Was he wrong?
Was he wrong?
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>waah you shouldn't try to stop the scourge from converting an entire city becuz reasons
He was wrong to pick up the rune blade.
But most everything else he did was right.
He just needed his friends to support him.
This is why you listen to the party Paladin!!!!
At the end of the day, yes. Stratholme will always be the breaking point where you can see that even though his actions were justified, hell, it evens makes a kind of sense it still however was a horrific thing to do and started his downward spiral to damnation. Everything after that pivotal moment is Arthas just progressively becoming more unhinged so that by the time he finally takes up Frostmourne, he's already lost his soul long before the sword took it.
Everything he did UNTIL he left for Northrend was objectively right. His decision to follow Mal'Gannis immediately, however, and everything after that was a mistake.
>A Paladin who dosnt chase the demon to slay it.
Stratholme was objectively the right decision. I don't understand why Uther had such a stick up his arse about it.
It was a quick death for those doomed prone.
It wasn't particularly pretty work, but it was necessary work.
I feel like making that decision at Stratholme is what broke him,especially considering how he was abandonded by the two people closest to him
The only mistake Arthas made was raising Sylvanas instead of just letting Frostmourne devour her soul and leaving her body destroyed.
Everything else happened because it must have happened.
>I don't understand why Uther had such a stick up his arse about it.
Uther's problem wasn't with Arthas' intent to cull Stratholme it was with Arthas' rash and unshakable insistence that culling the city's people was the only course of action. A paladin must have the strength of will to do what must be done but he must never come to this conclusion out of emotional turmoil. Culling Stratholme may have been the right thing to do logically, but Arthas didn't act out of logic he acted out of pure frustration, rage and emotion. It was precisely this emotional turmoil and rashness which set Arthas into a downwards spiral which completed his fall.
To be fair, Uther didn't want to kill innocent people just because they were sick. Had Arthas instead ordered a seige so that when thebdead rose they could filter them into killing grounds I doubt Uther would have had a problem. Administer aod to those you can while they live and funnel them all into one place to slaughter them once the transformation takes. Even just a retreat to Lordaeron would have been better. Return to face the scourge backed by the silver hand in it's entirety and the most powerful human nation on the continent. That's not to say he was WRONG, just that there was a better tactical decision that also would have forged a stronger alliance between him and the Silver Hand as well as possible allying the human nations of the Eastern Kingdoms against the scourge well before the Horde ever even formed. Would have allowed then to wipe the green sandniggers from the face of the earth.
Don't forget that Uther had previously fought in the 2nd War for Azeroth against the Horde, so getting him to go along with a plan to kill the very same people he had JUST fought a war to defend would be unthinkable.
As a sidenote, the Alliance of Lordaeron was already on the verge of breaking up when the High Elves decided to just fuck off back to the forest after the 2nd War concluded, and divisions among the various Human kingdoms only got worse after Terenas decided to just set up internment camps for Orc PoWs rather than just kill them all seeing how they were murderous interdimensional invaders. So it's really unlikely the various other Kingdoms would actually want to help with a whole new problem unless it started being a problem for them as well. The plague up to the Stratholme incident was only a problem for Lordaeron, so why help?
>lordaeron does its best to help stormwind in its hour of need
>in return stormwind just sits back and twiddles their thumbs as lordaeron first gets overwhelmed with the living dead and then by demons
Remember that with Stormjews you lose.
The only kingdom with no stake is Kul Tiras, but the lynchpin here is using the pull of the silver hand to get the other countries to join in. With Uther actually vouching for you it's not too hard to prove that if Lordaeron falls the other kingdoms still need to deal with it, but now with the might of one of the largest Human kingdoms risen and joined to their ranks. It's a threat that snowballs until it's undefeatable.
It's a really small blurb, but between the booklet that came with Warcraft 3 and it's opening cinematic, the Alliance as a whole was facing a huge financial crisis hosting King Terenas internment plan AND rebuilding Stormwind which, you know, had been burned down in the first war and was still in the process of recuperating. No one in particular was super stoked to help deal with rumors of a plague and a cult around the plague spreading in the northern Eastern Kingdoms.
He was right in destroying the village. Wrong in everything else.
>these people are going to turn in to the undead in a few hours, we need to purge
Uther was full retard here and Arthas was in the right. However, Arths heading towards Northrend, a cold, desolate place, with only a handful of troops, was full retard. There was zero reason for him to take such an obvious bait.
