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What's the witchiest witch you've ever played? Or seen played?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What's the witchiest witch you've ever played? Or seen played?
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Asking again since I asked at the very end of last thread.
>playing in an evil game
>party is LE/LE/LE/NE
>I'm CE
>we're a set of law enforcement officers for an evil regime
>work with the GM on how I can be CE in this, end up as a 'mad dog' sort of individual used for terror
>was a criminal (thief who stole from the obscenely wealthy) and CN at the time, after capture and torture changed to CE
>made it abundantly clear that my character despised the rest of the party for being complicit in their tyrannical dictatorship
>first was presented to the party muzzled and in heavy iron chains
>basically the picture of 'do not let this guy off his short leash'
>fast forward six sessions
>my character still hates them and plots his escape
>the party femme fatale is interested in my character
>I lie through my teeth to try and get her to take off my restraints
>keep lying
>she eventually decides to take them off
>she even takes off the mind compulsive collar my character is forced to wear
>I beat her character to death before fleeing
She was pissed but I felt I was doing exactly what made sense. He told several fake sob stories and it payed off with him being able to leave town. I have to roll up a new character as well since mine no longer has any reason to associate with the party, but she’s angry my character was lying to her the whole time.
Yeah, that's a dick move.
What are you actually asking? I see no question. Are you wondering if what you did was unfair to the other player? My thoughts are that this sounds like a situation that should have had more OOC communication. IMO, all inter-party strife and PvP should ideally be discussed beforehand, if not decided outright.
>Complaining about being betrayed in an Evil campaign
She just needs to get over it.
>page 3
Fucking cancer
All characters need some leeway to stay conductive to the party. You shouldn't break character, but a character is bad in the first place if they can't maintain character while working towards the party cause for one reason or another. Even if you're CE, it's a bad move.
At the very least, you needed to leave enough space for your character not to kill another party member before leaving. If all he did was gloat about what a stupid bitch she was for letting him free before running off, it at least likely wouldn't be disruptive. It could've been an interesting opportunity for the femme fatale to develop, and it gives the DM a tie back into the story for your character as an NPC. If possible, it would've been good to have him stay working with the party, looking for opportunities to get at those that wronged him later on. It doesn't look like that would've been likely, but if you're going to betray at the party, you want to look for an event that'll generate narrative for the other players.
tldr; that's what my character would've done is never actually a good reason even if it's true.
r8 the following:
>Vital Strike Feat made to automatically scale to Improved/Greater at +11/+16 BAB
>you may choose to, instead of getting the additional damage dice, add an additional amount of bonus damage (which acts like bonus damage from dice for all purposes) equal to half your level, scaling to 3/4ths level bonus damage at +11 BAB, and full level bonus damage with +16 BAB
>this lets weapons that don't size stack like crazy actually use VS without feeling like it's a waste, but keeps bigger weapons as the better overall option
I didn’t want to just say out of character I was going to immediately betray her because that’s knowledge she doesn’t have and shouldn’t effect her decision making.
I mainly killed her because it gave me time to get far away. Leaving her alive seemed an unnecessary risk. I still asked the GM if he’d like to use my character as an NPC later on since he still wanted revenge.
Yeah I thought so.
I say we made an agreement, /pfg/. Let's just all report the next thread that comes up that's before Page 7 and has anime on it. Seem good?
Seems aight.
Seems fine to me.
Would appreciate any opinions or input on my homebrew race
Here's some input:
If a race exists only for fetish reasons then nothing can ever make it better because in the end it's existence can only be attributed to somebody being horny.
Why didn't you just nonlethal that bitch and then maybe rape her?
That's stupid and wrong. Pretty much everything humanity has created can be attributed to somebody being horny.
Best 1PP methods of fighting unarmed?
You can recommend 3PP too if you want.
It's just a halfling with its most awful racial traits swapped out for the best elf ones. pure power creep.
from a fluff standpoint it does nothing new. i can take Mixed Blood two difference directions to achieve the same effect, or just ask my GM.
Reminder that Gareth wrote for PoW1.
