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Which of the six will be released with Orlocks in Gangwar 2?

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How much terrain is good for Necromunda?

The more the better


Has anyone got a scan/epub of gang war yet? I really don't want to give the GW jew $50AUD for that book.


Why are so many 40k fans so messy? Clean your houses nerds, jesus.

The released will be Orlocks->Cawdor->Van Saar -> Delaque.

not my house but thanks for the input

Never said it was your house, but given you're so sensitive I'm gonna guess you're messy as fuck too.

I'm pretty clean but you can keep making baseless assumptions

So what gang is everyone most excited for? What's the fluff for the gang you're running right now?

I like Escher, Goliath and the Orlocks are looking incredible

Are we posting terrain? I can post terrain.

Cawdor is the one I'm looking forward to the most Please dear God let us get a redeemer model
In the mean time I'm running Goliath gang. Painting them up to look like mooks from hokuto no ken, fluffing them up to serve !raoh.

Terrain is always good

> best house last

But Cawdor is second

God, these tables are why I love Necromunda.

Pit Slaves. Though Orlock and Goliath look sick. Escher are also cool. Might grab random bits and bobs and some Ork nob cybork bits to make some pit slaves before they come out for fun. Probably more Goliath and Orlock.

So I found 7 enforcers. Looks like a judge, a heavy stubber, a grenade launcher, shotgun, few bolters

Can I play with these guys? They’ve been stormtroopers or acolytes for years


Orlock > Van saar> cawdor> delaque.

Transcript of N:U done by guy on reddit:

We still need the real scan though...

So the Underhive weapon price and Gang War price are different?

Holy shit shib, didn't think that you posted outside of the bunker.

I now realise that you're probably just reposting his work and now feel like a dummy.


Enforcers > Redemptionists > Cawdor > Escher > Orlock > Ratskins > Spryers > Delaque > Goliath > Van Saar

Forgot scavvies, they're better than Goliaths because everyone (except Van Saar cucks) are better than Goliaths.


I don't know man, I'm a bit confused because I don't have any books. Just random bits and pieces. It seems that prices are different but I can't be sure. The guy who made transcript might have screwed up something.

I hope someone will scan rulebooks so we can be sure. I'd do it but I've been broke af for months, so no new stuff for some time.

Nah, I heard talk about this issue, just not this insane price change from 35 combi rifle jump to 80 in GW.

Yes, they are different. For a campaign use the prices in Gang War. For a premade 1500 point gang for underhive, use the prices in Underhive.

Gang war look like one of those day-1 balance patch that fix the price cost of weapon because the Underhive book are probably too far in production to reprint.

>premade 1500 point game
So do I use 7 enforcers?

I think it's more like Underhive, as a separate game is a nonsensical, thrown together clusterfuck that the team made because GW require everything to also be a fucking board game now.

I think it would be cool if they incorporate it into gang war in the first place. Some thing like dual scenario where ground fight and underground fight happen at the same time. Other team on the ground had to fight to secure the exit for the underground team.

Just keep the rule consistent, god damn.


How can anyone have an epub when GW hasn't even put one out yet?

Sadly Gang War feels like some sloppily thrown together essay that was done using double spacing the night before it was due.

There is no reason the rules in it couldn't have been squeezed down and fit into the core rulebook. And from what we have heard the coming Gang War supplements will be all over the place in terms of what they add to the game. There will also be White Dwarf articles for some shit.

And of course after everything is released THEN we will get a compendium. But even if this is Specialist Games with free reign GW will still probably fuck this up somehow and the compendium will be missing shit.

The way things look it would just be easier to port the new model options to the old Necromunda rules and play that way.

Yeah, this sounds pretty much spot on for good ole GeeDubs.

> The way things look it would just be easier to port the new model options to the old Necromunda rules and play that way.

That sounds par for the course too.

The quality of the publishing of their books since the release of 8th has been so incredibly bad, particularly from FW that I can't imagine that a compendium book won't be inexplicably be missing tons weapon traits, skills, entries from gear lists, possibly a few entire rules and have typos, inconsistent costs for various things and other mistakes all over the goddamned place.

So, anyone hope they'll find a better "hook" for House Orlock as a gang? Back in 1e, they tried to be the "Jack of All Trades" gang, and they really weren't the best at it - every ganger they had could learn Shooting skills, but Van Saars and Delaques had that AND every ganger learning Techno or Stealth skills respectively.

How backwards compatible is the new Necromunda? Could I run (for example) Spyrers by simply using their old profiles (converting WS as they have done in 40k, i.e. WS4 is a 3+ now) and point cost or would that end up as a messy clusterfuck without significant houseruling?

