enough.
Weirdly it does put them in line with AoS since Blades of Khorne tend to have low rend in that.
Gives skellies keys and shardcaller also you stack their deck with ALL the objective cards, so 1-5, Supremacy, and both Tactical Supremacys. They can comfortably sit in their own half of the board gaining points. It's boring but it works very well.
Neat, but I'd consider making the pants a bit more different, at a glance they blend with the skin.
Prime black, Mechanicus standard grey, black wash, dry brush celestra grey and then paint the skulls.
It's pretty dull but it gets them done.
Typing on my phone, but yeah that was pretty bad wasn't it?
I'm not trying to shit the place up, was just curious about the faction I would be most interested in. I just think it's sort of silly to have half the warbands belong to two factions.
I have not played just yet, no, because none of the warbands have caught my eye, but I'm hoping to get a demo soon.
Anyway, in the interest of not pissing people off I'm just gonna go ahead and lurk.
They can only compensate as much in long boards. Otherwise movement isnt as key. All Guard have movement 3 inspired, Frightning Speed, Scream, Distraction, Sidestep and Danse put it higher to easily circumvent any movement issues. Playing Guard with Hold Objectives is another speed issue remover.
If your issue is with the visuals of the warbands rather than their gameplay themes, those are dead easy to replace. For example, I love the Ironjawz' playstyle, but I'm a big Order fag, so I converted this count-as warband to replace the models.
I've also met people that use (or plan to use) Chaos Warriors as Ironjawz, Blightkings for the Stormcast or Tzaangors as Bloodreavers. A friend is also planning to use two woodelves on one shared base as Vanguard-Hunters once they're out.
Get creative.
You can do the same with garrek's. Who will fare better in case your opponent gets to place 3 objectives on THEIR side of the field.
What black wash, nuln oil?
They can do it but they have better objectives to score that make better use of their speed and fighting ability. Guard don't have that option.
Army Painter dark tone but it's functionally the same.
underrated post.
Not really though, bringing back models means you can risk the chance of losing a model here, there are no second chances for Reavers.
Preach. To me the Objectives that have worked out extremely well are Hold 1-5, Determined Defender, Supremacy, Tactical Sup 1 to 4, March and Res 2. In addition I even run Shardcaller and two Keys, again to generate an extremely consistent income with Objectives while most Power cards are dual enough so going on the offense is no issue.
I think I may be too stubborn on the matter but I think that the best thing to say is that both sides are well endowed for objective holding.
And that objective holding decks are the best ones.
My reavers have the same objective decks (and those upgrades) as you bare the faction ones which I replace with ploymaster, divide to conquer and tactician. I may consider doing the strategy one, getting another two objectives that turn is easy with this configuration but... I'm not 100% sure.
There we'd agree, otherwise there is an obvious objective advantage for being able to move two models for the same activation. For however we turn it, Bloodreavers cannot both cover 3 Objectives and present a relevant melee offense, where Sepulchral Guard most certainly can. The current advantage I give to Guard comes from the massive ammount of Cleave they have acces to, topping both Orruks and Stormcast in their defences once the initial Round has passed and Objectives are scored.
The advantage Reavers have over them though (just like Stormcast have it over Orruks in regards to Objectives) is that they can do more with the iniative and can be put much further back with Illusory FIghter and still be relevant.
Pretty much the same as my Guard deck except I have Flawless Strategy and Superior Tactician.
I'd honestly don't bother with flawless strategy. The moment it and superior strategist (or some objective I cannot meet up in a single turn/that turn) meet up it shots down my strategy of farming points through objectives.
Ah... the face on your opponent's face is almost as delightful aas the one he makes when you succeed on daylight robbery.
It's especially delicious, like the taste of high quality meat, when you play both together right after denying his plot card.
Though sometimes it's a wee bit too salty.
I do remember i got to make my opponent ragequit: he got a glory point, I stole it.