He wrote a few feats, the discipline traditions, the discipline tradition bonuses, and had significant sway in discussions regarding feedback. Anyone active in the Pah of War 1 playtest a few years ago would know this.
Additionally he's the one that shot down the idea that some disciplines should stay class specific as a balance point for certain classes. Whether you agree with that or not it's worth noting that he was the primary reason we dont have that.
He is also the reason for "discipline lists" for classes. He shot down classifying disciplines then allowing classes to pick from classifications.
Lastly Path of War expanded was being playtested well before Path of war 1 got its release, so it's very likely that the Harbinger, its two disciplines, and various other shit in Expanded got written by him before he ever actually played a game.
Something that comes to mind is Garth would always parrot knowledge from jaded PF players, but be unable to back up his statements with numbers or experiences. He would know X without knowing that Y+Z=x.
Basically cancer.
Just fucking say your elf is short and curvy. Why the fuck does this need a codified set of rules?
Why should we trust the word of a guy who got fired from the company for being that shitty a developer calling someone else a shitty developer? He shouldn't be commenting on the specs in other people when he's got a pole up his own ass.
Hi Gareth.
It's literally just halfling, with top tier traits, and one of the strongest feats in the game for free.
Why does this exist.
Not Gareth, I'm someone who loved the shit out of incarnum and am pissed off about how Ssalarn fucked it up so badly with Akasha.
You're the only one here who cares. Oh no, someone's single-line prompt thread with three replies got pushed off the board, boo hoo hoo.
"Hmmm, this food is giving me sickness when I eat it raw and tastes shit. Better heat it so I can fuck it."
"My children are dying from infected wounds. Better invest gloves because I AM HORNY!"
"I need that other man dead because he is taking all my food. Better invent spear because I AM HORNY!"
"I wish to express my inner most demons on canvas be creating surreal monsters because GOOD GODS AM I HORNY!"
You are fucking retarded.
How was your weekend, /pfg/? Do anything fun or exciting, game-related or otherwise?
>"Hmmm, this food is giving me sickness when I eat it raw and tastes shit. Better heat it so I can fuck it."
Bitches love a man that knows how to cook.
>"My children are dying from infected wounds. Better invest gloves because I AM HORNY!"
Dead kids means sad wife and thus no sex
>"I need that other man dead because he is taking all my food. Better invent spear because I AM HORNY!"
I want his woman
>"I wish to express my inner most demons on canvas be creating surreal monsters because GOOD GODS AM I HORNY!"
Bitches love Byronian heroes.
How's this for a monk ability? I'm thinking it should be available at around lvl 8 or 9
>One-inch Punch (Su)
>When making an attack action with his unarmed strike, a monk can spend two ki points as a swift action to have the attack go against the target's touch AC instead of regular AC
>If the attack connects, the monk can choose of the following effects to take place
>1) The attack does maximized damage, as if all damage die rolled the maximum amount (basically vital strike)
>2) The monk can attempt a free bullrush maneuver on the damaged foe without provoking an attack of opportunity
>3)The monk can make a free sunder maneuver against the target's shield or armor without provoking an attack of opportunity
Mostly fiddling around with the idea because i'm surprised there's no 1' punch feat and because monks need every bone they can get
Isn't the one inch punch really more of a trick than anything? It's not like punches generate power from massive wind ups or huge arms. The trick just plays on the perception people have of how a punch works.
Sure, that's why it's a Su ability and not an Ex
Besides, this is the same class with High Jump, so realism can go out the window
You truly are retarded to think that everything is about sex.
Ask any credibly psychiatrist, psychologist or psychowhatever listen to them how they can give you a dozen books all about how Freud was wrong about human psyche. The short and long of it is: Sex isn't the only thing, not even the primary thing, that drives people.
Alright, review time. Starting from the top of the pdf down.
Spritelings are a mix of an elf and a halfling, though that idea boiled down to being mostly halfling with a smidgen of elf. I've never been a fan of races that have ingrained personalities ("optimistic, sociable, brave, but prone to brooding phases") but that's just me, I'm sure others are fine with it. Despite their name and heritage heavily implying they would be small, they're actually medium-sized. I would suggest a change in name, as there's not much of a reason someone would compare this race to a sprite. Maybe call it an Elfling?
