/L5R/ Legend of the Five Rings General

L5R / Legend of the Five Rings General

Burn it Down Edition


ME GA[New Zeland]/#F!EuB3yRRI!FjYeEU2FdqzIZ6cM1dKoHA

The FF Beta:

Latest Beta Update:


Tabletop Simulator Mod - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1099785017

Ringteki (Browser based game client) - jigoku.online/

Card Database / Deck Builder - fiveringsdb.com/

TTS Deck Converter - infamous-irc.com/dengeki/l5r-deck-generator/

>Veeky Forums L5R Discord

>Clan Allegiances

This Paste: pastebin.com/0JF6Acgv

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Patrician taste my friend.

>Scorched Earth - the Edo years

Is there a way to get l5r dice app free? I really dislike this method of giving free beta with paid content.

>L5R players seriously think that a playset of their full art cards are worth the price of a core
>That moment when that's for the Phoenix champ
>Toturi playset is $100

Christ. I don't think anyone in my store doesn't have at least 2 copies of their clan champ's full arts.
Why are scalpers being retarded? Like I get >Scalpers, but this is beyond ridiculous.

Would there be an Imperial family that "doesn't exist"?

Like you know like how the Shinobi of the Scorpion don't exist?

No, it's just not their style. The Seppun and Miya are both up front and open, and the Otomo go out of their way to browbeat people with their status. If the Emperor needed something "dealt with", he'd just tell the Scorpion to do it. If the Scorpion are the problem, then he'd probably go for another great clan.

Cool cool, makes sense.

There's an Otomo vassal family that is officially Unimportant, but they're actually the remnants of a new imperial family that was used to enforce the gozoku's will during their height. Instead of making them all seppuku, the more innocent ones were taken into the Otomo.

Are you crying because you don't have enough money to get your playset?

>Are you crying because you don't have enough money to get your playset?

Long shot, but do any of you chucklefucks remember that Old5R video that was about 20 minutes where some guy and his mates talked about what L5R was and it's tropes?

The main guy had short black/brown hair, and one of his friends had long hair and played Mantis.

What I mean is that is a basic supply/demand thing, as long as someone is buying - it's going to sell for 100$. I am sure as hell glad I sold mine to get back the investment in core sets.

How often do major Oni appear on the other side of the wall?

I'm not talking like Crab territory, like Unicorn or Phoenix territory, like really far in land.

>Phoenix territory
It's been known to happen from time to time.

By Major oni, do you mean massively powerful ones?
Normal oni appear fairly regularly, because there's always a sucker who thinks *they* are going to be the guy who can keep one in check using maho. Other creatures, hags in particular, can slip by the Wall and if they're smart, will travel away from Crab lands before they start eating people. Majorly strong oni are usually content with fighting the Crab directly and most won't bother (Or can't, if they're huge) sneaking past. One of them appearing deep in the Empire almost always indicates that there's a widespread problem that needs to be solved yesterday.

Basically, it's unlikely that any given non-crab, non-Daidoji (Because they often go to the wall for periods of time) has ever seen a real shadowlands beast, and other problems are often misattributed to maho and monsters. Most know that Jade is helpful and most shugenja know Jade Strike if they aren't Earth deficient. Imperial grade magistrates, Phoenix Inquisitors, and Scorpion Kuroiban are more likely to have encountered and slain at least a goblin or two.


I don't even know where to begin with all those new Phoenix cards. They're all so good.

Why are all these cards A - A+ level
Does FFG have a Phoenix boner or something?

No Imperial favor character for Phoenix?

The holding is their Imperial Favor card.

Master of Gisei Toshi is going to have a hard time seeing play at all

Are you fucking daft? Being able to lock out event cards is huge. Especially if you have the guys in play that say when in a conflict it also counts as X ring. You can easily lock events out of 2 maybe even three conflicts.

delet this


The problem isn't the card, it's Phoenix cost curve and the competing cards. In that same slot are Isawa Atsuko, and Prodigy of the Waves which are both stronger cards. Running 9 4 costers isn't good.

What's stupid is people paying for the full at promos at all. I've sold all of mine for $40+.

> stronger cards

Waves maybe, Atsuko not really. Guest of Honor effect without presence is totally busted. Also, have we forgotten know the world? You can make both conflicts work with it.

Atsuko is a massive force swing, especially on Stronghold swings.

Also you can just pick Void or Air and add those elements to the current contested ring.

I’ll catch fire from the other chickens, but at this point, our 4 cost shugs might be more important than our 5 costs.

To the point that running only 2 of Kaede or 2 of Tsukune is better so we can run our full suite of 4 drop shugs.

