What is your favourite D&D world?
Why? What is so great about it?
What don't you like about it?
Favourite D&D world
Other urls found in this thread:
Golarion is shit
Greyhawk is okay
Planescape is fun
Spelljammer where shit at
Forgotten Realms because it has Drizzt Do'Urden, the best D&D character ever created
Forgotten Realms?
Which edition is that from?
...isn't that in Neverwinter Nights?
I like Forgotten Realms.
I like the Deities with their feuds and shit that makes it feel like the Nordic and the OIympic pantheon had a bastard baby.
I like how it is a post-magic-apocalypse setting where elves, humans and dwarfs have forgotten more about their respective cultures than they will even rediscover.
I like the Cosmology and the Multiverse.
I like how it throws so much optional shit and you, with optional books for towns and cities that are filled to the brim with plothooks and campaign-ideas that you CAN but do not have to use.
I like how whatever I want to play there is a flavour of it somewhere on Toril.
I dislike everything 4E did to it.
I also dislike what 5E tried to do, with them acknowledging all the dumb shit that 4E pulled instead of just rolling it back.
I dislike that any attempt to expand it is either a ham-fisted MAKE IT DIFFERENT FOR DIFFERENCE SAKE, or bringing back old shit to appeal to grognards instead of evolving the Setting more organically; taking all the weird shit you have and letting it evolve or an focusing on different places that still haven't fleshed been out.
Where one would be able to find books about Forgotten Realms?
Eberron, good amount of fresh and familiar
Loli pope
elves, but for IC reaons mostly
The first boxset is OK, but nothing ot write home about.
Just about everything else is chaff.
Wilderlands > Eberron > Spelljammer > Al-Qadim > Ghostwalk > The Known World > Dark Sun > Maztica > Blackmoor > Council of Wyrms > Kara-Tur > Greyhawk > Birthright > Planespace > Mystara > Ravenloft > Dragonlance > Forgotten Realms
Fluff or crunch?
What about Eberron?
Fluff of course
That setting is barely a D&D setting and WotC had little to do with it.
But it is very, very good.
Dark Sun and Ravenloft is their own "neat concept but noone'll ever run or play it properly outside CoD" tier.
Ravenloft beyond I6 is Bad.
What's Wilderlands?
As said.
Dragonlance a shit tho
Two words: DARK SUN
I like you
>Loli pope
Tell me more
And this autistic reaction is all you have to know about Eberronfags and why no one wants to play with them or their setting.
I pretty sure he asked for some of the books, not whether your autistic hipster-neckbeard can deal with others liking different things.
And this Thread is officially doomed because you lured out the worst people Veeky Forums has to offer out of their woodwork.
Good ol' Greyhawk. Points of Light is also nice for those short and/or relatively nondescript games; has a very solid, if simple, initial premise, as well as probably the best cosmology in D&D.
Spelljammer is Try hard "D&D is spaaaace" garbage.
Faerun is mostly boring and the lore is too thick to get into.
>I dislike everything 4E did to it.
Keep in mind 4es default setting had the world taken place in a fallen empire of literal demon men because it wanted so hard to attract the WoW fan base who would think that that's "soooo epic, man"
Fucking pedophiles. You both deserve to be have your ribs pried out with a claw hammer. I can't wait til we get a Congress with a real set of balls that makes it legal to kill you fuckers at will, so I can watch you people beaten to death in a walmart parking lot when you try to grope little kids. I could never kill a human being....but I'd have no problem stomping a pedos neck into the pavement, because they're not fucking human. Put a gun in your mouth and do society a favor.
>Keep in mind 4es default setting had the world taken place in a fallen empire of literal demon men because it wanted so hard to attract the WoW fan base who would think that that's "soooo epic, man"
That doesn't sound remotely like WoW.
the human that Silver Flame (divine fire calling its followers to eradicate all evil and build heaven on earth) speaks through happens to be 11 years old
>I dislike everything
Eberron, I like how godwank and alignment are de-emphasized and magic isn't only used for combat. What I don't like is how the whole world is already known, so there isn't much room to add your own stuff to it.
Where one would find more about these worlds?
particularly Eberron, Forgotten Realms, and Grayhawk?
3.5 boox
can link torrent with them
Keith Baker of eberron keeps a blog also
Yes please links
damn it, Mike Inel is a treasure
dodik no
Wilderlands of High Fantasy, the Judges Guild setting.
>Spelljammer is Try hard
Substantiate your claim.
They all suck ass. That being said, Dark Sun.
Homebrew >>> Mystara/The Known World > Eberron > Nentir Vale/POLand > Spelljammer > Ravenloft > Birthrigh > Dark Sun > Al-Qadim > Kara Tur > Blackmoor > Dragonlance > Council of Wyrms > Maztica > Dark Sun > Planescape > Wilderlands > Greyhawk > Forgotten Realms > Ghostwalk
I love you too, user!
I must be the only one outside the guys at the Fraternity of Shadows that thinks Ravenloft is the greatest thing ever happened in the entire history of D&D and discontinuing it while shamelessly shilling garbage like Eberron and the Forgotten Realms is a crime against humanity. Oh, well, de gustibus.
Also, i think Birthright should have been remade as a setting: the world was well built and had some interesting and original premises. It's a shame Birthright is now dead and buried because of it's horrible crunch.
>mentioning love
>posting usagi drop