I'd say my biggest problem with their fluff is that they're written with too many positive traits, some of which even contradict. They're easy-going and simultaneously overly-excitable, they're optimistic and friendly but also prone to bouts of lonely brooding, they're adaptable, gregarious, bombastic, lucky, lovable, and they like hard work and booze. Toning that down and giving some reason to why Spritelings haven't instantly been accepted in every settlement they go would be a good first start. Most people don't care much about the background of a race, and it certainly doesn't bother me as much as this post might lead you to believe, but I might as well write it down since you're looking for feedback.
Mechanical stuff in the next post.
Alright I need some help /pfg/ I'm looking for a rule system I saw a long time ago. It was based off of the d20 system I'm pretty sure it was mostly compatible with 3.5/PF. What I can remember is that classes had access to certain number of "circles" with each circle being a different skill/combat group, the one I remember is a Poison circle. A lot of the circles ran off of a token system, like when making a poison you could spend additional tokens to increase the ability damage or add other effects. I know it's not much to go on but anyone have any ideas?
Well, let's run numbers
>Vital Strike auto-levels
That's a pretty normal houserule, so pass there
>Swap damage dice for 1/2 or 3/4 or full level to damage
So at BAB of 6-10 you get 3-5 damage, 11-15 you get 8-11, and 16-20 you get 16-20 damage.
Comparing that to a Butchering axe. Level 6-10 is 6d6 (average 21 damage), 11-15 is 9d6 (average 31.5 damage) and 16-20 is 12d6 (average 42 damage).
Mechanically, Spritelings are strong, almost a little too much so if you're trying to make something comparable to Paizo's stuff. My biggest concern is that they can trade their weakest trait, Lasting Impression, to have a 40ft base speed, making it an instant pick for any player that knows about it. Perfect Poise doesn't seem to belong in their all? At the very least there's no description of why they're so good at landing, and neither of their parents do so either. Giving free Weapon Finesse is an odd choice I don't agree with, somewhat because no other race (not even their parents) gets that, but mostly because the Spritelings aren't described at all as a race that is instinctively raised to fight. Are they nimble? Sure, but that's reflected in their stat array, which is coincidentally just a halfling's stat array, but there's no reason thus far to give them a build-enabling combat feat right off the bat. The trait they can trade Nimble Attacks for, Slave Breaker, is also pretty powerful with a +4 to trip and a different situational bonus. With Kneecapper (one of the two traits given by Slave Breaker) usually being roped off to small-sized races due to the intention of making up for their size penalty to CMB, the medium-sized Spritelings gain all of the benefits and none of the drawbacks.
Their favored class bonuses look alright, no complaints. I can tell you really wanted Spritelings to be bards, but the rest of the FCBs focus on mostly either movement speed or dodge bonuses. Overall if this race was part of the vanilla pathfinder cast, there would be no reason to play a charisma-based class as anyone else. They have great save bonuses, the best racial movement speed in the game, and free Weapon Finesse. I'd tone them back and reevaluate what niche you want them to fill in the world, since at the moment you seem to be torn between "nimbler elven skirmishers" and "lovable jolly tall halflings" and you gave them everything for both.
I beat our groups paladin in a duel with my fighter which was pretty cozy. Two hits and he was down though he is pissed at me now because we had discussed how we would go after the ranger first.
>Vital Strike Butchering Axe at level 20
>not factoring in the inevitable Lead Blade enhancement and at minimum enlarge person
it's probably more like 24d6 (86 average damage), while someone with a greatsword would be sitting on 16d6 (56 average) with the same kinds of size-ups.
My original draft was Half-Level/Full Level/One-and-a-half Level damage for VS/Improved/Greater, but supposedly that was too good as an alternative to just stacking size on damage die.
What prompted that level of group conflict, user?
My alchemist got a cursed ring that he didn't ask for from an evil god. It's very powerful, but it's very bad news.
How so?
