Previous thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
How many of you have played DTF?
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Geist preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
First for Tzimisce
Will suck dick for Abyss Mysticism
What do the Tzimisce have in common with her?
>weeb shit
not on my watch
>posts on Veeky Forums
>posts on /wodg/
>triggered by japanese stuff
You must spend your life in a perpetual state of luciferous asshurt. Here, have this official image of a vampire wizard from oWoD.
>h-how dare he not like animu
never post again
>h-how dare he post something from Japan on Veeky Forums
It is you that must refrain from posting my man. Veeky Forums isn't your safe space.
says the dude that got massively butthurt because someone doesn't like waifus nor jerks off to little girls
you have a whole board, go back and stay there
Not the same guy. Return to reddit.
>failure to spot a samefag
>y-youre reddit tho
nice one kiddo
stat pic related
I'm just tired of stupid redneck sorry limp-dick motherfuckers living off of Obama's ass.
Shit, man, modern kids don't know who that is.
>invited to /wodg/
real niggas
woke allies
>not invited
crybaby white boys
That's just having Malkavian Time and 2 Willpower.
>liking anime means you jack to little girls
Sure okay buddy you're totally not projecting or anything.
yeah sure, because anime isn't just a bunch of obese sweaty neckbeards who want to fuck little kids
you're right, it isn't
my body is cold
>replying to a troll
whatever helps you sleep at night loser
>anyone who dislikes anime is a troll
Man, sidhe actually seem like they would have been fun as fuck to play. Dictum is a hilarious ability.
get a werewolf to warm you up
fucking sick minded freak
That reminds me, have we had any recent updates on Fabiowolf?
nothing wrong with a hug
also I'm pretty sure those fuckers just radiate heat, especially in Crinos/Garu form
>tfw no ice cold vampire husbando to spoon with
Could somebody please explain how Celerity works in Blood and Smoke? I don't understand the "only one instant action, but (dots in Celerity) interrupts".
Isn't blood and smoke like 1e?
Heya! It's me, Imoen!
Death is coming to all of us
Thank god.
How could you have more "classical" changelings (Actual Fae and natives from arcadia) in the lost without changing the moot to much?
I'm not sure you can. Having non mega sociopath inhabitants of Arcadia changes what Arcadia is entirely.
You could, I guess, draw some distinction between truefae who are at full power and occupy Arcadia and 'truefae' who somehow split off from them ages ago and now inhabit Earth, and that the current Gentry being insane psychopathic monsters is a change that hasn't effected these ones.
Just play dreaming.
I think he's basically asking how you could have the Lost and the Dreaming interact.
So I'm planning a freak legion game where all the players are employees at a Pentex facility. Are there any good antagonists from other lines that fit the mutation/body horror angle of Freak Legion that I could through at the team?
First thing I'd do as a mind mage is end welfare for the do nothing zombie americans who spend their ebt on weed and soda
If Archmages can beat Archangels with only six dots can they beat the Chaos Gods from Warhammer?
How do you spend ebt on weed? I think you need to have kids to get cash usually. Unless your dealer takes food stamps.
Maybe have them have some Tzimisce and Life mages on hand
>Unless your dealer takes food stamps
Had a slew of homeless come up to me in north Cali trying to sell me food stamps for 60 cents on the dollar. I visited for the same reason one visits zoos.
Oh no wonder you live in a communist hell hole.
I'm wanting to run an OWoD Hunter Game I have scans, but are there any pdfs out there that have bookmarks? I hate going through big books.
Also, are there any words on Hunter 20th?
When you come to Los Angeles you can suck my cock
Fool. Don't you know God has 10s in all the spheres?
Don't play Reckoning
Play Hunters Hunted instead
That's admitting he's just another Archmage.
You're only supporting Mage supremacy by saying such drivel.
Sorry bud, I like the ideas behind reckoning more from what I've read so far
God having 10s in all spheres doesn't mean he's an archmage. God can be everything he wants to be
Reckoning is a mess
You get to feel like an actual Hunter in HH
If you have Spheres above five you're an Archmage by definition.
God would essentially be his own 'prestige class' similar to Oracles and Exemplars.
I'm fabiowolf guy. Game had to be cancelled this weekend unfortunately, due to last minute family happenings with the ST.
Sucks, but I managed to grab the dudes I'm running Vampire for together for a hasty session instead.
Per DtF, Mages are just working with tiny slivers of god, which would imply that God as whole is hilariously stronger than any mage could hope to be
How many dots do your characters normally have on their character sheets by the end of a story arc? A complete game?