He tried to retaliate with a ploy... I denied it witht he denial card.
He then tried a last ploy for a plus one damage on his next activation... which I stole with the card to allow it.
I charged with the champion next. he had 3 dmg with the upgrade... I OHK his steelheart.
Salt falls short to describe the taste.
I'd thin the highlight blue WAY down. Although, if you're going for an icy theme, maybe a few glossy washes would help.
So another layer but watered down further?
I hope you are black and not a white liberal
>red bases
>no overspray from rattlecan
Did you even prime your dudes?!??!
Hand based, I don't own a spray yet cos it's not worth it for 3-5 models at a time.(for me anyways)
Fair point, I'm just not sure what else I'd replace them with.
thinking about using Chaos Dwarf models instead of stormcast, as long as the three of them are visually distinct and have the same weapons as what they're counting as do you think people would have a problem?
Models that you like and fit the theme decently well?
That would be pefectly fine. Since the game is hex based so long as its recognisable what the model is it will work.
Sure, that's cool. I'm not 100% keen on the difference between SCE and chaos dorfs when compared to their tabletop stats, but that's such a minor issue that it might as well be none.
If the Fyreslayers were already released I'd recommend using their stats instead.
I'm going to be using the FW Chaos Dwarfs in heavy armour, I figured stormcast would be the best fit.
Forgot to mention Ploymaster, then the above makes 12, very consistent.
Just give them fuckgantic bases for the lulz.
What are some interesting and fun combos that have been worked out so far?
Is it possible to build a deck for each of the 4 warbands without buying doubles? I found a spare board on eBay and figured I could get my family to play but after looking thru starter set and orruks I'm not sure I can get 4 good decks as the best universal cards seem to be few in number. Maybe if I make two of them killy and two of them objective focused?
You got it. You SHOULD do that, objective holding is suicide for SCE.
Sounds like a blue deck.
Absorb the charge and hit him back harder
Stormcast are easy mode
>tfw you use time trap to steal opponents Next Attack buffs
Holy shit this is now going on my khorne deck
That 's evil... I like it
I have bought one core set and I would like to recommend me two decks, one for Stormcast Eternals and one for Khorne Bloodbound, utilizing as best as possible the extra cards that are included in the sealed extra deck, so that I can play with some friends of mine using only my core set. Thanks in advance!
Make the SCE deck based around holding/defense type objectives and defensive/mobility upgrades, and the Khorne one based on the "score immediately" ones and aggressive upgrades/ploys + others like Denial that you will score regardless because you are the one pushing
This doesn't work because Time Trap allows you to take an action immediately (in this same activation) and the cards you want to ninja the effect of are used "in the next activation"
it's still a good idea to use for khorne. You could move and then regularly attack, thus getting another shot if you fail to. Potentially.
That or play safe and just do two charges
Double charge is good, I was just pointing that you can't steal "next activation" cards with it because Action != Activation
Oh yeah, I know.
BTW, found out that we DO have a page in 1d4chan... and it's fairly incomplete. Anyone feel like having a go at it?
Why would anyone update it with info, if it's just going to be spammed with memes and shit just after?
When my internet is here (currently roaming) then I plan to spend a bit of time fleshing the page out.
I'll take the appearance of a shadespire thread as an opportunity to post a crappy photo of my progress with Garrek and co. I've a tarrible habit of losing interest in a painting project once the challenging bits are done, so I've slowed right down now that the skin and tartan are more or less complete, I'll have to put in a bit of a push in to polish off the remaining details and get them finished before I move on to something else.
Can certainly work in some scenario's though certainly not most of them as they refer to friendly fighter or 'your'.
Anyone with the Rulesbook really has no reason to ever look at that page.
Great pants!
I guess this makes Time Trap a good card for Undead too since you could potentially move 2 then charge for max support, Move 4, or even combine it with Danse Macabre to get a pretty meaty speed buff.