Ripple on Coinbase? Might be fake

Ripple on Coinbase? Might be fake.

Other urls found in this thread:

big if true

>Coinbase supporting this shitscam

photoshopped, can tell by the pixels

>implying Bitcoin Cash wasn't a shitscam
inb4 all the faggots who panic sold are trying to FOMO back in in a few weeks and talking about "yeah, I knew I should've held, fuck you biz"

>all these newfags falling for inspect element

No wonder amerifats constantly fall for fake news and vote people like Trump for president.

huge if big

BCH is not a scam really, but Ripple can literally lock up your funds if they want to

Would mean insider info again, coinbase would be shutdown

Satisfactual if actual.

fake and gay

>if they want to
And what makes you think that they will, hm? And face the backlash? Nice try. Too much publicity surrounding them now to pull some dumb shit like that, but, hey, suit yourself bucko.

>make a DNS server on LAN
>point to local webserver and call it
>rip and change JS from coinbase site and put it on my fake site
>buy XRP
>make video and shill the fuck out of it
>dump on unsuspecting retards
wow, just invested 100k. thanks OP

True if fake


why go through all the trouble to fake this?

also you missed an edit

>And what makes you think that they will, hm?

They have done so before kek

its so easy to fabricate shit like this nowadays.

FUD level 0/10



You fucking retards. Check the tx’s, they actually happened 29th dec and were for that exact value. This is fucking legit, and we will be mooning again soon.


or the fucking guy pulled two random tx and made the video around them.

i don't get it

This rumour has been circulating for months. Why would coinbase not want to add the 2nd largest market cap coin. Think how much fucking cash they will make when normies realise they can buy hundreds of XRP because they are only $2 each.

He forgot to change the dollar sign to euro

I'll eat this up and throw 2 grand on here.

Could be a BUG? since it's beta.

ur clutching at straws now

it might be on cb v soon. but this is v questionable evidence

Real and heterosexual

> Coinbase's frontend is all React, and without their dev code this would be very tough to recreate even with "futzing around" in the chrome react dev tools. I'm not very familiar with MobX (more of a redux guy personally), but this person would have to have some pretty great insights into how Coinbase's FE handles their state and passes to their components. Also, the currency icons are stateless components that (I assume) conditionally render SVG's based on the props being passed down, meaning the Ripple logo SVG, would have to exist in their assets to begin with.

But who knows, maybe you're an excellent React dev and this is trivial to you, but as someone who works with React everyday professionally this would be a really impressive feat to fake.

so much this.
Use your fucking brains

I didn't make this, found it on leddit

fake and gay. saged

you should go back there you twinkle toed cocksucker

Ripple 101

-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

I think it's safe to assume XRP will be on coinbase sooner or later. The question is when.

The price even ticks from 04 to 07 ffs. Strap on those fucking moon boots.

yup, there's a huge normie demand for XRP, if they don't add it soon, they would be doing the competition a favor

Eat shit and die

It's a fake, albeit a good one. I could easily replicate this.

You know how you know it's a fake? He didn't click the "Ripple" price graph history (too tedious to fake).

> Right click, inspect element

being this retarded