I'm going to run a campaign over winter break and I want an idea of how fast my buddies PCs should advance.
No no, I meant it like a sort of convertion i.e. him having the equivalent of 10s
>tiny slivers of god
>God as whole is hilariously stronger than any mage could hope to be
Good thing he isn't whole, hes just millions of tiny useless shards that can't do anything but be mages.
Well, it depends on how much you want it to ramp up. Are you going from neonates to ancilla? or from newly awakened to oracles?
>mfw magefags are literally illiterate
the parts that are in mage are just the spare parts he used to build humanity
if humanity mass ascended theyd have the power of god - but alas, they have not
Can you even call it a "he" or an actual individual though?
It's more in line of the 'extradimensional consciousness' the Chorus speaks so much of.
More annoyingly, this is just putting all of WoD's troubles on the shoulders of Mage.
Vampires? Mage did it.
Angry fallen Angels? Mage did it.
The big bang? Mage did it.
Per DtF, God is an actual individual, as well as not
God is a shattered being. He's not whole until everyone Ascends.
same idea
He is whole, and he is not
>tfw dtf lore is too complicated for magefags
Wrong context
The whole thing with Avatars being little slivers of God and mankind becoming as God when they Ascend sounds creepily similar to a form of asexual reproduction.
Nope, suggest you read DtF, and pay close attention to the prologue
>he lacks reading comprehension
Per Mage, you mong.
Not per Demon
God is a broken figure. He(it) is off in LaLa Land doing absolutely nothing. Supposedly.
Mages Ascending is the act of reuniting with him(it).
If you mean he's whole in the sense that he's(it's) still an actual entity? Then yes. But still a cosmic cripple.
Man, I actually am reading D:tF right now and it's pretty good, but at this stage what's the point unless you have a legit interest? I wouldn't recommend anyone read anything solely so they can be better equipped for silly internet fights.
Read books outside of Mage
No, he isn't. He's as exactly as powerful as he's always been
So does God realize that he's effectively in limped form? Does he feel it when Ascension happens? Does he acknowledge himself becoming more complete?
God wasn't incomplete
Think of it more as that he was creating a successor
>Mages become God
I really fucking hate you Magefags. Your precious not!wizards(they fucking warp reality not magic) are already the strongest things in the setting and you keep trying to cram more power into your jizzfests
The plan is to play awakening.
I'm expecting to only get 1 story arc in over break but the plan is to continue playing over roll20 after the holiday is over.
I don't want to ramp things up too fast. I kind of want to keep them leashed for the first arc so they have a sense of appreciation and scale for when they get to the endgame and start throwing galaxies at their problems.
Not just mages
All of humanity ascends
Everything is good and perfect forever, even for Marauders
God isn't creating a successor, you insufferable magefag. Read Fallen.
>they fucking warp reality not magic
>Description of literally all magic isn't magic
Lol you retard. I'm not the magefag. Maybe you should read it, since you've gotten it so wrong?
Haha, go fuckyourself buddy.
>m-m-my mages are the god that did everything durrrr
You can shove archagnels into cartons of putrid milk at 6 and you now want to be God?
Metaplot was fucking stupid. Keep your not!magic bullshit in your own game.
Holy fuck, again im not the magefag
I have to apologize to I didn't realize I was siding with an actual retard instead of him
I;m reading it right now. God is infinite(so how does he even need fucking wizards to replace him?) and so far isn't looking for a successor.
>being this fucking buttblasted over mage
holy fuck you're a massive sperg
never forget a mage could probably kill god with a pack of bubblegum
Guess what fuck? Mage isn't cannon in my games
I personally have caine ram his 15 incher in porthos asshole
no buts
"you lose" is what it sounds like
>being such a special snowflage you get triggered by canon
sorry user, but this isn't your dads cock on a saturday night, you can't just dream your way out of it, mage supremacy is real and here to stay
the saddest thing is its retards like you that caused the magefag infestation.
>mage lore is objective, others aren't
t. delusional
>talks about objectivity
>when his last post was "WAH I DONT PLAY IT LIKE THAT"
Good fucking Lord, this is the pits.
POWERSHITTERY DETECTED. Enforcing storytime. Let's explore the Cavendish estate together and forget all this toxic nonsense.
I know I'm in the minority for thinking so, but...
...this place is fucking hilarious
The part that actually makes me mad is that I defended a retard like you
>thinks he's arguing with one guy
l o l
>never posts within the same minute interval
>w-wasn't me guys, i swear