Aggressive Edition
Thread Q: What decks you wish were Top Tier?
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
Aggressive Edition
Thread Q: What decks you wish were Top Tier?
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
unban stone forge mystic
unban splinter twin
Sold all the shit since Modern hit the fan.
Question: has Modern at any point not been the goto Aggro or Combo MtG format?
Havnt seen a propper control or Midgame deck since its inception.
legacy is the go to format for mtg players with taste
>thread q
We can tell it's a question you don't need to tell us champ.
>Boros burn bby
>affinity and scapeshift
>not really a brew but building mono green stompy. Was going with T&N but decided against it
>thread q
Mono green stompy, T&N, Grishoalbrand
Trying to build an Esper Reanimator deck, I need suggestions. I'm too poor for goryo's, so I'm just gonna try to be a grindy deck that uses Unburial Rites
>What is Jund
>What is Junk
>What are the Eldrazi decks
Get out.
>too poor for goryo's
Well that's a shame because LotV was the first thing I was going to recommend. Unless you want to play the reanimator package in a Tron shell I don't know how you're going to make it work without her, since I can only really see slotting the combo into some kind of midrangey brew
5 color superfriends
I had an 8-0 day last week playing cascade balance :)
Trying to build on Vebulids. Would love some feedback.
Anything Temur, it's my favorite color combination
Vebulid and Spike Cannibal aren't modern legal reard
Also, I'm not trying to be modern legal. Just playing casually with friends.
Then why are you posting in the Modern thread?
trying to amalgamate the dankest hollow meme, help me out here Veeky Forums
Didn't know where else to post and didn't want to spam with my own thread.
can also swap gurmys for monkeys and go pure r/g for easier vengevine hardcasts, at the cost of a slightly worse delvebeast (that trample tho)
i am doing the same, for now i am just jamming stuff and thinking , not yet testing, I am storngyl considering cutting the bolts and just using temur rage as reach so that i cna jam in more dank stuff. Also considering claim to fame, but i doubt it has enough targets and strongly considering Wild Nacatl too. I don't really love cathartic reunion since it costs a lot and not loving the neonate either, so i wouldl iek to cut on those as much as possible, but of course cutting your enablers is dangerous so i need to run some numbers for that.
of course
Just bought the stuff I needed for that humans deck. Going to rock that for awhile see how it goes.
i hope you play against nothing but rock decks
Amulet Titan
All the burn decks at my local. The matchup is fine but the deck is for chimps.
Thinking about a Through The Breach package for amulet.
God fucking DAMN I love this card. especially paired with anointed procession and obelisk spider. Any /tokenfags/ here?
I just got a 2017 arcane wizardry commander deck. hoping I didn't waste $26.
My favorite card right now. This shit makes people so mad.
Some examples that have really happened
Turn 1 vs thoughtsieze, take their second thoughtsieze
Redirect bolt to goblin guide
Take Karn, Gideon, Lilly, etc...
Redirect their counterspell and make it fizzle
Take their Scapeshift
Take any noncreature combo piece
Take codex shredder and give Lantern a taste of its own medicine
the list goes on...
I don't play EDH, I use this in modern.
I really only see this being any good in blue decks that can't beat Tron or Through the Breach. Exiling 2 cards from your hand is an absolutely crazy heavy cost.
So I got a bunch of pieces for eldrazi and taxes and I know there's not really a set decklist.
Anyone have a list for a meta full of abzan, jund, and control? Aggro, burn, and affinity are rarely played here so I need something for a grinder game
he looks like he's reading a cue-card thats on his desk
i just got llanoar elf, elvish mystic, and arbor elf. what sort of ramp shenanigans can i pull with these three?
>Where can I post my deck that has nothing to do with modern
>I know I'll post it in the modern thread
Don't post your shit in here. Thanks
I said it was my favorite not that it's good in every deck :P
There are certain reasons it works in my deck and because of that it has won me a lot of games against a variety of opponents. In decks where the cards you would be exiling give you a similar effect (like remand or cryptic), you would be losing a lot of advantage. In my deck, most times the advantage I get from Commandeer is much greater than what I end up exiling.
>I use this in modern
And I top 8 with Fungus tribal
Are you asking for cards for your E&T 75 to help you grind better or what deck is the best alternative to grind with?
Assuming it's the former, Gideon AoZ is solid, and people used to play Elspeth Knight Errant in the SB. Otherwise you can just go up to 4 displacers and just sandbag them until you have the Mana open for multiple activations, most decks have a hard time with that if you have another threat
Arbor elf mostly loves in tooth and nail, and the other 2 go in regular elves.
Neither deck is very good
"Traditional" Bant was once a solid pick. It was very much a Midrange deck. Control has always lacked the tools it needs to keep pace with aggressive threats in the format.
Forgot to mention Celestial purge is deceptively strong in the SB, it seems narrow but deals well with a lot of the threats Taxes lists otherwise struggle to answer. It's probably your cleanest answer to Lily if your meta is full of midrange
more like Women Of The Color amirite
yeah I was asking for stuff for me eldrazi and taxes 75. I've seen a bunch of different lists and they all really vary. Like some include bobs some don't, some include flickerwisp as either a playset or none, some run push some don't and run more creatures. May throw in Gideon Aoz
wow dude get a tampon its just a thread. he wanted advice and most of those cards are modern legal
Who's on trice and has time for a game?
so im building a 5 color allies deck and am going to add 2 AEther vial. Other than those expensive cards I want some shock lands. I have 22 land slots which are currently populated with 3 Rupture Spire, 2 City of Brass, 4 Plains, 3 Island, 3 Swamp, 3 Mountains, 4 Forest.