Uther was retarded.
Yes. Everybody told him, that the helmet is ugly, but he didn't want to listen.
I always wanted to hear Jaina & Uther’s plan for Stratholme. That’s right, they didn’t have one. Just a couple of assholes quick to criticize and bale then act all high and mighty.
>Even just a retreat to Lordaeron would have been better.
probably not
stratholme would have given the scourge an army the size of lordaeron that would have only grown in number as they moved, and attrition works in the undead's favor, so it's completely possible that they would have lost that war
all three of them fucked up and everyone paid for it
>He was right in destroying stratholme
That was rigged from the beginning you autists. Wheter he destroyed it or not would not make a lick of difference in the end. He was wrong because he readily cast aside all the piety and abused his rank to have his way, and that's not what a paladin does.
He didn't want to save anyone, he just wanted to punch Cho'gall in the face.
If he listened to Uther or Jaina the result wouldn't have been different, but Arthas would've not lose his soul and turn the entirety of Lordaeron into a plagued wasteland
The helmet's fine maybe get a haircut or a same-coloured cloak instead , I always hated the belt.
Uther didn't actually know that the plague turned people into undead until Arthas dropped that bombshell on him right then and there. Things might have gone different if Arthas had given him just five minutes to process that information, but instead he just went KILL THEM RIGHT NOW FAGGOT REEEE YOU'RE FIRED on the spot.
You have no idea
He was channelling Deathknight efficiency.
Deathknights are much better at getting things done than Paladins, although admittedly those things getting done may or may not be strictly ethical. Or arguably "good".
Very efficient though.
Things Arthas did wrong:
Being rewritten from smarmy asshole to generic Sauron in WotLK
Getting killed so that we never got to see the ultimate endgame of Scourge vs. the Legion
The more I think about it, the more I'm upset that there's really no good narrative reason for Bolvar to have become the Lich King instead of just a redeemed Arthas with his soul back after breaking Frostmourne and shattering the Helm of Domination.
>Death Knights
Uh-huh. How'd those attacks on Light's Hope go for ya?
>inb4 "it's the meanie paladins' fault for not giving us what we wanted, waaah!"
DKs are overrated compare to Paladins. Never done anything after Wotlk and during Legion they failed to defeat one paladin and steal a corpse while Paladins played lead role in their and Priest's campaign
Death Knights got the shaft in Legion in order to push Demon Hunters as the new edgy, morally gray antiheroes.
All the DKs get to do in their class content in Legion is fucking bumble around incompetently.
I did like how, for a short while, they pushed the idea that DK's were one of the few classes along with Demon Hunters and Warlocks that demons were afraid of since Maw of the Damned was one of the only legendary weapons that could permanently kill demons outside Argus.
But then you went to Argus so it didn't actually matter.
I'm so angry with what they did to the warcraft lore
It's still pretty good throughout wotlk albeit a bit generic but then it spirals downwards into bad Hollywood level storytelling
Arthas never pick up sword -> Illidan never pick ups skull -> wholed world is still lvl 60 when deathwing attacks.
Yeah, Arthas really fucked stuff up by not being remotely willing to actually explain anything worth a damn. He went straight for 'You will obey me with this order I gave you to kill civilians!' which tends to get a knee-jerk reaction from a paladin.
Yes, and he knew it. If he wasn't, he'd still be able to use the Light.
>Being rewritten from smarmy asshole to generic Sauron in WotLK
A thousand times this.
Stormwind was an entire Khaz Modan away, still rebuilding, and already infiltrated by a black dragon. The Gurubashi and the Blackrock were probably raiding them constantly, and there were still the gnolls and murlocs to deal with. Even after the rebuilding was done and the 3rd War over, there was no way to actually control anything outside of Elwynn and parts of Duskwood. Westfall and Redridge were all frontier.
Stormwind couldn't have helped if it wanted to.
The worst part of new Warcraft lore is how they decided they needed to consolidate every single enemy faction under one of two banners; you either work for the Legion or for the Void (previously the old gods)
It was more interesting when enemy factions in the game were just regional threats and unrelated to each other; instead now everything down to the most inconsequential, minor enemy faction has to be either worshipers or unwitting pawns of one of these two factions.
I don't know why they thought the fucking Syndicate needed to secretly be Legion worshippers or for the Old Gods to be not simply allied with but subservient to the fucking Void Gods, one of which you fucking kill in Mana Tombs, a BC-era leveling dungeon.
