How do you guys like my new Bitcoin accented watch... oh wait you bought useless pixels while smart money bought things that would provide them cash flow like real estate?
>feelsgood to be a kike :^)
How do you guys like my new Bitcoin accented watch...
JOIN THE DCORPS! DRP is it name, name of the game
Do some hammer curls OP; terrible twink tier wrists and forearms.
Did anyone else think that chair was his purse for a second?
looks like a teenage kid wearing his dads watch
Are these hammer curls?
I'm curious what scenario would ever call for this stock photo...
Garbage watch, skellington wrist
>starve so my wrist size gets smaller
>buy childrens rolex on sale
>brag about buying real estate
30 million on paper net worth in real estate reporting in :)
Crypto is a good speculative asset to have right now, but you will never be as rich as me so just go ahead and kill yourself right now faggot.
i made $800 off tanks today
im alright with that
why are you mils such limp wristed fat faggots?
LUL, good one pajeet now go back to picking up shit from your streets
Two tone rolex lol. Couldn't afford yellow or white gold?
Two tones are the most undesirable rolexes to collect. Even stainless steels retain their value.
Mmm salt tastes good
I’m a preper :^)
Got me
You fuckin cunt, that's the exact same sub I wanted to buy.
Post your boipussy on /soc/. I'd probably fuck your cute twink ass.
Haha 30 mil ain’t shit. anyone with >115 iq could make that kind of money
sell that watch and buy a one week gym membership with it, wrist day all day, son
If you want to brag about a watch at least have something worthy of bragging about.
>implying you need that much money to buy a Rolex
>buying a Rolex because people know the brand and it makes you feel rich or something
I’m just trying to troll some coinfags I’m actually just a 14 y/o
>two tone
>can't even afford solid gold sub
jesus dude that's just sad
why troll when you can make money here and buy a real rolex
Mirin. I will get one one day!!
>Buying a rolex
enjoy your underageb&
>real rolex
>solid gold sub is only 6k more expensive
You guys are retarded even $20k for a watch still isn’t shit