It's over retards

It's over retards

whats this shit?

Its called shit

you don't want to know

thought this was a shitpost for bnty bu

I want ripple to crash and burn, no offense bro bagholders I would genuinely hate your loss but not as much as I'd love seeing this faggot coin die a horrific confido death. I want all future articles written about it beginning with "RIP". I hope the creators die during a nightmare in their sleep. Go out in a confusing, scary way, whatever that entails.

you and me both brother, fuck this nigger coin

I got pumped and dumped

>I hope the creators die during a nightmare in their sleep.
Too nice of a death.
They need to get muscular dystrophy and die in a slow agony while their faces transform into an ugly mass of necrotic meat and someone constantly beats, mocks and tells them they are worthless over and over again until they can't take it anymore.

I'm up 30% this week

me too. i hope many normies and boomers got burned by XRP. fuck XRP and fuck anyone that supports it. it's bankster trash and if you invested in it you're part of the problem and you need to gtfo back to plebbit.

lol /pol/tards lost on xrp because they got in too late

If you want to know which shitcoins have been pumped to their limits, just look at what the Koreans are trading. They (Bithumb) were 1/3 of the total volume of Ripple at one point.

Found the jew

at least they have flags


>it's bankster trash and if you invested in it you're part of the problem
Can't hear your bitching over the sound of all the money I made. Isn't that what this is about? Making money? Are you here to circle jerk shitcoins and lose money buying shitcoins at ATH because Pajeet and Co. organized a P&D group? Sure sounds like it.

stay poor, mad, and uneducated

they need to do a mean tweets from here.

btw these omega fags need ass cancer

Cry more Shlomo

I remember when the whole Nazi thing was just a fun larp.

We didnt want to become nazis
there was no other options. they gave us no choice



yeah until anti-white horseshit and "white privilege" accusations became a huge blatant issue for whites to deal with. there's no point in larping as a white nationalist when it's becoming the only fucking rational thing to be as a white these days.

what the fuck are those inflated prices

You can still defend your white identity while still not being a fucking Nazi.It's silly BS anyway as if the National Socialist party is ever going to make a comeback and our children will be goosestepping in the streets.

Koreans don't make rational decisions. They are kings of FOMO. Also Bithumb has no arbitrage because Korean government hates money and has regulations they prevents money from moving.

Ripple is Cripple

Banks own XRP, dyoh

you guys are retards. This happens every time with ripple. It's like clockwork. First comes the ripple triple, followed by a ripple cripple. together, they make a ripple nipple. but it always ends up higher. just hodl forever, senpai.