Lock people in their homes/throw them in prison/tie them up and wait for the official wizard analysis before doing something irreversible.
As story consumers we know zombies don't get cured, but in-universe the lack of a better option isn't as clear. There could have been some record of this stuff having happened before (including a good solution), there could have been a super-smart mage capable of crafting a reversal spell, or it could have been the kind of zombie apocalypse where getting rid of the hive queen also gets rid of the zombie bloodthirst that overpowers their natural state of mind.
Arthas had a hammer and all he saw was nails. His single-mindedness was a recurring weakness of his.
I still can't get over how the most genuine display of human emotion in Warcraft is the scene where a Lich and a Death Knight affirm their friendship before sailing into the sunset.
Why was Kel'Thuzad so thoroughly loyal to Arthas even as Arthas was diminishing in power and generally should be under him as KT was a powerful mage and Arthas was a smarmy brute throughout WC3
No, he was Arthas
>it could have been the kind of zombie apocalypse where getting rid of the hive queen also gets rid of the zombie bloodthirst that overpowers their natural state of mind
Like when Arthas got his ass kicked by Sylvanas and she could take a good amount of undead with her?
Because KT was a true believer in the Lich King, not just a slave, and knew that the Lich King was going to merge with Arthas.
As an aside; I'm still waiting on KT to come back in WoW since you never destroy his Phylactery. Make him the REAL Lich King.
>WHITE MALE with blonde hair and blue eyes
My university has taught me that he was wrong by default.
he was fucking ugly as sin, just like everything in warcraft.
He still had his cat alive so i think he still have human emotions and free will, as he joined undead voluntary without corps raising and curses.
>spend years plotting revenge
>make super speshul poison arrow
>have Arthas be crippled BEFORE the arrow hits him
>still fail
>fail again, get your ass kicked, barely escape as he couldn't be bothered to run after you
>get cucked out of revenge by a bunch of grinding peasants
The city of Sylvanas.
>try and kill yourself
>get ressed
>drop the blight on innocents
>get called out on it
>guy who calls you out then nukes a city and attempts to genocide the planet with ancient evil power
>Traditional Games
>I don't know why they thought the fucking Syndicate needed to secretly be Legion worshippers
That one's fair, actually. There were quests in vanilla Hillsbrad and Alterac that showed that the Syndicate was allied with a branch of the Shadow Council, and that they were being played like chumps.
I agree with your overall point, though.
Arthas did nothing wrong, burn the undead holy war now.
The fact that he destroyed his entire country should answer this question.
And fuck that "Stratholme was right" bullshit. That's exactly the kind of bullshit decision-making that made Arthas fall. There are lines that aren't worth crossing no matter what. You can't fix a situation that fucked. Arthas set a precedent that ultimately killed his entire nation.
No, his plan was pretty much air-tight. Test and re-test the heroes of the world untill he'd made 25 others just like he was before he took up the helm, even if it meant a cost on his already standing forces. Arthas as Lich King understood that what had made the Scourge as succesful as it was wasn't the undead minions or the plague, it was him turning into a Death Knight. He understood that the Ebon Blade DK's he'd tried to manufacture simply weren't the same. He wanted to make more like him, iron-willed relentless champions who would stop at nothing to accomplish their goals. He wanted to make the Scourge the Player Character faction.
What Arthas understood more than any of the other characters in the game, something that's even accentuated by the WotLK intro cinematic: there's an absolute unity in the death that he provides. An absolute purpose in the leadership he gives. Scourged from the living is the ideal state of Azeroth, all creatures acting under one will. He is king, and Azeroth was to be his kingdom, every dead heart beating in unison to the glory of his name. Arthas.
And it would've worked if Blizzard didn't step in and ruin everything.
You're confusing Void Gods with Void Lords. Void Gods are drained naaru. Void Lords we've never fought.
But they weren't like him user. They succeeded.
I can only imagine the meeting at Blizzard where they realized they need a name for the creatures above both Void Gods and Old Gods and came up with 'Void Lords'
Did they?
No they didn't. The player characters get saved by Tirion, who are at the Lich King's mercy until his intervention.
Yeah, Vanilla did have the Syndicate being manipulated by the Argus/argent Path but most of them were not worshippers.
There is a giant armored Voidwalker called a Void Lord that destroyed the Ethereals home planet and forced them to give up their bodies to flee.