Our curve is garbage, but if we lower our ceiling we can increase bodies with very little being taken away from sheer might.

The market decides. If people are willing to pay that amount of money it IS actually worth it. Try studying economics next time.

I think 3 Kaede and 0 Tsukune is going to be common outside of dishonor decks. Probably without Fearsome Mystic.

Fuck it I am bird clan now. Tier -5 clan coming in.

I took fearsome mystic out a few weeks after the Core came out

It was worth including in decks that were trying to put in as many shugenja as possible for AtW and Storm up until Prodigy. It's not an awful card, probably still an edge case for some dishonor decks since they'll be hitting air ring anyway. In any case I don't see even the shugenja deck running all four of our four cost shugenja at this point even when running charge.

Can definitely see it for a certain build, yep!

Gonna build a Unicorn deck any advice?

Splash Lion.

then replace unicorn dynasty deck with lion dynasty deck

Splash Crab. Run 3x Reprieve, 3x Finger of Jade, 3x Watch Commander. Buy your actual clan champion (pic related) with a ton of fate and give them Reprieves and Fingers of Jade and have them do tons of work.

Cav reserves and card draw. Splash lion for FGG and ready for battle. Or splash Phoenix for harmonize.


>ME GA[New Zeland]/#F!EuB3yRRI!FjYeEU2FdqzIZ6cM1dKoHA
Rulebooks are dead.

I ran it with Crane for Admit Defeat and Political Rival. Did surprisingly well with it. Wait until we get the real Unicorn 5 coster and they might even be decent.

I've tried lion, crab, and crane splash and still like lion the best.

Just played a Phoenix Scorpion deck that used their lighthouse when I had low honor, fuck that deck is annoying, and they are getting even better toys as well!

for which cards

For Greater Glory x 3 Ready for Battle x 3.

which of the dynasty packs (if any) are worth buying?

Just buy all of them so you have all of the cards. You probably at least want the one with Political Debate.

>tfw slowly cutting all the Ready for Battles out of my Lion deck
Just no cranes locally and water ring is super unpopular despite it being a solid aggressive 1st ring claim.

How are you escaping incessant Dragon splash?

Crab splash for the Rebuild Yurt/Favored Ground meme. Add in Raise the Alarms and Reprieves to how you see fit.

Cav Reserves, Spyglass, Wayfinder and I am Ready will be your good friends.

Dynasty deck is fairly obvious with what you should keep and cut.

None as the game will be a ghost town in 6 months.

Ok well could we please start with you then?


I still intend to get the Dynasty Packs at least.


The neutral conflict cards are so good that I feel like if a clan has a weaker conflict side it doesn't matter so much, what they want is a strong dynasty side- which is why horse faction is poop. They've got great conflict cards but their dudes are bad. But you don't really need amazing conflict cards when shit like Banzai, Rout, Court Games, Katana/fan, Policy Debate, and shit like that exists.


Is there a photoshop template for the older card designs?

Not him but no one is splashing dragon any more in my local meta. Its all Crane/Lion/Scorpion splashes.

New Fiction has been leaked kolatinformant.com/wp-content/uploads/Court-Games.pdf

There's this weird thing I've noticed;

Either every local has a heavy or non existent Dragon splash.

Either everyone is running it to stop attachment decks like Lion Weapons, Unicorn's Spyglass and Mount, Dragon mains and the like. But they those decks aren't played at their meta, or they just aren't matched against them.

Or they aren't running it because everyone has been running Dragon splash and it hasn't been used due to the lack of good Let Go targets other than OF and FK, Aggressive opponents negating the usage of Wanderer, or being spending too much to the point that Mirumotos becomes useless. But then they go against a fairly heavy attachment based build, or some guy happens to be testing it out for that day.


Why do people care so much about clan loyalty?

I am new to L5R with the LCG. Still don't know shit about the clans and I don't want to spoil myself by reading the old fiction. Yet some people expect me to "choose" my clan and somehow look at me funny if I take a different clan to every weekend tournament.

Is everyone in this franchise like this or did I stumble upon the autistic ones?

Because a clan represents what you believe in and what you value.

By saying that you have no clan, or no allegiance, you're saying that you're boring and have no real opinion on anything.

It's about as autistic as someone saying their Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.

Column B. You got unlucky.

The L2P book has pretty effective one-page intros to the Clans and why one might align with them.

I get it, and I figure that I will have a clan in the future, I just don't get the attitude of looking down on people that don't have one.

Seems a bit insensitive to the fact that lots of players are joining thanks to the LCG reboot and don't have everything figured out just yet.

I mean, I figure most people would research the game before buying it, so it kind of makes sense that they would have decided on a clan by then (if you follow research method).