>House Orlock
>House weapon is the Autoweapon.
>might have cheap Autogun (just like Escher have cheap lasgun)
>More Autogun bit on the sprue than other team.
>No bullshit item that give +2 toughness against bullets.

Oh boy they feel much better already.

While not a fan of most things tied to Rom, I won't lie about how nice the Orlock models are looking. I hope they have another heavy weapon than the harpoon gun they've been showing off. I could swear I saw a picture and one had a heavy stubber or something.


Okay so it looks like their Heavy weapons options are the harpoon gun and a heavy stubber.

It would require a non-trivial amount of houseruling.

Ah great! Thanks! I was worried I had imagined that guy.

So it seems. Autoguns, Heavy Stubber, pistols and harpoon we can fairly safely say. Wonder if they'll have a shotgun of some sort.

>they'll have a shotgun of some sort.

2 Shotgun right there.

Some of the models shown with autogun-like weapons may be intended to be combat shotguns rather than autoguns, but it's not exactly clear.

Oh, I thought those were just different atyles of autoguns at a glance. Don't mind my ignorance.

What on earth is this game?

rpg, wargame?
core resolution mechanic?
are city dioramas part of the draw?

Skirmish wargame with rpg-like progression / consequence mechanics and strategic territory control. There's a new boardgame version of it, but the old school original was designed to be played on a table with very thicc terrain coverage.

Yes they have double barrels and shotgun grip. I thought they were autogun too. Autogun have a special barrel with slot on them to help cooling off with all the rapid firing.

Okay, so it's supposed to be a skirmish level wargame set in the undercity of an imperial hive world in the 40k universe.

The general idea is that each player controls and manages a gang, the fighters in that gang gain experience and skills and the gang itself gains reputation, wealth and equipment. Campaigns have no fixed length.

Visually Gang War looks great, but the content is just so sparse and bizarrely set out.

It is readily apparent after going through the core and Gang War that they wanted to try and copy the FFG RPG layout and aesthetic. It works for FFG due to how their modules are put together and interact with each other, as well as the size of the book.

But it doesn't work well for this since all we are ending up with is a shit ton of core rules spread out across several 50AUD a pop semi-magazines, and some WD articles apparently.

This is without getting into 1 gang a quarter for releases. And if they keep their promise and roll out all the core gangs, Outlanders, and various Necromunda Mag/Inferno supplements it will take forever just to get back to what we had originally. All whilst getting stuck having to go through FW or recasters for the extra bits/models not available in plastic from GW.

Are we still here just to suffer?

Sweet. I assume there will be some melee weapons like swords and knives. I know they get a sweet looking powerfist. Seems like a fairly decent spread of weapons.

Orlock have the male human torso type so they will definitely fit with any similar male human kit like Cadian, Scion, Neophyte Hybrid. They have easy kitbash potential.

Escher and Goliath have unusual body type forcing you to use their arm for kitbashing instead.

Why don't heavy stubbers have the autogun barrels?

Because they already had a giant heat sink wrap around them

Its like a DLC for an early access game

>Orlock have the male human torso type so they will definitely fit with any similar male human kit
u crasy?

The Necromunda sprues weve seen so far don't go together anything like the 40k infantry kits, do they?

You're lookingat a whole lo of whittling and filling just to get a fit, at whihc point you might as well go third party anyway.

>The Necromunda sprues weve seen so far don't go together anything like the 40k infantry kits, do they?

I can't run my gang *yet*, but I've been working on Mechanicus themed Arbites since before newcromunda was announced. Not sure what, I'll run them as yet, since some of the models aren't legal by old rules and have combos I doubt will be legal soon.

True. If I do invest in them maybe grab a Varian command box and a Scions command box for bits (or see if anyone has some spare arms I could use).

>Plastic freestanding terrain
>On a sandy solid footprint base
>On an ice playmat
This store needs to step up their game.

That some Inq28 or something?
Looks p cool.

You are replying by linking me to the post I replied to.
Have we seen sprue pics for Orlocks yet?
The pic in looks like the joins are at least hidden, so it probably won't be as hard for some, but if they are built like the Escher/Goliaths, it will be a pain in the arse.

The joint is the easiest thing to fix.

The hard thing when kitbashing is body type.

Goliath is a giant muntant with big muscle arm that will look awkward with human arm.

Escher have skinny girl arm.

Orlock look like typical normal human type, most arm would go on the torso without looking like frankenstein monster just escape the lab.

Except they will be slightly over size generally and their hands in particular seem to be monstrously huge, even by GW standards.

>their hands in particular seem to be monstrously huge

Look normal to me.

If their hand are that big they'll move to "Space Marine" tier.