Well we had all got forced to join a military for reasons still unkown and the only way for us to leave the compound was to prove our worth to the leader. Long story short I think now that i can escort them out of the compound we are going to make a run for it.
That's some solid advice user and it's much appreciated. I guess the idea with the Dex and movement features was that being a crossbreed of two already agile races they became even more so to the point where it was unnatural even by Elven standards. Might be worth changing up their stat bonus to +4 Dex, -2 Str, -2 Con instead and going with the name change to something more appropriate like Elfling.
I hadn't considered movement alone to be strong as such but giving them that's alongside a powerful Melee feat like Weapon Finesse or the maneuver bonuses may have just been exurberance on my part.
Reign of Winter seems like the only good Paizo AP I've read so far. Excluding the horror ones since I just don't think PF is good for horror, they mostly all have enormous amounts of boring, easy filler. Reign of Winter encounters seem decently challenging at least, and the plot gets going very quick, where normally many Paizo AP's are super boring in the first book. Lately I've been messing around with ideas of putting together a roll20 AP as I really like using some of the nice maps, but so many of them are just so awful. After reading Wrath of the Righteous and cutting out all the boring garbage, I was left with under half of the content. Although there is probably an argument that AP's are just too long to begin with.
The ring gives 20 fire resist and a plethora of neat, limited-use fire spells. However, the ring resulted in my alchemist to develop a psychotic alternate persona.
>captcha: road road
Thematically the idea was for them to be smaller, friendlier elves
wouldn't that just be halflings, or even just gnomes?
I would heavily advise against giving them a +4 racial bonus to a single stat, even if you're giving them drawbacks in response, for a slew of reasons. The long and short of it is because it makes the race attractive solely as a minmaxing opportunity instead of by its own merits. You're essentially selling your own race short by plastering on an alluring stat array.
It's better than the /pgg/a nigga at least.
I'd take /pgg/a over Flamebait Weeb McPage3, at this point.
My party found the evil intelligent knife and the host it commanded. They actually had somebody sneak up and disarm him while distracting him with banter. Then the disarmer grabbed the knife, and I laughed as he failed his will saves. Luckily, they disarmed HIM before the knife got a good hold. They captured the guy talking to the killer, nabbing some info about the machine cult. He's gonna set up a meeting with his superior, and they're gonna try nabbing him. We'll see how that goes for them. They also found a cute creature that eats color!
We fought a god's champion and beat her ass. Outflank critfishing to the rescue. Now we're ready to end his shit next session, hopefully. It was a good fight.
How about you?
/pgg/let is way better, but even /pgga/ is okay.
/pgg/ > /pfg/ and /sfg/.
Not really? /pgg/ makes about as much sense as the '40k RPGs general' they have. Linked games in a linked general.
The sad thing is I can't help but agree.
pgg puts way too much emphasis on Paizo, whereas the majority of content used and talked about here is unrelated to them.
This week's session was cancelled, unfortunately. The GM was feeling quite ill.
How did they come across such a peculiar creature?
Well, both games are Paizo owned so that's not really surprising.
Paizo a shit though.
We don't give a single shit about the company, we care about the games.
Yeah but they would still be Paizo games, with a linked setting.
>Star Path General
Then why are you always ready to jump on anything Paizo related ever if it means you can somehow turn it into shitposting about how Paizo is retarded?
>Why are you
Excuse me
You in this case meaning /pfg/ is if I am trying to distance myself like it would cure me from the horrid taint of being part of /pfg/
>Distance myself
I feel like this is one of the motivations for people trying to push pgg so hard. Trying to distance themselves from the reputation that /pfg/ has.
They're fooling themselves. It's a futile effort, a minor stopgap at best. Even if the stigma somehow didn't follow us, the people who caused it still would, leaving us exactly where we started.
