>Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces
>Trove (Xanathar's PDF included)
Previously on /5eg/ You let the thread 404 you fucking nerds.
>Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces
>Trove (Xanathar's PDF included)
Previously on /5eg/ You let the thread 404 you fucking nerds.
look I posted it again
Second for battlemaster strats
Is there any combination on the PHB worse than Tiefling Monk Wot4E?
So why are you autistic shits fucking up threads?
10 is literally the intelligence or a normal person, the origianl pic was 1 INT
I need a draconic variation of the name "Loki". Any help?
That is the original pic, in DS 10 is pretty much the D&D equivalent to, like, 8.
Is PHB beastmaster worse than wot4e monk? A wot4e monk can still just spend all its Ki on flurry and stuns
Halfling barbarian is pretty fucking bad
>So why are you autistic shits fucking up threads?
Arcane Archer talk literally died after less than 5 posts, why are YOU bringing it up again?
Dragonborn Wot4E?
>Dragonborn Wot4E?
Halfling Barbarian is fine. The issue is GWM being too good
>What is opportunity cost
Should be 3 int, considering we are all humans here.
How bad is Sword & Board Barbarian? Halflings could go this route
I could care less about AAs, I'm asking why are you autistic shits fucking up threads.
Dual Wielder Totem barb halfling is perfectly solid. Having off hand attacks gives you something to do on bonus actions which totem otherwise doesn't have a use for and you won't be using heavy weapons that way.
No one fucked up last thread tho
>How bad is Sword & Board Barbarian
Terrible. Shield gets you extra survivability - which barbarians don't need with their resistances and d12 hit dice - and an opportunity to once per round try and get an advantage on an attack.
Compare to GWM, which works marvelously with reckless attack - you basically always have an advantage on, so free damage.
Do you anons use Stat Array, Point Buy or Roll for your characters stats? What are some memorable stats you've had?
>DEX: 18
>Dual Wielder
>Perfect anything
ummm, sweetie
look what you're doing =/
Aren't gnomes worse than halfling though?
Right the competition is:
Halfling Berserker vs Dragonborn Wot4E for worse combination
Can Beast Masters compete?
Generally point buy, array if I want chargen to go along quickly. Too many things run off stats in 5e for rolling to be a reasonable option
Can you guys help me with some my monsters? I need double-checks on CR and on abilities wording, like the trample ability here. I know I should change multiattack to read "six slam attacks" and it should be above the rest, but I'll fix that later. I'd really appreciate feedback from you guys on a couple monsters.
Array for the entire group
only fartdrinkers play with -5 +10
This. I am a fan of rolling stats but they have gotten way too fuckin important. Should go back to the old stat "bonuses" in my opinion.
I totally forgot that gnomes exist.
Had a game where we all did roll in order and my stats were
18, 6, 11, 6, 8, 10
before racials. So I took Half-orc and made Krungo the feral child barbarian.
Gnomes are good. Gnome cunning is amazing.
I'd like to know what you guys think of this one as well. I feel like I might have put too much into the abilities section that I should save for flavor text.
You autistic shits clearly did, keep being autistic shits.
They're good for the one class in the game that uses int but is suboptimal to trash for everything else
Would rather be a rock gnome berserker or a lightfoot halfling berserker?
Nope - gnome cunning on a paladin is the dankest thing ever.
>Not being a superior Yuan-Ti
>implying that race is allowed ever
That looks well above CR11 to me.
It's not more OP than Half-elf imo
Brawny or Athlete as a monk?
Yes it is
It has a speed of 10.
Brawny isn't official, so Athlete is the answer
You could pick prodigy from XGE though
>fight dragon
>blow through it's legendary resistances
>turn it into a chair
>put the chair in a demiplane
>party member died during this
>someone else true polymorphs a rock into an astral diamond
>uses the diamond to resurrect him
One session at level 17 and our DM is already threatening to ban true polymorph, FML
>someone else true polymorphs a rock into an astral diamond
You can't polymorph objects into objects.
>An enemy you just run around and hit with arrows until it dies
How fun
>withdraw rat from bag
>polymorph it into diamond
Is this valid?
People always tend to forget that in most cases if someone figures out you're a Yuan-Ti they're going to fucking lynch you.
If someone sees you're a Helf you'll either get bitches after your dick or "lol look at this halfbreed" from other types, neither of which are "getting burned at a stake by an angry mob."
>find rock
>turn into rat
>turn rat into diamond
Why are there so many people clinging to Arcane Archer and trying to turn it into something it's not? They want it to be able to use its shots on EVERY SINGLE FUCKING attack or some shit and totally miss that they're playing a Fighter who's going to be doing just fine even if he never uses his shots.
It's like wanting Warlocks to be able to cast a spell on every single turn instead of just using Eldritch Blast. It's entirely against the idea of the class. Maybe it'd be more fun, but it'd also be more imbalanced. Just make a fucking Wizard Archetype that uses a bow.
is there anything RAW that prevents you from using true polymorph to turn a rat into a statue of yourself the size of a planet?
Point buy will always be the predictable, maybe minmax-y, but reliable way for a character to behave mechanically how you want them to.
Limitation is what your DM considers an object. "How many parts make up a composite I'm willing to call an object" is up to him.
Is arcane archer that bad? When I read over it, it seemed like battlemaster with less uses per short rest but better effects
This works but it's also valid for the DM to say it doesn't work as a spellcasting component because it's a rat turned into a diamond
Two fucking 3's on the same character
It's what you say. People are being tards.
Arcane Archer is totally fine, which is why everybody trying to fix it are retarded. They're Battlemasters except their maneuvers have fewer uses that are more powerful. In addition, they have a bunch of passive benefits beyond their maneuvers, whereas Battlemasters mostly just get ribbons.
