What class would the cutest girl in all the land be?

What class would the cutest girl in all the land be?

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Theif because she stole my heart


Assuming that we're in a system in which Charisma as a stat exists and that stat governs physical appearance/attractiveness/social-stuff and thus that Cute characters have high Cha, probably a Cha-based class. Bard fits best for being all about teamwork and performance.

If you don't have a convenient attractiveness stat which powers some classes, probably Aristocrat because nobles often breed for looks and have more resources to spend on beauty.

A wizard specializing in Transmutation or a Alchemist.






Or at least everyone agrees she's the cutest. No one's ever disagreed... for long.

Samurai, obviously.

>can't sing

Pick one.

Bard obviously.

>tfw no mama-bear Barbarian qt in the party

>those feet

This without the typo is the only correct response.



>literally so adorable reality does what she wants to protect her smile

Not with those arms, stripling!

Don't bully Hellion, she's the best frontline class in the game, also we need more barbarians with polearms

Striking half-goblin human Artisan Courtier/Priest or Lancer/Paladin, with both Angelic and Faerie Heritage.


>she's the best frontline class in the game
do you even

PRINCESS. Princes is a class. The third-highest class, in fact.


Undead Bookworm

If charisma determines physical attractiveness, and your mental stats increase as you age, are the elderly always cuter on average than the youth?

Book-worm wizard
Rural farm-girl who is also druid
A thief, but more like a spy/burglar, since murder of political opponents isn't cute to me
Elf elf. Remember when elf was a class? Funny times. I sure do hope that there's nothing similarly ridiculous about our class-systems today...

Yes, since accepting that is easier than replacing the set of 5-8 attributes that almost every system uses.

>Can still see her nips

Bard, of course.

We should make a system with classes based on tropes

>The Lance

>Charisma is now Guile
I'm exhausted.

You could also just say that Charisma doesn't cover physical appearance. Literally nothing else would have to change. "Charisma" doesn't inherently imply any physical attributes.

It usually doesn't. Only spergs and people who don't read RPG rulebooks think it ever has.

I want to agree with you but the main effect of charisma (increased chance people will be affable to your character) is mostly determined by beauty IRL.
Ugly people are inherently thought of as bad, suspicious and unvaluable. Very beautiful people are allowed to be vile, and terrible people while still being cherished.

Maybe in fantasy world beauty isn't the major determinant of charisma because anyone can use illusion or polymorph. But in reality you may be the all lord of rethoric and sing like an angel, people who don't know your talent will still value you much less than an average Joe if you're ugly.

Well, rulebooks for D&D/PF do tend to specifically call out that the Charisma stat affects physical attractiveness. It's just the dictionary that says that the two aren't necessarily related.

A lot of this comes down to D&D just not having a terribly refined social system. In other systems, Appearance is its own stat distinct from Charisma (see Exalted). Appearance definitely affects some social stuff (first impressions, general favorability, etc.), but you can certainly have an ugly character who is charismatic. Imagine a horribly disfigured soldier due to many battle-wounds who rises to become general of an army, with words capable of rousing them to a frenzy. It doesn't matter that he looks like ass, he's charismatic. If he went to the local bar, he'd likely be given strange looks and get few ladies (at least not without them realizing he's likely loaded).

D&D has a single all-purpose social stat, and so lumps everything under that umbrella.


I bring to your attention
scroll down to the character options

>You could also just say that Charisma doesn't cover physical appearance.

The best thing is to allow traits, merits, feats (or whatever the equivalent is in system) that give you a bonus to Charisma type roles due to physical attractiveness (such as using it to seduce), but have Charisma as a stat on its own not measure physical attractiveness. That way someone could still be physically beautiful, but have shitty Charisma. On the flip side you could be ugly as sin (maybe even getting a penalty to use Charisma in ways that rely on looks such as seduction) and have the gift of the gab.

Knight or Paladin

All of them.
ALL of them.



The cutest girl i know majors in medical physics, soooo... I don't know, a healing wizard of some kind? Another cute girl I know studies literature, so that could be anything like a noble or whatever, and another one would probably be some kind of ranger if she had to go adventuring.

a warrior will suffer from the grunt syndrome though
lot of scars, lot of muscle

damn. I was gunna say "vaginamancer" but you blew me away.

Question: how can a character have high Cha while still being commoner-strength?

>medieval armor cestree, not bad
>SoB and fire warrior cestree pretty great
>love and tentacles cestree, pretty okay

>smug loli cestree


Well my gf is a history teacher at a museum, so... Loremaster?

must have been an illithid as well since it mangled your brain

I'm afraid joking isn't exactly your thing.

The rule book in d&d also calls out that they can be unrelated and even Pathfinder has characters with 8 charisma still being described as handosme or pretty on occasion. By this logic undead are also sexy as fuck.

Charisma isn't raw attractiveness, it's how you present yourself. Standing up straight, not stuttering, posture, etc. Not how big your tits or butt are.

>one tit on the future
>one tit on the past

Y-You too.

You keep using that word


I'm not seeing the connection

Does Queen Lizzy read a lot or something?

>The cutest girl i know majors in medical physics, soooo... I don't know, a healing wizard of some kind?
literally healslut


If we're being honest with ourselves, Londo still would despite those feet.



wizard for cute nerdy girl,barbarian for cute tomboy girl


From the PF CRB (verbatim also the definition in D&D 3.5).
>Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.

Interestingly, the D&D 5e Cha definition clearly omits appearance:
>Charisma measures your ability to interact effectively with others. It includes such factors as confidence and eloquence, and it can represent a charming or commanding personality.

So it looks like 5e decided to remove that as a listed part of the stat.

>even Pathfinder characters with 8 charisma are described as handsome or pretty on occasion
That's poor consistency between mechanics and fluff, then. The rulebook clearly states higher charisma means more attractive. Whoever wrote those characters disregarded the (kinda stupid) official definition of what the stat represents.

Because clerics do their best work on their knees?