Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1902.1: Where We're Going We Don't Need Integers Edition

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e-hentai.org/tag/artist:erect sawaru

What should I do with dumb lizards?

What perks would help me to pull a "It's a Wonderful Life" on someone?


Man, Fate is really lewd.


>What should I do

Lewd them!

Headpats and singing lessons.

Alt dimension travel

I dont understand the obession with headpats, am I not getting something?

Hug them. They're cold blooded.

Waifu, impregnate.

It's just simple, affectionate, innocent physical intimacy. It's like holding hands or stroking someone's face.

Jalter only says that because she knows she's technically not a real historical figure and she wants you to just masturbate to her.

Put 'em on Monitor duty.

Do the jobs given by the cellphone from Hotline Miami scale in difficulty according to the current setting and the Jumper's powerlevel?
Also does payment always have to be in currency?

you have no idea


Mah nigga.

Also, here's a wip for Girls Bravo. Not my best work, so I'm waiting for that user's feedback.


C92 Gareki Iro

I prefer my lolis with more smug

Yupiel/Yupire is pretty great.

774 really perfected the act of the smug

Was there a Knights of Sidonia jump?

How many people here have a low-power chain? One with few, if any, jumps above street-level?

How are those chains going?

Would anyone be interested in doing a jump for The Lazy King?

>The Lazy King

Me, unless Heavens or Vak want it.

...Actually, let me claim it. Again, unless heavens or val want it.

Dirge's drive.

Nice. I do hope you'll do a good job. Though, if there's a possibility...

Paging Valeria, I'm sure you'd like this setting.

>Search for source of pic
>Imōto Sae Ireba Ii.
This reads like a better done version of Eromanga Sensei

Yeah, Val making it would be great. I will only make it if she refuses, but i can't imagine why. Th Lazy King is pretty cool.

Shame no actual non-lewd property has loli babas.

Yeah, it's my favourite "isekai". Though the isekai part has pretty much no relevance at all.

Dirge got pissy and hid or deleted their drive. A real shame that, there were things in it that haven't been replaced. You can say invalid jumps all you want, but without an alternative it's just hot air.

Cant do better than pure trash. Even Smartphone was better than that, I felt that I lost half my neurons watching that shit. Never trusts /a/ on what to watch.

At least the girls are cute.

Hell fuckin yeah user.

I feel you're doubting just how much I love myself there user.

I can only go so fast my man.

Hmmmm? I think I saw it once and liked the sound of it. What's it about and is it very long?

And that artist is...?

The isekai part just seems like a justification for his lazyness.

I agree its pretty great overall. I hope she picks it up.

Never watched it, I just picked up the pic.

Pls do it Val.

Shit I meant can´t do worse
That is all the only thing the author seems to do well
Do you recomend Saekano Ricrod?

Do you have an icon or symbol for your organisation/nation/empire? If so, what does it look like?

>Do you recomend Saekano Ricrod?

No. I liked the start because the MC seemed passable and the girls were amusing, but it quickly became unbearable.

The main appeal of the jump is chilling out with your companions in a modern setting while making visual novels.

..... I grabbed that power from Reincarnators

>Hmmmm? I think I saw it once and liked the sound of it. What's it about and is it very long?
It's 16 chapters, but the chapters are pretty damn long. The basic gist is, the spoil as little as possible, that it's about the Acedia (Sloth) demon king. As all demon kings embody their vices, he never does anything, and the story is told from the viewpoints of various people around him. I probably pitched it pretty boringly, but it's honestly one of the best webnovels I've read to date.

As for the artist: e-hentai.org/tag/artist:erect sawaru

Man, tempting to do it just cause my man Sawaru is making the art. I'm too easily tempted by art.

Doesn't seem too long, so I can probably just read a chapter between doing perklines.

How about this. I'll put a tentative claim down while I read through it today as I'm writing out twintail. If I think it's gonna be cool, I'll go for it in full, if not, I'll let you know by tomorrow or the day after. Cool?

Yes. It was posted a few threads back, let me look.

>How about this. I'll put a tentative claim down while I read through it today as I'm writing out twintail. If I think it's gonna be cool, I'll go for it in full, if not, I'll let you know by tomorrow or the day after. Cool?

I'm sure you will like it, Val. So I'm eagerly awaiting the jump.

Twoearle best girl btw.