Also Orlock wear full cloth with shoulder pad, while Escher and Goliath have naked arm.

Look at the dude on the left:
His fists as almost as big as his head. If that looks normal to you then you should try buying from a different company, you'd be amazed at how some companies can actually do scale properly.

Man, wargamers have all the fun.

Years of platforming have taught me to watch that fan blow for a while to get a sense of its on/off pattern.

There aren't any sprue pics, but look closely and it seems like they have a pretty standard shoulder joint, flat like on most GW plastics, with a separate pauldron doing the job of tidying it up. You shouldn't need to do much if any greenstuffing or cutting to swap arms with any recent human-sized kits like scions or GSC, and cadian arms will probably fit fine as well.

>His fists as almost as big as his head

News flash : wearing protective glove make hand look bigger! If you look on the dude on the right you see he had tiny finger under that glove.

I think he meant normal as in "normal for GW" and not as an industry standard.

You're assuming that Specialist Games aren't 100% onboard with splitting what will end up being the core rules into 6 different books.

House Dakka isn't a bad motiff. Solid, if slightly unremarkable, shtick.

Not sure what to make of their harpoon cannon. Getting a bit skydwarf there.

Perhaps terrain should be based on transparent plastic?

I'm looking forward to all of them. Every release so far has been fairly good.

I can't say for sure which gang in most excited for. Cawdor/Orlocks probably.

I just wish released some decent terrain. Sector mechanicus doesn't look very good, is too expensive, and doesn't work well with the game.


>Sector mechanicus doesn't look very good

I have the Escher box, is this a good spread of models to build:

Leader with whip and combi bolter
Chem Thrower Champion with knife
Plasma Pistol and Power Sword Champion
Shotgun + Knife ganger
Shotgun + Sword ganger
Autogun + Knife ganger
Autogun + Knife ganger
Laspistol + Autopistol ganger
Laspistol + Sword ganger
Laspistol + Sword ganger

That's I think just under 1200 credits, leaving me 300 for grenades and other gear.

Can somebody please photo the Gang War scenarios?

Hoping for Brat Gangs...

Are those stiletto knives or regular knives? Not got the book in front of me so I don't remember if Escher get the choice of the former, but the general feeling is that stiletto knives are overpriced for what they do. +1 to hit is pretty nice, but if I remember correctly they're 25 or 30 creds a pop. Might be worth ditching them on your non-melee focused models.

You may also want to swap the shock whip for a power sword. It's a real easy conversion (snip off whip at hilt, attach sword blade) and, while a little more expensive, will give your leader access to Parry, which can be a lifesaver.

Otherwise that looks good. Escher do get super cheap lasguns, but against Goliaths in the tunnels the autogun's weight of fire will probably win out as you'll have less shots to take. Shotguns are an excellent choice and it's astonishing that the premade gang didn't include one.

I'm not a fan of the whip anyway, so I'd happily replace it with a sword.

The question is, which sword from my bitz box do I use?

>FF7 buster sword

You've already got a spare power sword on the Escher sprues, but if you want to go full 80s cyberpunk bullshit it's got to be a katana.

Just had a thought: when you're pinned you can take the Blind Fire action that lets you shoot in any direction at -2 to hit. Pretty bad with most weapons, but with a template it could work pretty well. Sure, you're guaranteed to scatter, but that's only 6 inches. With a flame template it gets even better, since there's no hit roll you can just hide behind a barricade, entirely out of sight, and douse people with chems/promethium/etc without risk.

Am I missing something, or would that all actually work?

yes - the rules have all kinds of stupid shit like this that can be abused

Which is why they specifically added the "Roll off on rules disagreements" rule, to stop at least some people obviously not using the rules as intended.

AKA the 'We can't befucked to write decent rules so just roll off every time you find a shitty one' cop out.

Is it good enough to be abuse? Sticking your flamer over the barricade and roasting oncoming people is a thing I can see happening and working, and the range on the template is short enough to allow your opponent to charge you/pop a grenade around the barricade.

Might be more of an issue for grenade launchers. Sitting 24'' away, functionally out of sight and lobbing explosives downfield might be problematic.

Oh ok, you're retarded. No worries.

Given my gang has turquoise or lime green cloth with hi-viz orange armour, bright red Rogue Trader era guns and neon anime hair, you fucking bet I'm going cyberpunk bullshit.

I think I have some Infinity katanas somewhere.

I've also given one shotgun ganger a pump action so I don't have duplicate models.

God I fucking hope Cawdor are next

How'd that shotgun conversion work? Converted the over the shoulder lasgun arm, or something else?

Some talk from Reddit/Open Day. Take everything said with a grain of salt, but Van Saar might be the Q2 release.