People just want Arcane Archer to be able to do magic doodily bullshit on every single arrow.
It's another case of good concept, poor execution.
12/16/16/16/16/15 before assigning tp stats and racials
Dm told me to gimp them of course, because rolling for stats resulting in random, unreasonable numbers can't be had
That and they're mad they don't get +1 to all arrow attacks at level 3 anymore, even though their DM will probably give them a +1 (or better) bow or arrows at some point anyways.
My party's had a newly-hatched dragon for a good ten sessions now, and I've been trying to think of ways to get it up an age-category quicker to open up possibilities beyond "helpful familiar". I've been thinking life-sapping magic of some kind. Does anyone have any other ideas?
then why would he even have you roll for stats
>Denying a Dragon it's childhood
Is your party an Evil one?
Tell him if he wanted you to roll for stats then he should've been prepared to deal. This is why the array and point buy exists.
How would you roll Link from LoZ?
>iconic sword
>iconic shield
>known to use multiple tools
>dabs in magic in some games
Complete your current quest arc then have the party retire to the countryside for 5 years to raise your new dragon son. Get into some downtime shenanigans. The world can wait.
They're CE/CN/TN/NG. Funny enough, the little guy has bonded the most with the Chaotic Evil bard. Shared interests, I guess.
Strap something that automatically fires crossbow bolts at living creatures (because it's hard to detect unliving creatures) onto something that roams
Now how is that any different to an undead? Literally all undead do is 'stand around and attack anything that gets close to them'. Undead aren't intelligent enough to do much more than that.
>The act of creating undead is neutral evil.
You don't have to create undead to be an oathbreaker. Whether doing so is evil or not is another big argument that we've had here countless times and really the best way to say it is 'depends on if your DM decides it's evil or not' at the rate those arguments are going.
>but dnd has legitimate laws of the universe when it comes to alignment. Your character can be good, but not aligned as good.
That definitely makes sense in some previous editions, but objective alignment is gone now with 5e from what I've seen. Alignment isn't really very serious anymore so no longer will good characters have to sacrifice the right to a 'good' alignment in order to save the planet, and no longer will evil characters refuse to help people because it'd hurt their 'good' alignment.
>using negitive energy to fuel your spells.
You're still using normal paladin spells, radiant smites and doing extra damage to fiends n' shit. You're still using positive energy, in theory.
The party finds themselves in a vault protected by magic constructs set up centuries ago and abandoned. Since then, a super powerful lava demon has infected the entire place with his lava corruption and has gained control over the defenses.
What else does the party find down there?
Is it legal to have 2 dump stats aka 2 at 8 points?
Fuck think I failed to link a second post there probably
but I should just bury the alignment talk in the last thread if I'm not being a douche
a couple of corpses half submerged in cooled volcanic rock
Reminder that rolling for stats are for min-maxers
Fuck these people who keep saying 'point buy is minmaxey' when point buy limits how much you can minmax and is fairer for new players compared to experienced players
Nice strawman
I just wanted it to scale better, maybe turn arcane shots into INT mod/long rests or reducing their damage and give more uses at certain levels. At least give it a 10th level feature.
>Assuming you have line of sight and the space to run safely.
You obviously don't have it drop out of the sky to fight the party in an open field.
Imagine you're spelunking and you feel some intermittent vibrations. They're getting stronger. Then you start hearing sound to accompany the vibrations, the sound of impact and stuff crumbling. A mob type they've fought before appears in view behind them, limping frantically away from the sounds. An instant later, this thing crashes into view and absolutely destroys it.
Then it turns towards you, and starts moving menacingly towards you. It is blocking what was your only retreat route. (Re-exploration later reveals it broke through a wall in a previously passed passage.) Your choices are either spread out as best you can and fight it head on, or flee hastily through the unknown depths where safety may be even less guaranteed.
Now if you can manage to create a way to kite it despite the disadvantageous environment, that's overcoming with imagination and should be plenty fun.
>a bunch of passive benefits
They get Curving Shot (which granted, is pretty good) and presdigitation/druidcraft. Not that many.
My issue with them is that they look boring. The groups I've played with don't take short rests that often, so "do flashy thing 2 times per session " doesn't seem that appealing. It's the same issue I have with warlocks in general and how Pact Magic works
Dex Paladin. He has a holy sword, a quest to fight evil and protect Hyrule, and access to Find Steed. Maybe multiclassed in Ranger and/or Rogue for his weird spells and tools.
Now it's two level 9 spell slots and thus takes two days (or two hours if you have two people who can cast it?). Acceptable.
I had also been thinking of a "timeskip training arc" of some kind, so that might actually work. Five years would also give the myconid sprout they have with them to go through "puberty" to adulthood, which would be really funny to play in downtime.
Caster supremacy is bad.
>Caster supremacy is bad
You can go 15 15 15 8 8 8 if you want
What is arguably the best rogue archtype? I keep hearing people say assassin but is AT viable vs a pure wizard?
So do all spells that are AoE have friendly fire for anyone in that area? For instance, if I use cloud of daggers while a friend is in the radius grappling the target, will the also get hit by the cloud of daggers?
arcane trickster is the best rogue archetype
assassin is bad
AT = Swashbuckler > Assassin > Thief
unless it says you can pick targets or exclude people, it's indiscriminate
AT is the best because it gets magic. They're incomparable to wizards though, why are you even bringing that up?
I'd say thief is better than ass.
Thief seems very dependent on how many spell scrolls the DM likes to give out
Where? Usually people say it's AT. Thief is good for classical Rogue stuff (it's even named after the original name of the class) and Swashbuckler is good for a melee rogue
>vs a pure wizard
If by "viable" you mean "roughly as good as", no, nothing that is not a wizard or certain bard builds is as good as a wizard. But that doesn't mean those other options are weak