They've confirmed he's not the same. though.
We still had to weaken the guy to let Tirion out of the ice.
Also imagine him pulling that on a Forsaken DK that quested through Zul'Drak. It would have been the *FOURTH* time he or his underlings tried to control that one. (Though technically you only ever faked being controlled through ZD, but still.)
Putting that 0 mana penguin in the deck was definitely a bad move
I initially thought the guy in picrelated was Lord Soth, of Dragonlance/Ravenloft fame. How disappointing it turns out it's some faggot from World of Failcraft.
Sorry about that, kids, i'll just be a grumpy old man in another thread and let you resume discussing about humanoid pandas...
Joke's on you, the pandas were comfy as fuck.
>tfw you think you're being cool, but you sound like a retarded nigger
Because at that point they knew the scurge acted fast. if they waited to round everyone up it woudl have been a massive outbreak.
What arthas did was the best possible choice that was there at the time.
Aw, c'mon dude, be a sport like and let an old man who misses the '80 and the '90 shitpost a bit. In twenty years, when all you know and love will be replaced by something that you find incredibly lame, you will know how i feel.
Neither Jaina or Uther were at Hearthglen when people started to transform. Arthas was the only one who knew that, and he barely bothered to explain himself.
How come Warcraft 3 had decent writers but WoW has NEVER managed to have decent writers on board? It's all trash.
because MMO games are antithetical to a setting.
Compare the writing for the Warhammer MMO and total warhammer
Same way TTRPG narratives suck. It's too restricted. Players HAVE TO win, HAVE TO survive, players can only watch tragedies and neither side can truly win.
Hey now, vanilla and TBC had some solid stories. A few plot holes in TBC, and they were probably a bit too eager to throw Illidan and company into the boss grinder, but decent stories nonetheless.
Also, Pandaria was awesome whenever it managed to get away from the faction war. Solid lore.
Yes. He tried using a bastard sword. A sword famous for being unable to cut anything that a bunch of retards used to bash each other with because of how shitty it was.
He doesn't matter though.
On the other hand, was HE wrong?
>be saviour of mankind against lesser races
>allies with dead elf bitch
It's actually kind of suspicious how thoroughly Garithos doesn't exist in WoW.
In a setting whose writers scour with a fine-tooth comb for every major, minor, and insignificant characters, and even sometimes elevate generic units from the RTS campaigns to story significance; I don't think Garithos is so much as mentioned, or had his actions referenced to, in dialogue, quest text, item text or anything at all in WoW.
Let's see, human, turned undead. Following an incorporeal undead who was an orc. Every single one of those things (orcs, humans and undeads) are 99% of the time wrong about everything, so I would say yes.
What happened to the hammer Arthas cast aside when he took up frostmourne?
You turn it into a legendary axe to kill him with at the end of wrath. (If you can use a two handed axe)
It's called shadowmourne, go figure.
Strath was a doomed equasion from the outset. A trap for arthas, either he relents and dooms the kingdom or pushes ahead and starts down the path. The "right" thing would have been leaving the pallys as a cordon then sending jaina back with proof and arthas word to rally the army. Let the common man purge the city as asking the silver hand would have killed the order. That also buys the time for uther to see and understand the truth.
But thats the tragedy of prince arthas. He lost his horse and swore never to let his decisions bring suffering and loss ever again. Letting Strath fester and die was, in his mind invincible all over again
Uh, he's kinda important to the Bloodelves being Horde.
That's not what I mean.
What I mean is that Garithos is literally never once talked about or hinted at in WoW.
No NPC says his name, there are no items related to him, his name doesn't appear on a plaque or clickable lore item, nothing.
He is utterly absent in a game that has in some way incorporated every single character in the series into the game in some form or another. Except Garithos.
Othmar Garithos is only notable for being the most nobly born human in the area post-Scourge invasion, and every single person under his command died because he drove away the elves and sided with the undead.
Unless Sylvanas (or Kael'thas) is going around telling people about him, as far as the rest of the Alliance knows, he died with everyone else in the area.
It doesn't matter what he's notable for; he's literally the only Warcraft character to have absolutely zero presence in WoW in any way whatsoever. He has for all intents and purposes been expunged.
There are endless seas of nobodies that are notable in no way that were killed in Lordaeron that still show up, or you collect their sword, or you read their diary, or talk to a relative, or find a memorial with their name on it, etc.