You're once again the best girl, Val.

Twoearle makes every scene she is in a joyous and lewd one.

Why thank you

Got it! Here: img.fireden.net/tg/image/1478/98/1478980654169.pdf

>Dirge jump


Is Wheel of Time a good starting jump?




I knew i saved this gif from the early twintail threads for a reason

Picked this up in skyrim, its been my emblem ever since.

That depends. How comfortable do you feel about a world where destiny is an active, living force and has a severe boner for good versus evil, and a particular emphasis on the difference between male and female to the point of being baffling and kind of annoying? Oh, and also, the gigantic impending apocalypse, the increasingly insane chosen one, and the laundry list of evil-aligned monsters that will easily kill you often for no good reason?

God help you if the Wheel thinks you qualify as 'Ta'avern', which is basically 'protagonist'.

>no actual non-lewd property has loli babas
Dorm Mistress (God) in Mariya Holic

Im trying to get a list of jumps that let you buy corporations.

So far I have:
batman the animated series
resident evil
And MCU 2

Anyone know of any more?

Don't quote. Don't reply. Let him rot.

Batman: TAS
Batman: Cinematic
Career Model
Metal Slug
Batman Beyond
Generic Video Game Developer
Avengers: EMH
Resident Evil
Justice League Unlimited

I'm sure there's more. I don't know where.

What are some of the safest jumps for random bystanders uninvolved with the plot?

Thank you red queen.


Medaka Box, God of Highschool, and Majikoi all have impossibly massive corporations available, but it's a scenario reward for Majikoi.

Thank you

As in "stuff the plot, I need a vacation?"


More like, 'Safe even with Powerloss'

Does anyone know a way to contact Regalus? Trying to make plans for the digimon jump and trying to get a rough idea how hard it is to reach Mega Level

Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Worm, and other jumps have small businesses too which you could probably improve into corporations.

Thanks Ricrod, you pick up all my old favorites lately.


Fuck off.

Majikoi also has a boosted capstone that lets any business you founded yourself follow you between jumps. You could build up a lot of corporations following you, with that.



I don't even know what goes on here and I've been here for ages

Don't quote. Don't reply. Let him rot.

>I'm a Korean~

So, how do you Jumpers handle those bundle companions that take up a single slot? Is there a standard scale factor for reducing the power of a perk across them? Even divisions?

How much is Eris worth (the coin not the waifu)

>nobody has a clue what the fuck Jumpchain is
Probably for the best.

Could someone explain to me why I'd want to continue jumping instead of just locking myself in the warehouse once I have an immortality perk, a lucid dream perk, a "fall asleep whenever you want" perk, and a "your body has no physical needs" perk?

1 Japanese Yen, according to Aqua.

I don't think we have standards for that. I usually go with even divisions or low level of experience for power granting and improvement perks. Absolutes and immunities are a bit trickier.

I run one, although it's less that it's explicitly low-power and more I am refusing to do any jumps without an explicit story reason and one I can image in a way that is interesting to look at - which requires I be a bit familiar with the source material.

The end result of that nonsense is that I build extremely slowly as I toy with different builds and think of the way I could arrange them for longer story arcs. On jump ten so far and toying with skipping the one I had planned or not. High-power is inevitable, but it's a extremely slow climb.

Because you also need a what you dream is real perk.

So all we definitely know is that that isn't the exchange rate? Okay, cool.

I looked further in that thread and oh god we do look like complete nutters

Actually scratch "do look like", we probably are complete nutters


You can't close the doors to the Warehouse if a sentient being is inside.

You could make yourself nonsentient, but that sort of defeats the purpose of immortality.

Yeah, I'm not sure how I would evenly divide "perfect memory" or "Can fly" or something like that.

>Not achieving a state of true nothingness and turning yourself into a rock
It's like you don't want to be free of suffering.

Hah! Probably. I'd go with it just for simplicity sake.

God, how long has this shit been around?

You take portal and shrink it to a pinprick, then lock that fucker shut with your choice of sheilding.

...I sort of kept stamping it into things out of habit.

Because living a fantasy life inside something that is itself already a fantasy is disgustingly meta.

That looks more like a moth

1. Too Long
2. Probably 3 years
3. Hopefully not long enough that "I've pretended to be retarded for 7 years" actually becomes a truth

3-4 years?