What gets me the most are spikes who are like "Clan allegiances are fucking stupid, play a tier 1 deck and shut up." while they sit in their fedora submarines. I seriously hope you're not like that user.

Some anons here are like that and need to be lopped off.

Fuck people who shame you for not choosing a clan. Picking a clan to identify with is a big part of the game and it's not something you should rush into. And further fuck people who shame you for playing outside of your clan.

Lol no, I'm actually playing Unicorn at the moment. I'm a Johnny player and that's precisely what gets me, I'm not trying to netdeck but basically to play jank for every clan and find weird interactions.

I'd hate to find a cool interaction in clan X and feel bad about taking it to a tournament because muh loyalty.

Wtf, sounds super presumptive on your part. He even said "I figure that I will have a clan in the future".

This is not how you respond to someone who's been shitted on for not choosing a clan yet.

I haven't seen anyone here tier 1 whoring ever. Just dumping on unicorn, deservedly, which isn't their players' fault.

What? Did you mean ?

I feel you man, people need to detach from the competition side of things when it's just a regular ol' card game with some peripherals.

You see it with Lion Posters and UniCourtier posters.
Being a Unicorn player, I think I'm just a super conductor for noticing negativity (whether it's design or the playerbase).

No, I didn't mean I meant you preemptively saying you hope they're not some "fedora submarine" spike player in response to them saying people were rude to him for not picking a clan already.

People get to not pick a clan and not attack the game's concept of clan allegiance.

>You see it with Lion Posters and UniCourtier posters.
>Being a Unicorn player, I think I'm just a super conductor for noticing negativity (whether it's design or the playerbase).

Unicorn players are addicted to bitching at this point. No one here shills UniCourtiers and as the resident Lion shill I only do it for the sweet (You)s and that you have some kind of hangup about comparing yourselves to Lion. Ignoring that Unicorn does things very well that Lion does not and instead of playing to those strengths they complain that the do Lion things worse than Lion.

> Implying that only the scorpion don't have any ninjas because those don't exist.

Oh that tail face
> Hey man you want some forbidden knowledge or something?

Speaking as someone who’s part of a group of old school L5R players who are all hardcore into clan loyalty , I don’t think any of us would be bothered if you hadn’t found your clan yet. Alienating new players over something trivial like that seems pretty retarded.

That said, although most of the new players at our store have been nice to meet, theirs one guy who’s developing a bad rap. Aside from some other scummy things he does, at the launch event he introduced himself as a Crane player and condesendly told all of us about Crane lore. Then a couple of weeks passed and actually he’s a hardcore scorpion as their treachery is much more him. Then worlds happened and of course he’s always been a Lion at heart....

Like play whatever clan you want, but don’t preach to me about your clan of the week!

On the topic of clan loyalty, I honestly don't understand it. It made a sort of sense back in the TCG game, since you had to invest in a specific clan for your deck. But now that we all have access to all the cards, it seems insane to only play with a seventh of the (plus neutrals).
If we're playing for fun, I want to try out all the different possible decks. And if it's a competition, I want to run the deck I feel gives me the best chance of winning.

Gotta love FFG's masterful printing process.

Huh, looks like their alt art cards are a lot worse than they used to be.

Yeah, I started out very clan loyal but now switch around clans a lot, just doesn't make sense to not use 80% of the cards I got ever. Plus who IRL even gives a fuck about it? No one I've met at least.


Most people with clan loyalty don't extend it to what deck they play. And some people never even played the CCG, just the RPG.

Depends on who you want to play, but generally Id rank em 1>4>3>2 but 2 is good if youre a seeker or want to run policy debate

I play whatever I want in casual play, but go for my clan in any tourney. Even as a clan loyalist, it helps to play all the different clans so that you get a feel for how they play and how best to play against them.

The problem for me is that lore wise and gameplay wise my favorite clans are different. Lion is my favorite due to their themes and aesthetics but I get really fucking bored playing them in the lcg

Heard some rumors about play testers being terminated due to the leaks

Yeah but just play whatever you want. Repping your clan only really matters if you're going to a kotei or something and want to try to help the clan do well.

New story up


Nice, that means I get to LARP more

>oh great another Unicorn fiction
>not written by REEEEE Soesbee

Oh thank god.

Story is way too short and tells us nothing, desu

Of all the people to still be working on L5R, it's her? Yikes.

On the contrary. We now know that the Imperials won't interfere in the coming Unicorn / Lion spout, and that the Miya guy is a sore loser.
So, dear Cranes, would you like to partake in a small tea ceremony? We have much to discuss!

I heard there was a neutral Imperial that tutors for more Imperials when you played them. Anyone know if that was a leak?

I like Ide Tadaji here.