I dont want too many shock lands because historically I've had good luck with mana fixing. Any suggestions how to decide what lands to use?
If you are doing 5 color allies I'd use 4 cavern of souls, ancient ziggurat , and unclaimed territory
>cavern of souls
oof, loads of money right there.
what would you say would be more important? AEther Vial or Cavern?
Also, opinions on pain lands v. shock lands?
There really aren't any good black allies, You are better off going Naya or Bant
Vizier Company
Tron pls go and stay go
Really just various flavors of Vizier Company. The deck has a lot of flex slots, making it super modular, and I just love playing around with different ideas.
Hagra Diabolist and Bala Ged Thief. I built this when Scars came out because Harabaz Druid + Gen. Wave + E.T.B. effects
Mono U Thing
Anything with non-basics
U/R Thing with 4 magus 4 blood moon
>Thread Q: What decks you wish were Top Tier?
Bant Knightfall
>plays Visier company
>can't beat tron
How bad are you at this game user?
Even on the draw your matchup vs Tron should be obscenely skewed in your favour
Is that not what UWR control is right now?
I never said it was a bad matchup. I just hate playing against it. It always feels like a slog in my experience, even though I rarely actually lose.
No idea if this is the place to post but there's a bunch of MtG generals. Finally bit the bullet and started my physical collection.
This is what I bought. Almost bought the gift box things but apparently those are terrible value.
>wow dude get a tampon its just a thread.
Sorry I don't like off topic shit in the thread you dumb faggot.
>Dragon Shield ivory matte
Ma nigga
>mfw Modern is dying
>dragon shield matte
Good man
>new wotc product
Good goy
This is the thread for the discussion of the modern format and while those cards you bought *are* modern legal, they aren't exactly playable in the format due to much more powerful things going on, unless you play at the most casual of levels. I suggest you google Mtg formats and decide on which one you'd like to play and try and build your collection towards that. I might add that it's much better for you to buy singles especially with the garbage wotc has been printing recently. Most importantly get informed about the format you wish to play so you know what you want to buy and what you want to avoid. It would probably beneficial to either google stuff for new players or make a thread.
pls be lying I just started building a deck
why is Modern dying?
We've all moved to the superior format Legacy
Might as well torch your cards if they aren't Legacy playable my man.
phew, thank goodness Snapcaster and Sclading Tarn are used in Legacy...right?
Nope :) You can send them to me instead of torching them though, I wouldn't want you wasting cardboard.
>Nope :)
>Deathrite Shaman: the Format
It's not nearly bad enough to be called a deathrite format desu. Now if you said cantripping: the format
List please.
I'm thinking of running some in my turn's deck to prevent a counterspell when I'm going off.
Went 3-0 tonight at a local weekly with amulet titan. didn't drop a single game. Beat burn, skred, and affinity.
How do I create a deck around this card
By playing EDH
The fuck you're talking about, Jund has been the top dog for most of the format's lifespan (and is still the safest choice) and Jeskai and UW control are Tier 1 right now.
>This bitch does not know about angel moon
Lol KYS asap
Blood moon, ghostly prison, chalice and some wraths
Post a list or GTFO nigger
>This bitch does not know about an obscure meme deck
lol kys asap
It's an MTGGoldfish meme deck
That deck looks fucking awful
Here’s a card idea
>Rally the troops
>1 gen 2white instant
>target creature gets +2/+2 and gains creatures you control gain +1/+1 until end of turn
That surprises you?
Is there any reason to play anything other than Grixis DS or Eldrazi Tron if you play to win?
Seems pretty costly to card advantage. Do you happen to run Misthollow Griffiths as fodder and beaters?
>tfw have to wait until next month to buy the rest of my Affinity deck
Feels bad man. Wish the holidays would fuck off already.
>Thread Q: What decks you wish were Top Tier?
Any non-BG midrange decks
>Rainbow Beats
>Mardu Midrange
Shamefully won't ever happen because WotC is in bed with the Tron meme.
Mardu Reanimator
What about GDS
>it can't be mid range, it has 1 counterspell!
Faeries has counters.
>Thread Q: What decks you wish were Top Tier?
Spirits, especially non-CoCo Spirit decks.
By the rest do you mean 4 opals?
Opals, Ravagers, Etched Champions, Masters, and sideboard although I've already got a bit of the sideboard mainly Blood Moon and Thoughtseize.
Wait until Masters 25 in Feb to get the rest of your deck. You might save a ton.
Aren't Etched Champs cheap?
>waiting till February when Modern comes back to the Pro Tour
sounds like a terrible idea to be honest. there'll be more interest in Modern which means demand will go up and prices will go up as well especially with a top tier deck like affinity.
They are. I just prioritized Inkmoths and Overseers this month over them.
When Ravengers and Opals drop to $15 a pop after another overprinted masters set don't come crying to me.