Hmm true, I just find it hard to mechanically quantify their abilities. That's said I have come up with some draft fluff and ability revisions
Name change to Elflings
Elflings are nimble and sociable but their small frames lack the strength and endurance of other races +2 Dex, + Cha , -4 Con
New Racial drawback: Frail - 2 on saves against Disease and illness
Removed Weapon Finesse
Often mistaken for Elven or Half-Elven children Elflings are a recent arrival on Golarion, a result of the Forlorn encountering Halfling communities. Highly sociable and easygoing Elflings find themselves at ease no matter where they are. Though they retain the physical attractiveness of their Elven ancestors they are exceedingly frail and as a result few survive the rigours of childhood. The lucky few that manage to reach adulthood are often deeply concerned with social attachment to those around them, paradoxically many Elfling adults are also prone to periods during which they may step back from those around them and seek solitude.
Elflings get along with Halflings and Ratfolk best due to their often-shared proximity to Human settlements and communal lifestyle however they are seen by many within these communities as a sign of bad luck and a bringer of illness due to their succepability to disease. Because of this some Elflings develop a shared bond with Half-Orcs and Half-elves of Human ancestry as outcasts. Many are often fond of Dwarves and admire their capacity for ale, hard work and friendship. Elflings are often regarded by Elves as strange, pitiable curiosities and indeed many Elves refuse to acknowledge their existence at all much to the Elfling's consternation.Gnomes are looked upon as eccentric and a source of both curiosity and jealousy due to their ability to live amongst Elves without quarrel.
>-4 Con
Way too far in the other direction, no one's gonna play a race with -4 Con.
They found it in the sewers! They haven't asked why it was there yet. It's going to be semi-plot relevant eventually. It starts eating colors, but eventually grows to eat stranger things, like sounds, emotions, and memories. It'll be less important since the player to whom it would be most relevant is leaving, but it'll still have some involvement.
Sorry about your game. I hope your GM gets well soon.
When it comes to quantifying abilities, your safest bet is following the usual pattern. -4 Constitution is a killer, in both the literal and figurative sense. The old "+2 +2 -2" combo is probably your best option.
The Frail drawback adds a nice touch to the race's fluff, I like it, though you'd want to specify what an 'illness' is since that's not mechanically defined. I'd recommend getting rid of their potential 40ft movement speed trait (since half of their bloodline has 20ft by base) but if you're really gunning for keeping it, write a good reason for why they're the only player race in Golarion/Fantasyland that has it. At the moment it's the only thing they can do that nobody else can, so you have an opportunity to make it matter.
Con penalties are a massive mistake, they should be removed from every race.
Is the Impossible bloodline as fun as it sounds? I was considering making an Android dual crossed with that and the Nanite bloodline. Make up for the less spells with magic items and a focus on melee. Though just going Android with just the Impossible bloodline would still be fun.
What can a 20th-level wizard do without their spellbook?
I've DMed for an Impossible Bloodline sorcerer. It's good for breaking WBL in half, but that's pretty much the only reason to take it.
What's the difference between Akasha and Incarnum?
Are Rajah titles any different?
Incarnum stuff worked pretty well on it's own, each choice being something that had a lot more solo use. Akasha suffers heavily from 'Yeah, you CAN make this work...but you'll need to get a lot of pieces lined up for that' which makes it fiddly and hard for new players to use.
The Rajah Titles are VERY different to base Akasha, being more or less an entirely new system based on the framework of Akasha.
Trying to roll up a new character for an upcoming game, 1pp materials. The game is somewhat intrigue in nature. Wanted to make a Kitsune Empiricist(Investigator) with a focus on being a skill monkey/face/trickster. So I want to take the traits Keen Kitsune, Superior Shape Shifter, Magical Tail(FOB), and Student of Philosophy. What other trait should I get? Besides the skill feats that straight up add bonuses to my skills, what other feats help me be a better skill monkey? OR is the Investigator talents good enough that I can instead invest my feats into Magical Tail? What sucks is that Magical Tail is based on Charisma.
On a side note, is there any class/archetype that is a skill monkey that is keyed off Charisma?
Is there an actual good Dark Knight-styled 3pp/homebrew class, ala Final Fantasy IV? All the ones I've seen have either been concerningly stronk(Such as losing up to your level in HP to deal double the amount as damage), far too weak, or (in the case of FF D20 making the Dark Knight their Antipaladin CE-only class)) retarded.