But the word "Garithos" does not appear anywhere, in any way, in World of Warcraft.
In the mission before Stratholme, you show up to a town just after its gotten its grain shipment. Some people turn, but not everybody. In the cutscene before the mission after Strat, you see the people who survived burning dead bodies. Presumably, like with Andorhal, not everybody was infected.
Arthas fucked up by assuming everyone was infected and killing everybody he could to spite Mal'ganis instead of quarantining the city and saving who he could. With the help of the Silver Hand, Mal'ganis wouldn't be a problem.
If you have to ask, then yes. Right and good a clear cut. Shining beacons of the way things ought to be.
Only evil needs to wield ambiguity as a shield.
Xe'ra, stop stealing Velen's wifi.
It's pretty obvious KT had a huge crush on Arthas. Arthas almost certainly didn't reciprocate those feelings though, which is kinda sad.
This comment should have been a /thread. Everything Arthas did was for the long-term survival of his own people. Letting the Lich King take control of his body was his only failure.
The real villain of WC3 was Jaina, who murdered her own father of her own free will. Arthas had to be possessed to engage in such an action and was begging for death every day afterward. RIP hero.
You can't /thread your own comments.
>The real villain of WC3 was Jaina, who murdered her own father of her own free will.
She merely stepped aside to let her father face the consequences of his own actions. That's LG as fuck.
>and was begging for death every day afterward
>I've damned everyone and everything I've ever loved in his name, and I still feel no remorse. No shame. No pity.
Oh yeah, I can really feel the hurt.
Are...are you making the argument that he never actually existed? That he was just a shared delusion?
.....Or that he was actually a shapeshifted demon fucking with both Elves and Undead the whole time?
That and her dad's plan was 'Exterminate the guys I literally stood side by side with against a demonic demigod to save the world'. Can't really blame her not wanting to exterminate the orcs then.
>Most important thing he did after his origin story was stand around being henchman to some random yasss queen slay, getting pissed off as she cucked him over and over and over
Uh-huh, truly a time of forgotten glories.
"Story" and "MMO" don't work well.
Maybe it's me but I find NPC's telling me how important I am stupid when I know they're saying the same to the five people next to me.
Small stories work best. Like looking into some bandits to find out they are part of the larger brotherhood, who's leader has political aims, who is being manipulated by a cult with other larger aims. Each tidbit is reveled a little at a time, it makes for an enjoyable story and makes you feel like things you do are related and part of a bigger whole.
When every new expansion is another world ending threat that requires YOU to save us, it gets tiresome and just doesn't hold up real well.
The joy of an MMO is enjoying and exploring a larger world, not following step-by-step plot points.
So important he's been largely forgotten, not even resurrected as a Forsaken under Sylvanas bitchy pettiness that you'd expect from her. Just forgotten, kind of like that one Dwarven leader that was totally misplaced until a red shirt wearing autist brought it up in a Q&A session did Blizzard remember they forgot about him.
>get a haircut
I don't know whether you're a hairlet or just one of those people who think the 60's "combover"/buzzcut are the only good hairstyles. Either way, a luxurious mane is way better than either of those for a man. Proof: googlesearch Fabio to see the manliest man who ever manned with long flowing hair.
No, he just being forgotten. Its obvious why, he is fucking racist, looks like you cant have racist characters at all in modern games.
Fun fact, being wc3 character he become one of dota 1 heroes completely with his racist quotes, but after transition to dota 2 he became women and racist thing become more of the easter egg since chance of hearing them around 2-3% in certain conditions.
>but after transition to dota 2 he became women and racist thing become more of the easter egg since chance of hearing them around 2-3% in certain conditions.
Oh shit, she is. But why isn't she a cavalry character like the other ports?
Well, he's also completely one note. He's not really got anything beyond 'Racist'.
>waah, racists are being oppressed!
There's still plenty of racist characters in Warcraft, you dingleberry. The reason Garithos doesn't get mentioned ICly is that literally everyone hated his guts and would rather forget him. He gets brought up in one of the novels, and it's really only to reflect on how much of a dick he was. It's not just a racism thing, the man had ZERO charisma. You just know that if Sylvanas hadn't backstabbed him, one of his own men eventually would have.
The Forsaken (in WoW at least) didn't actually have the means to raise the dead until after Wrath.
He probably would have backstabbed himself eventually.