nothing better to do than this
Filename Thread
I showed this to someone and they asked what spawns in his yard.
I get the joke.
It's funny.
I don't. Explain it to me.
I too get the joke.
However, I think you should tell me what the joke is, to show that you do indeed know what it is.
So after seeing many an image like this, the warp just seems to be crappy gif compression?
Veeky Forums is just a bunch of giantess fetish threads
He even has "Devil" in his name
What a cool guy
Me: "Oh, look, a list is included on this page! How fun!"
Also me, only moments later: Sees the list is preceded by "..Is by far the stupidest thing I have ever seen, and I have lived through:..."
Me, a third and final time: Oh, okay, cool...
Because that totally doesn't result in a Sega Genesis going up like a grenade.
It's funny that now a days "thot" means "that hoe over there" when in ancient Egypt "thot" meant "son of"
>rare Deepwater Jew
Gets me every time
>be me, underageb& fag who spends too much time on facebook
>see list is included on page, fuckyeah.jpg
>immediately realize list is preceded by " by far the stupidest thing I have ever seen, and I have lived through..."
>walk out door
>get down on the floor
>kill self
Fixed for ya buddy. Go back to facebook OR CONFORM YOU PIECE OF SHIT
> Shaman of some type
> Hermetic mage of some type (possibly mystic adept)
> Physical adept
> Mystic adept
> Street Sam with
The ocean got all the cool slugs.
God bless Slayers.
I could do a whole thread on book covers, the goofiest ones I can find are going to be a part of my next campaign
I have seen this so many times, and I'm never sure if this is a real or a cgi cat. Just right on the edge between them, that is.
What the fuck
What, for one, is a Gellar field?
What, for two, is that webm fucking from?
40k's reality shield for travelling through hell.
A gellar field is the device in Warhammer 40K that protects ships using warp travel from being consumed by the weird alternate dimension of demons and madness they're traveling through.
No idea where that's from though.
Gellar fields are a thing from 40k.
Warp travel in 40k works by entering an alternative dimension called the warp with your ship, and in the warp time and space mean literally nothing, thus allowing you to cover vast distances within your lifetime (sometimes even arriving at your destination before you left)
The problem is that the warp is home to daemons, that's what the gellar field is for, it's a bubble that stops all the daemons and lack of laws of physics from interfering with the ship too much.
When that fails anything could happen really.
Two, I don't know what that's from either
Veeky Forums - Très Grande
I remember when I didn't even need the other boards anymore
It actually makes me angry thinking about how good Payday 2 could have been and how shit it turned out.
I get that it's a clever filename and all, but at least try to keep it Veeky Forums. Reference mimics or a sense motive check something.
You motherfucker
I love this guy
really wanna see what "Kevin" is all about
Man of Steel.jpg
don't blame me.
I voted to fund the orca not that monstrousity.
>modern ideas of sanitation
>from spaniards
>to aztecs
This level of spoon feeding is fucking disgraceful and you should all feel ashamed of yourselves, giving to this user what he couldn't be so much as bothered to easily look up himself.
It's called common courtesy!
You're the worst kind of enabling cunt.
I see 0(zero) cogs?