I am thinking of focusing Int and Dex. I would need to keep my charisma decent if I want to keep magical tails decent. If I go with dex, I think I might also do a single dip in Inspired Blade(Swashbuckler) and fencing grace and be done with my hit/damage. Or at the very least, just get Weapon Finesse and no level dip to at least augment my hit.
I finally got to play one of my most favorite characters again, an Undead Lord Cleric of Urgathoa named Thead Drumer, with his skeletal brother Lilk, as we go through the story of Hell's Vengeance wreaking havoc and just having a good time with the characters in book 2.
My GM for that game took one look at the circumstances behind the destabilization of the city we're in, and after determining that they were retarded completely retooled them to be full encounters. So far my guy single-handedly won over the fat alchemist dude by being a huge dweeb as well as not caring all that much about his secret identity, since his secret with his brother isn't much better, one of the other players slept with and then subsequently sleep-stabbed the busty tavern owner, and our GM allowed us to be able to bring the Monk punchgirl over to our side by having an invasion take place by other Thrune agents at her Monastery near the town, thus allowing us to convince her that the others didn't care about her.
Pic is MFW everything goes according to keikaku.
What makes a Dark Knight a Dark Knight?
Sacrificing HP to deal more damage, uses dark powers but isn't evil(In fact, most Dark Knights end up being good guys). They also tend to have an ability to regain or siphon HP by hurting others. Sometimes has a limited magic-pool(So in other words, 4th level spellcasting or nothing, either works)
Was just curious because my character I have planned currently is a Paladin, and while it works, a Dark Knight-styled class would be preferred.
Closest thing I can think of is a Paladin that trades some of their stuff for Spheres of Might progression.
Hey if I want to craft weapons and armor should I use Craft (Weapons) and Craft (Armor) separately or is it something like Craft (Armament) or Craft (Metalworking)?
Gimmie some ideas for a one/two/three-shot. Anything goes.
Minions of the big bad evil guy are trying to take over a small backwater town.
All players must be goblins, skeletons, or similarly small and/or incompetent.
As in.... modules?
>Feast of Ravenmoor
>Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment
>Curse of the Riven Sky
What do you do when you forget your character sheets?
kill myself
How do you learn new languages?
kill myself
So guys, I am going into a campaign where the DM is running with advance firearms and enemies will be using them. I want to make a character that can counter the firearms without using them. I know there are ways magically, but are there any martial variants I can use?
Play a Monk with extremely high Dex/Wis scores and pump your touch AC as high as you can? Use Snatch/Deflect Arrows as much as possible too.
So call me crazy, but here is my idea. A shield champion brawler who weilds a normal heavy shield and a tower shield. If the enemy is far away, use the towershield to block bullets until I get close enough to charge the enemy and disarm or grapple them while using missile shield to block bullets.
Anyone have some must-have Illusionist feats?
It's feat heavy, but that's what you get for being a martial and not listing what 3pp is allowed.
Yeah seems like the standard is best.
Changed stats to +2 Dex, + Cha , -2 Con, altered frail to Frail - 2 on saves against Disease and Poisons and swapped out +10 base movement for the similar but not as strong +10 foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.
I think with those alterations that should finally bring it to a useable and mechanically sound baseline
>mfw i realize I have a base Craft 20 and therefore anything I craft is Masterwork unless I state otherwise
I'm a sorcerer with Shadow bloodline
>going to play a CE character
>game starts at level 7
>decide to be a Nameless One with Possessed Hand feat tree
>hand is possessed by a malignant entity my character bartered with for dominion of the alleys and hidden paths of his home city
>calls it the Gutter Blood
>nameless one with Masked By Fear and has his mask styled as a pale smiling featureless mask
>his hand has the full autonomy line
>his Nameless One identity is The Hungry Fog
>am a Serial Killer vigilante always stuck in his vigilante identity because of Nameless One
>want to be a well known and horrifying serial killer who preys upon mainly merchants and merchant's daughters
>the gold my character has gotten from this he simply tosses to the streets, as he doesn't need more than what is required to clothe him
Basically what I want to know is level 7 high enough level to be well known by an entire city and be the object of terror/fascination?